Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2012)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conciliation as an Effective Mode of Alternative Dispute Resolving System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ujwala Shinde |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0430107 ![]() |
Downloads : Times |
Abstract:In the last two or three decades, Alternative Dispute Resolving System i.e. ADR initiatives have
mushroomed in developing and developed countries alike. But despite their popularity, many questions remain
unanswered regarding their actual success in increasing efficiency and in broader access to justice. Recent
research on ADR in the United States and also our own observations in some ADR methods as adopted in India
suggests that participants are generally pleased with the conciliatory, comprehensible, and flexible procedures
of ADR. Arbitration as one of the modes of ADR was considered to be a cheap and efficacious remedy. Now the
situation is completely reversed. Arbitration proceedings have become too technical and expensive. It is not only
the fees of lawyers but also of the arbitrators, which have started pinching the parties. Through this paper I am
emphasizing that, resort to conciliation, directly or through a trusted common person/ institution, is the only
remedy to achieve early success. The basic aim is there should be settlement between the parties & no party
should feel as aggrieved instead of lost & win situation, there should be won - won situation for both Parties.
Keywords: adr, arbitration, access to justice ,conciliation,remedy
Keywords: adr, arbitration, access to justice ,conciliation,remedy
[1] Wharton‟s LAW LEXICON 227( 14th edn,1937, Indian reprint-1993).
[2] Halsbury‟s Laws Of England 4th Ed, Vol. 2, paragraph 502.
[3] Guru Nanak Foundation V. Rattan Singh & Sons, AIR 1981 SC 2075.
[4] Haresh Dayaram Thakur V. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2000 SC 2281: 2000 AIR SCW 2058
[5] Mysore Cements Ltd.v. Svedala Barmac Ltd., 2003 (1) Arb LR 651 (SC).
[6] Haresh Dayaram Thakur V. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2000 SC 2281: 2000 AIR SCW 2058
[7] Fakirchand V Bancilal AIR 1955 Hyd 28FB
[8] Lachoomal V Radhey Shyam. AIR1971 SC 2213
[9] Article 39(a) of the Constitution of India.
[10] Early neutral evaluation, as currently employed in the Federal District Court, Northern District of California, has achieved notable
success in helping civil litigants to reach consensual settlements.
[2] Halsbury‟s Laws Of England 4th Ed, Vol. 2, paragraph 502.
[3] Guru Nanak Foundation V. Rattan Singh & Sons, AIR 1981 SC 2075.
[4] Haresh Dayaram Thakur V. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2000 SC 2281: 2000 AIR SCW 2058
[5] Mysore Cements Ltd.v. Svedala Barmac Ltd., 2003 (1) Arb LR 651 (SC).
[6] Haresh Dayaram Thakur V. State of Maharashtra, AIR 2000 SC 2281: 2000 AIR SCW 2058
[7] Fakirchand V Bancilal AIR 1955 Hyd 28FB
[8] Lachoomal V Radhey Shyam. AIR1971 SC 2213
[9] Article 39(a) of the Constitution of India.
[10] Early neutral evaluation, as currently employed in the Federal District Court, Northern District of California, has achieved notable
success in helping civil litigants to reach consensual settlements.
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Abstract:The productivity of labour is an indispensable condition for the prosperity of enterprises and the
well being of the workers and their families. While the production facilities at workplace and the remuneration
are important, attitudes towards work, and the value placed by the society on dignity of labour are equally
important in influencing the productivity of labour. This paper tries to identify the factors that promote positive
motivational behaviour among the workers as to improve production in the industries on the basis of primary
data collected from 300 respondents( male = 180, female = 120), randomly selected in 10 handicrafts &
cottage industries of Odisha, one of the state of India. Furthermore the study will identify the satisfaction and
dissatisfaction level of employees in the handicrafts & cottage industries of Odisha, since these are important
characteristics in the workplace. Findings suggest that there is a direct and positive relationship between
motivational factors as human resource policy, allowances, labour welfare measures and job satisfaction and
job relation with the labours' productivity level. So, a provision for better wage and salary structure, regular
promotion, assurance of adequate job security and bonus for excellent performance as well as proper time to
time training and education are the important factors for the growth and development of handicrafts & cottage
industries of Odisha,
Key Words: labour productivity, human resource policy, job security, non-monetary incentives, working environment.
Key Words: labour productivity, human resource policy, job security, non-monetary incentives, working environment.
[1] Dr.Sucharitha, Dr.J.U.Maheswar Reddy, and Dr.Reecharanjansingh(2012) , "The impact of flexible work arrangements in selected
IT sector-an employee perspective‟, International Journal of Research in IT & Management, Volume 2, Issue 2 PP 882-896
[2] Dale S. Rose, Stuart D. Sidle and Kristin H. Griffith (2007) Organisational Research Methods, Volume10, Issue 2, PP 225-246.
[3] Gupta B. (1975) Labour Incentive in India of Iron and Steel Industry Research Abstract Quarterly, PP 171- 176.
[4] Kalburgi ,Mohammed Javed and G.P ,Dinesh. (2010) "Motivation as a tool for productivity in Public sector unit" Asian Journal of
Management Research PP 147-152
[5] Lawler E.E (2003), Treats people right. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.
[6] Mathew H.( 1983), "Developing employment package attracting and retaining best employees‟, Management Decision, 28, 6.
[7] Navdeep Kumar1, Pankaj Garg(2011), "Impact of motivational factors on employee‟s job satisfaction- A study on some selected
organization in Punjab, India‟ ,Asian Journal of Management Research ,Volume 2 Issue 1, 2011 PP 672-683
[8] Sharma A.M. (1991) Understanding Wage System, New Delhi, Himalaya Publications.
[9] Wadhwa ,Daljeet Singh, Verghese ,Manoj, Wadhwa ,Dalvinder Singh (2011) , "A Study on Factors Influencing Employee Job
Satisfaction -A Study in Cement Industry of Chhattisgarh‟, International Journal of Management & Business Studies Vol. 1, Issue
3, PP 109-111
IT sector-an employee perspective‟, International Journal of Research in IT & Management, Volume 2, Issue 2 PP 882-896
[2] Dale S. Rose, Stuart D. Sidle and Kristin H. Griffith (2007) Organisational Research Methods, Volume10, Issue 2, PP 225-246.
[3] Gupta B. (1975) Labour Incentive in India of Iron and Steel Industry Research Abstract Quarterly, PP 171- 176.
[4] Kalburgi ,Mohammed Javed and G.P ,Dinesh. (2010) "Motivation as a tool for productivity in Public sector unit" Asian Journal of
Management Research PP 147-152
[5] Lawler E.E (2003), Treats people right. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc.
[6] Mathew H.( 1983), "Developing employment package attracting and retaining best employees‟, Management Decision, 28, 6.
[7] Navdeep Kumar1, Pankaj Garg(2011), "Impact of motivational factors on employee‟s job satisfaction- A study on some selected
organization in Punjab, India‟ ,Asian Journal of Management Research ,Volume 2 Issue 1, 2011 PP 672-683
[8] Sharma A.M. (1991) Understanding Wage System, New Delhi, Himalaya Publications.
[9] Wadhwa ,Daljeet Singh, Verghese ,Manoj, Wadhwa ,Dalvinder Singh (2011) , "A Study on Factors Influencing Employee Job
Satisfaction -A Study in Cement Industry of Chhattisgarh‟, International Journal of Management & Business Studies Vol. 1, Issue
3, PP 109-111
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Abstract:Sociological and social anthropological research studies on the Muslim society in India with
particular reference to the women of West Bengal are negligible causing immense loophole in our insight and
understanding the Muslim society from empirical point of view. Because of this fact, we hardly know about their
society, economy, social structure, social organization, culture, social problems, social change and
developmental processes, gender studies of the Muslim society.
The present paper is a modest attempt to examine the socio-economic situation of the largest religious minority
population compared to other religious minorities of the state generally, and the status of Muslim women of
West Bengal in particular. An attempt has also been made to highlight the socio-economic backwardness
prevailed among this group of people from historico-religious perspective and to find out the factors
contributing as a bottleneck in their development and social change.
Key Words: Muslim Women, Minority, Situation, Development.
Key Words: Muslim Women, Minority, Situation, Development.
[1] J. Scott and G. Marshall (Eds.), Oxford Dictionary of Sociology (New York: Oxford University Press Inc., 2009).
[2] M. F. Abraham, Contemporary Sociology: An Introduction to Concepts and Theories (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2009).
[3] J. Rehma n and H. Hof f l er , Regional / Int ernat ional Frameworks of Minor i ty Prot ect ion in Europr a nd Sou th
Asia in S. K. Da s (Ed.) , Minori t ies in South Asia and in Europe: A New Agenda , (KOLKATA: SAMYA,
2010) 278-310.
[4] T. Mahmood, Minorities Commission: Minor Role in Major Affairs (New Delhi: Pharos Media & Publishing (P) LTD., 2001).
[5] S. R. Mondal, Muslims in India: An Enquary into their Minority Status, Backwardness, Special Rights and Development Problems,
J. Indian Anthrop. Soc. 27, 1992, 149-160.
[6] A. Shariff, National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), 43RD ROUND, 1987-88, quoted in Sebastian Vempeny, Minorities in
Contemporary India (New Delhi: Kanishka, 2003) 92.
[7] W. W. Hunter, The Indian Musalmans 3rd edition (Delhi: Indological Book House, 1969).
[8] R. Besant, and A. Shariff, The State of Muslims in India in R. Besant and A. Shariff (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Muslims:
Empirical and Policy Perspectives, (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010) 1-23.
[9] S. R. Mondal, Educational Status of Muslims: Problems, Prospects and Priorities (New Delhi: Inter-India Publications, 1997).
[10] Z. Hasan and R. Menon, Unequal Citizens: A Study of Muslim Women in India (New Delhi: Oxford University Press.,2004).
[2] M. F. Abraham, Contemporary Sociology: An Introduction to Concepts and Theories (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2009).
[3] J. Rehma n and H. Hof f l er , Regional / Int ernat ional Frameworks of Minor i ty Prot ect ion in Europr a nd Sou th
Asia in S. K. Da s (Ed.) , Minori t ies in South Asia and in Europe: A New Agenda , (KOLKATA: SAMYA,
2010) 278-310.
[4] T. Mahmood, Minorities Commission: Minor Role in Major Affairs (New Delhi: Pharos Media & Publishing (P) LTD., 2001).
[5] S. R. Mondal, Muslims in India: An Enquary into their Minority Status, Backwardness, Special Rights and Development Problems,
J. Indian Anthrop. Soc. 27, 1992, 149-160.
[6] A. Shariff, National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO), 43RD ROUND, 1987-88, quoted in Sebastian Vempeny, Minorities in
Contemporary India (New Delhi: Kanishka, 2003) 92.
[7] W. W. Hunter, The Indian Musalmans 3rd edition (Delhi: Indological Book House, 1969).
[8] R. Besant, and A. Shariff, The State of Muslims in India in R. Besant and A. Shariff (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Muslims:
Empirical and Policy Perspectives, (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010) 1-23.
[9] S. R. Mondal, Educational Status of Muslims: Problems, Prospects and Priorities (New Delhi: Inter-India Publications, 1997).
[10] Z. Hasan and R. Menon, Unequal Citizens: A Study of Muslim Women in India (New Delhi: Oxford University Press.,2004).
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Abstract:The concerned paper is an exploration of society's repeated attempts to uphold the male/female and
masculine/feminine binary by silencing those human conducts that deviate from the path of supposed normalcy,
as presented in Devdutt Pattanaik's novel. The affirmation of the non-existence of all forms of marginal
sexualities, and those human tendencies that violate the gender stereotypes, is imperative to the preservation of
the binary structure and hence their suppression. The paper attempts to delineate how even the slightest
violation of sexual and gender norms are denied expression and ruthlessly silenced.
Keywords: Gender roles, Marginal sexuality, Society, Suppression.
Keywords: Gender roles, Marginal sexuality, Society, Suppression.
[1] Michel Foucault, The Will to Knowledge (Penguin Books Ltd, UK,2006).
[2] Judith Butler, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, Theatre
Journal,40(4), 1988, 519-531.
[3] Ibid
[4] Devdutt Pattanaik, The Pregnant King (Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008).
[5] Michel Foucault, The Will to Knowledge (Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2006).
[6] Devdutt Pattanaik, The Pregnant King (Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008).
[7] Ibid
[8] Jillian Todd Weiss, The Gender Caste System: Identity, Privacy, and Heteronormativity, Law & Sexuality,(10)123, 2001,1-64.
[9] Michel Foucault, The Will to Knowledge (Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2006).
[10] Devdutt Pattanaik, The Pregnant King (Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008).
[2] Judith Butler, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory, Theatre
Journal,40(4), 1988, 519-531.
[3] Ibid
[4] Devdutt Pattanaik, The Pregnant King (Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008).
[5] Michel Foucault, The Will to Knowledge (Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2006).
[6] Devdutt Pattanaik, The Pregnant King (Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008).
[7] Ibid
[8] Jillian Todd Weiss, The Gender Caste System: Identity, Privacy, and Heteronormativity, Law & Sexuality,(10)123, 2001,1-64.
[9] Michel Foucault, The Will to Knowledge (Penguin Books Ltd, UK, 2006).
[10] Devdutt Pattanaik, The Pregnant King (Penguin Books India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The perspectives of Translation studies |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Gokhila1, Dr. V. Thiyagarajan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0432630 ![]() |
Downloads : Times |
Abstract:This article discuses about importance of translation, methods of translation, problems of translation
like culture based problems, dialectal problems, and kinship word problems.
This article is focused on the issues of literary translation and non-literary translation from source
language text to the target language text. The general aspects of the same are being highlighted in this article.
This article also centres about the decisive factors needed for both translations. It also spotlights the differences
between literary and non-literary translation. This article lucidly explains the basic need of a literary and non
literary translator.
Key Words:Literary translation, non- literary translation, source language text, target language text, literary translator, non-literary translator.
Key Words:Literary translation, non- literary translation, source language text, target language text, literary translator, non-literary translator.
[1] Alan Duff, Translation (Oxford: Oxford university Press), 1989.
[2] Baker, mona (1992) In other words: a Course book on Translation, London: Routledge.
[3] Bassnett, Susan. (1991), Translation Studies.
[4] Catford, John C. (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay on Applied Linguistics London: Oxford University Press:
[5] Landers E, Lirerary Translation: a Practical guide by Clifford.
[6] Maria T. Scanchez: The Problems of Literary Translation: a study of the theory and practice of translation from English to Spanish.
[7] Nida, Eugene A. (1964) Towards a Science of Translating Leiden: E.J. Brill.
[8] Site: www.article on line directory. com
[2] Baker, mona (1992) In other words: a Course book on Translation, London: Routledge.
[3] Bassnett, Susan. (1991), Translation Studies.
[4] Catford, John C. (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation: An Essay on Applied Linguistics London: Oxford University Press:
[5] Landers E, Lirerary Translation: a Practical guide by Clifford.
[6] Maria T. Scanchez: The Problems of Literary Translation: a study of the theory and practice of translation from English to Spanish.
[7] Nida, Eugene A. (1964) Towards a Science of Translating Leiden: E.J. Brill.
[8] Site: www.article on line directory. com
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Abstract:Urban local bodies across the country have been facing the problem of rapidly increase urban
population. It is the duty of the state government to provide good civic amenities to the citizen, in congruence
increasing needs of the enhanced urban population. This article deal with state government efforts to provide
services to its citizen to fulfill this goal, the state government had initiated large number of programme and
schemes. These programme or schemes are either central sponsored, in central state partnership or fully state
[1] Rajbir Singh Dalal "good governance in urban local bodies issues and challengs" nagarlok april june 2011 vol.xliii p8
[10] Randhir singh sangwan "urbanization in Haryana: the emerging trends" nagarlokvol.XL, april june 2008 , no 2.
[10] Randhir singh sangwan "urbanization in Haryana: the emerging trends" nagarlokvol.XL, april june 2008 , no 2.
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Abstract:The paper attempts to study the importance of Art philosophy in the process of fashion designer. This
goal could be extended to state that we intend to show the recognition of Folk Arts during all the developmental
stages of Fashion Design. Folk Arts provide the proper understanding of the culture of a country and the nation.
From that perspective, the Bengal Folk Arts are rich and diversely flourishing. Among the thousands of
materials or objects in the Folk Arts it is not difficult to understand the stylish characteristics. The creations of
art, its rhythmic outlines were attained by the artist‟s aesthetic mind. Therefore, the mass, volume and types of
art-forms can be found, such as, pottery, carpentry and engraving, architecture, metal crafts, shell crafting,
ivory crafting, mask making etc. The expression media of the Folk Arts, such as, clay, wood, tapestries, canvas,
masks, graffiti, carpentry and wood carving, folk architecture, embroidery, cork-crafting, shell crafting,
ornamentation, metal craft, basket weaving, even the fishing accessories. Pot Chitra, the traditional audio-video
medium of Bengal, displays a rich vocabulary of motifs. These motifs are deeply rooted in strong religious
beliefs and underlay a strong symbolism. Identifying Pot Chitra as formalized folklore, the word Pot Chitra has
been analyzed. The scriptural customs of picture painting and the making of elongated Pot Chitra have been
discussed. The Pot Chitra was classified to the contexts. Some primitive processes of making brush and the ink
exist which are very own of the Potua. The processes vary in different districts. In some cases there are some
similarities as well.
Key Words: Pot Chitra: "Pot" means "scroll" and "Chitra" means Painting • Potua: "Potua" or "Chitrakar" means "Painter". • Tangail Hand Loom: One types of Bangladeshi Hand Loom • Jamdanis: One types of Bangladeshi Hand Loom • Chumki-ala: Name of Boutique Shop • Gazi : Victor • Gazir Pot: One types of Scroll Painting of South-West Bangle (Part of Bangladesh & India) • Kalighat Pot: One types of Scroll Painting of West Bengal (Province of India) • Gayen: Lead singers or narrators of Scroll Painting • Puranic: Mythological • Pala Gaan: Live Drama • Slokas: Mythological Folk stories • Sabitri-Shottoban, Ram-Sita-Rabon and Korno: Characters from Ramayan and Mahabharat • Sutrodhar: Carpenter • Malakar: One type of Artisans who create handy crafts by using paper, one type of soft tree locally called "Shola‟ etc.
Key Words: Pot Chitra: "Pot" means "scroll" and "Chitra" means Painting • Potua: "Potua" or "Chitrakar" means "Painter". • Tangail Hand Loom: One types of Bangladeshi Hand Loom • Jamdanis: One types of Bangladeshi Hand Loom • Chumki-ala: Name of Boutique Shop • Gazi : Victor • Gazir Pot: One types of Scroll Painting of South-West Bangle (Part of Bangladesh & India) • Kalighat Pot: One types of Scroll Painting of West Bengal (Province of India) • Gayen: Lead singers or narrators of Scroll Painting • Puranic: Mythological • Pala Gaan: Live Drama • Slokas: Mythological Folk stories • Sabitri-Shottoban, Ram-Sita-Rabon and Korno: Characters from Ramayan and Mahabharat • Sutrodhar: Carpenter • Malakar: One type of Artisans who create handy crafts by using paper, one type of soft tree locally called "Shola‟ etc.
[1] Ahmed. W. (2001) Banglar Loko Shanskriti, Goti Dhara, Dhaka.
[2] Ahmed. A. (1998) Gagir Gan: Shilpo Riti, Bangla Academy, Dhaka.
[3] Ghosh. P. Dr. (2004) Banglar Lokoshilpo , Okkhor Binnash, Dhaka.
[4] Guptto. S. Shankor (2010) Banglar Mukh Ami Dekhiashi, Bornaon, Dhaka.
[5] Hosson. D. (2009) Potua Roghu Nather Shilpo Bhubon, Bornaon, Dhaka.
[6] Islam. N. Mustafa (2001) Bangalir Attoporichoy, Bornaon, Dhaka.
[7] Islam. K. Dr. Prof. (2012) Adhunik Bangla Kobitar Loko Shongskritir Shorup Anneshon , Pranto Prokasion, Dhaka.
[8] Jhahan. A. Jahangir. (2012) Loko Vashar Suluk Shandhan, Shikha Prokashoni, Dhaka.
[9] Jhahan. A. Jahangir. (2011) Shangskar Lokachar Lokobishawsh, Mukto Chinta Prokashona, Dhaka.
[10] Lohani. K. (2010), Shanskritik Oaytijha Abong Nrittoshilpor Bistar, Ittadi, Dhaka.
[1] Ahmed. W. (2001) Banglar Loko Shanskriti, Goti Dhara, Dhaka.
[2] Ahmed. A. (1998) Gagir Gan: Shilpo Riti, Bangla Academy, Dhaka.
[3] Ghosh. P. Dr. (2004) Banglar Lokoshilpo , Okkhor Binnash, Dhaka.
[4] Guptto. S. Shankor (2010) Banglar Mukh Ami Dekhiashi, Bornaon, Dhaka.
[5] Hosson. D. (2009) Potua Roghu Nather Shilpo Bhubon, Bornaon, Dhaka.
[6] Islam. N. Mustafa (2001) Bangalir Attoporichoy, Bornaon, Dhaka.
[7] Islam. K. Dr. Prof. (2012) Adhunik Bangla Kobitar Loko Shongskritir Shorup Anneshon , Pranto Prokasion, Dhaka.
[8] Jhahan. A. Jahangir. (2012) Loko Vashar Suluk Shandhan, Shikha Prokashoni, Dhaka.
[9] Jhahan. A. Jahangir. (2011) Shangskar Lokachar Lokobishawsh, Mukto Chinta Prokashona, Dhaka.
[10] Lohani. K. (2010), Shanskritik Oaytijha Abong Nrittoshilpor Bistar, Ittadi, Dhaka.
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Abstract:Purpose: To see if pragmatic language development PLD is really associated with early childhood
education EChE or vice versa, and if the preschoolers' group will perform pragmatically better than the nonpreschoolers'
group due to enrollment in EChE in the Arabic version of the test of pragmatic language TOPL-2.
Keywords: early childhood education, pragmatic language development, test of pragmatic language, Arabic test of pragmatic language A-TOPL, preschoolers, non-preschoolers
Keywords: early childhood education, pragmatic language development, test of pragmatic language, Arabic test of pragmatic language A-TOPL, preschoolers, non-preschoolers
[1] Levine, Laura E., and Joyce A. Munsch. Child Development: An Active Learning Approach . Los Angelos, London, New Delhi,
Singapore, Washington DC: SAGE Publications, Inc , 2011.
[2] Bartolotta, Theresa E., and Brain B. Shulman. "Child Development ." In Language Development: Foundations, Processes and
Clinical Applications , by Brian B. Shulman and Nina C. Capone, 1-33. Boston, Toronto, London, Singapore : Jones and Bartlett
Publishers , 2010.
[3] Bochner, Sandra, and Jane Jones. "Explanations for Language Development in Children." In Child Language Development:
Learning to Talk, 3-13. Wiley, 2008.
[4] Brandone, Amanda C., Sara J. Salkind, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, and Kathy Hirsh-pasek. "Language Development." In
Children's Needs III: Understandign and addressing the developmental needs of children, edited by George G. Bear and Kathleen
M. Minke, 499-514. Bathesda MD: National Association of School Psychologists, 2006.
[5] Saxton, Matthew. Child Language: Acquisition and Development . London: Sage Publications Ltd , 2010.
[6] Marasco, Kendra, Carol O'Rourke, Laura Riddle, Laura Sepka, and Vicki Weaver. "Pragmatic Language Assessment Guidelines: A
Best Practice Document ECICMC Standards and Guidelines Speech Sub-Committee." SeeMyIEP Website . March 2004. (accessed
October 30, 2012).
[7] Alduais, Ahmed Mohammed Saleh, Fayza Saleh Al-Hammadi, Rasha AbdulRahman Shoeib, Khalid Hassan Almalki, and Farah
Hameid Alenezi. "Use of an Arabic-language Version of TOPL-2 to Identify Typical and Atypical Manifestations of Pragmatic
Language Impairment in Individuals with Developmental Dysphasia." Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS) 3, no. 1
(2012): 11-22.
[8] Alduais, Ahmed Mohammed. The Use of Two Pragmatic Language Tests to Identify Typical and Atypical Manifestations of PLI: A Large-scale Study on Saudi Children and Adolescents with Developmental Dysphasia. Unpublished MA thesis, King Saud
University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2013.
[9] Farrell, Beloff, and Lilia DiBello. "Early Childhood Education." In Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of
Education, edited by Eugene F. Provenzo and Asterie Baker Provenzo. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2009.
[10] Polnick, Barbara. "Early Childhood Education and Gender ." In Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education , by James A. Banks.
Washington: SAGE Publications , 2012.
Singapore, Washington DC: SAGE Publications, Inc , 2011.
[2] Bartolotta, Theresa E., and Brain B. Shulman. "Child Development ." In Language Development: Foundations, Processes and
Clinical Applications , by Brian B. Shulman and Nina C. Capone, 1-33. Boston, Toronto, London, Singapore : Jones and Bartlett
Publishers , 2010.
[3] Bochner, Sandra, and Jane Jones. "Explanations for Language Development in Children." In Child Language Development:
Learning to Talk, 3-13. Wiley, 2008.
[4] Brandone, Amanda C., Sara J. Salkind, Roberta Michnick Golinkoff, and Kathy Hirsh-pasek. "Language Development." In
Children's Needs III: Understandign and addressing the developmental needs of children, edited by George G. Bear and Kathleen
M. Minke, 499-514. Bathesda MD: National Association of School Psychologists, 2006.
[5] Saxton, Matthew. Child Language: Acquisition and Development . London: Sage Publications Ltd , 2010.
[6] Marasco, Kendra, Carol O'Rourke, Laura Riddle, Laura Sepka, and Vicki Weaver. "Pragmatic Language Assessment Guidelines: A
Best Practice Document ECICMC Standards and Guidelines Speech Sub-Committee." SeeMyIEP Website . March 2004. (accessed
October 30, 2012).
[7] Alduais, Ahmed Mohammed Saleh, Fayza Saleh Al-Hammadi, Rasha AbdulRahman Shoeib, Khalid Hassan Almalki, and Farah
Hameid Alenezi. "Use of an Arabic-language Version of TOPL-2 to Identify Typical and Atypical Manifestations of Pragmatic
Language Impairment in Individuals with Developmental Dysphasia." Journal of Humanities and Social Science (JHSS) 3, no. 1
(2012): 11-22.
[8] Alduais, Ahmed Mohammed. The Use of Two Pragmatic Language Tests to Identify Typical and Atypical Manifestations of PLI: A Large-scale Study on Saudi Children and Adolescents with Developmental Dysphasia. Unpublished MA thesis, King Saud
University (KSU), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2013.
[9] Farrell, Beloff, and Lilia DiBello. "Early Childhood Education." In Encyclopedia of the Social and Cultural Foundations of
Education, edited by Eugene F. Provenzo and Asterie Baker Provenzo. London: Sage Publications Ltd, 2009.
[10] Polnick, Barbara. "Early Childhood Education and Gender ." In Encyclopedia of Diversity in Education , by James A. Banks.
Washington: SAGE Publications , 2012.