Volume-3 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Powering the Electric Cars with Dynamos |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | T. Allen Prasad, Lokesh Ramesh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0320105 ![]() |
Abstract: Our main objective in this paper is to power up the electric cars with dynamos. The major
disadvantage we are facing in the electric car is that the charge in the battery which gives the supply for motor
gets discharge and hence it should be stopped or parked in the area where the current should be easily taken.
But the biggest problem is that when the car get loses its full charge while driving in an area where the current
could not be taken easily or there is no sort of current in that area then you can't able to reach your palace
.Hence to change this problem the dynamos are used to solve it. Dynamo is a device which is capable of
changing mechanical energy into electrical energy .Hence by using this character of the dynamo the problem
can be solved. The description of this technique is that by placing one dynamo in each wheel so that each
dynamo will produce a charge through the rotatory motion given by the wheels of the car and these charges is
stored in a separate battery and that can be used for the emergency purpose and this process is cyclic. When car
losses its charge while running on the charge produced by the dynamo, the dynamo will not stops its work, it
again produce a charge so that you can go for a longer distance.
Keywords:Dynamos, Emergency purpose, Electric charge, Battery, Gear system
Keywords:Dynamos, Emergency purpose, Electric charge, Battery, Gear system
1] www.wikipedia.org , www.evmotors.com, www.alibaba.com, electriccars-info.com
[2] Automobile mechanical and electrical system by Tom Denton
[3] Electric and hybrid cars :A History by Curtis D.Anderson and Judy Anderson
[4] The 2011 Electric Car Guide By Michael Box well
[2] Automobile mechanical and electrical system by Tom Denton
[3] Electric and hybrid cars :A History by Curtis D.Anderson and Judy Anderson
[4] The 2011 Electric Car Guide By Michael Box well
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Abstract: A typical laminated structure of great use in aeronautical/aerospace, marine and civil engineering
constructions is the sandwich-type construction. In the design of sandwich structures, components must be
joined in such a manner that the overall structure retains its structural integrity while performing its intended
function, subjected to loads and environment. The present work focuses on the finite element analysis of flat
joints in adhesively bonded metallic honeycomb sandwich beam using ANSYS 13. The flat joint considered in
the study is butt joint with doubler. The load-deflection characteristics, stress distribution patters , effects of
variation of core thickness, skin thickness, and adhesive film thickness on the displacement and stress
distributions are studied. Results are critically reviewed and presented
Keywords: Sandwich structures, honeycomb sandwich beam, joints in sandwich structures
Keywords: Sandwich structures, honeycomb sandwich beam, joints in sandwich structures
[1] H.G Allen, Analysis and design of structural sandwich panels (Pregmon Press, Oxford, 1969).
[2] Jack R Vinson, Behaviour of sandwich structures of isotropic and composite materials (Pennsylvania, Taylor and Francis
Routledge, 1999)
[3] Ha K.H, Finite element analysis of sandwich plates An overview, Computers and Structures, 37, 1990, 397 – 403
[4] Hussanih. Ai-Qarra, Finite deflection of sandwich beams and plates by finite element method, Journal of Engineering
Mechanics,115, 1989, 1318-1335
[5] Liviu L and H Teery, Recent developments in the modeling and behavior of advanced sandwich constructions A survey, Composite
Structures, 48, 2000, 1- 17
[6] Meifing H and H Wenbin, A study on composite honeycomb sandwich panel structure, Material and design, 29, 2008, 709-713
[7] Gaetano G. G, V Christine and S E Omar, Theoretical design and analysis of a honeycomb panel sandwich structure loaded in pure
bending, Engineering failure analysis, 15, 2008, 555 – 562
[8] Keun-I S, C Ji-Young, K Jin-Hwe, C Jin-Ho, K Kwang-Soo Kim, An experimental study of joint strength of composite sandwich
structures, Composites and Structures, 86, 2008, 107-113
[9] Byoung J.K and G L Dai, Development of a satellite structure with the sandwich T Joint, Composite structures, 92, 2010, 460-468.
[10] Carlson L.A and G.A Kardomates, Structural and failure mechanism of sandwich composites, (London, Springer, 2011)
[2] Jack R Vinson, Behaviour of sandwich structures of isotropic and composite materials (Pennsylvania, Taylor and Francis
Routledge, 1999)
[3] Ha K.H, Finite element analysis of sandwich plates An overview, Computers and Structures, 37, 1990, 397 – 403
[4] Hussanih. Ai-Qarra, Finite deflection of sandwich beams and plates by finite element method, Journal of Engineering
Mechanics,115, 1989, 1318-1335
[5] Liviu L and H Teery, Recent developments in the modeling and behavior of advanced sandwich constructions A survey, Composite
Structures, 48, 2000, 1- 17
[6] Meifing H and H Wenbin, A study on composite honeycomb sandwich panel structure, Material and design, 29, 2008, 709-713
[7] Gaetano G. G, V Christine and S E Omar, Theoretical design and analysis of a honeycomb panel sandwich structure loaded in pure
bending, Engineering failure analysis, 15, 2008, 555 – 562
[8] Keun-I S, C Ji-Young, K Jin-Hwe, C Jin-Ho, K Kwang-Soo Kim, An experimental study of joint strength of composite sandwich
structures, Composites and Structures, 86, 2008, 107-113
[9] Byoung J.K and G L Dai, Development of a satellite structure with the sandwich T Joint, Composite structures, 92, 2010, 460-468.
[10] Carlson L.A and G.A Kardomates, Structural and failure mechanism of sandwich composites, (London, Springer, 2011)
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Abstract: To ensure maximum availability and optimum utilization of the locomotives, scheduled preventive
maintenance is carried out at specified intervals. Any excess time taken, directly affects the availability of
locomotives for rail services. In this paper a case study of implementation of the unit replacement method at
Diesel POH shop Ajmer will be examined. In order to be able to conduct experiments historical data of POH
cycle time for over one year were gathered to calculate current average cycle time for POH. 14 locos
overhauled from 1st January 2012 were selected for the case study. The unit replacement method was
hypothetically applied in the engine section for these locos. The result was an average POH cycle time reduced
from 31.07 days to 26.92 days. The result supported the hypothesis that "Time required for Periodic
Overhauling of Diesel Locomotives can be reduced using Unit Replacement"
Keywords:Cycle time, Day, Locomotive (loco), Periodic Overhauling (POH), Unit,
Keywords:Cycle time, Day, Locomotive (loco), Periodic Overhauling (POH), Unit,
[1] Vorster, Hendrik Petrus De Wet, "An analysis of the effectiveness of the asset maintenance plan at Spoornet: case study: class
diesel locomotives (traction and rolling stock)" (2001). Peninsula Technikon Theses & Dissertations. Paper 14.
[2] Kaiser, Kevin Michael University of Iowa, 2007. http://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/152
[3] Harris, A and Kelly, M. 1978 Management of Industrial Maintenance. Durban, South Africa: Butterworth & Co (Pty) Ltd.
[4] Seventeenth Report Standing Committee on Railways (2005-06) (Fourteenth Lok Sabha) Ministry of railways (Railway board)
Published under Rule 382 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Eleventh Edition) and Printed by
Jainco Art India, New Delhi-110 005.
diesel locomotives (traction and rolling stock)" (2001). Peninsula Technikon Theses & Dissertations. Paper 14.
[2] Kaiser, Kevin Michael University of Iowa, 2007. http://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/152
[3] Harris, A and Kelly, M. 1978 Management of Industrial Maintenance. Durban, South Africa: Butterworth & Co (Pty) Ltd.
[4] Seventeenth Report Standing Committee on Railways (2005-06) (Fourteenth Lok Sabha) Ministry of railways (Railway board)
Published under Rule 382 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Lok Sabha (Eleventh Edition) and Printed by
Jainco Art India, New Delhi-110 005.
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Abstract: The operations of preparing the deform sample and round bar mainly consist of the calculation of
the bar's unit weight. The Sampling process is conducted through the two cutting flows such as in line
production and disc. The problems are then occurred in the second flow (in disc) in performing the cutting
process on a certain length. Modeling of the jig sampling is used to solve this problem and also fully discussed
throughout this paper..
Keywords:Bar, Jig Sampling, Mass Interval, Unit Weight
Keywords:Bar, Jig Sampling, Mass Interval, Unit Weight
[1] S. Kaldor, A. M. Rafael, and D. Messinger, On the CAD of Profiles for Cutters and Helical Flutes - Geometrical Aspects, CIRP
Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 37(1), 1988, 53-56.
[2] R. Iankov, Finite element simulation of profile rolling of wire, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 142(2), 2003, 355-361.
[3] T. El Maaddawy, and K. Soudki, A model for prediction of time from corrosion initiation to corrosion cracking, Cement and
Concrete Composites, 29(3), 2007, 168-175.
[4] A. Y. C. Nee, Z. J. Tao, and A. Senthil Kumar, An Advanced Treatise on Fixture Design and Planning (Series on Manufacturing
Systems and Technology) (New Jersey: World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 2004).
Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 37(1), 1988, 53-56.
[2] R. Iankov, Finite element simulation of profile rolling of wire, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 142(2), 2003, 355-361.
[3] T. El Maaddawy, and K. Soudki, A model for prediction of time from corrosion initiation to corrosion cracking, Cement and
Concrete Composites, 29(3), 2007, 168-175.
[4] A. Y. C. Nee, Z. J. Tao, and A. Senthil Kumar, An Advanced Treatise on Fixture Design and Planning (Series on Manufacturing
Systems and Technology) (New Jersey: World Scientific Pub Co Inc, 2004).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Advanced Parking Management System Techniques __ a Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Er. Sandeep Singh, Dr. Umesh Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0322428 ![]() |
Abstract: TTransportation is the key infrastructure of a country. A country's economy status depends upon how well the country is served by its roads, railways, air ports, ports, pipelines and shipping. The rate at which a country's economy grows is very closely linked to the rate at which the transport sector grows. As road transport gives personal mobility to persons, the vehicle ownership rate has been increasing at a fast rate round the world. Due to increase in car ownership, the problem of parking is becoming more and more acute day by day. Vehicles may be parked on the kerb side but it creates lot of problems like congestion, jams, accidents and also reduces effective road width. Acute shortage of parking facilities is being felt in shopping centres, public places and official complexes. Chandigarh-an internationally acclaimed city is also feeling the pinch of the after effects of the steep vehicular growth. The present work involves the comprehensive study of parking problem in sector-17 (known as Heart of Chandigarh), in which various parameters have been worked out to identify the problem. These parameters have been correlated to workout a long lasting solution based on the advanced parking management system techniques.
Keywords:parking, public places, complexity, management, Chandigarh
Keywords:parking, public places, complexity, management, Chandigarh
[1] Registration and licensing office, Chandigarh.
[2] Caicedo F. The use of space availability information in ""PARC‟‟ systems to reduce search times in parking facilities. Transp Res Part C 2009; 17:56–68.
[3] Zhao Y, Collins Jr EG. Robust automatic parallel parking in tight spaces via fuzzy logic. Robot Auton Syst 2005; 51:111–27.
[4] Davis AY, Pijanowski BC, Robinson K, Engel B. The environmental and economic costs of sprawling parking lots in the United States. Land Use Policy 2010; 27:255–61.
[5] Leephakpreeda T. Car-parking guidance with fuzzy knowledge based decision making. Build Environ 2007;42:803–9.
[6] Arnott R, Rowse J. Downtown parking in auto city. Reg Sci Urban Econ 2009; 39:1–14.
[7] Shoup DC. Cruising for parking. Transp Policy 2006; 13:479–86.
[8] Teodorovic D, Lucˇ ic P. Intelligent parking systems. Eur J Oper Res 2006; 175:1666–81.
[9] Benenson I, Martens K, Birfir S. PARKAGENT: an agent-based model of parking in the city. Comput Environ Urban Syst 2008; 32:431–9.
[10] Caicedo F. Real-time parking information management to reduce search time, vehicle displacement and emissions. Transp Res Part D 2010; 15:228–34.
[2] Caicedo F. The use of space availability information in ""PARC‟‟ systems to reduce search times in parking facilities. Transp Res Part C 2009; 17:56–68.
[3] Zhao Y, Collins Jr EG. Robust automatic parallel parking in tight spaces via fuzzy logic. Robot Auton Syst 2005; 51:111–27.
[4] Davis AY, Pijanowski BC, Robinson K, Engel B. The environmental and economic costs of sprawling parking lots in the United States. Land Use Policy 2010; 27:255–61.
[5] Leephakpreeda T. Car-parking guidance with fuzzy knowledge based decision making. Build Environ 2007;42:803–9.
[6] Arnott R, Rowse J. Downtown parking in auto city. Reg Sci Urban Econ 2009; 39:1–14.
[7] Shoup DC. Cruising for parking. Transp Policy 2006; 13:479–86.
[8] Teodorovic D, Lucˇ ic P. Intelligent parking systems. Eur J Oper Res 2006; 175:1666–81.
[9] Benenson I, Martens K, Birfir S. PARKAGENT: an agent-based model of parking in the city. Comput Environ Urban Syst 2008; 32:431–9.
[10] Caicedo F. Real-time parking information management to reduce search time, vehicle displacement and emissions. Transp Res Part D 2010; 15:228–34.
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Abstract: A New Product Introduction and Development process is one of the Corner stone's towards a competitive advantage in any market place today. A fully optimised process in combination with other lean and agile manufacturing techniques and systems is guaranteed to reduce lead-time and save on cost. New product development is a means for a company to gain advantage, secure a position, or win a new customer. The more successful and timely an organization can develop new products, the more likely it is that organization will not only survive but prosper.
[1] www.Google.com
[2] www.wikipedia.org
[3] www.geiind.com
[4] Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, Product design & development by 2nd Edition, Irwin Mcgraw-Hill,2000
[5] http://toolboxes.flexiblelearning.net.au/demosites/series3/316/cs/cs_c02.html
[6] http://www.stanford.edu/group/biodesign/cgi-bin/ebiodesign/index.php/needs-finding/strategic-focus-menu/199-3pt1-other-links
[7] Igor J. Karassik, William C. Krutzsch, Warren H. Fraser & Joseph P. Messina ,Pump Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,Singapore,1986
[8] ASME B 16.5 Edition 2009
[9] ANSI B 36.10 for Carbon Steel Seamless pipe
[10] ASME SEC VIII (2010)
[2] www.wikipedia.org
[3] www.geiind.com
[4] Karl T. Ulrich and Steven D. Eppinger, Product design & development by 2nd Edition, Irwin Mcgraw-Hill,2000
[5] http://toolboxes.flexiblelearning.net.au/demosites/series3/316/cs/cs_c02.html
[6] http://www.stanford.edu/group/biodesign/cgi-bin/ebiodesign/index.php/needs-finding/strategic-focus-menu/199-3pt1-other-links
[7] Igor J. Karassik, William C. Krutzsch, Warren H. Fraser & Joseph P. Messina ,Pump Handbook, McGraw-Hill Book Co.,Singapore,1986
[8] ASME B 16.5 Edition 2009
[9] ANSI B 36.10 for Carbon Steel Seamless pipe
[10] ASME SEC VIII (2010)
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Abstract: In Bangladesh, road way condition is very severe. Though the number of roads are less than what is required, again damages in road surface, specially in rainy season reduce the utility of these roads .Main aim of our paper is to improve the performance of asphalt pavement by using hydrated lime and determine the improvement of it to reduce the economic loss of our country. Moisture damage can manifest in the hot mix asphalt pavements in forms of stripping and/or softening of asphalt. It results in loss of stability ,bearing capacity failure and rutting of asphalt pavement. One of the common anti-stripping additives, hydrated lime, is considered to improve the properties of asphalt mixture in resisting moisture damage. The lime application process can be introduced to asphalt mixture by either adding dry hydrated lime to wet aggregates or adding lime slurry to dry aggregates. This study evaluates the laboratory performance-based properties of asphalt mixtures using two different lime application processes as well as to compare between hydrated lime-modified and polymer- modified asphalt mixture. Results indicated adding hydrated lime to asphalt binder is a cost effective method to improve performance of asphalt mixture in moisture damage and rutting resistance in Bangladesh.
Keywords:Anti-stripping, Economic Loss, Hydrated lime, Improvement .Moisture damage.
Keywords:Anti-stripping, Economic Loss, Hydrated lime, Improvement .Moisture damage.
Journal Papers:
[1] Plancher, H., Dorrence, S.M., Petersen, J.C. Identification of Chemical Types in Asphalts Strongly Absorbed at the Asphalt-Aggregate Interface and Their Relative Displacement by Water, Journal of the Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 46,1977, 151- 175.
[2] Roberts, F.L., Kandhal, P.S., Brown, E.R., Lee, D.Y., and Kennedy, T.W. Hot mix asphalt materials, mixture design, and construction, (Second edition, NAPA,1996 )
[3] Lee, A.R. and Nicholas, J.W. Adhesion in the Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Adhesion and Adhesives, Fundamentals and Practice, (Society of Chemical Industry, London,1989.)
[4] Little, D.N. and Epps, J.A. Hydrated Lime in Hot-Mix Asphalt. Presentation Manual, FHWA-HI-93-032, FHWA, AASHTO, and National Lime Association, prepared for Chemical Lime Company, Fort Worth, Texas,1993.
[5] Aschenbrener, T.B. Results of Survey on Moisture Damage of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements, Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver,2002.
Research Board Paper
[6] Taylor, M.A. and Khosla, N.P.Stripping of Asphalt Pavements: State of the Art, Transportation Research Record 911, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C ,1983.
[7] Hicks, R.G. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice 175: Moisture Damage in Asphalt Concrete, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.1991.
[8] Sebaaly, P.E., Hitti, E., and Weitzel, D. Effectiveness of Lime in Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements, Transportation Research Record 1832, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2003.
[9] Bari, J. and Witczak, M.W. An Evaluation of the Effect of Lime Modification on Dynamic Modulus Stiffness of HMA for Use with the New NCHRP 1-37A M-E Pavement Design Guide Procedures, Transportation Research Record 1929, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.2005.
[10] Epps, J., Berger, E., Anagnos, J.N. Treatments, Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Pavements, a National Seminar, Transportation Research Board,2003
[1] Plancher, H., Dorrence, S.M., Petersen, J.C. Identification of Chemical Types in Asphalts Strongly Absorbed at the Asphalt-Aggregate Interface and Their Relative Displacement by Water, Journal of the Asphalt Paving Technologists, Vol. 46,1977, 151- 175.
[2] Roberts, F.L., Kandhal, P.S., Brown, E.R., Lee, D.Y., and Kennedy, T.W. Hot mix asphalt materials, mixture design, and construction, (Second edition, NAPA,1996 )
[3] Lee, A.R. and Nicholas, J.W. Adhesion in the Construction and Maintenance of Roads, Adhesion and Adhesives, Fundamentals and Practice, (Society of Chemical Industry, London,1989.)
[4] Little, D.N. and Epps, J.A. Hydrated Lime in Hot-Mix Asphalt. Presentation Manual, FHWA-HI-93-032, FHWA, AASHTO, and National Lime Association, prepared for Chemical Lime Company, Fort Worth, Texas,1993.
[5] Aschenbrener, T.B. Results of Survey on Moisture Damage of Hot-Mix Asphalt Pavements, Colorado Department of Transportation, Denver,2002.
Research Board Paper
[6] Taylor, M.A. and Khosla, N.P.Stripping of Asphalt Pavements: State of the Art, Transportation Research Record 911, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C ,1983.
[7] Hicks, R.G. NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice 175: Moisture Damage in Asphalt Concrete, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.1991.
[8] Sebaaly, P.E., Hitti, E., and Weitzel, D. Effectiveness of Lime in Hot Mix Asphalt Pavements, Transportation Research Record 1832, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C. 2003.
[9] Bari, J. and Witczak, M.W. An Evaluation of the Effect of Lime Modification on Dynamic Modulus Stiffness of HMA for Use with the New NCHRP 1-37A M-E Pavement Design Guide Procedures, Transportation Research Record 1929, Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C.2005.
[10] Epps, J., Berger, E., Anagnos, J.N. Treatments, Moisture Sensitivity of Asphalt Pavements, a National Seminar, Transportation Research Board,2003
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Abstract: A well planned experimental work on thirteen regular concrete filled steel fluted columns (CFSFC).
The parameters chosen for the study are Geometry of the specimen - Rectangular flutes. Different L/D ratios,
Longitudinal reinforcement. Three series of specimens having different L/D ratios, 2500 mm long have been
tested with M20 grade of concrete. Study has been made with respect to the Self Compacting Concrete as per
Nan Su method and tested for conformity as per IS Specifications is poured into the fluted steel tube. These
columns were cured for 28 days by frequently pouring water over top of the column. Pilot specimens cured in a
similar manner were tested to know the basic properties. It has been found from the observation that columns
had good confinement and SCC the failure was at supports for all columns by opening up of steel sheet showing
local buckling. It was also observed that as the L/D ratio increased the opening up of steel sheet moved towards
the supports. None of the columns showed any buckling characteristics for enhanced loading or for higher L/D
ratios of 25. Results obtained from the experiments have been compared with earlier developed empirical
equations and have been found that generally, the theoretical values are conservative compared to the
experimental values by about 50 to 60%.
Keywords: CFSRFC, CFST, Composite Column, Rectangular Fluted column , SCC
Keywords: CFSRFC, CFST, Composite Column, Rectangular Fluted column , SCC
Journal Papers:
[1] Artiomas Kuranovas, Audronis Kazimieras Kvedaras 2007, "Behavior of hollow concrete-filled steel tubular composite elements",
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 2007, Vol XIII, No 2, 131–141
[2] Bridge, RQ & O‟Shea, MD,1997, "Local buckling of thin–walled circular steel sections with or without internal restraint" Journal
of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 41, No.2/3, pp. 137-157.PII:S0143-974X(97)00002-3
[3] Bridge, RQ & O‟Shea, MD, 1998, "Behavior of thin-walled steel box sections with or without internal restraint", Journal of
Constructional Steel Research , vol. 47, pp. 73-91.
[4] Bridge, RQ & O‟Shea, MD, 2000, "Design of circular thin-walled concrete filled steel tubes "Journal of Structural Engineering,
ASCE, Proc. 126, 1295-1303.
[5] Brian Uy, 2001, "Local and post-local buckling of fabricated steel and composite cross sections", Journal of Structural Engineering,
ASCE, vol. 127, no. 6, pp.666-677.
[6] Bradford, MA, Loh, HY & Uy, B, 2002, "Slenderness limits for circular steel tubes", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol.
58, pp. 243-252.
[7] Brian Uy et al, 2003, "Strength of Concrete Filled Steel Box Columns Incorporating Interaction Buckling", Journal of Structural
Engineering,ASCE, vol 129 pp. 626-639.
[8] Dung M. Lue, Jui-Ling Liu, Tsong Yen 2007, "Experimental study on rectangular CFT columns with high-strength concrete",
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63 (2007) 37–44.
[9] Giakoumelis. G & Lam. D, 2004, "Axial capacity of circular concrete-filled tube columns", Journal of Constructional Steel
Research, vol. 60, pp. 1049-1068
[10] Ferhun C. Caner; and Zdenek P. Bazant, F., 2002, "Lateral Confinement Needed to Suppress Softening of Concrete in Compression
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, December 2002 pp 1304-1313.
[1] Artiomas Kuranovas, Audronis Kazimieras Kvedaras 2007, "Behavior of hollow concrete-filled steel tubular composite elements",
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 2007, Vol XIII, No 2, 131–141
[2] Bridge, RQ & O‟Shea, MD,1997, "Local buckling of thin–walled circular steel sections with or without internal restraint" Journal
of Constructional Steel Research, vol. 41, No.2/3, pp. 137-157.PII:S0143-974X(97)00002-3
[3] Bridge, RQ & O‟Shea, MD, 1998, "Behavior of thin-walled steel box sections with or without internal restraint", Journal of
Constructional Steel Research , vol. 47, pp. 73-91.
[4] Bridge, RQ & O‟Shea, MD, 2000, "Design of circular thin-walled concrete filled steel tubes "Journal of Structural Engineering,
ASCE, Proc. 126, 1295-1303.
[5] Brian Uy, 2001, "Local and post-local buckling of fabricated steel and composite cross sections", Journal of Structural Engineering,
ASCE, vol. 127, no. 6, pp.666-677.
[6] Bradford, MA, Loh, HY & Uy, B, 2002, "Slenderness limits for circular steel tubes", Journal of Constructional Steel Research, vol.
58, pp. 243-252.
[7] Brian Uy et al, 2003, "Strength of Concrete Filled Steel Box Columns Incorporating Interaction Buckling", Journal of Structural
Engineering,ASCE, vol 129 pp. 626-639.
[8] Dung M. Lue, Jui-Ling Liu, Tsong Yen 2007, "Experimental study on rectangular CFT columns with high-strength concrete",
Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 63 (2007) 37–44.
[9] Giakoumelis. G & Lam. D, 2004, "Axial capacity of circular concrete-filled tube columns", Journal of Constructional Steel
Research, vol. 60, pp. 1049-1068
[10] Ferhun C. Caner; and Zdenek P. Bazant, F., 2002, "Lateral Confinement Needed to Suppress Softening of Concrete in Compression
Journal of Engineering Mechanics, December 2002 pp 1304-1313.