Volume-3 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract :The present paper considers a more practical problem of scheduling n jobs in a two machine
specially structured open shop to minimize the rental cost. Further the processing time of jobs is associated
with their respective probabilities including transportation time. In most of literature the processing times are
always considered to be random, but there are significant situations in which processing times are not merely
random but bear a well defined structural relationship to one another. The objective of this paper is to minimize
the rental cost of machines under a specified rental policy. The algorithm is demonstrated through the
numerical illustration.
Keywords - Open Shop Scheduling, Rental Policy, Processing Time, Utilization Time, Make span, Idle Time. Mathematical Subject Classification: 90B30, 90B35
Keywords - Open Shop Scheduling, Rental Policy, Processing Time, Utilization Time, Make span, Idle Time. Mathematical Subject Classification: 90B30, 90B35
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[10] Gupta Deepak (2005), "Minimizing rental cost in two stage flow shop , the processing time associated with probabilities including
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an ordered job block", JISSOR, Vol. XXIII No. 1-4, pp. 41-44.
[2] Bagga P C (1969), "Sequencing in a rental situation", Journal of Canadian Operation Research Society, Vol.7, pp.152-153.
[3] Baker, K. R. (1974), "Introduction of sequencing and scheduling," John Wiley and Sons, New York.
[4] Bellman, R. (1956), "Mathematical aspects of scheduling theory", J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. 4(3),168-205.
[5] Belwal & Mittal (2008), "n jobs machine flow shop scheduling problem with break down of machines,transportation time and
equivalent job block", Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences-Mathematics, Jan – June,2008, source Vol. 27, Source Issue 1.
[6] Chander S, K Rajendra & Deepak C (1992), "An Efficient Heuristic Approach to the scheduling of jobs in a flow shop",
European Journal of Operation Research, Vol. 61, pp.318-325.
[7] Chandramouli, A. B. (2005), "Heuristic approach for n-jobs, 3-machines flow-shop scheduling problem involving transportation
time, breakdown time and weights of jobs", Mathematical and ComputationalApplications 10(2), pp 301-305.
[8] Chandrasekharan R (1992), "Two-Stage Flowshop Scheduling Problem with Bicriteria " O.R. Soc. ,Vol. 43, No. 9, pp.871-84.
[9] D. Rebaine, V.A. Strusevich(1998), Two-machine open shop scheduling with special transportation times, CASSM R&D Paper 15,
University of Greenwich, London, UK..
[10] Gupta Deepak (2005), "Minimizing rental cost in two stage flow shop , the processing time associated with probabilities including
job block", Reflections de ERA, Vol 1, No.2, pp.107-120.
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Abstract :This research deals with mathematical modelling of malaria transmission in North Senatorial Zone
of Taraba State, Nigeria. The SIR proposed by Kermack and McKendrick and data obtained from Essential
Programme on Immunisation (EPI) unit, F.M.C., Jalingo, Taraba state were used to analyse the rate of
infection of malaria in the zone. From our analysis, we found out that the reproduction ratio (R0 ) 0 . Based
on the reproduction ratio 0 R , which is greater than 0, implies that the force of malaria infection in Taraba
North Senatorial Zone is high. The researchers also make recommendations for the reduction of malaria in the
Keywords: Malaria, stability, equilibrium states, epidemics.
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society of London. Series A, Containing papers of a mathematical and physical character, 115:700-721.
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BioSystems. 104:32-41
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[8] Okosun, K. O. (2010). Mathematical epidemiology of Malaria Disease Transmission and its Optimal Control Analyses, Ph.D.
thesis, University of the Western Cape, South Africa Puntani, P. I-ming, T. (2010). Impact of cross-border migration on disease
epidemics: case of the P. falciparum and P. vivax malaria epidemic along the Thai-Myanmar border. J. Bio. Sys., 18(1): 55-73
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[10] RollbackMalaria.What is Malaria?http://woo.rollback-malaria.org/cmc- upload/0/000/015/372/RBMinfosheet-1.pdf.(2010-05-
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Abstract :In this work, The researchers present Passively Immune Infant( ) m V -Susceptible class( ) m S -
Infection class( ) m I -Recovery class( ) m R model to study the dynamic of tuberculosis transmission and
vaccination impact in North Senatorial Zone, Taraba State, Nigeria. The compartment of the model is presented
in a system of ordinary differential equations. Quantitative analysis of the model was done to investigate the
equilibrium and stability of the model. An analytical approach was used to determine their Disease Free
equilibrium and the Epidemic equilibrium state. The stability of the epidemic equilibrium is tested using
Bellman and Cooke's theorem.
The model had two equilibrium position: The disease free equilibrium which was asymptotically stable for
( ) 0 e R and the endemic equilibrium which was locally asymptotically stable for as it satisfies the Bellman
and Cooke's condition for stability i.e. J 0 .
Keywords -Tuberculosis (TB), Vaccination, Infection, Equilibrium analysis, Stability analysis.
Keywords -Tuberculosis (TB), Vaccination, Infection, Equilibrium analysis, Stability analysis.
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strategy. Directly observed short-course therapy.
[5] Fine PEM (1988). BCG vaccination against tuberculosis and leprosy.Br Med Bull; 44:691-703.
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induced by mycobacterial vaccines in man.Symposium on the Immunology of Leprosy, Oslo, Norway.
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influence vaccine effectiveness and safety. Bull WHO; 68:93-108.
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Trop Paediatr 1987;7:159-166.
[10] Ndaman I.(2010) A deterministic mathematical model of Tuberculosis disease dynamics, M. TECH thesis, F.U.T Minna.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Differential Equations in Stability Analysis of Ferrofluids |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.R.Vasanthkumari , A.Selvaraj |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0332427 ![]() |
Abstract :The application of differential equations towards stability analysis of ferrofluids is analysis both
in porous medium and nonporous medium and a comparative analysis is made. Weakly non- linear analysis is
carried out. A mathematics model of the differential equations employed is presented. The non-dimensional
thermal Rayleigh number Ra and magnetic Rayleigh number Rm are analysed with allowable range of
Keywords -Ferrofluids, Mathematical Model, Non Porous Medium, Porous Medium,Weakly Non Linear Equations.
Keywords -Ferrofluids, Mathematical Model, Non Porous Medium, Porous Medium,Weakly Non Linear Equations.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some properties of Fuzzy Derivative (I) |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Salah Mahdi Ali |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0332829 ![]() |
Abstract :In [3], the fuzzy derivative was defined by using Caratheodory's derivative notion and a few basic
properties of fuzzy derivative was proved. In this paper, we will a completion to prove for some properties of the
subject and discussion Rolle's theorem and Generalized Mean -Value Theorem in fuzzy derivative and we given
some applications of the Mean Value Theorem
Keywords -Chain Rule, Critical point theorem, Rolle's Theorem, Generalized Mean – Value Theorem. MSC (2010): 54A40,46S40
Keywords -Chain Rule, Critical point theorem, Rolle's Theorem, Generalized Mean – Value Theorem. MSC (2010): 54A40,46S40
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Single Variable Unconstrained Optimization Techniques Using Interval Analysis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. Veeramalai, R.J.Sundararaj |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0333034 ![]() |
Abstract :In this paper, we discussed single variable unconstrained optimization techniques using Interval
Analysis. The most of the unconstrained linear problems have been dealt with differential calculus methods.
But, here non-linear unconstrained problems are solved using Newton's method by establishing Interval
Analysis method. Establishing Interval Analysis method gives more accurate root even for higher order
Keywords -Interval analysis, Newton's method, Single variable, unconstrained optimization techniques
Keywords -Interval analysis, Newton's method, Single variable, unconstrained optimization techniques
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Semiopen Sets and Semicontinuous Functions in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Topological Spaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shyamal Debnath |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0333538 ![]() |
Abstract :The purpose of this paper is to introduce "semiopen sets" in intuitionistic fuzzy topological spaces.
After giving the fundamental definitions and necessary examples we introduce the definitions of intuitionistic
fuzzy semicontinuity, intuitionistic fuzzy semicompactness, intuitionistic fuzzy semiconnectedness and studied
several preservations properties and some characterizations theorems. We see that every intuitionistic fuzzy
open set is intuitionistic fuzzy semiopen and every intuitionistic fuzzy continuous function is intuitionistic fuzzy
Keywords -Intuitionistic fuzzy topology, intuitionistic fuzzy semiopen sets, intuitionistic fuzzy semicontinuous functions, intuitionistic fuzzy semi 𝐶5 −connectedness, intuitionistic fuzzy semicompactness.
Keywords -Intuitionistic fuzzy topology, intuitionistic fuzzy semiopen sets, intuitionistic fuzzy semicontinuous functions, intuitionistic fuzzy semi 𝐶5 −connectedness, intuitionistic fuzzy semicompactness.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Common Random Fixed Point theorem for compatible random multivalued operators |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Neetu Vishwakarma |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0333943 ![]() |
Abstract :The aim of this paper is to prove some common random fixed point theorem for two pairs of
compatible random multivalued operators satisfying rational inequality
Keywords -Random fixed point, Compatible maps, Polish space. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 47H10, 54H25.
Keywords -Random fixed point, Compatible maps, Polish space. AMS Mathematics Subject Classification (2000): 47H10, 54H25.
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Abstract :We discuss the T.O.M (Term Omission Method) to estimate the distribution parameters that have not
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Keywords -Exponential families, Exponential form,
Keywords -Exponential families, Exponential form,
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[6] Lawrence D. Brown (1986). "Fundamentals of statistical exponential families with applications in
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[7] Labban, J.A. (2012). "Estimation of Single Distributions Parameter by T.O.M with Exponential
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[8] Nicu S. and Michael S. Lew (2003). "Robust Computer Vision - Theory and Applications", Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Volume 26, p. 54.