Volume-2 (International Conference on RECENT TRENDS IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Numerical bird strike impact simulation of aircraft composite structure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nagaraj V, Velmurugan T |
Abstract: The work presented in this paper deals with application of explicit finite element analysis in order to predict the bird-strike induced impact damage on fuselage part of typical transport aircraft. A methodology has been developed to support the bird-strike certification of the metallic materials made with aluminum alloy2024-T4, 7075-T6. The numerically explicit LS-DYNA codes were used to simulate the arbitray Lagrangian Euler (ALE) bird model. An important part of the bird strike modeling procedure is the application of a bird replacement material with constitutive response which replicates the forces induced by an impact of a real bird. The bird material is modelled by an equation of state, with properties that match the pressure–density relations of water and air mixtures. The input parameters for the simulation have been selected as to simulate a bird strike used to verify the compliance with damage tolerance certification requirements. The ability of this work is leading to improved design efficiency and safety, while significantly reducing certification cost.
Keywords- Bird Strike, Certification. Aluminum Alloy Structures, Explicit Analysis LS-DYNA, Structural Impact.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite element analysis of burst pressure of composite storage vessels |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shanmugavel.M, Velmurugan.T |
Abstract: An Axis-symmetric finite element model of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) pressure vessel is established by ANSYS finite element software. A parametric finite element model of Glass fiber/epoxy composites is proposed to predict the damage evaluation and failure strength of composite hydrogen storage vessels. The maximum stress, Hoff-man, Tsai-Hill, Tsai-Wu failure criteria are used to determine the failure properties of composite vessels. A solution algorithm is proposed to investigate the progressive damage and failure properties of composite structures with increasing internal pressure.
Keywords: Finite Element; GFRP Pressure Vessel
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multi-objective Optimization of Mobile Robot Path Planning Using Genetic Algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Balaji A, Padmanabhan Panchu K |
Abstract: This paper proposes an idea for finding a multi-objective optimal path for a mobile robot in a given known environment from a user defined initial point to final point. The objectives considered here for optimization are, length of the path and smoothness of the path. The length of the path is defined as distance covered by the robot while it moves from one point to another and the optimal length of path is shortest path that reaches the final point after avoiding obstacles. Smoothness is defined as the number of turns taken by robots to reach the final point. Since the robot changes its pose by turning, the velocity of robot reduces which results in more consumption and as well as the time to reach the destination. First objective here ensures the distance travelled by the robot to destination point is to be minimum and the second objective ensures that the turns are minimum and thus robots need not reduce its velocity while turning. Ultimately, with the optimization of these two objectives, the robot can reach the location as soon as possible and without reduction of any velocity. The proposed idea can allow the robot, to find the optimal solution, which has shortest path and smoothest path.
Key words: genetic algorithm, length of the path, robots, smoothness.
[1] Alpa Reshamwala, Deepika P Vinchurkar, Robot path planning using An Ant Colony Optimization Approach: A survey, (IJARAI) International Journal of Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, Vol.2, No.3, 2013.
[2] Elshamli. A et.al. Genetic algorithm for dynamic path planning In: Proc. Canadian Conf. Elect. and Comput. Eng., Niagara Falls Vol.2, May2-5 2004, pp-677-680. ISBN:0-7803-8253-6/04/$/7.00 2004 IEEE.
[3] Adem Tuncer, Mehmet Yildirim Dynamic path planning of mobile robots with improved genetic algorithm, Computer & Electrical Engineering 38(2012)1564-1572.
[4] Mansoor Davoodi et.al. Multi-objective path planning in discrete space, Applied Soft Computing 13(2013)709-720.
[5] Yong Zhang et.al. Robot path planning in uncertain environment using multi-objective swarm optimization, Neurocomputing 103(2013)172-185.
[6] Dun-wei Gong et.al. Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization for Robot Path Planning in Environment with Danger sources, Journal of Computers, Vol.6, No.8, AUGUST 2011.
[7] Aimin zhou et.al. Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms: A Survey of the state of the art, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 1(2011)32-49.
[8] Manoj Kumar et.al. Genetic Algorithm: Review & Application, International Journal of Information Technology and knowledge Management, July-December 2010, Volume 2, No.2, pp. 451-454.
[9] Soltani A R et.al. Path Planning in construction sites: performance evaluation of the Dijkstra, A* and GA search algorithm, Advanced Engineering Informatics pg291-303.
[10] TamilSelvi et.al. Optimal Path selection for Mobile Robot Navigation Using Genetic Algorithm, (IJCSI) International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.8, Issue 4, No 1, July 2011, ISSN(online:1694-0814)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | TRIZ: A Perfect Tool for Process Innovation by Tackling Engineering contradictions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hemanth Sivan, Dr. K.Kanthavel |
Abstract: For sustainability and meeting competitive requirements, firms usually perform product and process innovation. In fact the various contradictions like increase in strength naturally increase the amount and cost of material, are the major hurdles for innovation. Overcoming this contradiction headache needs to be a significant concern for all managers. There comes the Teoriya Resheniya Izobreatatelskikh Zadatch (TRIZ) technique which is scientifically proved to be an efficient tool for solving contradictions. Here in this work the concepts of TRIZ, overcoming technical contradictions are briefly described in a mechanical context with some illustrations.
Keywords: Contradiction Matrix, Engineering Contradictions, Inventive Principles, TRIZ.
[1] N. Back, A. Ogliari, A. Dias and J.C. Silva, Projeto Integrado de Produtos: Planejamento, Concepção e Montagem. Florianópolis, Manole., 2008.
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[4] R.A. Shirwaiker and G.E. Okudan, Contributions of TRIZ and axiomatic design to leanness in design: An investigation. Procedia Engineering 9, 2011, 730-735.
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[7] Z. Li, D. Tate, C. Lane and C. Adams, A framework for automatic TRIZ level of invention estimation of patents using natural language processing, knowledge-transfer and patent citation metrics, Computer-Aided Design 44 (10), 2012, 987-1010.
[8] M.A. Carvalho and N. Back, Uso dos conceitos fundamentais da TRIZ e do método dos princípios inventivos no desenvolvimento de produtos. III Congresso Brasileiro de Gestão de Desenvolvimento de Produto. Florianópolis. Electronic proceedings, 2001.
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[10] F.I. Kubota and L.C. da Rosa, Identification and Conception of Cleaner Production Opportunities with the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving. Journal of Cleaner Production 47, 2013, 199-210.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ranking Of Workforce Factors Using Multi-Criteria Decision Maki |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Karthik.A, Jeya Girubha.R |
Abstract: To improve the production rate, the work environment, labour efficiency, reduce the delivery time, lower the production cost and even increase the product range to fulfill the customer's needs. When a choice is to be made from among several alternatives for a given industrial application, it is essential to measure up to their performance characteristics in a decisive way. Multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method can be effectively used to solve such type of problem. It is observed that many methods give almost the same rankings of MCDM method, although the performance of MCDM method is slightly better than the others. In this project, most popular MCDM method is considered and the relative performances are compared with respect to the rankings of the factors as engaged in industrial pick-n-place operation. It can be concluded that for a given industrial problem, more attention is to be paid on the proper selection of the relevant criteria and alternatives.
Keywords: Workforce Factors; MCDM; PROMETHEE; Ranking
[1] Makulsawatudom, A, and Margaret Emsley. Critical factors influencing construction productivity in Thailand. Proceedings of the 10th International CIB Symposium of the W65 Commission on Organisation and Management of Construction: Construction Innovation and Global Competitiveness. University of Cincinnati. 2002: 1446-1456.
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[9] Prvulović, S., Tolmač, D., Nikolić, Dj., Primena PROMETHEE II - metode u dijagnostici uspešnosti proizvoda od gume. Tenicka dijagnostika, 3, 23-28, 2008.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment in Foundry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.SaravanaKumar, Dr.P.SenthilKumar |
Abstract: Risk assessment tool which will assist users in identifying hazard and estimating risk involved in each identified hazard. This risk assessment tool will identify possible hazard involved in each task in departments. Once the hazard has been identified, risks involved will be estimated and categorized. If the estimated risk falls in a category, which is higher than the low risk category, then possible control measures will be recommended. At the same time, the user can add new work plan, task, and control measures into the system to update existing information system.
Keywords – Control Measures, Foundry, Hazard, Identification, Risk
[1] Bell, R. and Glade, T., Quantitative risk analysis for landslides- Examples from Bildudalur, NW-Iceland, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol.4, 2003, pp. 117-131.
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[3] Duijm, N. J., Hazard analysis of technologies for disposing explosive waste, Journal of Hazardous Materials, A90, 2001, pp. 123–135.
[4] Fratczak, M. and Markowski, A. S., Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 19, 2006, pp 399-408.
[5] Khan, F. I. and Abbasi, S. A., Techniques and methodologies for risk analysis in chemical process industries, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 11, 1998, pp. 261-277.
[6] Khan, F. I. and Abbasi, S. A., Risk analysis of a typical chemical industry using ORA procedure, Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 14, 2001, pp. 43-59.
[7] Frank, T., Brooks, S., Creekmore, R., Hasselbalch, B., Murray, K., Obeng, K., Reich, S. and Sanchez, E., Quality Risk Management Principles and Industry Case Studies, 2008, pp. 1-9.,
[8] Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Control Procedure, 2008, University of western Sydney.
[9] Hazard identification and risk assessment of industries proceesings http://www.uws.edu.au/data/assets/pdf/0020/12917/ Hazard Identification Risk Assessment and control Procedure 2008.pdf.
[10] Jeong, K., Lee, D., Lee, K. and Lim H., A qualitative identification and analysis of hazards, risks and operating procedures for a decommissioning safety assessment of a nuclear research reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy 35, 2008, pp.1954–1962.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of process parameters on friction stir welding of dissimilar Aluminium Alloy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Satheesh kumar, G.Rajamurugan, P.Manikkavasagan |
Abstract: In this study, dissimilar aluminium AA6061 and AA7075 6mm thickness plate were welded by friction stir butt joint using different rotational speed and transverse feed of 1200,1400,1600 rpm and 20,35,50 mm/min at constant axial force 5kN.The effect of welding parameter was evaluated in different mechanical properties of hardness distribution and tensile properties for axial weld zone. The significant optimal transverse feed is achieved with high weld quality and excellent joint properties with help of square tool. In this transverse feed the excellent result was obtained both tensile strength as well as hardness in order to improve productivity.
Keywords - Aluminium Alloy, Friction Stir Welding, Tensile Strength, Hardness,
[1] W. M. Thomas, E. D. Nicholas, Materials &Design, 18 (1997) 269.
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[3] Partik agarwal, Prashanna, Nageswaran, Arivazhagan "Development of friction stir welding butt joint of AA6063 and pure copper", International journal advanced research in mechanical engineering 2012.
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[6] Selvam, Parameshwaran Pillai, "Analysis of tool in friction stir welding", International Journal of Chem Tech Research CODEN( USA): IJCRGG ISSN : 0974-4290 Vol.5, No.3, pp. 1346-1358, April-June 2013.
[7] Arun kumar, "Dissimilar Friction-Stir Lap Joining of 5083Aluminum Alloy to CuZn34 Brass", The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International 2012.
[8] Mostafa, Reza abdi,"Effect of weld parameter on mechanical and metallurgical properties of dissimilar joints AA6082–AA6061 in T6 condition produced by FSW", Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 24 pp. 151-160, 2013.
[9] Sefika kasman, Campanile, "Study for dissimilar FSW of AA6082/5754", Springer 2013.
[10] Mukuna, Mubiayi, "Friction stir welding of dissimilar materials", Science and technology of welding and joining vol, 15 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Processing of 45 degree Stitched Mat GLARE Laminate and Analyzing Tensile and Flexural Properties |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Senthilkumar.R, Senthilkumar.A, Ashamelba.V |
Abstract: Combining the suitable properties of metals and fiber reinforced composites, as the idea behind the application of new types of materials called fiber metal laminates (FMLs). In this article, the effect of volume percentage of fiber determines the mechanical properties such as tensile and flexural tests have been investigated and experimentation was performed. Aim of this paper is to compare the four different types of layers such as 2/1, 3/2, 4/3, 5/4 in 45degree stitched mat GLARE laminate. Essential quality of this 45degree orientation may lead superior resisting to tensile and flexural properties. The laminates were obtained by hand layout technique and specimens were cut off from wire cutting as per ASTM standards. The experimental work was done by AUTOGRAPH -50KN Computer controlled UTM. From the experimental work, tensile and flexural tests were taken and graphs were plotted between stress vs. strain and load vs. deflection. In addition to that, 4/3 layer of 45 degree GLARE laminate had superior strength than that of the other layers.
Keywords - GLARE Laminate, FML, Mechanical Properties, Computer controlled UTM, ASTM standards.
[1] Young JB, Landry JGN, Cavoulacos VN. Crack growth and residual strength characteristics of two grades of glass-reinforced aluminum GLARE. Composite Structure 1994;27:457–69.
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[9] A. Pourkamali Anaraki G. H. Payganeh, F. Ashena ghasemi, A. Fallah. An Experimental Study on the Tensile Behavior of the Cracked Aluminum Plates Repaired with FML Composite Patches. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2012pp.61
[10] H. Esfandiar, S. Daneshmand and M. Mondali. Analysis of Elastic-Plastic Behavior of Fiber Metal Laminates Subjected to In-Plane Tensile Loading, Int J Advanced Design and Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 5/ No. 1/ December- 2011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigation on the self loosening behavior of hexagonal nut and nylock nut in curvic coupling under transverse loading |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sathish Kumar N |
Abstract: Failure of fasteners is due to dynamic loads generally due to fatigue or self-loosening. Even partial loosening can reduce the fasteners preload and thereby increase the dynamic loads acting on the fasteners loading to increase of fatigue failure. Nylock nut has property to prevents the self loosening under vibration Such failure can be catastrophic in safety application. In this project self loosening of bolts in curvic coupling is analyzed for standard hexagonal nut and nylock nut by applying cyclic transverse load on disc after the preload of bolt. Using ANSYS AND PRO-E 3D model for curvic coupling and thread is established to study the details of self loosening mechanism of bolt in standard hex nut and nylock nut.
Keywords- Bolt loosening, Curvic coupling, Finite element analysis, Nut rotation, Nylock nut
[1] Pisani SR, Rencis JJ. Investigating curvic coupling behavior by utilizing two-and three-dimensional boundary and finite element methods. Eng Anal Boundary Elem 2000;24(3):271–5.
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[3] Richardson IJ, Hyde TM, Becker AA, et al. A validation of the three-dimensional finite element contact method for use with curvic couplings by comparing predictions with photoelastic test data. Proc IMechE Part G: J Aerospace Eng 2002;216:63–75.
[4] Yuan SX, Zhang YY, Zhang YC, et al. Stress distribution and contact status analysis of a bolted rotor with curvic couplings. Proc IMechE Part C: J Mech Eng Sci 2010;224:1–15.
[5] Yamamoto A, Kasei S. A solution for self-loosening mechanism of threaded fasteners under transverse vibration. Bull. JSME 1984;18:261-6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Human Factors and Risk Related To the Construction Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shabin.S, Ramesh Babu.T |
Abstract:The purpose of this project is to overview the ergonomics risk factors in construction industry. The study will include the ergonomics risk factors in relation of human and their nature of work. Various organized and unorganized behaviours in construction are studied. Construction industry is one of the important occupants under the unorganized sector. Safety and comfort is always an issue in construction sites. Various ergonomics risk factors affecting adversely on workers. The objective is to list out all the major ergonomic factors and prioritize them based on its severity and consequences. To accomplish that, Likert scale questionnaire is prepared for the survey work and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) methodology is chosen. Failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA) is a step-by step approach for identifying various potential failure modes and estimating their corresponding failure effects. Followed by FMEA, Risk Priority Number (RPN) is computed for prioritizing the factors. Actions will be taken according to the priority given to the failure. Analyse the various ergonomics risk factor based on its priority and give a result based on the analysis.
Keywords: Ergonomics, Construction, Risk, Factor, Priority, Workers.
[1] R.A. Haslam .,& S.A. Hide, & A.R. Duff(2007), Contributing factors in construction accidents.
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[6] Weeks, James L(2011) Health and Safety Hazards in the Construction Industry., International Labor Organization, Geneva.
[7] Sai X. Zeng1, Chun M. Tam, Vivian W. Y. Tam(2010)., Integrating Safety, Environmental and Quality Risks for Project Management Using a FMEA Method.
[8] Ruchika Gupta & Sanjay, (2012)A Comparative Study between Organised and Unorganised Manufacturing Sectors in India. The Journal of Industrial Statistics .
[9] Chuan-Chu Kuo, Hong-TzongYau(2004), A Delaunay-based region-growing approach to surface reconstruction from unorganized points, National Chung Cheng University, ChaYi, Taiwan.
[10] StenThore&RuzannaTarverdyan (2008), Using data envelopment analysis to quantify ILO objectives and identify policies conducive to decent work in a globalizing world., International Labor Office, Geneva, Switzerland.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ensuring Brand Clarity and Consistency in Today's Multi-channel World |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jayanthan C, Krishna Kumar N |
Abstract: Strong brands influence customer choice. A brand becomes strong when it retains its core values and purpose with time. Manifestation of these might change from time to time depending on internal and external factors. The key to combat is to have a strategic consistency for the brand to maintain its distinct identity. A brand is an intangible asset and also a critical component of what a company stands for. Brands never become icons over night and many of them have failed because they couldn't "connect" with their audience. Name of the brand, Positioning and Packaging are the ingredients to be used so that the customer is not confused and a unique and distinct identity is built for the brand. (Jagdeep Kapoor, Managing Director, Samsika Marketing Consultancy) So how do brands consistently ensure that they create their value? How can the brands change the world in which they operate? This research work has been carried out by forming and analyzing the propositions right from the foundation of environment, employing people, owning a brand name (Geoffrey consulting), strengthening brand association (Nodal Map), creating emotional branding to stay in customers' minds, tackling crisis and providing the best moments of truth to engage the people in bringing the brand into their life. All the information specified in this paper comes from a self-reported survey and is the result of analysis of the data. It is our opinion; the information presented in this report represents an insightful and valuable assessment of the state of branding which can be applied for any products/services in today's multi-channel world.
Keywords: Brand Mantra, Nodal Map
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