Volume-10 ~ Issue-1
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Abstract: The economic gain of replacing sand with Crushed Granite Fines in the production of concrete was investigated. Compressive strength and slump tests were performed on fresh and hardened concrete using two nominal mixes of 1:1:2 and 1:1½: 3 with the sand component being partially replaced with Crushed Granite Fines. Compressive strength values above 30 N/mm² and 35 N/mm² were obtained for nominal mixes of 1:1:2 and 1:1½: 3 respectively when sand was partially replaced with 25 – 37.5% Crushed Granite Fines. Based on the economic analysis of the test results, replacement of sand with 25 – 37.5% Crushed Granite Fines is recommended for use in concrete production.
Keywords: Compressive Strength, Concrete, Cost, Crushed Granite Fine, Sand.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structural analysis of multiplate clutch |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sagar Olekar, Kiran Chaudhary, Anil Jadhav, P. Baskar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1010711 ![]() |
Abstract: Clutch is mechanism which transfers the rotary motion of one shaft to the other shaft when desired. In automobiles friction clutches are widely used in power transmission applications. To transmit maximum torque in friction clutches selection of the friction material is one of the important task. In this paper, the multi plate clutch is designed by using uniform wear theory. The 3D model of multi plate clutch has been prepared using modeling software Pro/E. The structural analysis is carried out for friction plate by using analysis software Ansys Workbench 14.0. The results for stress, strain, total deformation and for strain energy are obtained. These results are compared for two different friction materials viz. cork and SF001.
Keywords: Ansys, clutch, cork, friction plate, SF001
[1] S .Jaya Kishore, M. Lava Kumar, "Structural Analysis of Multi-Plate Clutch", International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) – volume 4 Issue 7–July 2013.
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Abstract: Spray forming, also called spray casting or spray deposition, is the inert gas atomization of a liquid metal stream into variously sized droplets. These droplets are interrupted by a substrate which collects and solidifies the droplets into coherent, near fully dense perform. The present work concerns with this techniques. This technology was applied to produce Al-6%Si-20%Pb alloys. The spray droplets were deposited over a copper substrate to achieve a disc shape perform. After spray deposition samples were rolled at room temperature on two high rolling mills and total porosity and wear characteristic of spray deposits were studies. The total porosity decreases with the increase in the percentage of reduction in thickness of the samples. Thickness of the samples in both middle and peripheral region. Wear testing of spray formed and rolled Al-Si-Pb alloy were investigated on a pin on disc type wear machine. Wear rate behavior with applied load and increase in percentage of reduction in thickness of samples was observed. Wear rate increased with increasing the load and decreased with increase in percentage of reduction in thickness of the sample.
Keyword: Al-Si-Pb alloy, Rolling, Spray forming, Total porosity, Wear characteristic
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fabrication and Mechanical Charecterization of Cnt Nanocomposites |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Madhava Reddy, A. Kalyan Charan, Ch. Rakesh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1011825 ![]() |
Abstract: The effects of Amine, Epoxide functionalization of multi-wall carbon nanotubes on properties of CNT/epoxy nanocomposites are investigated in this work. Adding CNTs to the matrix is expected to improve the stiffness, toughness, interlaminar shear strength of and many other properties of composites. Functionalization with different amino and epoxide groups of multi-walled carbon nanotubes was achieved and nanotube-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites were prepared by mixing amino, epoxide-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes with epoxy resin. The reinforcement mechanism of amino-functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in epoxy resin was discussed. Interlaminar shear strength (ILSS), Three point bending test and Re-bound hardness tests were used to investigate the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites and functionalization groupings are investigated by Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTIR). Then the results of amine, epoxide group are compared with No-CNT nanocomposite. The results showed that different percentage of amino, epoxide -functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes would have different effects on the mechanical properties of the nanocomposites. The amine functionalizes CNT composites are giving good results compare to another samples.
Key words: A. Carbon nanotubes, B. Epoxy, C. Mechanical properties
[1] H. Chen, O. Jacobs, W. Wu, G. Rudiger and B. Schadel. Effect of dispersion method on tribological properties of carbon nanotu be
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Stabilzation of Black Cotton Soil Using Ferric Chloride |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | V. R. Bharambe, Prof. G. K. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1012630 ![]() |
Abstract: Expansive soils such as black cotton soil are very susceptible to detrimental volume changes, with changes in moisture. This behavior of soil is attributed to the presence of mineral Montmorillonite which has expanding lattice; Expansive soils because of their specific physical & chemical make are subjected to volume changes. In many countries including India, these soils are so extensive that alteration of highway route to avoid the material is virtually impossible. Various remedial measures like soil replacement, prewetting, moisture control, lime stabilization etc have been practiced with varied degree of success. Extensive research is going on to find the solutions to black cotton soils. Recent investigations on chemical stabilization revealed that strong electrolytes like potassium chloride, Ferric chloride can be used in place of conventionally used lime due to their ready dissolvability in water and supply of adequate cations for ready cation exchange. In the present work experimentation is carried out to investigate efficacy of ferric chloride and fly ash in improving the properties of black cotton soil.
Keywords: Fly Ash (F.A.), Ferric Chloride (FeCl3), M.D.D., O.M.C., C.B.R.
[1]. Cokca E. use of class c fly ashes for the stabilization of an expansive soil. Journal of Geostechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 127, (2001) PP 568-573.
[2]. Phanikumar B. R. and Sharma R. S. Effect of fly ash on engineering properties of expansive soil, journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol. 130(7), (2004) pp. 764-767.
[3]. Dr. K. V. Manoj Krishna & Dr. H. N. Ramesh "Strength and FOS performance of Black Cotton Soil treated with Calcium Chloride" I OSRJMCE vol. 2 (Sept. Oct - 2012) PP 21-25.
[4]. Koteswara Rao D., Anusha M. Pranav P.R.T. "Effect of Ferric Chloride and Rice Husk Ash in Stabilization of expansive soil for pavement subgrade" IJESAT Vol. 2 Apr. 2012. Pp /46-153
[5]. P. Venkara Muthyalu, K. Ramu, G.V.R. Prasad "Study on performance of Chemically stabilized expansive soil" IJAET Jan 2012 Vol – 2 pp 139-148.
[6]. Nawraj Bhatia "Chemically Stabilized lateritic gravels in road sub-base" Indian Highways, Vol. 3, No. 8, Aug. 2010, pp. 29-41.
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Abstract: Plumbing system use pipe fittings to connect straight pipe or tubing section for regulating or measuring fluid flow. Y (wye)-shape fitting is one of the important component in the plumbing system. A wye branch allows splitting a branch line equally in two directions. The opening sizes can vary for different situations for instance in situation where a large main line needs to be split into two smaller branches. The wye shape fitting will convert into T shape fitting when the included angle between two pipe branches is 180°. In the present work, effect of angle of turn/bend for a Y-shape pipe will be studied computationally using ANSYS CFX software. For the analysis, all the three pipe branches of 1 inch internal diameter are selected along with equal length so that only the effect of bend angle at 450, 600, 900 and 1800 can be studied. Water as a fluid is selected which flows through the plumbing system. The effect of bend angle, pipe diameter, pipe length, Reynolds number on the resistance coefficient is studied. It was observed that resistance coefficient vary with the change in flow
Keywords: Y (wye)-shape, effect of bend angle, pipe diameter, resistance coefficient, ANSYS CFX.
[1] Romero-Gomez, P., C. K. Ho, and C. Y. Choi. (2008). Mixing at Cross Junctions in Water Distribution Systems – Part I. A Numerical Study, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 134:3, pp. 284-294.
[2] Austin, R. G., B. van B. Wanders, S. McKenna and C. Y. Choi. (2008) Mixing at Cross Junctions in Water Distribution Systems – Part II. An Experimental Study, ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 134:3 pp. 295-302.
[3] Ho, C. K. Solute Mixing Models for Water Distribution Pipe Networks. ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. Vol. 33, Issue 3, pp.830-836, 2008
[4] Anand, R.B., Sandeep, Reflect of angle of turn on flow characteristics of Y-shaped diffusing duct using CFD, Frontiers in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering (FAME), 2010, 25-27 Nov. 2010.
[5] R.B. Anand, A. Chandraprabhu, X.J.A. Richards, N. Hares ram, Flow and performance characteristics of a Y-shaped diffusing duct using CFD, International Journal of Aerodynamics 2010 - Vol. 1, No.2 pp. 115 - 129.
[6] B.J.Mc Keon, M.V.Zagarola, A.J.Smits, A new friction factor relationship for fully developed pipe flow, J. Fluid Mech. (2005), vol. 538, pp. 429–443
[7] Gyorgy, Pinho, and Maia, 2006. "The effect of corner radius on the energy loss in 90 ̊ tee junction turbulent flows". Department of civil engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Commercial Grass Cutting cum Collecting Machine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aaqib Gulzar Khan, Adeel-ul-Haq Qurishi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1013538 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents the functional requirements, design and manufacture of the commercial grass cutting and collecting machine. The design is one of its kind that facilitates both the cutting and collecting of the commercial grass usually more than 4 feet long. The advantage of this design is that apart from cutting the grass it facilitates the formation of bunches, without any loss of grass arising due to scattering of grass on the account of strong cutting forces, which can be collected in a proper way. Corrosion resistance, strength, durability and hardness are important parameters for material selection of blades. Hydraulic, structural, ergonomic and engineering design was done. FEM based analysis [1] was done to calculate the stresses.
Keywords: Ergonomics, Finite Element Analysis, Grass Cutting, Modeling in Solid Works, Simulation in Ansys.
[1] J N Reddy, A course on linear & nonlinear finite element analysis (Great Clarendon Street, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2004)
[2] Dassault Systems, Inc. © 2013.
[3] Egor P. Popov, Engineering mechanics of solids (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1990).
[4] Ansys, Inc. ©
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Abstract: The objective of the drive shaft is to connect with the transmission shaft with the help of universal joint whose axis intersects and the rotation of one shaft about its own axis results in rotation of other shaft about its axis. Shafts must be exceptionally tough and light to improve the overall performance of the vehicle. Automobile industries are exploring composite materials in order to obtain reduction of weight without significant decrease in vehicle quality and reliability. This is due to the fact that the reduction of weight of a vehicle directly impacts its fuel consumption. Particularly in city driving, the reduction of weight is almost directly proportional to fuel consumption of the vehicle. Also at the start of vehicle the most of the power get consumed in driving transmission system, if we able to reduce the weight of the propeller shaft that surplus available power can be used to propel the vehicle. Thus, in this paper, the aim is to replace a two-piece metallic drive shaft by a composite drive shaft. The following materials can be chosen Steel, Boron/Epoxy Composite, Kevlar/Epoxy Composite, Aluminum – Glass/Epoxy Hybrid, Carbon – Glass/Epoxy Hybrid. The analysis was carried out for three different ply orientations of the composites in order to suggest the most suitable ply orientation of the material that would give the maximum weight reduction while conforming to the stringent design parameters of passenger cars and light commercial vehicle. Keywords : Composite, propeller shaft, propel, ply orientation, transmission, universal joint.
[1] Mr. V. l. Narayana, Mr. D. Mojeswararao and Mr. M.N.V.R.L.Kumar "Optimization of composite drive shaft assembly and comparison with conventional steel drive shaft, Vol. 1 Issue 6, August – 2012.
[2] Gummadi Sanjay Akula Jagadeesh Kumar "Optimum Design and Analysis of a Composite Drive Shaft for an Automobile", ISRN: BTH-AMT-EX--2007/D-09SE.
[3] Bhushan K. Suryawanshi, Prajitsen G.Damle "Review of Design of Hybrid Aluminum/Composite Drive Shaft for Automobile", Volume-2, Issue-4, March 2013.
[4] A.M.Ummuhaani and Dr.P.Sadagopan "Design, Fabrication and Stress Analysis of a Composite Propeller Shaft, 2011-28-0013.
[5] Anup A. Bijagare, P.G. Mehar and V.N. Mujbaile "Design Optimization & Analysis of Drive Shaft", Vol. 2 (6), 2012, 210-215.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Static Stress Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Finite Element Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | AbhinavGautam, K. Priya Ajit |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1014751 ![]() |
Abstract:Every vehicle which equipped with internal combustion engine requires connecting rod. In this paper a static stress analysis of connecting rod made up of SS 304 used in Cummins NTA 885 BC engine is conducted, using finite element method. After measuring the dimension of connecting rod, model is developed in CATIA V5 software and imported to ANSYS WORKBENCH 14.0 software. Static analysis is done by fixing the smaller end and load is applied at bigger end of connecting rod. Stress developed at four different sections is used for analysis. Maximum stress point and section prone to failure is finding out by this analysis. Graph between stress and load is plotted at section prone to failure and result of stress analysis is shown with the help of image.
Keywords: Connecting Rod, Stress Analysis, FEA, ANSYS 14.0
[1] Mohammed et al. 'Failure Analysis of a Fractured Connecting Rod'. Journal of Asian scientific research, 2012, vol. 2 issue 11, pp737-741.
[2] Pathade et al. 'Stress Analysis of I.C Engine Connecting Rod' international journal of engineering and innovative technology (IJEIT), march 2012, Vol. 1,issue 3, pp12-15.
[3] Noor et al. 'Analysis of connecting rod based on finite element approach' Malaysian Technical Universities Conference on Engineering and Technology, March 2008, pp95-98.
[4] Chikalthankar et al.'FEA analysis of geometric parameters of connecting rod big end' international journal of engineering science and technology(IJEST), April 2012 Vol. 4,issue 4, pp1560-67.
[5] Doshi and Ingole 'Analysis of Connecting Rod Using Analytical and Finite Element' International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER), Jan-Feb. 2013, Vol.3, Issue.1, pp-65-68
[6] Ram Bansal 'Dynamic Simulation of a Connecting Rod Made of Aluminum Alloy Using Finite Element Analysis Approach' Method' IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), Jan. - Feb. 2013 Vol 5, Issue 2, pp01-05.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Leading To Success of Indian Construction Companies. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Abhijeet Gadekar, Dr. S. S. Pimplikar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1015254 ![]() |
Abstract: Achieving success is a highly critical issue for the companies to survive in a competitive business environment. The construction industry is also an area where there is strong competition due to a large number of construction contractors. There have been many factors such as qualified employees, quality workmanship and financial management that can lead to company success in the construction industry. The aim of this study was to investigate the critical factors leading to construction company success. Within this context, a survey was carried out among 7 Indian construction companies which are located in the Aurangabad district of Maharashtra region of India. In this survey, top-level managers and owners of the companies were interviewed. The interviews took place over a three month period between August and October 2013. Finally, the ranking of the critical success factors has been determined by using the Point Rating Technique. Based on the results, Cash flow management characteristics was determined as the most important factor to company success
Keywords : Construction company, Entrepreneurship, Failure factors, Indian construction ,Success factors.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Concrete Using Bottom Ash, Manufacturing Sand and Hybrid Steel and Coir Fibres |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C. Mathiraja |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1015557 ![]() |
Abstract: This study in concrete is to study about hybrid combination of fibers such as corrugated steel and coir on the mechanical properties and concrete. From the compressive strength test and split tensile test carried out on 3Nos of cube and cylinder for each trial, it was observed that compared to control mix, compressive strength increases. The increase may be due to increased availability of fibers at the micro-cracks, increase in pull out strength due to bending and warpness of fibers and improvement in bond between fiber and matrix at the interface. The presence of steel fibers in hybrid combination with coir fiber has improved post-cracking behavior of the beam specimens.
Keywords: Bottom Ash, Manufacturing Sand, steel fibre and coir fibre
[1] N. Banthia, A. Bentur and A. Mufti (1998) Fiber Reinforced Concrete: Present and Future, (Canadian Society of Civil Engineering), Montreal, 64-97. [2] A.Sivakumar and Manu Santhanam (2007) Mechanical properties of high strength concrete reinforced with metallic and non – metallic fibres, Cement and Concrete Composites, 29 603-608. [3] Nicolas Ali Libre, Mohammad, Mehrdad and Parviz, (2011) Mechanical Properties of hybrid fiber reinforced light weight aggregate concrete made with natural pumice", Construction and Building Materials 25 2458-2464. [4] C.X.Qian and P.Stroeven, (2000) Development of Hybrid Polypropylene – steel fibre – reinforced concrete", Cement and concrete research, 30, 63-69. [5] Majid Ali, Anthony Liu, Hou Sou, Nawawi Chouw, "Mechanical and dynamic properties of coconut fibre reinforced concrete", Construction and Building Materials 30 ,2012, 814–825 [6] Romildo Dias Tolêdo Filho, Kuruvilla Joseph, Khosrow Ghavami & George Leslie England, "The use of sisal fibre as reinforcement in cement based composites", Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental, v.3, n.2, 1999, 245-256
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Abstract: Main objective of this paper is to optimize Bending stress at critical section, which is most important parameter in gear design. It must be low as low possible. Bending Stress optimize by all affected Parameters of asymmetric spur gear tooth at critical section of tooth. Objective function for bending stress at critical section has been developed to minimize/optimize bending stress at critical section thickness of asymmetric spur gear tooth. A programme has been developed in SciLab software with help of developed objective function to optimize the bending stress at critical section of an asymmetric spur gear. Result obtains from SciLab programme compared to ANSYS software and give comment on validation of developed objective function.
Keywords: Optimization, Asymmetric Spur Gear, Critical Section thickness, objective function
[1] Alexander Kapelevich "Geometry and design of involute spur gears with asymmetric teeth" Mechanism and Machine Theory 3 5
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Power Transmissions May 13-15, 2009, Matsushima Isles Resort, Japan
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Abstract: Currently, the use of titanium alloys components and coating (clad) in petroleum subsea production systems continues to increase. Titanium alloys are lightweight, very flexible; have greater mechanical resistance relationship showing excellent resistance to corrosion and fatigue in ambient seawater and marine environments. The rate of corrosion of titanium alloys are low for hydrochloric acid (3%), however, in the acidification operations from petroleum well is necessary the use of corrosion inhibitors, because the concentration of hydrochloric acid varies from 10 to 28%. A corrosion inhibitor for acidification can be defined as a substance or mixture of substances which are added to the corrosive medium aim inhibit or minimize the action of the corrosive medium. This paper presents the laboratory tests made with titanium coupons subjected to hydrochloric acid solution 10% (weight %), in temperatures of 50° C and 70° C, and additions of phenylamine (aniline), thiocarbamide and β-naphthol as corrosion inhibitors. The results showed that the corrosion protection inhibitors exerted by varies from 50 to 80% depending on the concentration of inhibitors and temperatures used in the tests.
Keywords: Corrosion, Corrosion Inhibitor, Titanium, Acidification, Hydrochloric Acid.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Seismic Joint in the Performance of Multi-Storeyed L-Shaped Building |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. G. Shaikh, Hashmi S. Shakeeb |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1017077 ![]() |
Abstract: The choices of building shapes and structural systems have significant effect on their seismic performance. While symmetrical buildings result in a fairly uniform distribution of seismic forces throughout its components. Unsymmetrical buildings result in highly indeterminate distribution of forces making the analysis and prediction more complicated. L-shaped buildings are among those unsymmetrical structures which are most commonly found in practice in the form of school, office, commercial buildings. In this work three dimensional models of L-shaped buildings are investigated for their seismic performance, varying bay length and storey height. These models were analysed for three conditions viz with gap, with seismic joint and with neither of these. The modeling of structures analysis is carried out using STAAD Pro V8i, also the performance is analysed providing brick infill and compared with, without infill condition. Performances is measured in terms of displacements, axial forces, bending moments, shear forces and compared for those conditions mentioned in the identified column viz., corner, intermediate and interior.
Keywords : Brick infill, seismic joint, separation gap, without brick infill.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automation of Fixtures Using Hydraulic Power Pack for a Bogie Underframe |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Navya K. R., S. Pradeep |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1017888 ![]() |
Abstract: In this era of automation technologies manufacturing sectors have placed very high demands on fast and reliable production methods. This work is the evaluation & analysis of the existing clamping system. The current system uses manual clamping of fixtures for holding the work piece in the proper position while welding process is being done on the part. The evaluated system uses hydraulic vertical swing clamps for holding the work piece driven by hydraulic power pack. Thus the new system achieves automatic and simultaneous clamping of fixtures.
Keywords: Fixtures, Manifold block, Directional control valves, Swing clamps
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