Abstract: The study examined the relationship between stress and alcohol use among college students in Botswana. A total sample of 221 undergraduate students (n113 males and n108 females) was drawn from Molepolole College of Education. All the three years of study were represented as follows: 100 (45%) freshmen, 41 (18.6%) second and 80 (36.2%) third and final year of study. A total of 129 (58.4%) participants reported using alcohol. T-tests and anova analyses showed that more males (78, 60.5%) than females (51, 39.5%) reported using alcohol. Multiple regression analysis revealed that there was no relationship between high stress levels and harmful alcohol use. However, the analyses indicated that students who engaged in alcohol consumption were also more likely to engage in more maladaptive coping styles.
Keywords: Molepolole, alcohol, college students, harmful drinking, stress.
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