Volume-2 (5th National Conference on Recent Developments in Mechanical Engineering [RDME-2016])
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Abstract: The present study is an attempt to take an overview of the work done in the area of characterization of polymer composite materials, different constituent materials used in polymer composites, failure mechanism and manufacturing process of polymer composite. Based on comprehensive literature review of various aspects in developing polymer composite materials, it is observed that extensive work has been done related to monocoque structure.....
Keywords –Sandwich panel, Monocoque structure, Impact loading, Delamination, Flexural strength
[1] Wonderly, C., Grenestedt, J., Fernlund, G. and Cepus, E. Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber/Venyl Ester and Carbon Fiber/Venyl Ester Composites, Composites: Part B, 36, 2005, 417-426.
[2] Caprino and Lopresto, V. Influence of Material Thickness on the Response of Carbon Fabric / Epoxy Panels to Low Velocity Impact, Composite Science and Technology, 59, 1999, 2279-2286.
[3] Tiberkak, R., Bachene, M., Rechak, S. and Necib, B. Damage Prediction in Composite Plates Subjected to Low Velocity Impact, Composite Structures, 83, 2008, 73-82.
[4] Abrate, S. Impact on Composite Structures, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998).
[5] Lopez-puente, J., Zaera, R., and Navarro, C. The Effect of Low Temperatures on the Intermediate and High Velocity Impact Response of CFRPs, Composites Part B, 33, 2002, 559-566.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Modeling of Passive Hydro-pneumatic Suspension System for Car |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. B. Darade || N.D. Khaire |
Abstract: Suspension system is most important in a vehicle which counters the disturbances generated from the road. It contributes significantly on the vehicle's stability, safety and control. The hydro-pneumatic system uses an accumulator to generate spring force and a remote valve block to generate damping force. A hydraulic cylinder replaces the damper strut and springs of the vehicle. The cylinder generates oil volume displacement towards the accumulator....
Keywords –Accumulator, single acting cylinder, Hydro-pneumatic suspension, flow resistor, static and dynamic load, initial pressure.
[2] W.Bauer, Hydro-pneumatic suspension systems, (Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 1992).
[3] M.o Baldi, P. S. Meirelles, Analysis of performance of a hydro-pneumatic suspension system, Proceedings of DECT'03, International design engineering technical conferences and computers and information engineering conference, 2–6 September 2003, Chicago, IL, 2555–2563.
[4] T. D. Gillespie, Fundamentals of vehicle dynamics, (Society of Automotive Engineer, Inc. 400 Commonwealth Drive Warren dale, 2011).
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Abstract: Mechanical springs used in any machine hold its own stiffness value. This stiffness/ spring rate changes according to different springs and its application. Stiffness of any spring is an important factor as far as its application is considered. Hence in industries many methods are used to test and calibrate springs. Many methods are been used to test springs such as hydraulic actuators or by applying external load etc. In search of the most advanced machinery to test springs, basic mechanisms are under looked. This leads to inefficient growth of machines..........
Keywords -Compression spring, helical springs, spring stiffness, spring testing machine, spring rate.
[1] D. Evans, Top 25 technology predictions, cisco IBSG innovations practice, Cisco IBSG 2009.
[2] P. Belapurkar, S. Jadhav, A new Methodology for Testing Spring Stiffness, IJSR, Nov 2015.
[3] S. Matsumoto, H. Miyashita, K. Tashiro K. Murauchi, M. Kakuta, Sagamihara-shi, Hydraulic system and universal testing machine, US Pate nt application publication Matsumoto et al, Mar 1, 2012.
[4] R. G. Budynas and J. Keith Nisbett, Shingley's Mechanical engineering design, 9th edition, (McGraw) 2011.
[5] V. B. Bhandari, Design of Machine elements, 4th edition
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Abstract: In many structures, cracks may appear during manufacturing process or in service. Stress intensity factor is used in fracture mechanics to more accurately predict the stress state (stress intensity) near the tip of the crack caused by remote load or residual stresses. In this work a rectangular plate with central hole & two cracks emanating from his hole is analyzed for remote tensile loading. Stress Intensity Factor is determined for this configuration using finite element based software ANSYS....
Keywords –Finite element analysis, hole, pressurized hole, Stress Intensity Factor, Stress reducing feature
1]. Miloud Souiyah, Abdulnaser Alshoaibi. et al, Stress intensity factor Evaluation for crack Emanating from circular hole using Finite element method, International review of mechanical engineering, 2(4), 2008.
2]. Xiangqiao Yan and Baoliang Liu, Hole Crack Problems in Infinite Plate Subjected to Uniform Internal Pressure" Pressure Vessel Technology, 133(6), 2011
3]. Junping Pu, Effect of defective holes on crack using the boundary element method, Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 30(7) , 2006
4]. L. Parnas , O. G. Bilir, Strain gage methods for measurement of opening mode stress intensity factor, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 55(3), 1996
5]. G.A. Papadopoulos, B. Badaloukaandj, "Experimental Study of the Reduction at Crack Tip Stress Intensity Factor KI by Bonded Patches", International Journal of Fracture, 149(2), 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design Optimization of Shell an Tube Heat Exchanger for Tube Failure Prevention |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.O. Rathi || S.H. Gawande |
Abstract: In this paper a simplified approach to optimize the design of Shell Tube Heat Exchanger [STHE] by using Finite Element Analysis [FEA]. The FEA of STHE helps in achieving optimization in design by prevention of tube failure caused due to FEA.The main reason for design of STHE is to optimize the heat exchanger for safer design. Firstly, take the detailed design from Alfa-Laval (India), Ltd., Pune-10. then make the model in 3-D software and convert this model into ANSYS for analysis and after these calculate the stress strain value by using numerical method. These shows that software and numerical stress, strain values are same therefore design is safe, also find frequencies at different modes.
Keywords - Heat Exchanger, FEA, Stress, TEMA, HTRI
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[5] Andre L.H. Costa, Eduardo M. Queiroz, Design optimization of shell and tube heat exchangers, Applied Thermal Engineering, Vol.28, no.14-15, pp.1798-1805, (2008)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of V-cone Meter to Measure Water Flow |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. L. Patil || S. S. Sarawade |
Abstract: V-cone meter shows good performance than other differential pressure flow meters (like orifice meter, venturi meter). The measurement of flow rate is important in many industrial applications including rocket propellant. V-cone flow meter has varies advantages over conventional flow meter. Flow characteristics of v-cone flow meters are determined both numerically and experimentally over a wide range of Reynolds numbers....
Keywords - V-cone, Beta Edge Ratio, Flow meter, volumetric flow rate
[1] Winarski, C.P., Hypnar, P.R., A Review of The V-cone Meter for Natural Gas Flows, Szabo, J.L., Omae Calgary, Alberta, June 7-11th, 1992.
[2] Weiguang Liu, Ying Xu, Tao Zhang, Fengfeng Qi, Performance Measurement Analysis of Various Cone Flow Meters With Various Beta Edge Types and Flow Field Parameters, Elsevier, 21 July 2015.
[3] V.K. Singh, T. John Tharakan, Numerical Simulations for Multi-Hole Orifice Flow Meter, Elsevier Ltd, 2015.
[4] Sahand Pirouzpanah, Muhammet Çevik, Gerald L. Morrison, Multiphase Flow Measurements Using Coupled Slotted Orifice Plate and Swirl Flow Meter, Elsevier, 19 October 2014.
[5] Deng-Hui He, Bo-Feng Bai, Two-Phase Mass Flow Coefficient of V-Cone Throttle Device, Published by Elsevier Inc., 16 April 2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Quasistatic and Dynamic Analysis of Rectangular Tube |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.B.Tuljapure || S. S. Sarawade || P.S. Hupare |
Abstract: The axial folding of metal tubes has been known for several decades as an excellent energy absorbing mechanism. Today, components based upon this principle are utilized in high-volume industrial products such as cars, trains, and other sectors where energy, during a crush situation, needs to be absorbed in a controlled way....
Keywords - Quasistatic analysis, Dynamic Analysis, Rectangular Tube, energy absorption
[1] A.M.S. Hamouda, R.O. Saied, F.M. Shuaeib, Energy Absorption Capacities Of Square Tubular Structures, Journal Of Achievements In Materials And Manufacturing Engineering, 24(1),2007.
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[4] S.B. Tuljapure, Dr. S.S. Sarawade, Critical Review Of Study Of Crushing Tubes, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, 4(6),2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Vibration Analysis of Cooling Tower Fan Blades |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | N. S. Aher || S. S. Sarawade || L. S. Dhamande || D. P. Bhaskar |
Abstract: Structural vibration problems causes major hazards and design limitations of a very wide range of engineering products. The Cooling tower fan blades are exposed to severe conditions of excitation and vibration during their service life, thus it may have an effect on their dynamic behavior and this leads to structural damage that is the failure of cooling tower performance severely. The vibration stresses causes the severe threat to the operation of Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) fans..
Keywords -Vibration analysis, FRP fans blades, Matlab Program, Modal Analysis, FFT Analyzer, Natural Frequency.
[2] Harsha, Anup, Mahesh, Suresh kumar, Modal analysis of helicopter main rotor blade for different materials, MCAD center, MSRSAS, Bangalore.
[3] Dr. Luay S. Al-Ansari, Calculating of Natural Frequency of Stepping Cantilever Beam, International Journal of Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering IJMME-IJENS, Vol: 1 2 No: 05.
[4] Dr Brahim Attaf, Vibration analyses of fiber-reinforced composite win turbine blades, EFEEA'10 International Symposium on Environment Friendly in Electrical Applications.
[5] C. Y. Son1, J. K. Choi , An Experimental Study on the Vibration Characteristics of the Rotor Blade with Fiber Reinforced Plastics, Naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, In-ha University, Yong-Hyun Dong, Nam- gu, Incheon metro city, South Korea.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance and Emission Analysis of Two Stroke Dual Sparkplug SI Engine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. A. Khan || R. Shaikh |
DOI | : | 10.9790/1684-1500850-53 ![]() |
Abstract: An internal combustion (IC) engine has a predominant role in a low power generation and a virtual monopoly in mobile applications today. One of the best methods to improve the engine performance and reduce the exhaust emission in a SI engine is by using introduction of twin spark into the combustion chamber. Two stroke spark ignition engines have high exhaust emissions...
Keywords - BSFC, CO, Dual Spark Plug, HC, Optimization of Location of Spark Plug, Performance Analysis, SI Engine.
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[2] Ajay K.Singh , A.Rehman,( 2013) The Effect of Dual Spark Plug on Engine Performance Parameter in Two Stroke Gasoline Engine, International Journal of Applied Research and Studies (iJARS) ISSN: 2278-9480 Volume 2, Issue 7
[3] Vi H. Rapp, Anthony DeFilippo,Samveg Saxena,Jyh-Yuan Chen,RobertW. Dibble,Atsushi Nishiyama, AhsaMoon, and Yuji Ikeda,(2012) Extending Lean Operating Limit and Reducing Emissions of Methane Spark-Ignited Engines Using a Microwave-Assisted Spark Plug, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, Journal of Combustion, Volume 2012, Article ID 927081, doi:10.1155/2012/927081.
[4] Atilla BİLGİN, Ismail ALTIN and Ismet SEZER Karadeniz "Investigation of the Effect of Dual Ignition on the Exhaust Emissions of an SI Engine Operating on Different Conditions by Using Quasi-dimensional Thermodynamic Cycle Model," Technical University 61080 Trabzon, Turkey CODEN STJSAO, ZX470/1404 ISSN 0562-1887 UDK 621.434.05:621.434.041.4. 8/2009