Version-1 (Jan-Feb-2013)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Science, Technology and the Future of Man |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jerome P. Mbat |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0820109 ![]() |
Abstract: Man's knowledge as well as progress in science and technology is becoming recognized in our time as the fundamental preconditions and resources of wealth, interpreted by the purveyor of global economy in terms of economic development. At the same time it is becoming a truism that science and technology generate not only new knowledge towards human wellbeing and progress but also generate new risks, threats and uncertainty to the human race. This paper critically explores the dilemmatic and paradoxical conditions facing modern scientists, and argues that the problems generated by modern scientific and technological knowledge and progress in relation to human life and existence rest not on their results but on their control and proper harnessing for the benefit of man. The paper submits that this can be achieved only when the world starts to play down on materialism and give the application of scientific and technological knowledge a humanistic consideration by giving adequate attention to the values that are timeless in order to bring about the true worth of human kind and reinforce its humanity.
Keywords: Science, Technology, Future, human kind, Progress.
Education, edited by Adaralegbe, A. Ife: University of Ife Press.
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[7]. Grindel, C. W. (1964). "Is Science Enough?", in G. F. Mclean (ed.) Philosophy in a Technological Culture,
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[10] Marx, K. (1977). Das Kapital, Vol. 1 ch. Vii, sec. 1, London: Lawrence & Wishert.
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Abstract: The level ofyouth unemployment in Nigeriaisvery high in Nigeria; with itsattendantadverse psychological, social, occupational and financial effects. This paper stresses on thecauses and consequences of youth unemployment in Nigeria. The paper also highlights on Technical Vocational Education (TVE) in Nigeria. Conclusions were drawn and recommendations made on how TVE will reduce the level of youth unemployment in Nigeria amongst which are: Graduates of the programs should be encouraged to be selfemployed by assisting them with soft loans and/or micro credit. The quality of technical and vocational educational output must be improved if the expected outcome of employment creation and poverty reduction is to be achieved. The task of TVE provision cannot be tackled by government alone. The involvement of major Nigerian stakeholders, complemented by partnerships with international agencies, NGOs, Foundations, (etc.) will be essential if the goals and potentials of Nigerians are to be realized using TVE for job creation and poverty alleviation.
Keywords: Technical Vocational Education, Unemployment, Youth Unemployment, Nigeria
[1] Action Aid Nigeria. . (2009). Country Strategy Paper 2009-2013: Fighting Poverty in the Midst of Plenty II. Action Aid Nigeria.
[2] Adebambo, K. A. (Ed.). (2007). Vocational and technical Education and training. Ibadan: Gabesther educational publishers.
[3] Adepegba, A. (2011, Saturday, 23 April). Police Arrest 51 Over Post Election Violence, The Punch.
[4] Agbolade, F. (2007). Resource Allocation and Utilization as Correlates of Students Academics Performance in Technical Colleges.
Unpublished Manuscript. . Department of Educational Administration. University of Lagos Nigeria.
[5] Aiyedogbon, J. O., & Ohwofasa, B. O. (2012). Poverty and youth Unemployment in Nigeria, 1987-2011. International Journal of
Business and Social Science: 3(20), 269-279.
[6] Ajaegbu, O. O. (2012). Rising Youth Unemployment and Violent Crime in Nigeria. American Journal of Social Issues and
Humanities: 2(5), 315-321.
[7] Akaninwor, K. G. I. (2001). Curriculum Issues in Technical and Vocational Programs for Sustainable PovertyAlleviation in Nigeria.
In the proceedings of the conference of the NigeriaAssociation of Teachers of Technology (NATT), Lagos.
[8] Akerele, W. O. (2007). Management of Technical and Vocational Education in Nigeria: Challenges of the Country. Journal of
Educational Administration and Planning: 3(1).
[9] Akintoye, I. R. (2008). Reducing Unemployment Through the Informal Sector: A Case Study of Nigeria. European Journal of
Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences: (11),97-106.
[10] Alanana, O. O. (2003). Youth Unemployment in Nigeria: Some Implications for the Third Millennium. Global. Journal of Social
Sciences: 2(1), 21-26.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leaders of Slum Dwellers - A study based on slums of Jaipur city |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ambey Kumar Srivastava |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0821824 ![]() |
Abstract: Growth of slum is largely viewed as an outcome of the failure of urban planning, rising urban population, industrialisation and urban poverty. But the role of 'slum level leader', who is well knitted in the life of slum dwellers and whose greed and guidance largely govern the process of slum growth is not deeply understood. In the current paper attempt has been made to understand the role of slum level leaders in growth of slum and the life of slum dwellers. The study was conducted in Jaipur city and the data was collected from 257 households of eight slums. These slum level leaders share commensal relationship with slum dwellers. They allow a new inmigrant to get accommodated in slum and help in receiving different facilities. In turn, they get recognition, higher social status, political mileage and monetary benefits from slum dwellers. But this give and take relationship between the community and slum level leaders has done more harm than good to the development of slum. Now the time is to deeply understand the role of slum level leaders in social, economic and political environment of slum and using it judiciously to make life of slum dwellers better.
Key words: Growth of slums, Slum dwellers, Leaders, Politics, Slum development
[1] Charles Abrams, Housing in the modern world, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the President and Fellows of Harvard
College; Faber and Faber, 24 Russell Square, London, 1964) , 4
[2] Charles Abrams, Housing in the modern world, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the President and Fellows of Harvard
College; Faber and Faber, 24 Russell Square, London, 1964), 9
[3] A.R. Desai & S. Devadas Pillai, General Introduction in A.R Desai & S. Devadas Pillai, (Ed.) Slums and urbanization, (Bombay
Popular Popular Prakashan, 1990), 3
[4] Katharine Coit, Politics and housing strategies in the Anglophone Caribbean, in Brian C. Aldrich & Ranvinder S. Sandhu (Ed.)
Housing the urban poor, Policy and Practice in Developing Countries, (Vistaar Publications, New Delhi, 1995) 173
[5] Shiv Bihari Mathur, Political attitudes of slum dwellers (Aalekh Publishers, Jaipur, 1996), 64
[6] City Mayor Statistics, 2010, available at, viewed on 04.02.2013
[7] Report of the Committee on Slum Statistics/ Census, Government of India, (Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation,
National Buildings Organisation, 2010), 57 & 22
[8] Jesper Nylund, Slum renaissance, Rethinking Human Habitats, (Master Thesis, 30 ECTS, Uppsala Universitet, 2009) 37
[9] Sandeep Pendse, Political process in a metropolitan slum in A. R. Desai & S. Devadas Pillai (Ed.) Slums and urbanisation, (Bombay
Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, 1990), 298
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pragmatic Analysis of Kamala Das Poetry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shubhi Bhasin, Pallavi Srivastava |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0822528 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper minutely scrutinizes the poems of Kamala Das which mirror the story of women subjugation, as a man wants, to keep alive the myth of his superiority which leads to bias against women in all spheres of life. In the eye of Kamala Das, even the act of sex itself has the male as aggressor and women as recipient. Various poems of Kamala Das points to the implicit gender bias which affects the lives of women in all spheres of life, all over the world i.e. their standing in society, education, careers, security and above all their very existence in the society. Kamala Das yearns all through her life for true love and affection. She has been immensely frank and dauntless in expressing her physical needs and for this she is severely criticized. She dared to stand on her own and express flawlessly her physical need. Dance of the Eunuchs, one of the most remarkable poems of Kamala Das, has successfully reflected the psychological state of poet as it can be examined on the lines of abjection theory developed by Julia Kristeva. Das poems reflect her sensualism leading to spiritualism in the Radha Krishna portrayal.
Keywords: abjection, psychological, spiritualism, subjugation
[1] The Hindu, The Feminine Sensibility of Kamala Das by M.S. Nagarajan, 23 Aug., 2011
[2] Bruce Alvin King (1987), Modern Indian Poetry in English, (rev.ed.2001), New Delhi: Oxford University Press.
[3] Eunice de Souza, (1997) Nine Indian Women Poets: An Anthology. (Delhi: Oxford University Press.)
[4] K. Manmohan Bhatnagar, (2002) Feminist English Literature (New Delhi: Atlantic Pub. and dis.), p. 7..
[5] R.K. Arlene Zide ,(1981) The Old Play House And Other Poems (Journal of South Asian Ltd.), p. 239
[6] Julia Kristeva, Power of Horrors: An Essay on Abjection (1982) p.65
[7] J Childers /G.Hentzi, The Columbia Dictionary of Modern Literary and Cultural Criticism(1995), p308
[8] Kamala Das, (1965) Summer in Calcutta.( Dance of the Eunuchs)
[9] Julia Kristeva, Power of Horrors: An Essay on Abjection (1982)
[10] Vandana Datta, (1995-1996) Landmarks in Indian English Poetry, The Indian Journal of English Studies, Vol.xxxiv (New Delhi).
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Key words: slate, school, Muslim, child, learning, alphabet, teacher, methodology, Qur‟ān, teaching
[[1] Adebola O.J. (2007). Perceived impact of Universal Basic Education on National development in Nigeria. International journal of
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[8] Fabunmi, M. (2004). The relevance of Universal Basic Education to National development: A planning perspective. In Fagbamiyi
E.D. etal (eds). Management of primary and secondary education in Nigeria. Ibadan, Awe made industrial printers.
[9] Federal Republic of Nigeria (2004). National Policy on Education, Lagos. NERDC
[10] Fabunmi, M, Akinwunmiju, A & Uyanwa, C. N.(2004). Planning Universal Basic Education for National development. In
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Department of Teacher education, University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
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Abstract:Getting pupils' attention as a way to engage them in learning activities poses a challenge to teacher.
Various strategies have been used to make their learning effective. Based on these issues, this study was carried
out to investigate the ways strategies are used by a teacher in encouraging pupil learning behaviour. Five
teaching strategies were identified and observed in this study: encouragement, praising, guidance, positive
reinforcement and ignorance. The first ten minutes (induction-set phase) of three lessons organised by one
female teacher were digitally recorded and independently analysed. Data analysis focuses on the effect of
teaching strategies towards pupil learning behaviour. Learning behaviour observed includes pupils'
participation in lesson activities, proactive action initiated by pupils, answering a question and facilitating
group works. Overall results suggest that the effectiveness of induction-set is dependent on teacher's creativity
and pedagogical content knowledge. As one strategy does not fit all situations, it is vital for the teacher to
initiate creative lesson plans to attract pupils' attention. Results also suggest that the display of positive actions
toward disruptive behaviour as well as the lack of praises given to pupils increased problematic behaviour in
classroom. This study provides insight to effective teaching practice for promoting learning behaviour in
classroom contexts. Implications towards teaching practices are discussed.
Keywords - effective teaching, encouragement, learning behaviour, lesson transition, teaching strategies
[1] Lim, P. G. J. Pedagogical and Learning Strategies for Promoting Internet Information Literacy in Singapore Secondary School
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Abstract: Gas flaring has been condemned by scholars and the international community due to its contribution to climate change thereby posing hazards to the environment and its resources. This Paper corroborates this submission by revealing an adverse effect of gas flaring on economic growth of Nigeria. While gas flaring did not help the economy to grow, gas production and population did. Capital formation in its lagsfollowed suit with gas flaring. Thus,if the total stoppage of gas flaring is achieved urgently, it can serve as one way of salvaging the economy from poor growth.
Keywords: Economic growth, Gas flaring, Gas production, Nigeria
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[1] Onakuse, S. and E.Lenihan(2007). Policies programmes and sustainable development inNigeria: A critique. Africana: A Journal of
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People of the North, August 27-29.
[3] United Nations Development Program.(2006). Niger Delta Human Development Report, pp. 229.
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Abstract: The present study aim to review literature on the previous study on the employability as the moderating role between job insecurity and commitment to change, With an advent of information and communication technology and globalization, there is a pressing need to develop a better understanding on employability as the moderating role on the relationship between job insecurity and commitment to change. It was discovered from the review of the literature that job insecurity was found to be in connection with commitment to change, and employees who are high in employability may have more chances for gaining control over their working life doing change. Previous studies on employability as the moderating role on the relationship between job insecurity and commitment are the data for this present study. The conclusion garnered from the literature showed that employability plays an effective role on the relationship between job insecurity and commitment to change.
Key word: employability, job insecurity, employee, organization. Commitment to change
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Economic and Industrial Democracy 27: 223–244.
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Applied Psychology: An International Review 51: 23–42.
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Abstract:The interest in great leaders keeps growing in modern occasions, as society and technology are
becoming growing in more complexes. The ever altering organizational atmosphere needed leaders who are
able to satisfy the challenges and demands of organizations functioning in competitive complex conditions, with
world open for trade. This study looks into the relationship between worker performances, leadership styles and
emotional intelligence within an organization. Information was collected, using three instruments, from the
sample of 30leaders and150 raters. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire was utilized to look for the
leadership style of the leaders in the organization. Worker performance was taken and recorded while using
organization's performance evaluation process and the ECP factors are used to measure emotional intelligence.
Leadership and emotional intelligence were recognized as the independent variables and worker performance
as the dependent variable. Data acquired from each one of the research instruments ended up being statistically
examined. Through linear regression analysis, and it has come to conclusion from the study that there's a
substantial relationship between worker performance as well as an emotional intelligent, transactional leader.
However, no significant linear relationship was discovered between worker performance as well as an
emotional intelligent, transformational leader.
Keywords: Leadership, Employee's Performances, Emotional Intelligence. Organization
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[9] AVOLIO, B.J., WALDMAN, D.A. and YAMMARINO, F.J. 1991. "Leading in the 1990's:The Four I's of Transformational
Leadership", Journal of European Industrial Training.
[10] BASS, B.M. 1994. "Transformational leadership", Human ResourceManagement, (2): 10-13.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Acqusition of Nigerian Citizenship by Naturalization: An Analytical Approach |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | G.N. Okeke , C.E. Okeke |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0825863 ![]() |
Abstract: Citizenship acquisition is a national matter which is mainly regulated by the domestic laws of
sovereign nations. In Nigeria, for instance, citizenship matters are regulated by the 1999 Constitution of the
Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended. One of the three means of acquiring Nigerian citizenship is by
naturalization. However, there are uncertain terms used by the said Constitution in stipulating the essential
requirements that must be met before an applicant applying for citizenship by naturalization could have his or
her application granted. The said terms Relate to "useful contribution" and "good character". It is the position
of this paper that these terms need to be made certain in order not to allow unnecessary ambiguity in a matter
of national importance such as naturalization. Moreover, the requirement of the opinion of the Governor of the
state in which the applicant is domiciled on whether the local community in which the applicant lives accepts
him or her is a subjective requirement. Finally, it is certain from this research that of the three modes of
acquisition of Nigerian citizenship, citizenship acquisition by naturalization is the most complex. There is need
to remove the element of "Governor's opinion" in order to make it less political and more economical.
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Abstract: This study aims to investigate the effect of human skills of preschool directors on the level of trainers' participation in taking educational measures and decisions in preschool centers of Isfahan. The population is all preschool centers of Isfahan's Education Department. Two educational districts from among six educational districts of Isfahan city were randomly selected; from which 300 trainers were selected as the study sample. Researcher-made questionnaires were used to measure human skills of directors and the level of trainers' participation, the content validity of which were proved by Isfahan University experts and the reliability of the questionnaire measuring human skills of directors was calculated as 0.90 through Cronbach's Alpha and the reliability of the questionnaire measuring the level of trainers' participation was calculated as 0.88 through Cronbach's Alpha.
Keywords: management, educational management, skill, human skill, participation, decision making, participation in decision making.
[1] Ostadzadh, Maryam. (2009). Factors that reduce or increase the productivity of human resources. Online Journal of Management Strategy
[2] Bazallhy, Muhammad. (2003). Management of pre-school centers, Tehran: Publication of Khorramshahr
[3] Parkinson, North Kut, and others. (1992). Great ideas in management, translation of M. Iran Nezhad Parizi, Tehran: Iran Banking Institute Press.
[4] Paul Hersey & Kenneth Blanchard (1995), Human Resource Management, translated by Ali Alagheh Band, Tehran: Amir Kabir Publication.
[5] Dobby, Vicki. Saidi, R., (2009). Public Relations Management, Online Journal of management solution
[6] Zomorodian, A. (2008), change management, fifth edition, Tehran: Publication of Industrial Management Organization
[7] Sarmad, Z., and Bazargan, A. (2011). Research Methods in Behavioural Sciences, Tehran: Agah Publications.
[8] Shirazi, A. (1995). Tehran, Publications of Jahad Daneshgahi of Mashhad University
[9] Toosi, MA (2006). Participation in management and ownership, Tehran: Center for Public Management.
[10] Alagheh Band, A. (1994). Preparations for Learning Management, Tehran, Beast Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Changing Perceptions or Keeping Things As They Are…???????????? |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Ms.Samina Najeeb |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0827175 ![]() |
Abstract: The following article deals with the role of media in creating peace and tolerance among societies and cultures across the world. People today greatly depend on media for local, national and international news. It would not be an exaggeration to say that digital, electronic and print media is a record of our civilization. Wars are fought and won on media today. Media can very insidiously shape and transform societies. Besides imparting social, cultural and commercial messages, it can be a harbinger of peace for the world: for its' strength and effectiveness lies with the democratic traditions and conventions besides political, social and cultural awareness and consciousness of the multiple societies and subcultures around the world. Human beings are psychologically conditioned by certain habits, prejudices and stereo typed thinking, which hinders in cross cultural communication. This paper calls upon the media gurus to change perceptions by bringing into the limelight the positive values of tolerance, forgiveness, respect and empathy which can unite us in diversity.
Key Words: media , cross cultural communication, empathy, tolerance, cognitive dissonance, pluralistic society,
culture, globalization.
[1] Collins Dictionary of Quotations Edited by Norman Jeffares & Martin Uray.Printed in Great Britain by Harper Collins Publisher s
1995. Pg 21.
[2] Pg 42, Chomsky Noam-The Common Good-Interviewed by David Barsani.Printed in Canada,Nov 2003,Odian Press.
[3] Pg 18 Human Societies_A Reader by Anthony Giddens.Blackwell Publishers Cambridge, UK 1992.
[4] Pg 63, Giddens Sociology. Blackwell Publishers Cambridge, UK 1998.
[5] Pg 65, Giddens Sociology. Blackwell Publishers Cambridge, UK 1998.
[6] The Cambridge Dictionary of Philosophy-2nd Edition.General Editor Robert Audi.Cambridge University Press 1999.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Culture and 'Khichri' identities in Diaspora: A Study in selected short stories |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Sreekanth Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/0837-0827678 ![]() |
Abstract: In the post colonial phase of literary practices, the issues pertaining to the existence of immigrants
and expatriates have become a fascinating subject for the writers of Indian Diaspora. While presenting the
cross-cultural sensibility, the writers mainly restrict themselves to the social life of the expatriates and their
desperate struggle to seek an identity in an alien cultural climate, An attempt is made in this paper to analyse
the trauma and evaluate the transcultural influences in the era of globalization.Shift of geography is the
determining force in the process of hybridity and multiculturalism which rocks the integration of the self and
this becomes the pivotal issue of the crises. This article is used to present the issue of culture that is becoming
increasingly relevant in the modern world. It attempts to show how the immigrants maintain and sustain their
cultural identities. Cultural identity is formed through an interaction of tradition, history,spiritual and societal
values. These issues are rightly exposed through the two short stories of Bharathi Mukherjee‟s Lady from
Lucknow and Anuradha M. Mitra‟s "Romantic Stereotypes"