Version-1 (Sep-Oct-2012)
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Abstract:Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist has been hailed as a book that has transformed the lives of millions of
people for the better. In fact, it is more a self-help book than a novel. In it, Coelho has focused on the art of
living: how to make life interesting by following one's dream. He asserts that one has to discover one's personal
legend or the very purpose of being. With the support of the philosophy and psychology of Alchemy, which is
basically an art as well as science of personal transformation, the underlying idea being as lead is
transformed/evolved into gold (i.e., lead's full potential), similarly all human beings are capable of selfactualization
or realizing their full potential. Coelho believes that paying heed to one's unconscious, which
manifests itself in forms like dreams, myths, omens and symbols, one should undertake the journey of life with
love and care. One has to pay the price for one's dream. The novelist lays emphasis on taking decisions: one
should not be deterred by various formidable obstacles that come one's way. Coelho claims that actually the
greatest secret of success in life is love, for it is at the root of personal transformation and collective evolution
Keywords: alchemy, Beginner's Luck, Life management, personal calling, personal transformation, Personality development, self actualization
Keywords: alchemy, Beginner's Luck, Life management, personal calling, personal transformation, Personality development, self actualization
[1] Coelho, Paulo. The Alchemist: A Magical Fable about Following Your Dream. (Delhi: Harper Collins, 2007.)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Religious Pluralism in Globalised India: A Constitutional Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pawan Kumar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-0330510 ![]() |
Abstract:Indian has recently emerged as one of the leading developing countries basically on strength its
Constitutional protection to religious pluralism among its people. The paper focus how Indian civilization has
played host to several migrant groups and communities from time to time and these groups as well as
communities has been guaranteed fundamental rights in matters of religion. The religious pluralism has been
fostered by various decisions of the Indian higher judiciary
Keywords:Constitutional Law, corporation, globalization, religious pluralism, secularism.
Keywords:Constitutional Law, corporation, globalization, religious pluralism, secularism.
[1] Dinan L. Eck, "Prospects for Pluralism: Voice and Vision in the Study of Religion, Journal of the American Academy of Religion,
December 2007, Vol. 75, No. 4, p. 744.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Momin A.R., Cultural Pluralism, National Identity Development, last visited on September 09, 2011.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] The words in Italics have been supplied by the author.
[7] Thosmas Banchoof (Ed.), Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics, Oxford University Press, 2008, p.4.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Id at 5.
December 2007, Vol. 75, No. 4, p. 744.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Momin A.R., Cultural Pluralism, National Identity Development, last visited on September 09, 2011.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Ibid.
[6] The words in Italics have been supplied by the author.
[7] Thosmas Banchoof (Ed.), Religious Pluralism, Globalization, and World Politics, Oxford University Press, 2008, p.4.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Id at 5.
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Abstract:Purpose: To identify typical and atypical pragmatic language impairment PLI manifestations and
determine the strengths and weaknesses of different types of pragmatic skills using an Arabic version of Test of
Pragmatic Language TOPL-2.
Methods: Twelve individuals (F: 5, M: 7) clinically diagnosed with different types of developmental dysphasia
DDSLI (n: 6), DLD (n: 4), LD (n: 1), and (DLAPh: 1) between 6 and 12 years old took an Arabic version of
the TOPL-2. The test was administered twice to assure the consistency of the elicited data.
Key Words:Bed –Arabic TOPL-2 version, clinical treatment plans, developmental dysphasia, typical and atypical manifestations of pragmatic language impairment
Key Words:Bed –Arabic TOPL-2 version, clinical treatment plans, developmental dysphasia, typical and atypical manifestations of pragmatic language impairment
[1] Phelps-Terasaki, D., & Phelps-Gunn, T. TOPL-2 Test of Pragmatic Language: Examiner's Manual (2 ed.). (Shoal Creek Boulevard,
Austin, Texas: Pro-ed Inc, 2007).
[2] Kent, R. D. (Ed.). The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: A Bradford
Book The MIT Press, 2004).
[3] Bavin, E. L. (Ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
[4] ASHA. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA): USA, 1997-2012. Retrieved 11 10, 2010, from American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association:
[5] Norris, J., & Hoffman, P. Whole Language Intervention for School-age Children. (San Diego: CA Singular, 1993).
[6] Verschueren, J., Ostman, J.-o., Blommert, J., & Bulcaen, C. Handbook of Pragmatics. (Amsterdam, Philaelphia: John Benjamins
Publishing Company, 2002).
[7] Perkins, M. Pragmatic Impairment. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).
[8] Perkins, M. R. The scope of pragmatics disability: A cognitive approach. In N. Muller, Pragmatics in speech and language
pathology: studies in clinical applications. (Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2000) 7-23.
[9] Noveck, I. A., & Sperber, D. (Eds.). Experimental Pragmatics. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2004).
[10] Fabbro, F., & Asher, R. E. (Eds.). Concise encyclopedia of language pathology. (Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York - Oxford -
Sahnnon - Singapore - Tokyo: Elsevier, 1999).
Austin, Texas: Pro-ed Inc, 2007).
[2] Kent, R. D. (Ed.). The MIT Encyclopedia of Communication Disorders. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, London, England: A Bradford
Book The MIT Press, 2004).
[3] Bavin, E. L. (Ed.). The Cambridge Handbook of Child Language. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009).
[4] ASHA. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA): USA, 1997-2012. Retrieved 11 10, 2010, from American
Speech-Language-Hearing Association:
[5] Norris, J., & Hoffman, P. Whole Language Intervention for School-age Children. (San Diego: CA Singular, 1993).
[6] Verschueren, J., Ostman, J.-o., Blommert, J., & Bulcaen, C. Handbook of Pragmatics. (Amsterdam, Philaelphia: John Benjamins
Publishing Company, 2002).
[7] Perkins, M. Pragmatic Impairment. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007).
[8] Perkins, M. R. The scope of pragmatics disability: A cognitive approach. In N. Muller, Pragmatics in speech and language
pathology: studies in clinical applications. (Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing, 2000) 7-23.
[9] Noveck, I. A., & Sperber, D. (Eds.). Experimental Pragmatics. (New York: Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, 2004).
[10] Fabbro, F., & Asher, R. E. (Eds.). Concise encyclopedia of language pathology. (Amsterdam - Lausanne - New York - Oxford -
Sahnnon - Singapore - Tokyo: Elsevier, 1999).
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Abstract: Assam holds and supports a large proportion of tribal population, highly differentiated in terms of
ethno-lingual characteristics as well as economic responses to their habitats. Ethnic violence, which has
become endemic to the states of postcolonial Northeast India especially Assam, has often targeted people of
migrant origin as foreigners or illegal immigrants to sent them back to their lands of origin. The Muslim and
Hindu Bangladeshi migrant who have been migrating to Northeast India since the colonial times have mingled
with the multi-ethnic and multi-cultural society of the region. Settled in almost all the states of the region they
have, in recent times, been frequently identified as foreigners as their growing numbers have become a threat to
the ethnicity. Immigrants from both Nepal and Bangladesh have created a cause of concern for the indigenous
ethnic tribal population in different sphere. An attempt is made in this paper to examine different growth pattern
among the tribal living in the state and also the migrated population which is growing in an alarming rate. This
paper looks at the conflict-induced displacement of the Bangladeshi in Assam. Moreover, government also has
not taken step to reduce the inflow, which has induced demographic problem in the region and raised question
on government concern for the ethnic groups. The paper also looks at the long term effect of migration on
culture, social and economic demographic and political instability in the region.
Keywords:Indigenous Ethnic tribes, Demography, Economy, Immigration.
Keywords:Indigenous Ethnic tribes, Demography, Economy, Immigration.
[1] Acharya, S.K. 1990. "Ethnic Processes in North-Eastern India‟, in D. Pakem (ed.),Nationality, Ethnicity and Cultural Identity in
North-East India, pp. 69–108. New Delhi: Omsons Publications.
[2] Baishya, P. 1991. "Rural Industrialisation for Poverty Eradication in Assam‟, in R.K.Samanta (ed.), Rural Development in North-
East India: Perspectives, Issues and Experiences, pp. 42–55. New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House.
[3] Banerjee, R. (1997). A critique of the Madhya Pradesh resettlement act. In W. Fernandes & V. Paranjpye (Eds.). Rehabilitation
policy and law in India: A right to livelihood. (p. 192-200). New Delhi: ISI & Pune: Econet.
[4] Bandhopadhyay, Jayanta (1986) `The Economics of Large Dams in India‟ in E. Goldsmith and N. Hildyard (eds.), Vol. 2.
[5] Basu, Malika (1996) `Basic Needs Approach in Displacement Situations‟. Mainstream, July-August.
[6] Baxi U. (1989). Notes on constitutional and legal aspects of rehabilitation and displacement. In W. Fernandes & E. G. Thukral,
(Eds.). Development, displacement and rehabilitation. (p. 164-170). New Delhi: Indian Social Institute.
[7] Bhanot, R & Singh, M. (1992). The oustees of Pong dam: Their search for a home. In E.
[8] G. Thukral (Ed.). Big dams, displacement people: Rivers of sorrow, rivers of change.(p. 101-142). New Delhi: Sage.
[9] Das Gupta, M. 1991. The Impact of Land Reforms on North East India. New Delhi: Omsons.
[10] Fernandes, W. (1999). An introduction. In W. Fernandes (Ed.). The land acquisition (amendment) bill 1998. For liberalization or
for the poor. New Delhi: ISI.
North-East India, pp. 69–108. New Delhi: Omsons Publications.
[2] Baishya, P. 1991. "Rural Industrialisation for Poverty Eradication in Assam‟, in R.K.Samanta (ed.), Rural Development in North-
East India: Perspectives, Issues and Experiences, pp. 42–55. New Delhi: Uppal Publishing House.
[3] Banerjee, R. (1997). A critique of the Madhya Pradesh resettlement act. In W. Fernandes & V. Paranjpye (Eds.). Rehabilitation
policy and law in India: A right to livelihood. (p. 192-200). New Delhi: ISI & Pune: Econet.
[4] Bandhopadhyay, Jayanta (1986) `The Economics of Large Dams in India‟ in E. Goldsmith and N. Hildyard (eds.), Vol. 2.
[5] Basu, Malika (1996) `Basic Needs Approach in Displacement Situations‟. Mainstream, July-August.
[6] Baxi U. (1989). Notes on constitutional and legal aspects of rehabilitation and displacement. In W. Fernandes & E. G. Thukral,
(Eds.). Development, displacement and rehabilitation. (p. 164-170). New Delhi: Indian Social Institute.
[7] Bhanot, R & Singh, M. (1992). The oustees of Pong dam: Their search for a home. In E.
[8] G. Thukral (Ed.). Big dams, displacement people: Rivers of sorrow, rivers of change.(p. 101-142). New Delhi: Sage.
[9] Das Gupta, M. 1991. The Impact of Land Reforms on North East India. New Delhi: Omsons.
[10] Fernandes, W. (1999). An introduction. In W. Fernandes (Ed.). The land acquisition (amendment) bill 1998. For liberalization or
for the poor. New Delhi: ISI.
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Abstract:This study investigates the Econometrics analysis of foreign direct investment (FDI) on economic
growth in Nigeria for the period of 1985-2010. it examines the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) as
a source of financing for development in Nigeria and investigates the channels through which it benefits the
economy. An extended Cobb Douglas production function is used whereby investment is disaggregated into two
different types' namely, domestic private investment and foreign direct investment for more comparative
analysis. This research work is similar to numerous empirical studies and conclusions in Nigeria on FDI and its
importance to economic growth. The study employs recent techniques in time series econometrics namely Co-
Integration, Error Correction Model (ECM) to determine the long and short run term impact of foreign direct
investment on economic growth as well as the ordinary least techniques to estimate our equation for the period
under study. The funds that FDI overall contribution is significant and has a negative effect on Nigeria's
economic growth. This is based on the fact that Nigeria has not been able to absorb the knowledge and
technical spillover effect of foreign direct investment inflow into the country. However FDI fails to augment
human capital development due to the low level of existing human capital in the country and there is need for
more emphasis on training to enhance its potential to contribute to economic growth, factors such as political
and macroeconomic instability, low growth, weak infrastructure, poor governance, inhospitable regulatory
environments, and ill-conceived investment promotion strategies, are identifies as responsible for the poor FDI
record in Nigeria. Examining the constraints to improve contribution of FDI to the growth process, the study
concludes that it will require an appropriate mix of proactive government policies to direct FDI to priority
sectors of the economy; effective enabling environment to make Nigeria an attractive FDI host.
Key Words: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Nigeria.
Key Words: Foreign Direct Investment, Economic Growth, Nigeria.
[1] Akinlo A, E (2004), "Foreign Direct Investment and Growth in Nigeria". An empirical investigation. Journal of Policy Modeling,
26 (2004) 627.639
[2] Ariyo, A. (1998), "Investment and Nigeria‟s economic growth". In Investment in the Growth Process Proceedings of Nigerian
Economic Society Annual Conference 1998, pp. 389-415. Ibadan, Nigeria.
[3] Asiedu, E (2001), "On the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment to Developing Countries: Is Africa Different? World
Development, 30(1): 107-19
[4] Asiedu, E (2003), "Capital Controls and Foreign Direct Investment". World Development", 32(3): 479-90.
[5] Barro, R.J. and X. Sala-i-Martin, (1995), Economic Growth, New York: McGrawHill.
[6] Bende-Nabende, A, Bhinda et al and J.L. Ford (1998), "FDI, Policy Adjustment and Endogenous Growth: Multiplier effects from a
small dynamic model for Taiwan 1959-1995". World Development 26(7): 1315-30.
[7] Bende-Nabende, A.J. Ford, S. Sen and Slater J. (2002), "Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia: Trends and Determinants".Asia
Pacific Journal of Economics and Business 6(1): 4-25.
[8] Bengoa, M. and Blenca Sanchez-Robles (2003), "Foreign Direct Investment in Freedom and Growth: new evidence from
LatinAmerica, "European Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 19 (2003) 529-545.
[9] Buckley, P. J., J. Clegg, and C. Wang (2002): "The impact of inward FDI on the performance of Chinese manufacturingfirms,"
journal of International Business Studies, 33(4), 637-655.
[10] Carkovic, M and R. Levine (2002), "Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth? working Paper (Universityof
Minnesta Department of Finance, available at: www//
26 (2004) 627.639
[2] Ariyo, A. (1998), "Investment and Nigeria‟s economic growth". In Investment in the Growth Process Proceedings of Nigerian
Economic Society Annual Conference 1998, pp. 389-415. Ibadan, Nigeria.
[3] Asiedu, E (2001), "On the Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment to Developing Countries: Is Africa Different? World
Development, 30(1): 107-19
[4] Asiedu, E (2003), "Capital Controls and Foreign Direct Investment". World Development", 32(3): 479-90.
[5] Barro, R.J. and X. Sala-i-Martin, (1995), Economic Growth, New York: McGrawHill.
[6] Bende-Nabende, A, Bhinda et al and J.L. Ford (1998), "FDI, Policy Adjustment and Endogenous Growth: Multiplier effects from a
small dynamic model for Taiwan 1959-1995". World Development 26(7): 1315-30.
[7] Bende-Nabende, A.J. Ford, S. Sen and Slater J. (2002), "Foreign Direct Investment in East Asia: Trends and Determinants".Asia
Pacific Journal of Economics and Business 6(1): 4-25.
[8] Bengoa, M. and Blenca Sanchez-Robles (2003), "Foreign Direct Investment in Freedom and Growth: new evidence from
LatinAmerica, "European Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 19 (2003) 529-545.
[9] Buckley, P. J., J. Clegg, and C. Wang (2002): "The impact of inward FDI on the performance of Chinese manufacturingfirms,"
journal of International Business Studies, 33(4), 637-655.
[10] Carkovic, M and R. Levine (2002), "Does Foreign Direct Investment Accelerate Economic Growth? working Paper (Universityof
Minnesta Department of Finance, available at: www//
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Abstract:This article investigates the long run relationship between energy consumption and the economic
growth in Nigeria from the period of 1985 to 2010. However, the study make use of secondary data analysis of
ordinary least square method of Multiple regression analysis and the objectives of the study is to examine
whether energy consumption brings economic growth in Nigeria and also to examine the long run effect of
energy consumption on growth in Nigeria. Moreover, the results revealed that Petroleum, Electricity are
positively related to Nigeria economic growth while coal and Gas shows that there is a negative relationship
with Nigerian economic growth. However, the study conclude that that increased energy consumption is a
strong determinant of economic growth having an implicit effect in lagged periods and both an implicit and
explicit effect on the present period in Nigeria. Thus, the study recommends that the energy sector should be
given more relevance even by exploiting the opportunities laden in the sector to increase economic growth.
Key words: Energy consumption, economic performance, economic growth, Long Run Relationship
Key words: Energy consumption, economic performance, economic growth, Long Run Relationship
[1] Adelman, M.A.(2003) The Economics of Petroleum Supply, journal of Management and Social Science, University of Jos, vol 14,
pg 23-32, MIT Press limited.
[2] Adenikinju A. (2003) Energy Consumption and growth in Nigeria: Evidence from Nigeria international Journal of Energy
Economics United state of America, vol 18, pg 32-41, America Press limited.
[3] Adenikinju A (2005) Energy demand in Nigeria, a co-integration analysis, international Journal of Energy Economics, USA, vol
45, pg 12-21, America Press limited.
[4] Akarca A. and T. Long (1980) On the relationship between energy and GNP: A reexamination, Journal of Energy and
Development 5: 326-331.
Longrun Relationship Between Energy Consumption And Economic Growth: Evidence From Nigeria
www.Iosrjournals.Org 50 | Page
[5] Asafu-Adjaye, J., (2000.) The relationship between energy consumption, Asian developing countries. Journal of Energy
Economics 22,615–625.
[6] Alam M.S (2006) Economic growth with energy,a textbook 2nd edition, pg 45-5, Maclean world Publication limited.
[7] Aqeel A, Butt MS (2001) The Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Pakistan. Asia-Pac. Dev. J.
8(2): 101-109.
[8] Asafu-Adjaye J (2000) The relationship between energy consumption, energy prices and economic growth: time series evidence
from Asian developing countries. Energy Econ. 22. 615-625.
[9] Ayodele AS (2004). Improving and sustaining power (electricity) supply for socio economic development in Nigeria.
[10] Baker and Blundell, (1991) The Microeconometric Approach to Modeling Energy Demand, Some Results for UK Households.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy; 7: 54-76
pg 23-32, MIT Press limited.
[2] Adenikinju A. (2003) Energy Consumption and growth in Nigeria: Evidence from Nigeria international Journal of Energy
Economics United state of America, vol 18, pg 32-41, America Press limited.
[3] Adenikinju A (2005) Energy demand in Nigeria, a co-integration analysis, international Journal of Energy Economics, USA, vol
45, pg 12-21, America Press limited.
[4] Akarca A. and T. Long (1980) On the relationship between energy and GNP: A reexamination, Journal of Energy and
Development 5: 326-331.
Longrun Relationship Between Energy Consumption And Economic Growth: Evidence From Nigeria
www.Iosrjournals.Org 50 | Page
[5] Asafu-Adjaye, J., (2000.) The relationship between energy consumption, Asian developing countries. Journal of Energy
Economics 22,615–625.
[6] Alam M.S (2006) Economic growth with energy,a textbook 2nd edition, pg 45-5, Maclean world Publication limited.
[7] Aqeel A, Butt MS (2001) The Relationship between Energy Consumption and Economic Growth in Pakistan. Asia-Pac. Dev. J.
8(2): 101-109.
[8] Asafu-Adjaye J (2000) The relationship between energy consumption, energy prices and economic growth: time series evidence
from Asian developing countries. Energy Econ. 22. 615-625.
[9] Ayodele AS (2004). Improving and sustaining power (electricity) supply for socio economic development in Nigeria.
[10] Baker and Blundell, (1991) The Microeconometric Approach to Modeling Energy Demand, Some Results for UK Households.
Oxford Review of Economic Policy; 7: 54-76
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Abstract: The study attempts analyzing the determinants of expressed satisfaction with the job among
employees of the Kaduna state public sector. A total of 1779 employees were taken as study sample from a
staff strength of 1779. A structured questionnaire was used to source data. Logistic regression was used to
determine the relationship in the data set with the introduction of dummy variables. Results were presented
using tables and percentages. It recommends fairness the provision of workplace opportunities for both male
and female employees.
Keywords:Satisfaction, Access, Characteristics and Workplace
Keywords:Satisfaction, Access, Characteristics and Workplace
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[3] Federal Ministry of Women Affairs and Social Development (2006). National gender policy. Federal Republic of Nigeria:
Analysis Of Personal Predictors Of Job Satisfaction In The Kaduna State Public Sector 59 | Page
[4] Judge, T. A.; Thoresen, C. J.; Bono, J. E. & Patton, G. K. (2001). The job satisfaction-job performance relationship: A qualitative
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Mediating Effects of Job Satisfaction. Personnel Psychology 59, 591-622.
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sectors. Retrieved on 17th May 2012 from
[9] Rode, J. C. (2004). Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction Revisited: A Longitudinal Test of an Integrated Wegge, J.; Schmidt , K.;
Parkes, C. & Van D. K. (2007). Taking a Sickie: job satisfaction and job involvement as interactive predictors of absenteeism in
a public organization. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 80: 77-89.
[10] Thomson, M. ( 2008). Employee rewards Watch 2008, HR Zone. Retrieved on 4th May, 2008 from