Volume-1 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract : The important performance parameter such as material removal rate(MRR) and surface roughness(SR) are influenced by various machining parameters namely voltage, feed rate of electrode and electrolyte flow rate in electrochemical machining process(ECM). In machining, the process of modelling and optimization are challenging tasks to qualify the requirements in order to produce high quality of products. There are a lot of modelling techniques that have been discovered by researchers. In this paper, the optimize settings of performance parameters; surface roughness and MRR are done by the Taguchi technique and the experimental result of MRR and SR was predicted by the Multi-layer Feed forward Neural network (MFNN) and Least square support vector machine (LSSVM). For Taguchi analysis three process parameters and two responses, MRR and SR were considered by L18 orthogonal array design and ANOVA result were performed. EN19 material used as the work piece for the experiment. After evaluating MFNN and LSSVM models, the best network found to be Least square support vector machine with RBF kernel. The mean square errors (MSE) between actual and predicted response obtained in both LSSVM model and MNFF model for the training and for testing datasets were concluded that LSSVM as more powerful machine learning tool and predict the MRR and SR successfully compared to other models. The performance of LSSVM is depend different kernel function that can separate the data from hyper plane for better prediction however we use Linear and RBF kernel. RBF kernel gives better prediction of MRR and SR with minimum MSE.
Keywords - ANOVA, EN-19 tool steel, LS-SVM, MFNN, Taguchi technique
Keywords - ANOVA, EN-19 tool steel, LS-SVM, MFNN, Taguchi technique
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[2] Dubey, A. K., Shan, H. S., Jain, N. K., "Analysis of surface roughness and out-of-roundness in electro-chemical honing process", International Journal Advance Manufacturing Technol, Proc 1st Int and 22nd AIMTDR, IIT Roorkee (India) DOI 10.1007/s00170-007-1180-z Dec 21 – 23, 2006.
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[4] Asokan, A., R. Ravi Kumar , Jeyapaul , R., Santhi, M., "Development of multi-objective optimization models for electrochemical machining process", The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Volume 39, Numbers 1-2 / October, 2008.
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[7] Kozak,J., Dabrowski, L., Lubkowski, K., Rozenek, M., Slawiński, R., "CAE-ECM system for electrochemical technology of parts and tools", Journal of Materials Processing Technology 107, 2000, p.293-299.
[8] Zhiyong, LI., Hua, JI., "Machining accuracy prediction of Aero-engine Blade in electrochemical Machining based on BP Neural network", International Workshop on information security and application(IWISA), November 21-22, 2009, pp 244-247.
[9] Rama Rao, S., Padmanabha, G., " Application of Taguchi methods and ANOVA in optimization of process parameters for metal removal rate in electrochemical machining of Al/5%SiC composites", International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications(IJERA), vol.2, Issue 3, pp192-197, 2012.
[10] Abuzied, HH., Awad Mohamed, A., Senbel, H.A., "Prediction of electrochemical machining process parameters using Artificial Neural Network", International Journal on Computer science and Engineering(IJCSE), vol.4.No.01, pp125-132, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suman Rani |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0131114 ![]() |
Abstract : The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effect of implementation of total quality management (TQM) in manufacturing industry (Mohindra Fasteners Ltd.) . Very few service companies have been able to reap full benefits of TQM. One major reason for its inadequate success is that of trying to implement in service companies techniques that have been successful in manufacturing. In manufacturing, emphasis of TQM is on "zero defects". Control charts and sampling are the major tools of quality control. However, in services, emphasis is on "zero defections". Focus is on customer satisfaction and team approach. TQM can boost profits and improve customer satisfaction by reducing deffects.
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[2] Bendell, T., and R.M.G. Milar, Taguchi Methodology with Total Quality (Bedford: IFS, 1990).
[3] Berryt, T.H. Managing the Total Quality Transformation (Milwaukee: ASQC Quality Press, 1991).
[4] Besterfield, Dale H., Quality Control (Englewood Cliffs, N.J.; Prentice – Hall Inc., 1990).
[5] Dean, J. W. and Evans. J. R. (1994), Total Quality Management, Organization and Strategy, NY
[6] Garvin, David A. (1988), Managing Quality - The Strategic and Competitive Edge; The Free Press; NY
[7] Goetsch, David L. and Davis, Stanley B. (1997), "Introduction to Total Quality", 2nd ed., New Jersy: Prentice Hall
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Abstract: The objective of this research was to gain a better understanding of Mechanical properties of epoxy resin composites reinforced with carbon fiber. The effect of fiber orientation of laminates has been investigated & experimentation was performed to determine property data for material specifications, the laminates were obtained by hand layup process .The laminates were cut to obtain ASTM standards. This investigation deals with the testing of tensile and flexural strength on a universal testing machine. The graphs that are obtained from the tests are documented. This research indicates that the mechanical properties are mainly dependent on the fiber orientation of laminated polymer composites.
Key words: Carbon fiber, Epoxy resin composites, Fiber orientation, laminated polymer composites. Mechanical properties
Key words: Carbon fiber, Epoxy resin composites, Fiber orientation, laminated polymer composites. Mechanical properties
[1] Prashanth Banakar, Influence of Fiber Orientation and Thickness on Tensile Properties of Laminated Polymer Composites Int. J. Pure Appl. Sci. Technol., 9(1) (2012), pp. 61-68 .
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[3] S.A.Hitchen, S.L.ogin and P.A.Smith, Effect of fibre length on Fatigue of short carbon fibre/epoxy composite, Composites, Vol26, No 4,1995, p 303.
[4] Chin-Hsing Chen et al, Pultruded Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Composites III Static Mechanical, Thermal, and Dynamic Mechanical Properties, Composites Science and Technology 52(1994), pp 427-432.
[5] Craig D.Snyder et al, Low Density Polyurethane composites, Composites 2002 Convention and Trade Show Composites fabricators Association, September 25-27, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia USA.
[6] Deng, S., Ye, L. and Mai, Y.-W. (1999). Influence of Fiber Cross-sectional Aspect Ratio on Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites, 1. Tensile and Flexure Behavior, Composite Science and Technology, 59: 1331–1339
[7] K. Mohamed Kaleemulla and B. Siddeswarappa(2009). Influence of Fiber Orientation on the In-plane Mechanical Properties of Laminated Hybrid Polymer Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2010, Vol. 29, No. 12/2010: 1900–15
[8] Baker, A. A., Callus, P. J., Georgiadis, S., Falzon, P. J., Dutton, S. E. and Leong, K. H. (2002). An Affordable Methodology for Replacing Metallic Aircraft Panels with Advanced Composites, Composites: Part A, 33: 687–696
[2] R. Varatharajan et al, Mechanical and machining characteristics of GF/PP and GF/Polyester composites, Material Science and Engineering B 132 (2006), pp 134-137
[3] S.A.Hitchen, S.L.ogin and P.A.Smith, Effect of fibre length on Fatigue of short carbon fibre/epoxy composite, Composites, Vol26, No 4,1995, p 303.
[4] Chin-Hsing Chen et al, Pultruded Fibre Reinforced Polyurethane Composites III Static Mechanical, Thermal, and Dynamic Mechanical Properties, Composites Science and Technology 52(1994), pp 427-432.
[5] Craig D.Snyder et al, Low Density Polyurethane composites, Composites 2002 Convention and Trade Show Composites fabricators Association, September 25-27, 2002, Atlanta, Georgia USA.
[6] Deng, S., Ye, L. and Mai, Y.-W. (1999). Influence of Fiber Cross-sectional Aspect Ratio on Mechanical Properties of Glass Fiber/Epoxy Composites, 1. Tensile and Flexure Behavior, Composite Science and Technology, 59: 1331–1339
[7] K. Mohamed Kaleemulla and B. Siddeswarappa(2009). Influence of Fiber Orientation on the In-plane Mechanical Properties of Laminated Hybrid Polymer Composites, Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 2010, Vol. 29, No. 12/2010: 1900–15
[8] Baker, A. A., Callus, P. J., Georgiadis, S., Falzon, P. J., Dutton, S. E. and Leong, K. H. (2002). An Affordable Methodology for Replacing Metallic Aircraft Panels with Advanced Composites, Composites: Part A, 33: 687–696
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Abstract:Industrialized Building System (IBS) is the new method of constructing building in the construction industry as a solution to improve construction image and performance. However this concept is generally accepted and applied in developed countries and some developing countries as well, does not have appropriate position in the construction industry in Iran. Most of construction companies in Iran still consist on conventional method instead of using IBS. This paper is attempting to find out the benefits and problems of applying IBS in construction projects, to identify the easiness of IBS usage for construction companies, to explore level of usefulness of IBS for Iranian construction companies and finally to recommend some solutions to promote IBS concept in developing countries. To collect data for this study, a questionnaire survey was conducted among the construction companies in Iran. A total of 827 questionnaires were sent out through mail and 117 of them answered. The respondent rate was 14.1%. It was perceived that, there is an acceptable range of knowledge on IBS among the construction professionals, but the level of the IBS implementation in construction projects was extremely low. Because higher cost, lack of expertise and lack of supportive rules and regulations.
Keywords:Industrialized Building System, Construction, Benefits of IBS, Barriers, Iran
Keywords:Industrialized Building System, Construction, Benefits of IBS, Barriers, Iran
[1] Iran Annual Report, (2008). Continuous flow manufacturing, Material Handling Engineering, Ministry of Housing and Urban Development.May, pp. 54-57Tehran: MHUD, 840.
[2] Kamar, K. A. M., Alshawi, M., And Hamid, Z., (2009).Barriers to Industrialized Building Systems: The Case of Malaysia, paper proceedings inInternational Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC 2009), The University of Salford, 29– 30th January. Salford, United Kingdom.
[3] Chung, L. P. and Kadir, A. M., (2007) Implementation Strategy for Industrialized Building System. PhD thesis, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru.
[4] Lessing, J., Ekholm, A., AndStehn, L.2005, Industrialized Housing-Definition and Categorization of the Concept, 13th International Group for Lean Construction, Sydney, Australia.
[5] Peng, C. S., (1986). The scenario of industrialized building systems in Malaysia.Proceedings of a UNESCO/FEISEAP Regional workshop.UPM, Serdang.
[6] Bing, L., Kwong, Y.W., and Hao, K.J. (2001), Seismicbehavior of connection between precast concrete beams. CSE Research Bulletin, No.14.
[7] Warszawski, A., (1999). Industrialized and automated building systems.Technion Israel Institute of Technology. E & FN Spon.
[8] Zaini, O., (2000). Malaysian Construction Industry. Challenges and demand. Malaysian Structural Steel Association Convention, Kuala Lumpur.
[9] Thanoon, W. A. M., Peng, L. W., Abdul Kadir, M. R., Jaafar, M.S. and Salit, M.S., (2003). The Experiences of Malaysia and Other Countries in Industrialized Building System in Malaysia, Proceeding on IBS Seminar. UPM, Malaysia.
[10] IBS Steering Committee, (2006). Minute Meeting of IBS Steering Committee, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
[2] Kamar, K. A. M., Alshawi, M., And Hamid, Z., (2009).Barriers to Industrialized Building Systems: The Case of Malaysia, paper proceedings inInternational Postgraduate Research Conference (IPGRC 2009), The University of Salford, 29– 30th January. Salford, United Kingdom.
[3] Chung, L. P. and Kadir, A. M., (2007) Implementation Strategy for Industrialized Building System. PhD thesis, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru.
[4] Lessing, J., Ekholm, A., AndStehn, L.2005, Industrialized Housing-Definition and Categorization of the Concept, 13th International Group for Lean Construction, Sydney, Australia.
[5] Peng, C. S., (1986). The scenario of industrialized building systems in Malaysia.Proceedings of a UNESCO/FEISEAP Regional workshop.UPM, Serdang.
[6] Bing, L., Kwong, Y.W., and Hao, K.J. (2001), Seismicbehavior of connection between precast concrete beams. CSE Research Bulletin, No.14.
[7] Warszawski, A., (1999). Industrialized and automated building systems.Technion Israel Institute of Technology. E & FN Spon.
[8] Zaini, O., (2000). Malaysian Construction Industry. Challenges and demand. Malaysian Structural Steel Association Convention, Kuala Lumpur.
[9] Thanoon, W. A. M., Peng, L. W., Abdul Kadir, M. R., Jaafar, M.S. and Salit, M.S., (2003). The Experiences of Malaysia and Other Countries in Industrialized Building System in Malaysia, Proceeding on IBS Seminar. UPM, Malaysia.
[10] IBS Steering Committee, (2006). Minute Meeting of IBS Steering Committee, Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Geopolymer Concrete by Using Fly Ash in Construction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof.M.A.Bhosale || Prof.N.N.Shinde |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0132530 ![]() |
Abstract: he alkali activation of waste materials is a chemical process that allows the user to transform glassy structures into very compact well-cemented composites. Nowadays, the knowledge concerning the mechanisms controlling the alkali activation process is considerably advanced; however, there are still many things to investigate. In the present paper, the mechanism of activation of a fly ash (no other solid material was used) with highly alkaline solutions is described. These solutions, made with NaOH, Na2Sio3.This paper, report on the study of the processing of geopolymer using fly ash and alkaline activator with geopolymerization process. The factors that influence the early age compressive strength such as molarities of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) have been studied. Sodium hydroxide and sodium silicate solution were used as an alkaline activator. These studies comprises the comparison of the ratios of Na2Si03&NaOH at the values 0.39&2.51.The geopolymer paste samples were cured at 60°C for 1 day and keep in room temperature until the testing days. The compressive strength was done at 7 and 28 days. The result showed that the geopolymer paste with NaOH concentration, compressive strength increase with molarities increases.
Keywords: Geopolymer, Alkali, Fly Ash, Class F, compressive Strength
Keywords: Geopolymer, Alkali, Fly Ash, Class F, compressive Strength
[1]. Ali Allah Verdi &Frantisek Skvara 2000.as in (2) - ―response of harden paste of a geopolymer cement to acid attack..‖
[2]. A.Buchwald, M.Hohmann&Ch.Kaps 2002 as in (3)- The influence of the clay composition on the geopolymer performance.
[3]. Prof. Joseph Davidovits since 1990 as in (4) on CO2 emissions during Portland cement manufacture (in the LIBRARY the paper on Global Warming).
[4]. John Zachar & Tarun R. Naik as in (5)- ―use fly ash & foundry sand & slag as a replacement for cement and fine coarse aggregates in concrete
[5]. Davis, R,E., R. W. Carlson, J. W. Kelly, and A. G. Davis, as in (6) ‗Properties of cements and concretes containing fly ash', Proceedings, American Concrete Institute 33:577-612.
[6]. [06] Mehta, P.K., and R.W.Burrows, 2001, as in (7) ―Building Durable Structures in the 21st Century.‖ Concrete International 23(3), pp. 57-63.‖
[7]. Mehta, P.K., 1999, ‗Concrete Technology for sustainable development', Concrete International 21 (11), pp. 47-52.
[8]. Report No. T(S) 006, January, 2005, ‗Use of higher volume fly ash in concrete for building sector', CBRI, Roorkee.
[9]. Yadava K.P., Tyagi B.S., Pandey K.K. and Singh V. N., January, 1987, ‗Fly ash for the treatment of Cd(11) rich effluents', Environmental technology Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1-12, pp.225-234.
[10]. Davis, R,E., R. W. Carlson, J. W. Kelly, and A. G. Davis, ‗Properties of cements and concretes containing fly ash', Proceedings, American Concrete Institute 33:577-612.
[11]. Verma, S.,1997, ‗Performance Evaluation of High strength Fly ash concrete paving mixes', M.E. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
[12]. Prasad, P.V. S. and Jha, K., ‗High Performance Concrete', Project work for Course No. 624- Sr. Professional Course (Bridges and General),IRICEN, Pune.
[13]. Aitcin, P.C, Mehta, P.K., 1990, ―Principles Underlying the Production of High- Performance Concrete.‖ Cement, Concrete and Aggregates ournal 12(2), pp. 70-78.
[14]. Mehta,P.K.,and R.W.Burrows, 2001, ―Building Durable Structures in the 21st Century.‖ Concrete International 23(3), pp. 57-63.
[15]. Mehta, P.K. and Gjorv O. E., 1982, ‗ Properties of Portland Cement Concrete containing Fly ash and Condensed Silica Fume', Cement and concrete Research Journal, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp.587-595.............
[2]. A.Buchwald, M.Hohmann&Ch.Kaps 2002 as in (3)- The influence of the clay composition on the geopolymer performance.
[3]. Prof. Joseph Davidovits since 1990 as in (4) on CO2 emissions during Portland cement manufacture (in the LIBRARY the paper on Global Warming).
[4]. John Zachar & Tarun R. Naik as in (5)- ―use fly ash & foundry sand & slag as a replacement for cement and fine coarse aggregates in concrete
[5]. Davis, R,E., R. W. Carlson, J. W. Kelly, and A. G. Davis, as in (6) ‗Properties of cements and concretes containing fly ash', Proceedings, American Concrete Institute 33:577-612.
[6]. [06] Mehta, P.K., and R.W.Burrows, 2001, as in (7) ―Building Durable Structures in the 21st Century.‖ Concrete International 23(3), pp. 57-63.‖
[7]. Mehta, P.K., 1999, ‗Concrete Technology for sustainable development', Concrete International 21 (11), pp. 47-52.
[8]. Report No. T(S) 006, January, 2005, ‗Use of higher volume fly ash in concrete for building sector', CBRI, Roorkee.
[9]. Yadava K.P., Tyagi B.S., Pandey K.K. and Singh V. N., January, 1987, ‗Fly ash for the treatment of Cd(11) rich effluents', Environmental technology Journal, Volume 8, Issue 1-12, pp.225-234.
[10]. Davis, R,E., R. W. Carlson, J. W. Kelly, and A. G. Davis, ‗Properties of cements and concretes containing fly ash', Proceedings, American Concrete Institute 33:577-612.
[11]. Verma, S.,1997, ‗Performance Evaluation of High strength Fly ash concrete paving mixes', M.E. Dissertation, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India.
[12]. Prasad, P.V. S. and Jha, K., ‗High Performance Concrete', Project work for Course No. 624- Sr. Professional Course (Bridges and General),IRICEN, Pune.
[13]. Aitcin, P.C, Mehta, P.K., 1990, ―Principles Underlying the Production of High- Performance Concrete.‖ Cement, Concrete and Aggregates ournal 12(2), pp. 70-78.
[14]. Mehta,P.K.,and R.W.Burrows, 2001, ―Building Durable Structures in the 21st Century.‖ Concrete International 23(3), pp. 57-63.
[15]. Mehta, P.K. and Gjorv O. E., 1982, ‗ Properties of Portland Cement Concrete containing Fly ash and Condensed Silica Fume', Cement and concrete Research Journal, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp.587-595.............
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effective Training Program for Gap Closing In Construction Industry |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs. Shruti Wadalkar || Dr. S.S. Pimplikar r |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0133138 ![]() |
Abstract : In developing Country like India there are various small construction companies. In this paper author suggest an equation for competency required by project manager in the Indian construction company. The training programme which is planned for eight days consists of total fourteen modules. The competencies are broadly classified here into four broad categories viz, Functional, Behavioral, Communication and IT. for the competency assessment exercise that was done for its 39 managers. The managers are like project manager, planning manager, construction manager etc.
Keywords - Competency, competency mapping, gap closing, competency assessment, training programme.
Keywords - Competency, competency mapping, gap closing, competency assessment, training programme.
[1]. Amin Akhavan Tabassi, A.H. Abu Bakar (2008) "Training, motivation, and performance: The case of human resource management in construction projects in Mashhad, Iran" International Journal of Project Management 27 (2009) 471–480
[2]. Eddie W. L. Cheng and Heng Li (2006) "Job Performance Evaluation for Construction Companies: An Analytic Network Process Approach" Journal Of construction engineering and management © ASCE / AUGUST 2006 .
[3]. G.L. Narayanappa (2009) "Human Resource Management (Text and Case Studies)" 1st ed. Scitech publications (India) pvt. Ltd.
[4]. Juri L. De Coi, Eelco Herder, Arne Koesling, Christoph Lofi, Daniel Olmedilla, Odysseas Papapetrou, and Wolf Siberski (2007) " A model for competence gap analysis" http://dspace.ou.nl/bitstream/1820/1119/1/model_for_competence_gap_analysis.pd"
[5]. National Skill Development Corporation, India NSDC (2010) "Study on mapping of human resource skill gaps in India till 2022" http://www.nsdcindia.org
[6]. V.P. Michael (1998) "Human Resources Management and Human Relations" 5th ed. Himalaya publishinghouse, Mumbai. n italic
[2]. Eddie W. L. Cheng and Heng Li (2006) "Job Performance Evaluation for Construction Companies: An Analytic Network Process Approach" Journal Of construction engineering and management © ASCE / AUGUST 2006 .
[3]. G.L. Narayanappa (2009) "Human Resource Management (Text and Case Studies)" 1st ed. Scitech publications (India) pvt. Ltd.
[4]. Juri L. De Coi, Eelco Herder, Arne Koesling, Christoph Lofi, Daniel Olmedilla, Odysseas Papapetrou, and Wolf Siberski (2007) " A model for competence gap analysis" http://dspace.ou.nl/bitstream/1820/1119/1/model_for_competence_gap_analysis.pd"
[5]. National Skill Development Corporation, India NSDC (2010) "Study on mapping of human resource skill gaps in India till 2022" http://www.nsdcindia.org
[6]. V.P. Michael (1998) "Human Resources Management and Human Relations" 5th ed. Himalaya publishinghouse, Mumbai. n italic
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Time Series Forecasting Of Water Quality Of River Godavari |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mahesh Kumar.Akkaraboyina || prof B.S.N.Raju |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0133944 ![]() |
Abstract: The research and developmental activities for generating new water quality models provide a valuable source of knowledge in the fields of water resources and environmental engineering. Due to limited water quality data and high cost of water quality monitoring, the data based modeling approaches are being extensively used. This paper presents the forecasted monthly values of water quality parameters viz., pH, Water Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen of River Godavari at Rajahmundry water quality monitoring station, Andhra Pradesh, India. Time series methods of forecasting were used for the predictions of parameter values. The predicted values are compared with actual measured observations using statistical performance tests. The results indicated that the proposed models were performing well. The MAE, RMSE and MAPE values, for pH 0.249, 0.359and 3.228; for Water Temperature 0.94, 1.18 and 3.24 and for Dissolved Oxygen 0.56, 0.67 and 7.52, respectively. The forecasted water quality parameter observations for the study period (2009-2012) and the future period (2012-2015) showed seasonal trend pattern which indicated quality of water is greatly influenced by the seasonal inflows. The time series forecasting methods with allowable error limits can be used to assess the future water quality and for taking protection measure for conservation of the river.
Keywords: Rajahmundry, River Godavari, Time Series Forecasting, Water Quality Parameters
Keywords: Rajahmundry, River Godavari, Time Series Forecasting, Water Quality Parameters
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Validation of the thin-walled composite box beams using FEM |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. P.M.Pawar || K.M.Markad || Kundan Mishra |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/1684-0134549 ![]() |
Abstract: In present paper static analysis of thin walled composite beam with rectangular cell carried out. This beam modeled using 3D finite element method of thin walled composite beams. Different ply orientations are get selected for each face of the rectangular box beam. The numerical results obtained for thin-walled composite box beams under vertical load to investigate the effect of shear deformation is get analyzed with the finite element model. Thin walled composite box beam is modeled so as weight optimization achieved.
Keyword: Thin-walled box beam, FEM validation.
Keyword: Thin-walled box beam, FEM validation.
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