Volume-4 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: In this work, fault detection in a single cracked beam has been worked out. The identification of
location and the depth of crack in a beam containing single transverse crack is done through theoretical and
experimental analysis respectively. It has come to noticed that a crack in a beam has great effect on dynamic
behavior of beam. The strain energy density function also applied to examine the few more flexibility produced
to because of the presence of crack. Considering the flexibility an additional stiffness matrix is taken away and
consequently, it is used to find the natural frequency and mode shape of the cracked beam of different end
conditions of beam. The difference of mode shapes of cantilever beam, simply supported beam and Clamped –
Clamped beam in between the first three modes of cracked and un-cracked respectively beam with its amplified
view at the zone of the crack locale are studied. The theoretical analyses are carried out of the crack structure.
Finally for the validation result are compared with the results of both theoretical and experimental analysis. It
is found that the contract agreed between their results is excellent.
Keywords:beam, crack, fault, frequency, locale, mode shape, stiffness matrix, vibration.
Keywords:beam, crack, fault, frequency, locale, mode shape, stiffness matrix, vibration.
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[2]. Andreaus, Ugo and Baragatti, Paolo, 'Cracked beam identification by numerically analyzing the nonlinear behavior of the
harmonically forced response', Journal of sounds and vibrations, 330(4), p. 721-742, Feb. 2011.
[3]. Bachschmid,N. Tanzi, E. and Audebert, S. 'The effect of helicoidal cracks on the behavior of rotating shafts', Journal of
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[4]. Boonya, Prapasorn and Arsit, 'Fault detection and diagnosis process for cracked rotor vibration systems using model based
approach', PhD Thesis, Jan. 2009.
[5]. Chondros, T. G. and Labeas, G. N, 'Torsional vibration of a cracked rod by vibrational formulation and numerical analysis',
Journal of sound and vibration, 301(3-5), p.994-1006, April, 2007.
[6]. Chondros, T. G. 'Fatigue fracture of the Bjork-Shiley heart valve strut and failure diagnosis from acoustic signature', Journal of
theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 54(2), p. 71-81, Oct. 2010.
[7]. Darpe, Ashish K., 'A novel way to detect transverse surface crack in a rotating shaft', Journal of sound and vibration, 305(1-2), p.
151-171, Aug. 2007.
[8]. Das, H. C., and Parhi, D. R., 'Identification of crack location and intensity in a cracked beam by fuzzy reasoning', International
journal of intelligent systems Technology and applications, vol.9, No.1, p. 75-95, 2010.
[9]. El-OuafiBahlous, S., Smaoui, H., and El-Borgi, S., 'Experimental validation of an ambient vibration based multiple damage
identification method using statistical modal filtering', Journal of sound and vibration, 325(1-2), p. 49-68, Aug.2009.
[10]. Faverjon, B. and Sinou, J. J., 'Identification of an open crack in a beam using an a posteriori error estimator of the frequency
response functions with noisy measurement', European journal of mechanics-A/Solids, 28(1), p.75-85, Jan. 2009.
5), p. 863-876, March, 2007.
[2]. Andreaus, Ugo and Baragatti, Paolo, 'Cracked beam identification by numerically analyzing the nonlinear behavior of the
harmonically forced response', Journal of sounds and vibrations, 330(4), p. 721-742, Feb. 2011.
[3]. Bachschmid,N. Tanzi, E. and Audebert, S. 'The effect of helicoidal cracks on the behavior of rotating shafts', Journal of
engineering fracture mechanics,75(3-4), p. 475-488, Feb. 2008.
[4]. Boonya, Prapasorn and Arsit, 'Fault detection and diagnosis process for cracked rotor vibration systems using model based
approach', PhD Thesis, Jan. 2009.
[5]. Chondros, T. G. and Labeas, G. N, 'Torsional vibration of a cracked rod by vibrational formulation and numerical analysis',
Journal of sound and vibration, 301(3-5), p.994-1006, April, 2007.
[6]. Chondros, T. G. 'Fatigue fracture of the Bjork-Shiley heart valve strut and failure diagnosis from acoustic signature', Journal of
theoretical and applied fracture mechanics, 54(2), p. 71-81, Oct. 2010.
[7]. Darpe, Ashish K., 'A novel way to detect transverse surface crack in a rotating shaft', Journal of sound and vibration, 305(1-2), p.
151-171, Aug. 2007.
[8]. Das, H. C., and Parhi, D. R., 'Identification of crack location and intensity in a cracked beam by fuzzy reasoning', International
journal of intelligent systems Technology and applications, vol.9, No.1, p. 75-95, 2010.
[9]. El-OuafiBahlous, S., Smaoui, H., and El-Borgi, S., 'Experimental validation of an ambient vibration based multiple damage
identification method using statistical modal filtering', Journal of sound and vibration, 325(1-2), p. 49-68, Aug.2009.
[10]. Faverjon, B. and Sinou, J. J., 'Identification of an open crack in a beam using an a posteriori error estimator of the frequency
response functions with noisy measurement', European journal of mechanics-A/Solids, 28(1), p.75-85, Jan. 2009.
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Abstract: The offshore tubular structures are composed of beam elements which the intersecting areas present
structural discontinuities. So, a high stress concentration appears in these areas, particularly, in the hot spots
points. In this study, the finite element method (FEM) is applied on welded tubular T, Y, DT and DY-joints, in
order to visualise the elastic stress distribution in the vicinity of the weld toe, and record the plastic limit load of
each form. The aim of this work is to compare the elastic and elastoplastic behaviours, firstly, between T and Y
tubular join, then, repeated this study for DT and DY joints. For elastic study, the evolution of von Mises
equivalent stress along the weld toe was compared, knowing that the axial loads are applied in the free ends of
the all braces. For nonlinear investigation, a comparison of tensile loads limits (collapse load) of these joints
was realised, knowing that a tensile proportionally load is applied in the free ands of the braces. The mesh and
the numerical calculation are performed using, respectively, Patran and Nastran software.
Keywords:Elastic, Elastoplastic, Stress Factor Concentration, Tubular Joint, Hot Spot, Limit Load.
Keywords:Elastic, Elastoplastic, Stress Factor Concentration, Tubular Joint, Hot Spot, Limit Load.
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[6] C. T. Kang, D. G. Moffat, J. Mistry, Strength of DT Tubular Joints With Brace and Chord Compression, Journal of Structural
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[7] M. M. K. Lee, S. R. Wilmshurst, Numerical modelling of CHS joints with multiplanar double-K configuration, Journal of
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[8] A. F. Hamed, Y.A. Khalid, B. B. Sahari, M. M. Hamdan, Finite element and experimental analysis for the effect of elliptical chord
shape on tubular T-joint strength, In Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering, 215(part E), 2001, 123-131.
[9] S. Jalal, E. El Maskaoui, A. Mjidila, L. Bousshine, Etude expérimentale et numérique du comportement élasto-plastique d'un joint
tubulaire soudé de forme « T », 4th Int. Symposium Aircraft Material, Fès Morocco, 2012.
[10] ARSEM, Guides pratiques sur les ouvrages en mer - Assemblages tubulaires soudés, (TECHNIP: Paris, 1980).
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Abstract: The overall objective of this paper is to design and analyze a composite drive shaft for power
transmission applications. A one-piece drive shaft for rear wheel drive automobile was designed optimally using
E-Glass/Epoxy and High modulus (HM) Carbon/Epoxy composites. In this paper an Analytical and ANSYS
Software has been successfully applied to minimize the weight of shaft which is subjected to the constraints such
as torque transmission, Static Structural capacities. The results of Analytical Analysis are used to perform
Torsional Buckling analysis using ANSYS software. The results show the stacking sequence and fiber angle
orientation of shaft strongly affects Buckling strength of shaft.
[1] M.A. Badie, E. Mahdi , A.M.S. Hamouda, "An investigation into hybrid carbon /glass fiber reinforced epoxy composite automotiv e
drive shaft", Materials and Design 32 (2011), pp 1485–1500.
[2] Mahmood M. Shokrieh, Akbar Hasani, Larry B. Lessard, "Shear buckling of a composite drive shaft under torsion", Composite
Structures 64 (2004), pp 63–69. 3. S.A. Mutasher , "Prediction of the torsional strength of the hybrid aluminum/composite drive
shaft", Materials and Design 30 (2009), pp 215–220.
[3] R. Sino, T.N. Baranger, E. Chatelet, G. Jacquet, "Dynamic analysis of a rotating composite shaft", Composites Science and
Technology 68 (2008), pp 337–345. 5. Y.A. Khalid, S.A. Mutasher, B.B. Sahari, A.M.S. Hamouda, "Bending fatigue behavior of
hybrid aluminum/composite drive shafts", Materials and Design 28 (2007), pp 329–334.
[4] Hak Sung Kim, Dai Gil Lee, "Optimal design of the press fit joint for a hybrid aluminum/composite drive shaft", Composite
Structures 70 (2005), pp 33–47.
[5] A.R. Abu Talib, Aidy Ali, Mohamed A. Badie, Nur Azida Che Lah, A.F. Golestaneh, "Developing a hybrid, carbon/glass fiber -
reinforced, epoxy composite automotive drive shaft", Materials and Design 31 (2010), pp 514–521.
[6] M. A. Badie, A. Mahdi, A. R. Abutalib, E. J. Abdullah and R. Yonus, " Automotive Composite Drive Shafts Investigation of the
Design Variable Effects", IJET Vol. 3, No.2, 2006, pp. 227 -237 .
[7] Nitin Gokhale, Sanjay Deshpande, Anand Thite, Practical Finite Element Analysis, Finite to Infinite, India.
[8] Y. Nakasone, S. YoshimotoT., A. Stolarski, Engineering Analysis With ANSYS Software, First edition 2006, Elsevier Butterworth-
Heinemann Publication.
[9] Thimmegowda RANGASWAMY, Sabapathy VIJAYARANGAN "Optimal Sizing and Stacking Sequence of Composite Shaft",
ISSN 1392-1320, Vol.11 No.2 2005, pp 133-140.
[10] T.Rangaswamy, S. Vijayarangan, R.A. Chandrashekar, T.K. Venkatesh and K.Anantharaman, "Optimal Design and Analysis of
Automotive Composite Drive Shaft", ISRS on Material Science Engineering, December 2002-04, pp 1-9. shaft", Composite
drive shaft", Materials and Design 32 (2011), pp 1485–1500.
[2] Mahmood M. Shokrieh, Akbar Hasani, Larry B. Lessard, "Shear buckling of a composite drive shaft under torsion", Composite
Structures 64 (2004), pp 63–69. 3. S.A. Mutasher , "Prediction of the torsional strength of the hybrid aluminum/composite drive
shaft", Materials and Design 30 (2009), pp 215–220.
[3] R. Sino, T.N. Baranger, E. Chatelet, G. Jacquet, "Dynamic analysis of a rotating composite shaft", Composites Science and
Technology 68 (2008), pp 337–345. 5. Y.A. Khalid, S.A. Mutasher, B.B. Sahari, A.M.S. Hamouda, "Bending fatigue behavior of
hybrid aluminum/composite drive shafts", Materials and Design 28 (2007), pp 329–334.
[4] Hak Sung Kim, Dai Gil Lee, "Optimal design of the press fit joint for a hybrid aluminum/composite drive shaft", Composite
Structures 70 (2005), pp 33–47.
[5] A.R. Abu Talib, Aidy Ali, Mohamed A. Badie, Nur Azida Che Lah, A.F. Golestaneh, "Developing a hybrid, carbon/glass fiber -
reinforced, epoxy composite automotive drive shaft", Materials and Design 31 (2010), pp 514–521.
[6] M. A. Badie, A. Mahdi, A. R. Abutalib, E. J. Abdullah and R. Yonus, " Automotive Composite Drive Shafts Investigation of the
Design Variable Effects", IJET Vol. 3, No.2, 2006, pp. 227 -237 .
[7] Nitin Gokhale, Sanjay Deshpande, Anand Thite, Practical Finite Element Analysis, Finite to Infinite, India.
[8] Y. Nakasone, S. YoshimotoT., A. Stolarski, Engineering Analysis With ANSYS Software, First edition 2006, Elsevier Butterworth-
Heinemann Publication.
[9] Thimmegowda RANGASWAMY, Sabapathy VIJAYARANGAN "Optimal Sizing and Stacking Sequence of Composite Shaft",
ISSN 1392-1320, Vol.11 No.2 2005, pp 133-140.
[10] T.Rangaswamy, S. Vijayarangan, R.A. Chandrashekar, T.K. Venkatesh and K.Anantharaman, "Optimal Design and Analysis of
Automotive Composite Drive Shaft", ISRS on Material Science Engineering, December 2002-04, pp 1-9. shaft", Composite
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Using the welding parameters to improve the mechanical properties of Liquefied Natural Gas storage tank welded joint |
Country | : | Eygpt |
Authors | : | Abd El Fattah Mustafa Khourshid , Mohamed Ahmed Ghanem |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0433239 ![]() |
Abstract: The increase demand for LNG as alternative of conventional oil fuel and due to the risk assessment
of LNG tank . The increase of focus has been put on the performance of welded LNG tank .
Where the improvement of 9%Ni steel plates mechanical properties is still continued by steel making to reduce
the cost of fabrication of LNG storage tank and to give more safe structure. These applied by development of
heat treatment process that change from quenched till reach to double quenched and tempered . The problem in
welded joint is to be more match to mechanical properties of base metal especially with no facility of applying
PWHT process .
Keywords:9%Ni steel plate ,LNG tank , Heat Input ,Toughness ,Tensile strength
Keywords:9%Ni steel plate ,LNG tank , Heat Input ,Toughness ,Tensile strength
[1] Shigearu Suzuki ,Yoshifumi Nakano, Keisuke Hirose,Taketo Okumura ,Hiroshi Nishikawa and Mineo Sato," Production of 9%Ni
steel plates for liquefied natural tanks " , Kawasaki steel technical report No. 6 , September 1982.
[2] Manabu HOSHINO, Naoki SAITOH,Hirohide MURAOKA& Osamu SAEKI ," Development of Super-9%Ni Steel Plates with
Superior Low-Temperature Toughness for LNG Storage Tanks " , NIPPON STEEL TECHNICAL REPORT No. 90 July 2004 .
[3] Jörgen Strömberg ,Susan Sun-Hi Pak , Cost efficient LNG storage tank constructed by High productivity welding , ESAB ,PO-30..
[4] Jang-Bog Ju, Woo-sik Kim, Jae-il Jang, , Variations in DBTT and CTOD within weld heat-affected zone of API X65 pipeline
steel, journal of Materials Science and Engineering A , 2012.
[5] LEI Ming ,Guo Yunyi," Formation of precipitated austenite in 9%Ni steel and it s performance at cryogenic temperature ",ACTA
Metallurgica sinica (english edition) ,Series A,Vol 2 No. 4 pp-244-248 , Jul 1989.
[6] K,Hickmann, A.Kern, U. Schriever and J.Stumpfe , "Production and properties of high strength nickel alloy steel plates for low
temperature applications ",2005.
[7] NISHIDA Shun-ichi, MATSUOKA Toshio & WADA Tsunemi" Technology and Products of JFE Steel's Three Plate Mills",JFE
[8] C.K.Syn, B.Fultz and J.W.Morris ," Mechanical stability of retained austenite in tempered 9Ni steel",ASM ans The Metallurgical
society of AIME ,Vol 9A,Nov 1978-1635.
[9] S O H K I T A, Control of Strength and toughness in weld metals, Welding International 2003 17 (9) 693–698.
[10] C. Thaulowa,*, M. Haugea, Z.L. Zhanga, é. Ranestada, F. Fattorini , On the interrelationship between fracture toughness and
material mismatch for cracks located at the fusion line of weldments , Engineering Fracture Mechanics 64 (1999) 367±382.
steel plates for liquefied natural tanks " , Kawasaki steel technical report No. 6 , September 1982.
[2] Manabu HOSHINO, Naoki SAITOH,Hirohide MURAOKA& Osamu SAEKI ," Development of Super-9%Ni Steel Plates with
Superior Low-Temperature Toughness for LNG Storage Tanks " , NIPPON STEEL TECHNICAL REPORT No. 90 July 2004 .
[3] Jörgen Strömberg ,Susan Sun-Hi Pak , Cost efficient LNG storage tank constructed by High productivity welding , ESAB ,PO-30..
[4] Jang-Bog Ju, Woo-sik Kim, Jae-il Jang, , Variations in DBTT and CTOD within weld heat-affected zone of API X65 pipeline
steel, journal of Materials Science and Engineering A , 2012.
[5] LEI Ming ,Guo Yunyi," Formation of precipitated austenite in 9%Ni steel and it s performance at cryogenic temperature ",ACTA
Metallurgica sinica (english edition) ,Series A,Vol 2 No. 4 pp-244-248 , Jul 1989.
[6] K,Hickmann, A.Kern, U. Schriever and J.Stumpfe , "Production and properties of high strength nickel alloy steel plates for low
temperature applications ",2005.
[7] NISHIDA Shun-ichi, MATSUOKA Toshio & WADA Tsunemi" Technology and Products of JFE Steel's Three Plate Mills",JFE
[8] C.K.Syn, B.Fultz and J.W.Morris ," Mechanical stability of retained austenite in tempered 9Ni steel",ASM ans The Metallurgical
society of AIME ,Vol 9A,Nov 1978-1635.
[9] S O H K I T A, Control of Strength and toughness in weld metals, Welding International 2003 17 (9) 693–698.
[10] C. Thaulowa,*, M. Haugea, Z.L. Zhanga, é. Ranestada, F. Fattorini , On the interrelationship between fracture toughness and
material mismatch for cracks located at the fusion line of weldments , Engineering Fracture Mechanics 64 (1999) 367±382.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automotive Product Development Process (APDP) Strategy by Integrating Six Sigma to Reduce the Cost of Quality |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.N.Teli, Dr.V.S.Majali, Dr.U.M.Bhushi, Sanjay Patil |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0434048 ![]() |
Abstract: TSix Sigma Seeks To Improve The Quality Of Process Outputs By Identifying And Removing The
Causes Of Defects (Errors) And Minimizing Variability In Manufacturing And Business Processes. It Uses A
Set Of Quality Management Methods, Including Statistical Methods, And Creates A Special Infrastructure Of
People Within The Organization ("Black Belts", "Green Belts", Etc.) Who Are Experts In These Methods. The
Term Six Sigma Originated From Terminology Associated With Manufacturing, Specifically Terms Associated
With Statistical Modeling Of Manufacturing Processes. The Maturity Of A Manufacturing Process Can Be
Described By A Sigma Rating Indicating Its Yield, Or The Percentage Of Defect-Free Products It Creates. A Six
Sigma Process Is One In Which 99.99966% Of The Products Manufactured Are Statistically Expected To Be
Free Of Defects (3.4 Defects Per Million). This Paper Focus Mainly To Reduce The Cost Of Quality For
Automobile Industry By Using Six Sigma Tools. There Are Three Groups Of Quality Costs: External Failure
Costs: Warranty Claims & Service Costs, Internal Failure Costs: The Cost Of Labour, Material Associated
With Scrapped Parts, And Rework. Cost Of Appraisal & Inspection: These Are Materials For Samples, Test
Equipment, Inspection Labour Cost, Quality Audits, Etc.
Keywords:Six Sigma, Cost of Quality, APDP
Keywords:Six Sigma, Cost of Quality, APDP
[1] Adams, Cary W.; Gupta, Praveen; Charles E. Wilson (2003). Six Sigma Deployment. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
[2] Breyfogle, Forrest W. III (1999). Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical Methods. New York, NY: John
Wiley & Sons.
[3] De Feo, Joseph A.; Barnard, William (2005). JURAN Institute's Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond - Quality Performance
Breakthrough Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional.
[4] Hahn, G. J., Hill, W. J., Hoerl, R. W. and Zinkgraf, S. A. (1999) The Impact of Six Sigma Improvement -A Glimpse into the Future
of Statistics, The American Statistician, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 208–215.
[5] Keller, Paul A. (2001). Six Sigma Deployment: A Guide for Implementing Six Sigma in Your Organization. Tucson, AZ: Quality
[6] Pande, Peter S.; Neuman, Robert P.; Roland R. Cavanagh (2001). The Six Sigma Way: How GE, Motorola, and Other Top
Companies are Honing Their Performance. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional.
[7] Pyzdek, Thomas and Paul A. Keller (2009). The Six Sigma Handbook, Third Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
[8] Snee, Ronald D.; Hoerl, Roger W. (2002). Leading Six Sigma: A Step-by-Step Guide Based on Experience with GE and Other Six
Sigma Companies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press. ISBN 0-13-008457-3
[9] Taylor, Gerald (2008). Lean Six Sigma Service Excellence: A Guide to Green Belt Certification and Bottom Line Improvement.
New York, NY: J. Ross Publishing.
[10] Tennant, Geoff (2001). SIX SIGMA: SPC and TQM in Manufacturing and Services. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, Ltd.
[2] Breyfogle, Forrest W. III (1999). Implementing Six Sigma: Smarter Solutions Using Statistical Methods. New York, NY: John
Wiley & Sons.
[3] De Feo, Joseph A.; Barnard, William (2005). JURAN Institute's Six Sigma Breakthrough and Beyond - Quality Performance
Breakthrough Methods. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional.
[4] Hahn, G. J., Hill, W. J., Hoerl, R. W. and Zinkgraf, S. A. (1999) The Impact of Six Sigma Improvement -A Glimpse into the Future
of Statistics, The American Statistician, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 208–215.
[5] Keller, Paul A. (2001). Six Sigma Deployment: A Guide for Implementing Six Sigma in Your Organization. Tucson, AZ: Quality
[6] Pande, Peter S.; Neuman, Robert P.; Roland R. Cavanagh (2001). The Six Sigma Way: How GE, Motorola, and Other Top
Companies are Honing Their Performance. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Professional.
[7] Pyzdek, Thomas and Paul A. Keller (2009). The Six Sigma Handbook, Third Edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
[8] Snee, Ronald D.; Hoerl, Roger W. (2002). Leading Six Sigma: A Step-by-Step Guide Based on Experience with GE and Other Six
Sigma Companies. Upper Saddle River, NJ: FT Press. ISBN 0-13-008457-3
[9] Taylor, Gerald (2008). Lean Six Sigma Service Excellence: A Guide to Green Belt Certification and Bottom Line Improvement.
New York, NY: J. Ross Publishing.
[10] Tennant, Geoff (2001). SIX SIGMA: SPC and TQM in Manufacturing and Services. Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, Ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prediction of Creep Deformation in Concrete Using Some Design Code Models |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Brian E. Usibe, Iniobong P. Etim, James O. Ushie |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0434953 ![]() |
Abstract: TThe tendency of a concrete material to deform under stress is often responsible for excessive
deflection at service loads which can compromise the performance of elements with a structure. Hence, the
realistic prediction of both the magnitude and rate of creep strain is an important requirement of the design
process. Therefore, relatively simple empirically based national design Code models are analyzed in order to
predict the magnitude of creep strain. The models assessed are ACI 209 (1992), AS 3600 (1988), BS 8110
(1985), CEB-FIP (1978), CEB-FIP (1990), SAB 0100 (1992) and the RILEM Model B3 (1995).
Keywords:Creep deformation, concrete, creep strain, design code models.
Keywords:Creep deformation, concrete, creep strain, design code models.
[1] American Concrete Institute (ACI) (1992). ACI Committee 209, Subcommittee II. Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage and Temperature
Effects in Concrete Structures Report ACI 209 R92, District, pp 1-12.
[2] AS 3600 (1988). Concrete structures: AS 3600 Standard Association of Australia, North Sydney pp 8-14.
[3] BS 8110 (1985). Structural use of Concrete, Part 2, Code of Practice for Design and Construction, London, British Structural
[4] CEB-FIP (1978). Comite' Europeen du Be'ton-Federation Internationale De la Precontrainte, International System of Unified
Standard Code of Practice for Structures, Vol II. CEB-FIP Model Code for Concrete Structures. 3rd ed Lausanne pp 56, 331-344.
[5] CEB-FIP (1990). CEB-FIP Model Code. First Draft, Lausanne Information Bulletin No. 195, pp 2-3, 28, 40.
[6] Fanourakis, G. C. (1998). The Influence of Aggregate Stiffness on the Measured and Predicted Creep Behavior of Concrete,
M.Sc.(Eng) Dissertation, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
[7] RILEM Model B3 (1995). Creep and Shrinkage Model for Analysis and Design of Concrete structures: Model B3, Draft RILEM
Recommendations. Materials and Structures. Vol. 28, pp 357-365, 415-430, 488-495. Vol. 29 (1996), pp 126.
[8] SABA 0100 (1992). Code of Practice for the Structural use of Concrete, Part 1, & 2, Part 1: Design, Part 2: Materials. Pretoria,
South African Bureau of Standards.
Effects in Concrete Structures Report ACI 209 R92, District, pp 1-12.
[2] AS 3600 (1988). Concrete structures: AS 3600 Standard Association of Australia, North Sydney pp 8-14.
[3] BS 8110 (1985). Structural use of Concrete, Part 2, Code of Practice for Design and Construction, London, British Structural
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