Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Logical Derivability of the Concept of Meaning, Formulation I |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Jonathan Chimakonam Okeke |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-0150104 ![]() |
Abstract: Expressions, words and symbols without reference to something else which could be called their
meanings are semantically helpless. But not all expressions and words refer; some even come with ambiguities
and equivocations like Golden Mountain, Chimera etc., however, any symbol which does not refer could not
properly be called a symbol. So because every symbol necessarily refers to something definite, it is not the case
that ambiguities and equivocations would sneak into symbolic expressions. Hence, logic becomes that science
which prefers symbolic or artificial or formal language to natural language. Therefore, since "meaning" or
semantics is a central focus of logic together with syntax, we attempted in this work to obtain a logical
derivation of it in the symbolic language of logic devoid of the ambiguities and equivocations of natural
Keywords- language, logic, meaning, semantics, symbol, syntax.
Keywords- language, logic, meaning, semantics, symbol, syntax.
[1] G.O. Ozumba, Introduction to philosophy of language (Ibadan: Hope Publications, 2004)
[2] K. Taylor, Truth and meaning: an introduction to the philosophy of language (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998)
[3] G. Frege, Logical investigations. P. T. Geach (Ed). (New Haven: Yale University Press,1977)
[4] G. Frege, Begriffsschrift. in from frege to gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic-1879-1931. Jean van Heijenoort (Ed). (Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press, 1969)
[5] D. Davidson, "Truth and meaning" Synthese (17) 1967, 304-23.
[6] D. Davidson, "Theories of meaning and learnable languages" Proceedings of the 1964 International Congress of Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, 383-94.(Amsterdam: North Holland, 1965)
[7] R. Cummins, "Meaning and truth", meaning and truth: investigations in philosophical semantics (Ed). By J. K. Campbell, M, O'Rourke and D. Shier. (New York: Seven Bridges Press, 2002)
[8] A. Church, "Comparison of Russell's resolution of the semantical antinomies with that of Tarski". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 41 (4) 1976, 747 – 760.
[9] S. Kleene, Mathematical logic (New York: Wiley, 1967).
[10] K. Gödel, "On formally undecidable propositions of the principia mathematica and related systems, I." in The Undecidables: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions Martin Davis (Ed). (1965), (New York: Dover Publications, 2004)
[2] K. Taylor, Truth and meaning: an introduction to the philosophy of language (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998)
[3] G. Frege, Logical investigations. P. T. Geach (Ed). (New Haven: Yale University Press,1977)
[4] G. Frege, Begriffsschrift. in from frege to gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic-1879-1931. Jean van Heijenoort (Ed). (Cambridge Mass: Harvard University Press, 1969)
[5] D. Davidson, "Truth and meaning" Synthese (17) 1967, 304-23.
[6] D. Davidson, "Theories of meaning and learnable languages" Proceedings of the 1964 International Congress of Logic, Mathematics and Philosophy, 383-94.(Amsterdam: North Holland, 1965)
[7] R. Cummins, "Meaning and truth", meaning and truth: investigations in philosophical semantics (Ed). By J. K. Campbell, M, O'Rourke and D. Shier. (New York: Seven Bridges Press, 2002)
[8] A. Church, "Comparison of Russell's resolution of the semantical antinomies with that of Tarski". The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 41 (4) 1976, 747 – 760.
[9] S. Kleene, Mathematical logic (New York: Wiley, 1967).
[10] K. Gödel, "On formally undecidable propositions of the principia mathematica and related systems, I." in The Undecidables: Basic Papers on Undecidable Propositions, Unsolvable Problems and Computable Functions Martin Davis (Ed). (1965), (New York: Dover Publications, 2004)
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Abstract: The present study was designed to investigate the differences in the levels of self-esteem social
maturity and well-being between adolescents with and without siblings. It also investigated the percentage of
variance counted by social maturity and self-esteem in the well-being of adolescents with and without siblings.
For this purpose a total sample of 100 students studying in 10th to 12th grades was taken on purposive basis
from the schools of Delhi and National Capital Region (NCR) of India. In order to collect the data Self-esteem
Inventory by Coopersmith, Social Maturity scale by Rao and PGI Well-being measure by Verma & Verma were
administered on the participants. Non-significant differences were obtained between adolescents with and
without siblings on self-esteem and well-being. However, significant difference was found between adolescents
with and without siblings on social maturity showing that adolescents without siblings had higher mean social
maturity score than adolescents with siblings. The results of regression analysis showed significant contribution
of social maturity and self-esteem together in well-being of adolescents without siblings, but independently they
did not contribute significantly to their well-being. The total contributions of self-esteem and social maturity in
the well-being of adolescents without siblings was 13% . However, in the case of adolescents with siblings
social maturity and self-esteem neither together nor independently contributed significantly to their well-being.
Keywords: Adolescent with and without siblings, Self-esteem, Social maturity, Well-being.
Keywords: Adolescent with and without siblings, Self-esteem, Social maturity, Well-being.
[1]. Blascovich, J. & Tomaka, J. (1991).Measures of Self-Esteem. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 65, 248-260.
[2]. Rosenberg, M. (1989). Dialectic balance in the polar model of self. Ethos, 17, 88-113.
[3]. Lowe (1965). Effective correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: A meta analytic review. Leadership Quarterly,7, 385-426 Basic Behavioural Science Task Force of the National advisory Mental Health Council (2004). Basic Behavioural Science Research for Mental Health: Socio-cultural and Environmental Practices. American Psychologist ,51,722-731.
[4]. Bretsch, H.S., 1952, social skills and activities of socially accepted and unaccepted adolescents. Journal of Education Psychology, 443- 449.
[5]. Dilts, R. (1982). Retrieved on 12th May 2011.
[6]. Ryff, D. (1998).The contours of positive human health. Psychological Inquiry,1-28.
[7]. Major,B., Cooper,M., Richards & Zubek,T.(1998).Personal appraisals and coping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,74, 735-757.
[8]. Levi, I. (1987). Fitting work to human capacities and needs: Improvements in the contents and organisation of work. In Kalino et al., Psychological factors at work. Geneva: World Health Organisation Diener & Diener(2009).The well-being: The collected works of Diener. Social Indicators Research series 37, London: Springer Dordrecht Hiedelberg.
[9]. Yeh, H.& Lempers, J.(2004).Perceived Sibling Relationships and Adolescent Development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33,133–147.
[10]. Conger, K. & Kramer, L. (2010). Sibling Relationships During the Transition to Adulthood. Child Development Perspectives, 4, 69,71.
[2]. Rosenberg, M. (1989). Dialectic balance in the polar model of self. Ethos, 17, 88-113.
[3]. Lowe (1965). Effective correlates of transformational and transactional leadership: A meta analytic review. Leadership Quarterly,7, 385-426 Basic Behavioural Science Task Force of the National advisory Mental Health Council (2004). Basic Behavioural Science Research for Mental Health: Socio-cultural and Environmental Practices. American Psychologist ,51,722-731.
[4]. Bretsch, H.S., 1952, social skills and activities of socially accepted and unaccepted adolescents. Journal of Education Psychology, 443- 449.
[5]. Dilts, R. (1982). Retrieved on 12th May 2011.
[6]. Ryff, D. (1998).The contours of positive human health. Psychological Inquiry,1-28.
[7]. Major,B., Cooper,M., Richards & Zubek,T.(1998).Personal appraisals and coping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,74, 735-757.
[8]. Levi, I. (1987). Fitting work to human capacities and needs: Improvements in the contents and organisation of work. In Kalino et al., Psychological factors at work. Geneva: World Health Organisation Diener & Diener(2009).The well-being: The collected works of Diener. Social Indicators Research series 37, London: Springer Dordrecht Hiedelberg.
[9]. Yeh, H.& Lempers, J.(2004).Perceived Sibling Relationships and Adolescent Development. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 33,133–147.
[10]. Conger, K. & Kramer, L. (2010). Sibling Relationships During the Transition to Adulthood. Child Development Perspectives, 4, 69,71.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hiv/Aids: Knowledge and Practices among the Elderly in Delta State of Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Paul Oghenero Okumagba |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-0151218 ![]() |
Abstract:This study is aimed at examining the level of awareness of HIV/AIDS phenomenon among the elderly
in selected rural communities of Delta State and how the knowledge acquired is put into practice. A sample of
150 elderly aged 60 years and above was selected from five rural communities using the random sampling
technique. The instrument for gathering data was a validated interview schedule reflecting knowledge about
means of transmission and prevention of HIV/AIDS and practices of high risk behaviour. The procedure used
trained research assistant from the area to administer the research instrument in their native language. The
study was carried out between October and December, 2010. One hundred and forty three of the one hundred
and fifty elderly studied (95.33%) knew the sexual route of HIV/AIDS transmission. 68 of the elderly studied
(76.6%) knew the preventive role of condoms, and 111 of the elderly studied (74.0%) knew the preventive role of
restricting ones self to regular sexual partner. A relationship was found between knowledge and practices of
preventive measures. There is awareness of the existence of HIV/AIDS, its mode of transmission and the method
of prevention. There is however, the problem of changing individual sexual behaviour. However, with the high
rate of spread of HIV/AIDS sweeping across the country, health education programmes need to be evaluated for
successful implementation of right sexual behaviour in the population.
Keywords: Hiv/Aids, Knowledge, Elderly, Practices, Nigeria.
Keywords: Hiv/Aids, Knowledge, Elderly, Practices, Nigeria.
[1]. Kassu A, Mekonnem A, Bekele A, Abseno N, Melese E, Moges F, Wondmikun Y, and Ota F, HIV and Syphilis infection among elderly people on Northwest Ethiope, Japan Journal of Health Sciences 14, (2004). 201 – 211
[2]. Anderson M, (ed) . Hiv/aids and the elderly, National AIDS and STD Control HIV/AIDS in Nigeria: Overview of the Epidemic. Federal Ministry of Health. (2002) UNAIDS, Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2010, Tech. Report 364 UNAIDS, Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2008, Tech. Report.
[3]. Mba C.J. Impact of HIV/AIDS mortality on South Africa's life expectancy and implications for the elderly population, African Journal of Health Sciences 14, 2007.201-211.
[4]. Hosegood V, and Timaeus I.M. The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa, Cambridge University Press 25, 2005.431-444.
[5]. Drimie S. HID/AIDS and land: cases studies from Kenya, lesotho and South Africa, Development Southern Africa 20:5, 2. 2003
[6]. Lothe, E. and Gurung, M.:HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey: UN Uniformed Peacekeepers in Haiti. 2007
[7]. Sidiq Amira MD, Mahgoub Alsadig DTPH and Hussein Abbashar MD. (). A study of knowledge, attitude, practice towards HIV/AIDS and prevalence of HIV/AIDS among tea sellers women in Khartoum State. Sudanese Journal of Public Health. Vol. 4. No.1. 2009
[8]. USAID: Evaluation of Knowledge, attitudes, and Practices of Health care Providers towards HIV – positive patients in Tanzania. 2007
[9]. Chen WT, Han M, and Holzemer WL. Nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practice related to HIV transmission in north-eastern China. AIDS Patients Care and STDs 18(7): 2004. 417- 22
[10]. Knussen C and Niven C.. HIV/AIDS and health care workers: Contact with patients and attitudes towards them. Psychology and Health 14(3): 1999.367 – 78.
[2]. Anderson M, (ed) . Hiv/aids and the elderly, National AIDS and STD Control HIV/AIDS in Nigeria: Overview of the Epidemic. Federal Ministry of Health. (2002) UNAIDS, Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2010, Tech. Report 364 UNAIDS, Unaids report on the global aids epidemic 2008, Tech. Report.
[3]. Mba C.J. Impact of HIV/AIDS mortality on South Africa's life expectancy and implications for the elderly population, African Journal of Health Sciences 14, 2007.201-211.
[4]. Hosegood V, and Timaeus I.M. The impact of adult mortality on the living arrangements of older people in rural South Africa, Cambridge University Press 25, 2005.431-444.
[5]. Drimie S. HID/AIDS and land: cases studies from Kenya, lesotho and South Africa, Development Southern Africa 20:5, 2. 2003
[6]. Lothe, E. and Gurung, M.:HIV/AIDS Knowledge, Attitude and Practice survey: UN Uniformed Peacekeepers in Haiti. 2007
[7]. Sidiq Amira MD, Mahgoub Alsadig DTPH and Hussein Abbashar MD. (). A study of knowledge, attitude, practice towards HIV/AIDS and prevalence of HIV/AIDS among tea sellers women in Khartoum State. Sudanese Journal of Public Health. Vol. 4. No.1. 2009
[8]. USAID: Evaluation of Knowledge, attitudes, and Practices of Health care Providers towards HIV – positive patients in Tanzania. 2007
[9]. Chen WT, Han M, and Holzemer WL. Nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and practice related to HIV transmission in north-eastern China. AIDS Patients Care and STDs 18(7): 2004. 417- 22
[10]. Knussen C and Niven C.. HIV/AIDS and health care workers: Contact with patients and attitudes towards them. Psychology and Health 14(3): 1999.367 – 78.
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Abstract: In India religious norms and values play a significant role in regulating the lives of women in many
communities and most importantly the religious ones. As the role of women in modern day society has changed
to a great extent so also the women in the Vaishnava religion as well as the religious institutions of Assam has
remarkably changed and responded likewise. Women are mostly influenced by religiosity of the faith,
highlighting the complex relationship between genders. The hegemonic structures and the hereditary control of
the priestly class in these institutions also come under the frame of patriarchy. The paper has focused on the
ways in which women were inspired by the ideals of the Vaishnavite movement started by Śaṅkaradeva in Assam
as also the institutional roles performed by them for maintaining a sustainable and positive environment. It is an
attempt to contextualize the events that happened in history with the present state and provide an opportunity to
appropriate their roles in the multi-faceted institutions like Sattra. However the paper discusses the general
changing pattern of the roles of women in many of the influential Vaishnava institutions in Assam in particular,
which have changed the traditional structure, both social and cultural.
Keywords- Congregations, Patriarchy, Religiosity, Sattra, Vaishnavism
Keywords- Congregations, Patriarchy, Religiosity, Sattra, Vaishnavism
[1]. Ralph Pettman, "Human Security as Global Security: Reconceptualising Strategic Studies," CambridgeReview of International Affairs 18, no. 1 (April 2005), 137–150.
[2]. Elizabeth W. Ozorak, The power but not the glory: How women empower themselves through religion Journal for the Scientific study of Religion, 35(1), 1996, 17-29.
[3]. J. DiSalvo, Class, gender, and religion: A theoretical overview and some political implications, in J. Kalven and M. I. Buckley (Eds.), Women's Spirit Bonding (The Pilgrim Press: New York, 1984)
[4]. Jyoti P. Rajkhowa, Sankardeva: his life preachings & practices, a historical biography (B.S. Publications: Guwahati, 2012).
[5]. Maheswar Neog, Early History of the Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam (New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass, 1965).
[6]. Mamoni Raisom. Goswami, The moth eaten howdah of the tusker (Rupa: New Delhi, 2005)
[7]. S.N. Sarma, The Neo-Vaisnavite Movement and the Satra Institution of Assam (Lawyer‟s Book Stall, Guwahati: Sreekanta Press, 1996)
[2]. Elizabeth W. Ozorak, The power but not the glory: How women empower themselves through religion Journal for the Scientific study of Religion, 35(1), 1996, 17-29.
[3]. J. DiSalvo, Class, gender, and religion: A theoretical overview and some political implications, in J. Kalven and M. I. Buckley (Eds.), Women's Spirit Bonding (The Pilgrim Press: New York, 1984)
[4]. Jyoti P. Rajkhowa, Sankardeva: his life preachings & practices, a historical biography (B.S. Publications: Guwahati, 2012).
[5]. Maheswar Neog, Early History of the Vaisnava Faith and Movement in Assam (New Delhi: Motilal Banarasidass, 1965).
[6]. Mamoni Raisom. Goswami, The moth eaten howdah of the tusker (Rupa: New Delhi, 2005)
[7]. S.N. Sarma, The Neo-Vaisnavite Movement and the Satra Institution of Assam (Lawyer‟s Book Stall, Guwahati: Sreekanta Press, 1996)
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Abstract: A cross sectional as well as community based study was conducted taking 1296 currently married
women through cluster sampling scheme in the rural areas of four valley districts of Manipur. The fertility of
generation-4 that is 3.59 is transited from the generation-1 (4.78), generation-2 (4.83), and generation-3 (5.69).
Utilizing multiple and logistic regression models, the determinants of completed fertility of the last generation-4
are detected to be age at marriage (P<0.01), son preference (P<0.05), contraceptives uses (P<0.05), Islam
religion (P<0.01), educational level (P<0.01). The findings may be a baseline information in community
fertility indices.
Key words: generation fertility, son preference, clan, 3rd birth transition, odds ratios
Key words: generation fertility, son preference, clan, 3rd birth transition, odds ratios
[1]. `Adeyemi, A. B., Ijadunola, K. T., Orji, E. O., Kuti, O. and Alabi, M. M.,2005, The Unmet need for contraception among Nigerian women in the first year post-partum. European Journal of Contraceptive Reproductive Health Care; 10 (4): 229-34.
[2]. Arnold, F. R., 1997, Gender preference for children: Findings from Demographic and Health Surveys. Paper presented at the 23rd General Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Beijing, October. 11-17.
[3]. Blanc, A. K., Tsui, A. O., Croft, T. N. and Trevit, J. L., 2009, Patterns and trends in adolescent' contraceptive use and discontinuation in developing countries and comparisons with adult women. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35(2): 63-71.
[4]. Bavel, J. V., 2003, Does an effect of marriage duration on pre-transition fertility signal parity-dependent control? An empirical test in 19th century Leuven, Belgium, Population Studies, 57(1): 55-62.
[5]. Calle, M., Rodrigues, R. N. and Leite, I. C., 2006, Unmet needs for contraceptive methods in Bolivia, Cad Saude Publication, 22(9): 1989-96.
[6]. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, 2008, Population of Manipur - 2006. Government of Manipur.
[7]. Goodkind, D., 1999, Should parental sex selection be restricted? Ethical questions and their implications for research and policy. Population Studies, 53: 49-61.
[8]. Gray, E. and Evans, A., 2004, Parity progression in Australia: what role does sex of existing children play? Paper presented at 12th Biennial Conference on population and society: issues, research, policy held on 15-17 September, in Canberra, Australia.
[9]. Hank, K. and Kohlar, H. P., 2000, Gender preferences for children in Europe: empirical results from 17 FFS Countries. Demographic Research, 2: 256-261.
[10]. Henry, L., 1961, Some data on natural fertility. Eugenics Quarterly, 8:81-91.
[2]. Arnold, F. R., 1997, Gender preference for children: Findings from Demographic and Health Surveys. Paper presented at the 23rd General Population Conference of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP), Beijing, October. 11-17.
[3]. Blanc, A. K., Tsui, A. O., Croft, T. N. and Trevit, J. L., 2009, Patterns and trends in adolescent' contraceptive use and discontinuation in developing countries and comparisons with adult women. International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, 35(2): 63-71.
[4]. Bavel, J. V., 2003, Does an effect of marriage duration on pre-transition fertility signal parity-dependent control? An empirical test in 19th century Leuven, Belgium, Population Studies, 57(1): 55-62.
[5]. Calle, M., Rodrigues, R. N. and Leite, I. C., 2006, Unmet needs for contraceptive methods in Bolivia, Cad Saude Publication, 22(9): 1989-96.
[6]. Directorate of Economics and Statistics, 2008, Population of Manipur - 2006. Government of Manipur.
[7]. Goodkind, D., 1999, Should parental sex selection be restricted? Ethical questions and their implications for research and policy. Population Studies, 53: 49-61.
[8]. Gray, E. and Evans, A., 2004, Parity progression in Australia: what role does sex of existing children play? Paper presented at 12th Biennial Conference on population and society: issues, research, policy held on 15-17 September, in Canberra, Australia.
[9]. Hank, K. and Kohlar, H. P., 2000, Gender preferences for children in Europe: empirical results from 17 FFS Countries. Demographic Research, 2: 256-261.
[10]. Henry, L., 1961, Some data on natural fertility. Eugenics Quarterly, 8:81-91.
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Abstract: The present paper examines the dynamics of academia-industry collaboration in the Indian context
in relation to the development of innovative technologies for visually challenged persons. Through a detailed
description of the history and dynamics of a collaborative innovative effort between the Central University of
Gujarat and a Baroda-based firm, to produce an instrument, the Visionmeter, the paper discusses how the
collaboration is particularly significant since the instrument facilitates the entry and employment of visuallychallenged
persons into fields like quality control and quality formulation, fields that were hitherto inaccessible
to them. The case study is also noteworthy since it offers an alternative and possibly viable model of indigenous
innovation for the empowerment of visually challenged persons in the absence of adequate government
subsidies and funding for their entry into 'wet' laboratory sciences in India.
Keywords-Innovation, Visually challenged, Collaboration, Academia-Industry, Quality
Keywords-Innovation, Visually challenged, Collaboration, Academia-Industry, Quality
Journal Papers
[1]. Pavitt, Keith. 1984. Patterns of Technical Change: Towards a Taxonomy and a Theory. Research Policy. 1998. 13:343-74.
[2]. Fagenberg, Jan, Mowery, David and Nelson, Richard. The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Studies (United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 2005)
[3]. Swedberg, R. Joseph Schumpeter: His Life and Work (Cambridge, Polity Press, UK, 1991)
[4]. Albrecht, Gary, Fitzpatrick, Ray and Srimshaw, Susan C. Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine( Sage Publications, 2003)
[5]. Lundvall, Bengte-Ake, Joseph KJ, Chaminade, Cristina and Vang, Jan (eds). Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries (UK, Edward Elgar, 2009)
Chapters in Books
[6]. Joseph, KJ.Sectoral Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: The Case of ICT in India, inLundvall, Bengte-Ake, Joseph KJ, Chaminade, Cristina and Vang, Jan. (Eds) Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries (UK, Edward Elgar, 2009)
[7]. Etzkowitz, Henry and Webster, Andrews, Science as Intellectual Property, in Jassanoff, Sheila, Markle, Gerald, Peterson, James, C and Pinch, Trevor (Eds) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (Sage Publications, 2005)
[8]. Sandhu, R. Introduction, in Mohapatra, CS (Ed) Disability Management.: Challenges and Commitments.Secunderabad, National Institution for the Mentally Handicapped, 2004)
[9]. Upadhyay, V et al.Socio-Economic Impact of the role of In-House R&D in Indian Industry: A Case Study of the Pharmaceutical &Tyre Sectors (Department of Science and Technology (DST) Report, Government of India, 2002)
[1]. Pavitt, Keith. 1984. Patterns of Technical Change: Towards a Taxonomy and a Theory. Research Policy. 1998. 13:343-74.
[2]. Fagenberg, Jan, Mowery, David and Nelson, Richard. The Oxford Handbook of Innovation Studies (United Kingdom, Oxford University Press, 2005)
[3]. Swedberg, R. Joseph Schumpeter: His Life and Work (Cambridge, Polity Press, UK, 1991)
[4]. Albrecht, Gary, Fitzpatrick, Ray and Srimshaw, Susan C. Handbook of Social Studies in Health and Medicine( Sage Publications, 2003)
[5]. Lundvall, Bengte-Ake, Joseph KJ, Chaminade, Cristina and Vang, Jan (eds). Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries (UK, Edward Elgar, 2009)
Chapters in Books
[6]. Joseph, KJ.Sectoral Innovation Systems in Developing Countries: The Case of ICT in India, inLundvall, Bengte-Ake, Joseph KJ, Chaminade, Cristina and Vang, Jan. (Eds) Handbook of Innovation Systems and Developing Countries (UK, Edward Elgar, 2009)
[7]. Etzkowitz, Henry and Webster, Andrews, Science as Intellectual Property, in Jassanoff, Sheila, Markle, Gerald, Peterson, James, C and Pinch, Trevor (Eds) Handbook of Science and Technology Studies (Sage Publications, 2005)
[8]. Sandhu, R. Introduction, in Mohapatra, CS (Ed) Disability Management.: Challenges and Commitments.Secunderabad, National Institution for the Mentally Handicapped, 2004)
[9]. Upadhyay, V et al.Socio-Economic Impact of the role of In-House R&D in Indian Industry: A Case Study of the Pharmaceutical &Tyre Sectors (Department of Science and Technology (DST) Report, Government of India, 2002)
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Abstract:In recent times, the world has been experiencing a scarcity in food thereby resulting in a dramatic
rise in food prices. One of the ways to tackle this problem is to shift from traditional farming to sustainable
farming by investing in research and technology. GPS and GIS technologies were combined to carry out this
study. A GPS hand held receiver (Garmin 76S chart plotting receiver) was used to acquire the boundary
coordinates (waypoints) of each farmland and attribute data were collected by the use of questionnaire. A
database was created using Ms Access 2007 and converted to dbase (IV) format that is compatible with the
ArcGIS 9.0 software. The study identified farmland ownership, crops grown, source of irrigation, soil type,
farmland yield and access/distribution routes. The database was queried and the results of the queries were
analyzed. Simple spatial (distance) analyses were performed to provide an idea of the proximity of the farmland
to roads and rail tracks (means of farmland produce distribution) that transverse it. There were 15 farmlands
mapped with a total size of 649.42 hectares. The River Kubani was found to be a major source of irrigation for
the farmlands along it, and by which, the latter can be related to the concept of Fadama. This can be linked to
the National Fadama Development Project under World Bank financing. The study will help provide timely,
consistent and accurate information to decision makers for use in planning for the present and future of
agriculture in the local government area.
Keywords: Farm Mapping, Fadama, Food Security, Geoinformation Technology, Information Management & Sustainability
Keywords: Farm Mapping, Fadama, Food Security, Geoinformation Technology, Information Management & Sustainability
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Revivalism of Bathouism Among the Bodos |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Faguna Barmahalia |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0154245 ![]() |
Abstract:Bathou is the traditional religion of the Bodos.This paper attempts to study on the Bathou religion of
the Bodos.. The main goals of this study are to explore the origin and philosophy of Bathouism, the sociocultural
significance and the role of its in Bodo society.Moreover,I will try to find out the cause of revising and
giving new shape to the Bathouism.
Key words:Bathouism,traditional practices,modification,revivalism
Key words:Bathouism,traditional practices,modification,revivalism
[1] Hudson, B.H.1846, Miscelenous Essay Relating to Indian Subject, 105,Rev.Narzinary.Hira Charan,1855,In Search of Indentity:The
Mech: Introductory:p-21
[2] Endle, S. The Kacharis, 2007, p-33,Bina Library, Gauhati, Assam, India
[3] Ibid,p-33
[4] Bhattacharja, P. A Descriptive Analysis of the Bodo Langauge, p-17,1997 published by Registrar,,Gauhati Univeristy Publication
Mech: Introductory:p-21
[2] Endle, S. The Kacharis, 2007, p-33,Bina Library, Gauhati, Assam, India
[3] Ibid,p-33
[4] Bhattacharja, P. A Descriptive Analysis of the Bodo Langauge, p-17,1997 published by Registrar,,Gauhati Univeristy Publication
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The English Drama: John Galsworthy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Arti Ajabrao Chorey |
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: | 10.9790/0837-01054647 ![]() |
Abstract: John Galsworthy was one of the prominent dramatist from the English dramatic tradition who discussed various problems of modern society of the day. This plays are so many pieces of social criticism containing of contemporary life. Galsworthy rebelled against the social class to which he belonged. He exposed compassionate sympathy for the poor and oppressed. He showed hard acquisitive instinct, their unsympathetic social morality, their clannishness, their want of finer sensibilities, their incapacity to appreciate arts and culture, he was endowed with extreme compassion and felt genuinely for poor and socially oppressed section of the community. He remained throughout his life a gentleman in the social sense of the world, reserved, dignified, with a marked distaste for self advertisement.
Key words: Productive, Palpitating, Beacon, Utilization, Humanist, Underdog, Publicized, Eradicated, Propagative, Yeoman.
Key words: Productive, Palpitating, Beacon, Utilization, Humanist, Underdog, Publicized, Eradicated, Propagative, Yeoman.
[1]. Jones, Henry Arthur (1895), The Renascence of English Drama.
[2]. Galsworthy, John (1937), Glimpses and Reflections, London and Toronto : Heineman.
[3]. Galsworthy, John (1960), Some Platitudes Concerning Drama quoted in Toby Cole's : Play Writing, London : MacGibbon and Kee.
[4]. Cole, Toby (1960), Playwrights on Play Writing, London, MacGibbon and Kee.
[5]. Marrot, H. V. (1961) quoted in Choudhari A. D., Galsworthy Plays. Calcutta : Orient Longman.
[2]. Galsworthy, John (1937), Glimpses and Reflections, London and Toronto : Heineman.
[3]. Galsworthy, John (1960), Some Platitudes Concerning Drama quoted in Toby Cole's : Play Writing, London : MacGibbon and Kee.
[4]. Cole, Toby (1960), Playwrights on Play Writing, London, MacGibbon and Kee.
[5]. Marrot, H. V. (1961) quoted in Choudhari A. D., Galsworthy Plays. Calcutta : Orient Longman.