Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Abstract:In recent times, one major threat to peace and sustainable democratic governance in Ghana is the
upsurge of the use of invective language in public discourse. Ahmadou Kourouma's novel, The suns of
independence, which can be classified as a socio-political satire, provides a textual data for a critical analysis
of this phenomenon in its aesthetic form. Considering literary products (poetry, drama and prose) as clear
manifestations of social discourse, that is communication, this study seeks to examine the use and aesthetic
significance of verbal violence in this novel initially published in French as "Les soleils des indépendances" in
In its quest, the study, in the first place, identifies and analyses three forms of invectives considered as
verbal violence in use in the novel. In the second place, it examines the causes of their use and their aesthetic or
stylistic significance to socio-political discourse in the text, leading to the formulation of critical reflections on
the phenomenon as a potential source of socio-political conflict and social disintegration. The study also points
out how the intransigent use of vituperation resulting from egocentric pursuits eventually leads to self
destruction. In this regard, The suns of independence provides both historical and contemporary textual
material for reflections on the realities of the use of invectives and its aesthetic significance in socio-political
discourse in fiction. Combining a range of theoretical frameworks in stylistics and pragmatics in the study of
discourse, this paper examines both the methods of textual composition and the strategies of interpretation for
invectives in the novel.
Keywords:aesthetics – invective – descriptive invective – attributive invective – discourse – egocentrism – pragmatics – stylistics – symbolic invective
Keywords:aesthetics – invective – descriptive invective – attributive invective – discourse – egocentrism – pragmatics – stylistics – symbolic invective
[1] A. Adams, The Suns Of Independence (Great Britain, Richard Clay "The Chaucer Press‟ Ltd, 1981).
[2] K. Anderson, "Verbal Abuse", ( Probe Ministries, 2001)
[3] N. Boni, Crépuscules des temps anciens, (Paris, Présence Africaine, 1994. Première édition, 1962).
[4] Collins Dictionary & Thesaurus (2nd Edition, Harper Collins Publishers, Great Britain, 2000)
[5] P. Hazoumé, Doguicimi (Paris, L‟Harmattan, 1987. Première édition, 1938).
[6] A, S. Hornby et al. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Oxford University Press, 1974).
[7] J. Ouédraogo (2004), Maryse Condé et Ahmadou Kourouma griots de l'indicible (New York, Peter Lang, 2004).
[8] A. Koné, Amadou « Entre hommage et abâtardissement : la tradition subvertie » in Ahmadou Kourouma : l'héritage, Paris. Notre
Librairie. Revue des littératures du Sud. N° 155 - 156. Identités littéraires. juillet - décembre 2004
[9] M.Borgomano, « Ahmadou Kourouma. Le "guerrier‟ griot » ( Paris, L‟Harmattan 1998).
[10] J.G.F.Powell, "Invective and the Orator: Ciceronian Theory and Practice",
[2] K. Anderson, "Verbal Abuse", ( Probe Ministries, 2001)
[3] N. Boni, Crépuscules des temps anciens, (Paris, Présence Africaine, 1994. Première édition, 1962).
[4] Collins Dictionary & Thesaurus (2nd Edition, Harper Collins Publishers, Great Britain, 2000)
[5] P. Hazoumé, Doguicimi (Paris, L‟Harmattan, 1987. Première édition, 1938).
[6] A, S. Hornby et al. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English (Oxford University Press, 1974).
[7] J. Ouédraogo (2004), Maryse Condé et Ahmadou Kourouma griots de l'indicible (New York, Peter Lang, 2004).
[8] A. Koné, Amadou « Entre hommage et abâtardissement : la tradition subvertie » in Ahmadou Kourouma : l'héritage, Paris. Notre
Librairie. Revue des littératures du Sud. N° 155 - 156. Identités littéraires. juillet - décembre 2004
[9] M.Borgomano, « Ahmadou Kourouma. Le "guerrier‟ griot » ( Paris, L‟Harmattan 1998).
[10] J.G.F.Powell, "Invective and the Orator: Ciceronian Theory and Practice",
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wordsworth as an Educationist |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Faria Saeed Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0350914 ![]() |
Abstract:During the closing of eighteenth and the opening years of nineteenth centuries a revolution in
educational theory was taking place. Instead of mechanical method of education emphasis was laid on natural
method of education. The educationists of the time aimed to bring out natural responses of the child. Rousseau
was one of the fore-runners of "natural education." He suggested that the child should be raised in the country
away from the complexity of civilization and to learn, not through the use of books, but by experience. To him,
children should not be confined inside closed places and memorize abstract information; instead they should be
set free to experience things themselves and learn accordingly. These ideas of Rousseau correspond with
Wordsworth's child rearing. He thought that nature helps in the development of inherent capacities of a child.
[1] J.W.B.Owen,ed;Wordsworth,Wordsworth‟sLiteraryCriticism(London:Routeledge&Kegan Paul Ltd 1974)71
[2] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 (Atlantic Publishers:2003) 472
[3] M.H.Abrams, Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature(New York: W.W.Norton& Company
[4] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 (Atlantic Publishers:2003) 494
[5] ibid,489
[6] Earnest De. Selincourt,ed; Wordsworth, The Prelude (London: Oxford University Press: 196),lxiv
[7] Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari,qtd;Carrel, Ethics and Spiritual Growth,(Iran: Foundation of Islamic Cultural Propagation in the
[8] ibid,33
[9] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 (Atlantic Publishers:2003),510
[2] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 (Atlantic Publishers:2003) 472
[3] M.H.Abrams, Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature(New York: W.W.Norton& Company
[4] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 (Atlantic Publishers:2003) 494
[5] ibid,489
[6] Earnest De. Selincourt,ed; Wordsworth, The Prelude (London: Oxford University Press: 196),lxiv
[7] Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari,qtd;Carrel, Ethics and Spiritual Growth,(Iran: Foundation of Islamic Cultural Propagation in the
[8] ibid,33
[9] Sunil Kumar Sarker, A Companion To William Wordsworth :Vol 2 (Atlantic Publishers:2003),510
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pleasure: Redefined By Women in Shobha De's Novels |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms. Deepanjali Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0351520 ![]() |
Abstract:Feminism is a socio- political movement which advocates involved active participation by women to
demand for their rights. It can be considered a movement which is fought against female oppression under
patriarchy. There are various ways by which a woman can be victimized or we can say that victimization of
woman can take place through various ways like caste, colour, race, attitude towards motherhood, etc. The
Feminist movement was actually started by white women who basically hailed from middle class in Western
Europe and North America. This trend accelerated in1960‟s with Cool right Movement and the collapse of
European Colonialism in Africa, Caribbean parts of Latin America and South Asia. Third Wave feminists
advocate for equal rights for the girls and taking charge of their own sexual fulfillment. In her essay, Lusting for
Freedom, Rebecca Walker discusses the need for sex education for young women. It recognizes that sexual
pleasure is a central part of women‟s lives and does not discourage women who know how to achieve it without
any sense of guilt or regret. The new generation of feminism embraces beauty and power of women‟s sexuality
to achieve their needs. They consider sexual pleasure a human right. Many writers in India have talked of
pleasure and its manifestations.
[1] Barche, G.D. The Fiction Of Shobha De Jaydipsinh Dodiya, ed. New Delhi: Prestige. 2000
[2] De, Shobha. Snapshots. New Delhi: Penguin India. 1995
[3] De, Shobha. Starry Nights. New Delhi: Penguin India, 1991
[4] Shukla, Bhaskar. Feminism and Female Writers. Book Enclave.2007.
[5] De, Shobha. Second Thoughts. New Delhi: Penguin India, 1996
[2] De, Shobha. Snapshots. New Delhi: Penguin India. 1995
[3] De, Shobha. Starry Nights. New Delhi: Penguin India, 1991
[4] Shukla, Bhaskar. Feminism and Female Writers. Book Enclave.2007.
[5] De, Shobha. Second Thoughts. New Delhi: Penguin India, 1996
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Boko Haram insurgency in Nigeria as a symptom of poverty and political alienation |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Adetoro Rasheed Adenrele |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0352126 ![]() |
Abstract:It is almost three years ago that a group of Northern Nigerian militants that transformed from political brigandage declared a war on the country in the name of islamic jihad. This has claimed thousands of lives and millions naira worth of properties. However, a critical analysis of the mission of the group pointed to the theory of poverty and political alienation. This paper therefore examined the violent rampageous Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria from the perspectives of the current agitation for political power-shift and severe poverty in Northern Nigeria. The research tool for the study was an indepth desk survey of media reports and literature data. The paper therefore recommended a total federal restructuring and massive poverty alleviation programmes to curb Boko Haram violence and other ethno-religious crises in Nigeria.
[1] Abdul, M. O. A. (1978). The Historical Origin of Islam. Lagos: Islamic Publication Bureau, pp. 33-37.
[2] Adetoro, R. A. (1982). The impact of Jalumi war (1878) on the people of Ikirun. Being a long essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the award for the Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) to the Department of History, Oyo (now Osun) State College of Education, Ila-Orangun, Nigeria.
[3] Adetoro, R. A. (2010). The Almajirai syndrome as a potential threat to Nigeria national security: the role of social studies education. Nigerian Journal of Social Studies, vol. XIII (1&2): 141-150.
[4] Adetoro, R. A. (2012). "Corruption in Nigeria‟s democratic governance – the case of oil subsidy scandal‟. Being a paper presented at the 2nd National Conference of the Faculty of Social Science and Management, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana held between 13th – 15th March, 2012.
[5] Adisa, T. (2012). "Security agencies uncover source of Boko Haram‟s explosives‟. Nigerian Tribune, Tuesday 21st February, 2012.
[6] Alechenu, J; Fabiyi, O; Odesola, T. and Adetayo, O. (2012). "Buhari under fire over threat of bloodshed‟. The Punch. Wednesday May 16th, 2012, p.2.
[7] Attah, D. and Ubabukoh, U. (2012). "Shocker for Jonathan: Northern governors defend Buhari‟. The Punch, Friday 18th May, 2012, p. 8.
[8] Binniyat, L. (2012). "2015 ill be bloody if….Buhari‟. Vanguard, Tuesday May 15th, 2012, pp. 1 & 5.
[9] Bwala, J. (2012). "15-year – old bombs mosque, kills 10‟. Saturday Tribune, 14th July, 2012, p. 6.
[10] Farouk, C. (2012). "Who are Nigeria‟s Boko Haram Islamists‟. Retrieved on 25th April, 2012 from
[2] Adetoro, R. A. (1982). The impact of Jalumi war (1878) on the people of Ikirun. Being a long essay submitted in partial fulfillment of the award for the Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) to the Department of History, Oyo (now Osun) State College of Education, Ila-Orangun, Nigeria.
[3] Adetoro, R. A. (2010). The Almajirai syndrome as a potential threat to Nigeria national security: the role of social studies education. Nigerian Journal of Social Studies, vol. XIII (1&2): 141-150.
[4] Adetoro, R. A. (2012). "Corruption in Nigeria‟s democratic governance – the case of oil subsidy scandal‟. Being a paper presented at the 2nd National Conference of the Faculty of Social Science and Management, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana held between 13th – 15th March, 2012.
[5] Adisa, T. (2012). "Security agencies uncover source of Boko Haram‟s explosives‟. Nigerian Tribune, Tuesday 21st February, 2012.
[6] Alechenu, J; Fabiyi, O; Odesola, T. and Adetayo, O. (2012). "Buhari under fire over threat of bloodshed‟. The Punch. Wednesday May 16th, 2012, p.2.
[7] Attah, D. and Ubabukoh, U. (2012). "Shocker for Jonathan: Northern governors defend Buhari‟. The Punch, Friday 18th May, 2012, p. 8.
[8] Binniyat, L. (2012). "2015 ill be bloody if….Buhari‟. Vanguard, Tuesday May 15th, 2012, pp. 1 & 5.
[9] Bwala, J. (2012). "15-year – old bombs mosque, kills 10‟. Saturday Tribune, 14th July, 2012, p. 6.
[10] Farouk, C. (2012). "Who are Nigeria‟s Boko Haram Islamists‟. Retrieved on 25th April, 2012 from
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Some Aspects of Dylan Thomas's Poetic Style |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ch. Nagaraju, Prof. A. Hari Prasanna, S. Peter |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0352731 ![]() |
Abstract:Thomas claimed that his poetry was "the record of my individual struggle from darkness toward
some measure of light.… To be stripped of darkness is to be clean, to strip of darkness is to make clean." He
also wrote that his poems "with all their crudities, doubts, and confusions, are written for the love of man and in
praise of God, and I'd be a damned fool if they weren't." Passionate and intense, vivid and violent, Thomas
wrote that he became a poet because "I had fallen in love with words." His sense of the richness and variety and
flexibility of the English language shines through all of his work. Dylan Thomas uses symbols and images of
nature to express how he feels towards death and childhood. He says that images are used to create a feeling of
love towards life. Despite Dylan Thomas's obscure images, he expresses a clear message of religious devotion
in many of his poems. The style of Dylan Thomas is an opaque poetic style which Thomas used to perfection. He
possessed tremendous talent and was blessed with immense gifts that made him a professional success at a
relatively young age.
Key Words:obscurity, riddles, pseudo-drama, vocabulary and ambiguity
Key Words:obscurity, riddles, pseudo-drama, vocabulary and ambiguity
[1] Anderson, M. Robert. ―Thoma's ‗A Refusal to Mourn…'‖ The Explicator. Vol.38, No.4 (Summer, 1980).
[2] Cox, C.B. ―Dylan Thoma's ‗Fern Hill' ‖ The critical Quarterly. Vol.1, No.2 (Summer, 1959).
[3] Joshi, Neeta. ―Influence of the Welsh Bardic Tradition in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas‖ Punjab University Research Bulletin. 21
[4] Mckay, D.F. ―Aspects of Energy in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath‖ The Critical Quarterly. Vol.16, No.1
(Spring, 1974).
[5] Parshall, F. Peter ―Thomas's The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower‖. The Explicator. Vol.29, No.8
(April, 1971).
[6] Press, John. ―Dylan Thomas: A Refusal to Mourn…., Fern Hill, over Sir John's Hill.‖ Notes on Literature. No.74,
(September, 1967 ).
[7] Smith, A.J. ―Ambiguity as Poetic Shift (Analysis of Dylan Thomas's ‗Our Eunuch Dreams').‖ The Critical Quarterly. Vol.4,
No.1 (Spring, 1962).
[8] Terrel, F. Caroll. ―Thomas's Over sir John's Hill.‖ The Explicator. Vol.38, No.4 (Summer, 1980).
[9] Williams Anne. ―Thomas's Over Sir John's Hill.‖ The Explicator. Vol.38, No.4 (Summer, 1980).
[10] Willis, Roger. ―Dylan Thomas: Under Milk Wood.‖ Notes on Literature. No.102 (January, 1970).
[1] Anderson, M. Robert. ―Thoma's ‗A Refusal to Mourn…'‖ The Explicator. Vol.38, No.4 (Summer, 1980).
[2] Cox, C.B. ―Dylan Thoma's ‗Fern Hill' ‖ The critical Quarterly. Vol.1, No.2 (Summer, 1959).
[3] Joshi, Neeta. ―Influence of the Welsh Bardic Tradition in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas‖ Punjab University Research Bulletin. 21
[4] Mckay, D.F. ―Aspects of Energy in the Poetry of Dylan Thomas and Sylvia Plath‖ The Critical Quarterly. Vol.16, No.1
(Spring, 1974).
[5] Parshall, F. Peter ―Thomas's The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower‖. The Explicator. Vol.29, No.8
(April, 1971).
[6] Press, John. ―Dylan Thomas: A Refusal to Mourn…., Fern Hill, over Sir John's Hill.‖ Notes on Literature. No.74,
(September, 1967 ).
[7] Smith, A.J. ―Ambiguity as Poetic Shift (Analysis of Dylan Thomas's ‗Our Eunuch Dreams').‖ The Critical Quarterly. Vol.4,
No.1 (Spring, 1962).
[8] Terrel, F. Caroll. ―Thomas's Over sir John's Hill.‖ The Explicator. Vol.38, No.4 (Summer, 1980).
[9] Williams Anne. ―Thomas's Over Sir John's Hill.‖ The Explicator. Vol.38, No.4 (Summer, 1980).
[10] Willis, Roger. ―Dylan Thomas: Under Milk Wood.‖ Notes on Literature. No.102 (January, 1970).
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Abstract:Obesity means having too much body fat .it is not the same as overweight which means weighing
too much .A person may be overweight from extra muscles, bone, or water as well as too much fat. This article
in both terms wt is higher then what is thought to be relative height. This article discusses obesity among poor
children of school age. Obesity is now a day's most wide spread medical problems affecting children and
adolescent living in developing countries as well us in US. It became global problem which is in rise. This study
was conducted to asses' prevalence of obesity in poor children of north India. Prevalence of obesity is much
lesser than malnutrition in north India in children of poor socio economic status. The risk of cardiac diseases
cannot be denied it is present in poor children too. This study observed that 13.2% children are under risk.
Obesity is more prevalent in female children then male children. Data represents that obesity increases with age
as it is observed less in children below the age of 8 years. nurses have a unique role in educating the public the
study highlighted that awareness needs to be increased on obesity in poor children but more concentration
still required to prevent malnutrition.
Key Words: BMI, Children, north India, obesity.
Key Words: BMI, Children, north India, obesity.
Journal papers-
[1] JAMA 2012 Feb 1; 307 (S) 483 -90 e PUB2012 Jan 17.
[2] Understanding childhood obesity by j Clinton smith.
[3] The consequences of childhood overweight and obesity in the future of children. By Stephen R.daniel.
[4] JCEM journal of clinical endocrinology childhood obesity. By Jennifer miller, arlan rose bloom and Janet silvrstein.
Internet study
1. Child hood obesity from e medicine health.(internet)
[5] Pediatric OP GHAI.
[6] Childhood obesity health in balance.
[1] JAMA 2012 Feb 1; 307 (S) 483 -90 e PUB2012 Jan 17.
[2] Understanding childhood obesity by j Clinton smith.
[3] The consequences of childhood overweight and obesity in the future of children. By Stephen R.daniel.
[4] JCEM journal of clinical endocrinology childhood obesity. By Jennifer miller, arlan rose bloom and Janet silvrstein.
Internet study
1. Child hood obesity from e medicine health.(internet)
[5] Pediatric OP GHAI.
[6] Childhood obesity health in balance.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study of gratitude and well being among adolescents |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sarita Sood, Richa Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0353538 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper reports the results of a study on adolescents' gratitude and well being. Gender and age
differences were assessed. An association between gratitude, well being, age and gender was explored.
Questionnaires were distributed to the participants and filled on the spot. Data from 200 participants 12-19
years of age was collected from two districts of Jammu and Kashmir, India. Independent samples t test and
Product moment method was used for statistical analysis. The results revealed age difference in well being. An
association between age and well being was also found. The results have an implication for future research. The
findings of this study have applicability in school settings. The researcher emphasizes on replicating this
research, and in finding out the trends in various cultures.
Key Words: Adolescents, Age, Gender, Gratitude, Well being.
Key Words: Adolescents, Age, Gender, Gratitude, Well being.
[1] R. A. Emmons, and C. M. Shelton, Gratitude and the science of positive psychology, in C. R. Snyder and S. J. Lopez (Eds.),
Handbook of Positive Psychology, (London: Oxford University Press, 2005) pp. 459-71.
[2] M. Akhtar, The attitude of gratitude, Positive Psychology for overcoming depression: Self help strategies for happiness, inner
strength and well-being, (London: Watkins Publishing, 2012) 75-89.
[3] Satapatha Brahmana On gratitude to one's parents, cf.
[4] Colossians 3.17: Cf. Psalm 100, p. 202.
[5] Qur'an 40.61, 64: Cf. Qur'an 14.32-34, p. 310
[6] Anguttara Nikaya i.61, p. 250.
[7] Abdu'l-Baha', Baha'I World Faith, p.360.
[8] L. Graham, The impact of gratitude on health and well being, 2011. Retrieved on August 14, 2012 from
[9] G. Bono, R. A. Emmons, and M. E. McCullough, Gratitude in practice and the practice of gratitude, in P. A. Linley, and S. Joseph
(Eds.), Positive psychology in practice, (Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004) 464−481.
[10] G. Bono, and J. J. Froh, Gratitude in school: Benefits to students and schools, in R. Gilman, E. S. Huebner,and M. Furlong (Eds.),
Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools, (New York: Routledge, 2009) 77-88.
Handbook of Positive Psychology, (London: Oxford University Press, 2005) pp. 459-71.
[2] M. Akhtar, The attitude of gratitude, Positive Psychology for overcoming depression: Self help strategies for happiness, inner
strength and well-being, (London: Watkins Publishing, 2012) 75-89.
[3] Satapatha Brahmana On gratitude to one's parents, cf.
[4] Colossians 3.17: Cf. Psalm 100, p. 202.
[5] Qur'an 40.61, 64: Cf. Qur'an 14.32-34, p. 310
[6] Anguttara Nikaya i.61, p. 250.
[7] Abdu'l-Baha', Baha'I World Faith, p.360.
[8] L. Graham, The impact of gratitude on health and well being, 2011. Retrieved on August 14, 2012 from
[9] G. Bono, R. A. Emmons, and M. E. McCullough, Gratitude in practice and the practice of gratitude, in P. A. Linley, and S. Joseph
(Eds.), Positive psychology in practice, (Hoboken, NJ, US: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2004) 464−481.
[10] G. Bono, and J. J. Froh, Gratitude in school: Benefits to students and schools, in R. Gilman, E. S. Huebner,and M. Furlong (Eds.),
Handbook of Positive Psychology in Schools, (New York: Routledge, 2009) 77-88.
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Abstract:Teachers have importance posision for increase of quality in procedural learning, so the
performance of the teacher must be increase of activity for learning. Impowering of teachers for improvement to
the performance of teachers is visible to increase of quality at elementaryschool in Surabaya City. Empowering
Teachers in educated qualification, training and briefings for the teacher's performance to quality education at
elementary school in Surabaya City. The influence of qualification education, training and briefings for
teachers can be a increase of performance and quality of learning and teaching. Also the influence of teachers
performance to increase of education quality in elementary school.
Key Words: Teacher Impowering, performance, quality education
Key Words: Teacher Impowering, performance, quality education
[1] Coombs, PH. 2005. The World Crisis in Education. New York: Oxford University Press
[2] Deckey J. & Adam, H. 1995. Basic Principles of Student Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
[3] Depdiknas. 2006. Three Planning of Development National Education System Jakarta: Depdiknas.
[4] Diknas Kota Surabaya. 2009. Handbook Educational in 2009 year. Surabaya: Diknas Kota Surabaya.
[5] Eaglen, Andrew et al. 2 000. Modelling the benefits of training to business performance in leisure retailing. Strategic
Change. Aug. 2000. Vol. 9, iss. 5; Ferdinand, Augusty. 2000. Structural Equation Modelling. AMOS 4.0. Semarang: University
[6] Furtwengler, D. 2002. Performance Assessment. Yogyakarta: Andi Haris, Richard. 2002. Personnel Administration in Education
(3rd). Boston: Ally and Bacon Inc.
[7] International Education, 2000. Highlights from the Second World Congress of Education International. Washington DC: July 2000
[8] Jerome S. Arcaro. 2005. Quality in Education: An Implementation Handbook.
[9] New York: St. Lucie, Press.
[10] Langbein, Laura Irwin. 2002. Discovering Whether Programs Work: A Guide to Stastistical Methods For Program Evaluation.
Santa Monica: Goodyear Pub. Company Leap, T.L, and Crino, M.D, 2002. Personnel / Human Resources Management.
[2] Deckey J. & Adam, H. 1995. Basic Principles of Student Teaching. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
[3] Depdiknas. 2006. Three Planning of Development National Education System Jakarta: Depdiknas.
[4] Diknas Kota Surabaya. 2009. Handbook Educational in 2009 year. Surabaya: Diknas Kota Surabaya.
[5] Eaglen, Andrew et al. 2 000. Modelling the benefits of training to business performance in leisure retailing. Strategic
Change. Aug. 2000. Vol. 9, iss. 5; Ferdinand, Augusty. 2000. Structural Equation Modelling. AMOS 4.0. Semarang: University
[6] Furtwengler, D. 2002. Performance Assessment. Yogyakarta: Andi Haris, Richard. 2002. Personnel Administration in Education
(3rd). Boston: Ally and Bacon Inc.
[7] International Education, 2000. Highlights from the Second World Congress of Education International. Washington DC: July 2000
[8] Jerome S. Arcaro. 2005. Quality in Education: An Implementation Handbook.
[9] New York: St. Lucie, Press.
[10] Langbein, Laura Irwin. 2002. Discovering Whether Programs Work: A Guide to Stastistical Methods For Program Evaluation.
Santa Monica: Goodyear Pub. Company Leap, T.L, and Crino, M.D, 2002. Personnel / Human Resources Management.
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Abstract:The role of women in labour market is crucial in the sense that the rapid industrialization has
created general employment opportunities for them from which most of them have been benefited. The North
Eastern Coal Fields (NECF), Coal India Limited is one of the premier Central Government sector undertakings
operating in Assam, which is playing a crucial role in accelerating the process of industrialisation as well as
urbanization in Margherita Town at Tinsukia district of Assam. These two processes have a profound impact on
the life of women employees working in this industry. Women from managerial position to the women engaged
as workers in the collieries have witnessed a number of occupational hazards and professional challenges yet
they are becoming economically independent. Though they are mostly employed at the lower levels, and in
unskilled occupations, the process of urbanization enabled their daughters and most of them also to get exposed
to education, information, health care, drudgery reduction and employment opportunities. They have to play
multiple roles in the growing urbanized competitive world. The paper analyzes the occupational hazards and
other professional difficulties faced by working women in the industry, and in the urban society with reference
to the study area. The paper also focuses their multiple roles; the impact of urbanization on their family life, and
their role in the labour market.
Key Words: Industrialization, Urbanization, Impact, Working Women, North Eastern Coal Fields, Discrimination.
Key Words: Industrialization, Urbanization, Impact, Working Women, North Eastern Coal Fields, Discrimination.
[1] Brockerhoff, M. Urban Growth in Developing Countries: A review of Projections and Predictions, Population and development
Review, Vol 25. No4, PP 757-778, 1999.
[2] Brockerhoff, M. and Brennam, E The poverty of cities in Developing Regions, Populations and Development Review, Vol 24, No 1,
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- Citation
- Abstract
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Abstract:Investigators conducted a True Experimental study to compare the academic performance of
students in class VIII in one of the English Medium School of Vadodara, India among traditional instruction,
only Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Computer Assisted Instruction with simultaneous discussion. The
design used in this study was posttest only control group design. Three sections of class VIII students were
selected and groups were randomly allotted. Students studied through their respective methods till the
completion of the selected topic. Reaction scale was developed and administered to the experimental group
students to know their opinion on the developed CAI. Chi-square was used for data analysis. The analysis
revealed that students liked their respective way of learning.
Key Words: Abstract, Auto Instructional Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, simultaneous discussion and Symbolic Language.
Key Words: Abstract, Auto Instructional Material, Computer Assisted Instruction, simultaneous discussion and Symbolic Language.
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[6] S.L Jain,.; G.L. Burad. "Low Results in Mathematics at Secondary Examination in Rajasthan", Independent Study. Udaipur: State
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New Delhi: NCERT, India, 1991.est Bengal." In NCERT(1992). Fifty Survey of Research in Education, New Delhi: NCERT,India,
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- Citation
- Abstract
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Roots of Terrorism in India and Underlying Remedies: An Overview |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Om Prakash Shukla |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0837-0359294 ![]() |
Abstract:Terrorism has emerged as a global menace in the 21st century, and India is noexception to this grim
reality. The subcontinent has witnessed numerous terroristattacks over the years, claiming thousands of lives
and causing extensive damage toproperty and infrastructure. Understanding the causes of terrorism in India is
essentialto formulate effective remedies to combat this scourge. This paper deals into themultifaceted causes of
terrorism in India and explores the underlying remedies thatcan help the nation in its fight against terrorism.
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