Volume-5 ~ Issue-2
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dynamic Simulation of a Connecting Rod made of Aluminium Alloy using Finite Element Analysis Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ram Bansal |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0520105 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper a Dynamic simulation was conducted on a Connecting Rod made of Aluminium Alloy
using Finite Element Analysis. The Connecting Rod is one of the important part of an engine. In this task,
connecting rod of the single cylinder four stroke diesel engine is used. After measurements were taken,
connecting rods were drawn using CATIA software and saved in 'IGES' format. Then, the drawing of connecting
rod (IGES format) imported into ANSYS software. In this analysis of Connecting Rod was performed under
Dynamic load for Stress analysis, and optimization. The pressure-volume diagram was used to calculate the
load boundary condition in dynamic simulation model, and other simulation inputs were taken from the engine
Specification chart. The data obtained at engine run were plotted on graph by Enginesoft Software. The
maximum deformation, maximum stress point and dangerous areas are found by the stress analysis of
Connecting Rod. This analysis uses a different mesh. It aims to get more precise results. The relationship
between the stress and the nodal displacement is explained by the modal analysis of Connecting Rod. The
results would provide a valuable theoretical foundation for the optimization and improvement of Engine Design.
Dynamic load analysis was performed to determine the in service loading of the connecting rod and FEA was
conducted to find stresses at critical locations.
Keywords: Connecting Rod, Aluminium alloy, Enginesoft, CATIA V5R18, FEA, ANSYS 13.0.
Keywords: Connecting Rod, Aluminium alloy, Enginesoft, CATIA V5R18, FEA, ANSYS 13.0.
[1] A Textbook of Machine Design by Shigley
[2] PICOS, C., s.a, Tehnologia construcţiei de maşini. Probleme, Editura didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1976.
[3] Finit Element Analysis (Theory and Application with ANSYS) Book by Saeed Moaveni, Minnesota State University, Mankato.
[4] User's Manual of Single Cylinder diesel engine in Rustam Ji Institute of Technology BSF Tekanpur.
[5] ANSYS-13.0 User's Manual.
[6] Mirehei, A., Zadeh, H.M., Jafari, A. and Omid. M. 2008. Fatigue analysis of connecting rod of universal tractor through finite
element method (ANSYS). Journal of Agricultural Technology. 4(2): 21-27.
[7] Yang, R.J., Dewhirst, D.L., Allison, J.E. and Lee, A. 1992. Shape optimization of connecting rod pin end using a generic model.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 11: 257-264.
[8] Shenoy, P.S. 2004. Dynamic load analysis and optimization of connecting rod. Master's Thesis. University of Toledo, USA.
[9] HU Dongqing, "Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Engine Connecting Rod" in Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science,
vo!. 37, pp.:6458-6460, July 2009
[2] PICOS, C., s.a, Tehnologia construcţiei de maşini. Probleme, Editura didactică şi pedagogică, Bucureşti, 1976.
[3] Finit Element Analysis (Theory and Application with ANSYS) Book by Saeed Moaveni, Minnesota State University, Mankato.
[4] User's Manual of Single Cylinder diesel engine in Rustam Ji Institute of Technology BSF Tekanpur.
[5] ANSYS-13.0 User's Manual.
[6] Mirehei, A., Zadeh, H.M., Jafari, A. and Omid. M. 2008. Fatigue analysis of connecting rod of universal tractor through finite
element method (ANSYS). Journal of Agricultural Technology. 4(2): 21-27.
[7] Yang, R.J., Dewhirst, D.L., Allison, J.E. and Lee, A. 1992. Shape optimization of connecting rod pin end using a generic model.
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design. 11: 257-264.
[8] Shenoy, P.S. 2004. Dynamic load analysis and optimization of connecting rod. Master's Thesis. University of Toledo, USA.
[9] HU Dongqing, "Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Engine Connecting Rod" in Journal of Anhui Agricultural Science,
vo!. 37, pp.:6458-6460, July 2009
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of Travel Routes on Vehicular Emissions in Urban Driving |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | O.N Aduagba, J. D. Amine, M.I. Oseni |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0520610 ![]() |
Abstract: This study measured the concentration of pollutants in a passenger car Golf 3, Volkswagen model,
popularly used as Taxi in Nigeria was done on three different travel routes of state routes in the Federal Capital
Territory, Abuja, in the bid to compare the emission level of regulated and non-regulated gasses of Carbon
monoxide (CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Nitrogen oxide (NO), and Non-Methane Hydro Carbon (NMHC)
propane using SV -5Q Automobile Exhaust Gas Analyzer connected to the exhaust port with measurement
conducted at intervals over traveled distance. The Route C ( Berger- Area1) gave the lowest average emissions
value of 0.45%, 87.69%, 320.72ppm and 590.86 ppm for CO, CO2, HC and NO, Route B (Nyanya- AYA) gave
the highest value of 0.53% CO, 8.99% CO2, 374.06ppm HC and 691.52ppm NO . In percentage analysis the
average emission value for CO in route B was 6% higher while Route A (Jikwoyi- Kurudu) 3% higher than the
value in Route C. Also the CO2 average emission was 6% higher in Route B than Route C similar to
observation in CO but in Route A the CO2 value was 5% lower than Route C. The road grade should be taken
into account for localized emissions estimation
Keywords: Altitude, Average Speed, Emissions, Travel Routes,
Keywords: Altitude, Average Speed, Emissions, Travel Routes,
[1] Ibrahim J.S., Kucha E.I., and Ukwenya J. (2009) Evaluation of the Level of Urban Pollution caused by Automobile Exhaust Gases in
Three major Towns of Benue State. Multidisciplinary Journal of Research Development, Published by National Association of
Research Development Vol. 13 No , pp40-44
[2] Frey HC, Zhang K, Rouphail NM. (2008) Fuel use and emissions comparisons for alternative routes, time of day, road grade, and
vehicles based on in-use measurements. Environmental Science and Technology pp 10
[3] Heywood B. (1988). Internal combustion Engine Fundamentals (International Edition). McGraw- Hill, New York, pp38
[4] Andrew J. K., Robert A. H. and Gary R. K.(2003). Effects of Vehicle Speed and Engine Load on Motor Vehicle Emissions
.Environmental. Science and Technology. pp 3739
[5] Chan T.L., Ning Z., Leung C.W., Cheung C.S., Hung W.T. and Dong G. (2004) On- road remote sensing of petrol vehicle emissions
measurement and emission factors estimation in Hong Kong. Atmospheric 140 Environment 38, pp205
[6] Eggleston S., Gaudioso D., Gorissen N., Joumard R., Rijkeboer R. C., Samaras Z., and Zierock K. H., (1993) CORINAIR Working
Group on Emission Factors for Calculating 1990 Emissions from Road Traffic. Volume 1: Methodology and emission factors. Final
Report. Document of the European Commission ISBN 92-826-5571-X. pp 120
[7] Nairn and Partners. (1994). Leonie Segal Economic Consultants and Watson Victorian transport externalities study 3. Strategies for
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone precursors from land-based transport. Report prepared for EPA, Melbourne. pp24
[8] Vijayan A. (2007) Characterization of Vehicular Exhaust Emissions and Indoor Air Quality of Public Transport Buses Operating on
Alternative Diesel Fuels. PhD Dissertation
[9] Jimenez T. (1999). Case studies of particulate emissions from in-use of nitrous oxide emissions from motor vehicles. pp154
Three major Towns of Benue State. Multidisciplinary Journal of Research Development, Published by National Association of
Research Development Vol. 13 No , pp40-44
[2] Frey HC, Zhang K, Rouphail NM. (2008) Fuel use and emissions comparisons for alternative routes, time of day, road grade, and
vehicles based on in-use measurements. Environmental Science and Technology pp 10
[3] Heywood B. (1988). Internal combustion Engine Fundamentals (International Edition). McGraw- Hill, New York, pp38
[4] Andrew J. K., Robert A. H. and Gary R. K.(2003). Effects of Vehicle Speed and Engine Load on Motor Vehicle Emissions
.Environmental. Science and Technology. pp 3739
[5] Chan T.L., Ning Z., Leung C.W., Cheung C.S., Hung W.T. and Dong G. (2004) On- road remote sensing of petrol vehicle emissions
measurement and emission factors estimation in Hong Kong. Atmospheric 140 Environment 38, pp205
[6] Eggleston S., Gaudioso D., Gorissen N., Joumard R., Rijkeboer R. C., Samaras Z., and Zierock K. H., (1993) CORINAIR Working
Group on Emission Factors for Calculating 1990 Emissions from Road Traffic. Volume 1: Methodology and emission factors. Final
Report. Document of the European Commission ISBN 92-826-5571-X. pp 120
[7] Nairn and Partners. (1994). Leonie Segal Economic Consultants and Watson Victorian transport externalities study 3. Strategies for
reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and ozone precursors from land-based transport. Report prepared for EPA, Melbourne. pp24
[8] Vijayan A. (2007) Characterization of Vehicular Exhaust Emissions and Indoor Air Quality of Public Transport Buses Operating on
Alternative Diesel Fuels. PhD Dissertation
[9] Jimenez T. (1999). Case studies of particulate emissions from in-use of nitrous oxide emissions from motor vehicles. pp154
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Solar Tricycle for Handicapped Person |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ravikumar Kandasamy,Sachin Raut, Deep Varma, Ganesh There |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0521124 ![]() |
Abstract: Solar plays a vital role in our day to day life. We have developed the solar tricycle especially for
handicapped person of ANANDVAN organization started by Mr. Baba Amate in Warora taluka of Maharashtra
state (India). The organization is working for the leprosy affected people. In this paper it is discussed that how
solar tricycle will help to reduce the effort of handicapped person. All the designs specification considered after
analyzing the problems from the handicapped person. Comfort of the person in the tricycle is an important and
we have given importance to it. The main content of the tricycle is Solar PV panel, Brushless PMDC motor,
Charge controller and battery. This paper will discuss about the main idea of this project and to get a larger
picture on what is the problem in the current technologies, what that I want to achieve in this project and the
area that will cover on this project. This paper is divided into some categories that are project background to
describe the reasons to do this project, problem statement to inform about the problem or weakness of the
existing technology, objective to make sure what actually this project must achieve and scope of this project to
specify what will be used in this project.
1] Theory of machine- Khurmi Gupta
[2] Solar energy by S.P. Sukhatme
[3] Principle of solar collection and storage by JK Nayak
[4] About photovoltaic cell by text book of Solar photovoltaic application text book- R. K. Pachuri
[5] Facts about solar energy by textbook of renewable energy in Sundarban- author by S.K. Chaudhri
[6] Literature review by Advance solar energy Conversion by M.A. Green author
[7] A text book of Electricity from sunlight by A.K. Paul author
[8] Permanent magnet synchronous and brushless d.c .motor drives by-R. Krishnan
[9] Photovoltaic system –James p. Dunlop
[10] Physics of solar cell-peter wifel
[2] Solar energy by S.P. Sukhatme
[3] Principle of solar collection and storage by JK Nayak
[4] About photovoltaic cell by text book of Solar photovoltaic application text book- R. K. Pachuri
[5] Facts about solar energy by textbook of renewable energy in Sundarban- author by S.K. Chaudhri
[6] Literature review by Advance solar energy Conversion by M.A. Green author
[7] A text book of Electricity from sunlight by A.K. Paul author
[8] Permanent magnet synchronous and brushless d.c .motor drives by-R. Krishnan
[9] Photovoltaic system –James p. Dunlop
[10] Physics of solar cell-peter wifel
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Abstract: Pulverized coal is an important fuel for electricity production and will continue to be important for
decades. Since coal is a natural resource that depends on many factors and parameters, it has variable
properties and composition. Combustion chamber designers Endeavour to achieve optimum operating
conditions that give maximum combustion efficiency, together with minimum pollutant formation rate. Modeling
of fossil fuel utility boilers has reached a remarkable development in recent years. Particularly, the application
of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling technology and other advanced mathematical methods offer
opportunities for analysis, optimization and options examination in order to increase the overall efficiency of
the energy facilities. The main objective of the present work was to investigate how the results obtained with two
radiative heat transfer methods, the P1 approximation method, Discrete Transfer and the discrete ordinates
(DO) method using ANSYS FLUENT, fit temperature field in a boiler furnace on pulverized coal, with
implemented over-fire air (OFA) ports. The overall framework of the CFD modeling approach is described. The
numerical modeling results for boiler baseline operating conditions are compared with a test data of
temperature measurements. An accuracy analysis of the P1 and DO methods is done on a basis of a comparison
between the numerically obtained and measured temperature profiles.
Keywords: Coal combustion, heat transfer, thermal radiation, CFD techique, modelling.
Keywords: Coal combustion, heat transfer, thermal radiation, CFD techique, modelling.
[1] A. Williams, R. Backreedy, R. Habib, J. M. Jones and M. Pourkashanian, Fuel. 81 (5), 605-618 (2002).
[2] A. Arenillas, R. I. Backreedy, J. M. Jones, J. J. Pis, M. Pourkashanian, F. Rubiera and A. Williams, Fuel. 81 (5), 627-636 (2002).
[3] A. M. Carpenter, IEACR/81. IEA Coal Research, London, 1995.
[4] J. M. Beer, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 26, 301-327 (2000).
[5] A. M. Eaton, L. D. Smoot, S. C. Hill and C. N. Eatough, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 25, 387-436 (1999).
[7] U. Schnell, "Numerical modelling of solid fuel combustion processes using advanced CFD-based simulation tools", Progress in
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 208-218, 2001.
[8] Launder, B.E., Priddin, C.H., and Sharma, B.I. J Fluid Engineering 1979, 99, 363
[9] Khalil, E.E. Modeling of Furnace and Combustors, Abacus Press, 1982
[10] Y. A. Zhuravlev, F. K. Sidorov, M. Y. Protsaylo, "Primenenie zonalynogo metoda dlya rascheta teploobmena v topke kotla",
Teploenergetika, No 11, pp. 35-39, 1980.
[2] A. Arenillas, R. I. Backreedy, J. M. Jones, J. J. Pis, M. Pourkashanian, F. Rubiera and A. Williams, Fuel. 81 (5), 627-636 (2002).
[3] A. M. Carpenter, IEACR/81. IEA Coal Research, London, 1995.
[4] J. M. Beer, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 26, 301-327 (2000).
[5] A. M. Eaton, L. D. Smoot, S. C. Hill and C. N. Eatough, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science. 25, 387-436 (1999).
[7] U. Schnell, "Numerical modelling of solid fuel combustion processes using advanced CFD-based simulation tools", Progress in
Computational Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 208-218, 2001.
[8] Launder, B.E., Priddin, C.H., and Sharma, B.I. J Fluid Engineering 1979, 99, 363
[9] Khalil, E.E. Modeling of Furnace and Combustors, Abacus Press, 1982
[10] Y. A. Zhuravlev, F. K. Sidorov, M. Y. Protsaylo, "Primenenie zonalynogo metoda dlya rascheta teploobmena v topke kotla",
Teploenergetika, No 11, pp. 35-39, 1980.
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Abstract: The main objective of the study was to investigate the properties of binary blends metakaolin. A
suitable mix design of High Grade Concrete (HGC) has been developed using artificial sand (VSI Sand) .The
engineering properties of both fresh and hardened HGC were studied. The properties investigated include water
penetration and compressive strength. Permeability of concrete affects the durability of concrete. The
permeability of concrete is mainly affected by pore structure system of concrete. The penetration of water was
studied using the water permeability test method, in accordance with the procedure. The effect of the amount of
pozzolanic content on the observed trends was studied. It was established that binary mixtures could differ
significantly in both their fresh and hardened properties. Significantly, the binary blends incorporating
metakaoline were found to have greater improvement in strength and water penetrability.
Keywords - binary blends, metakaoline, permeability test, artificial sand (VSI Sand), compressive strength, HGC (High grade concrete), HRM (High Reactive Metakaolin).
Keywords - binary blends, metakaoline, permeability test, artificial sand (VSI Sand), compressive strength, HGC (High grade concrete), HRM (High Reactive Metakaolin).
[1] Chitlange, M. R. Bang, R. S. Pajgade, P. S. "Strength appraisal of artificial sand as a fine aggregate in steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC)" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol, 5,NO.10,October2010,pp.34-38.
[2] Ilangovana, R. Mahendrana, N. and Nagamanib, K. "Strength and durability properties of concrete containing quarry rock dust as a
fine aggregate" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ,vol. 3,No. 5, October 2008 , pp.20-26
[3] Sabir, B.B., wild, S. Bai,, J. "Metakaoline and calcined clays as pozzolans for concrete: a review", Cement and concrete research, 23 (2001) 441-454.
[4] Sadr Momtazi, A., Ranjbar, M. M. Balalaei, F. , Nemati ,R. "The effect of Iran's Metakaoline in enhancing the concrete compressive strength", Cement and concrete research, pp. 1-7
[5] Shahul Hameed, M. , Sekar, A.S.S. "Properties of green concrete containing quarry rock dust & marble sludge powder as fine aggregate", APRN Journal of engineering & applied sciences vol.4 no.4 , (2009) pp.83-89
[6] Sravana, P. &et.al, "Cracking behaviour of mekaolin blended high strength concrete in flexure by using crimped steel fibers" Journal of Civil Engineering Science: An International Journal,Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (January-December, 2012),pp.15-24
[7] IS: 383-1970. "Specification for coarse and Fine Aggregates from natural sources for concrete." Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.
[8] IS: 456-2000. "Indian Standard for code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete."
[9] IS: 516-1959(Reaffirmed 1999) Edition 1.2 (1991-07). "Indian Standard for Methods of test for strength of concrete."
[2] Ilangovana, R. Mahendrana, N. and Nagamanib, K. "Strength and durability properties of concrete containing quarry rock dust as a
fine aggregate" ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, ,vol. 3,No. 5, October 2008 , pp.20-26
[3] Sabir, B.B., wild, S. Bai,, J. "Metakaoline and calcined clays as pozzolans for concrete: a review", Cement and concrete research, 23 (2001) 441-454.
[4] Sadr Momtazi, A., Ranjbar, M. M. Balalaei, F. , Nemati ,R. "The effect of Iran's Metakaoline in enhancing the concrete compressive strength", Cement and concrete research, pp. 1-7
[5] Shahul Hameed, M. , Sekar, A.S.S. "Properties of green concrete containing quarry rock dust & marble sludge powder as fine aggregate", APRN Journal of engineering & applied sciences vol.4 no.4 , (2009) pp.83-89
[6] Sravana, P. &et.al, "Cracking behaviour of mekaolin blended high strength concrete in flexure by using crimped steel fibers" Journal of Civil Engineering Science: An International Journal,Vol. 1 No. 1-2 (January-December, 2012),pp.15-24
[7] IS: 383-1970. "Specification for coarse and Fine Aggregates from natural sources for concrete." Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.
[8] IS: 456-2000. "Indian Standard for code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete."
[9] IS: 516-1959(Reaffirmed 1999) Edition 1.2 (1991-07). "Indian Standard for Methods of test for strength of concrete."
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Travel Delay and Modal Split Analysis – A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | H.S.Sathish, Dr. H.S.Jagadeesh, Skanda Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0524045 ![]() |
Abstract: Journey time and delay study is used to evaluate the quality of service, the travel time and study can
also be used to evaluate the quality of traffic movement along the route and to determine the location types and
extent of traffic delays. Components of delay are boarding and alighting, issue of tickets, other causes and
distance between each stops. This study investigates the total journey time required to travel along the stretch
and the influence the delays. The route starts from Kempegowda Bus Station to Yelahanka Satellite Station of
Bangalore City. The length of the stretch is 16.5 km. Modal split analysis has been done for this stretch. This
stretch has elevated highway connecting to Bangalore International Airport and the extension of Metro Transit.
stretch. From the regression analysis of total journey time it is affected by delay due to boarding and alighting
moderately, Delay due to issue of tickets affects the journey time to a higher extent. Some of the delay factors
affecting significantly the journey time are evident from F-test at 10 percent level of confidence. Along this
stretch work trips are more prevalent as indicated by O-D study. Modal shift analysis indicates about 70
percent of commuters are ready to shift from current system to Metro Rail System. Metro Rail System carries
maximum number of trips compared to private mode. Hence Metro is a highly viable choice of mode for
Bangalore Metropolitan City.
Keywords: Delay, Journey time, Modal Choice, Regression Analysis
Keywords: Delay, Journey time, Modal Choice, Regression Analysis
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Bangalore
[2] Simha N R N, Veeraraghavan and R Sathyamurthy , "Optimisation of Bus Route Network of Bangalore City-A Case Study", Bangalore. IRC , Vol 12, 1992
[3] Ohba, Y., Koyama, T., and Shimada, S., "Online learning type of traveling time prediction model in expressway." IEEE Conf. on
= Intelligent Transp. Systems, Boston, 1997.
[4] Lelitha Devi Vanajakshi , "Estimation and Prediction of travel time from loop detector data for intelligent transportation systems",
University of Kerala, India. 2004
[5] Van Lint J.W.C, "Reliable Travel Time Prediction for Freeways", Trail Thesis Series no. T2004/3, The Netherlands TRAIL Research
School Netherlands.2004
[6] RITES , "Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Plan for Bangalore (CTTP) Bangalore Transportation: Research and Reports ",
Bangalore., 2007.
[8] Land Transport Authority (LTA) , "Passenger Transport Mode Shares in World Cities", Singapore.2011.
[9] KSIIDC-IL&FS Project Development Company (KIPDC) , "Pre Feasibility Report (draft) for Development of Intermodal Transit hub on PPP format at Yelahanka to Infrastructure Development Department", Bangalore,2010
[10] Mukti Advani and Geetam Tiwari, " Evaluation of Public Transport Systems: Case Study of Delhi Metro", START-2005, Indian
Institute of Technology, Khargpur , India ,2005.
[11] Tom V. Mathew and Krishna Rao K V , "Introduction to Transportation Engineering", IIT Bombay-2006
[12] James H.Banks ,"Introduction To Transportation Engineering", Second Edition Tata McGraw-HILL Publishers-2010.
[2] Simha N R N, Veeraraghavan and R Sathyamurthy , "Optimisation of Bus Route Network of Bangalore City-A Case Study", Bangalore. IRC , Vol 12, 1992
[3] Ohba, Y., Koyama, T., and Shimada, S., "Online learning type of traveling time prediction model in expressway." IEEE Conf. on
= Intelligent Transp. Systems, Boston, 1997.
[4] Lelitha Devi Vanajakshi , "Estimation and Prediction of travel time from loop detector data for intelligent transportation systems",
University of Kerala, India. 2004
[5] Van Lint J.W.C, "Reliable Travel Time Prediction for Freeways", Trail Thesis Series no. T2004/3, The Netherlands TRAIL Research
School Netherlands.2004
[6] RITES , "Comprehensive Traffic and Transportation Plan for Bangalore (CTTP) Bangalore Transportation: Research and Reports ",
Bangalore., 2007.
[8] Land Transport Authority (LTA) , "Passenger Transport Mode Shares in World Cities", Singapore.2011.
[9] KSIIDC-IL&FS Project Development Company (KIPDC) , "Pre Feasibility Report (draft) for Development of Intermodal Transit hub on PPP format at Yelahanka to Infrastructure Development Department", Bangalore,2010
[10] Mukti Advani and Geetam Tiwari, " Evaluation of Public Transport Systems: Case Study of Delhi Metro", START-2005, Indian
Institute of Technology, Khargpur , India ,2005.
[11] Tom V. Mathew and Krishna Rao K V , "Introduction to Transportation Engineering", IIT Bombay-2006
[12] James H.Banks ,"Introduction To Transportation Engineering", Second Edition Tata McGraw-HILL Publishers-2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simplex-Based Concrete Mix Design |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | C.E. Okere, D.O. Onwuka, S.U. Onwuka, J.I. Arimanwa |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0524655 ![]() |
Abstract: Normal concrete is a mixture of cement, water, fine and coarse aggregates. Concrete mix design
involves selecting the correct proportions of these constituent materials to produce concrete having the
specified properties. Various mix design methods have some limitations. Time, energy and money are sometimes
being wasted in order to get the appropriate mix proportions. In this paper, a mathematical model based on
simplex method is formulated for the optimization of concrete cube strength. The model can provide all the
possible mix ratios that can yield the desired concrete cube strength. It can also produce the concrete cube
strength if mix proportions are given as well as the optimum value. Statistical tests were used to verify the
adequacy of the model. They all agreed to the acceptance of the model.
Keywords: model; optimisation; concrete cube strength; simplex method
Keywords: model; optimisation; concrete cube strength; simplex method
[1] Neville, A.M., Properties of Concrete, third edition, Pitman, England, 1981.
[2] Teychenne, D.C., Franklin, R.E.and Erntroy, H.C., Design of Normal Concrete Mixes, A Publication of Building Research
Establishment, Transport and Road Research Laboratory and Cement and Concrete Association, 1975.
[3] Majid, K.I., Optimum Design of Structures, Butterworth & Co. Ltd., London, 1974.
[4] British Standards Institution, BS 12: 1978, Specification for Portland Cement, 1978.
[5] British Standards Institution, BS 882: 1992, Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete, 1992.
[6] Scheffe, H., Experiments with Mixtures, Royal StatisticalSociety Journal, 20 (B), 1958, pp 344-360.
[2] Teychenne, D.C., Franklin, R.E.and Erntroy, H.C., Design of Normal Concrete Mixes, A Publication of Building Research
Establishment, Transport and Road Research Laboratory and Cement and Concrete Association, 1975.
[3] Majid, K.I., Optimum Design of Structures, Butterworth & Co. Ltd., London, 1974.
[4] British Standards Institution, BS 12: 1978, Specification for Portland Cement, 1978.
[5] British Standards Institution, BS 882: 1992, Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete, 1992.
[6] Scheffe, H., Experiments with Mixtures, Royal StatisticalSociety Journal, 20 (B), 1958, pp 344-360.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cooling Of Electronic Equipments with Heat Sink: A Review of Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mangesh D. Shende, Dr. Ashish Mahalle |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0525661 ![]() |
Abstract: High heat flux of electronic devices, e.g. projector, LED, high power chip, etc., require
efficient cooling methods for heat dissipation in a limited region. It means maintaining a small heat source at an
acceptable temperature. This resulted in inevitable challenges in the field of thermal management of electronics
to maintain the desirable operating temperature. The present paper reviews the literature dealing with various
aspects of cooling methods. Included are papers on experimental work on analyzing cooling technique and its
stability, numerical modeling, natural convection, and advanced cooling methods. The issues of thermal
management of electronics, development of new effective cooling schemes by using advanced materials and
manufacturing methods are also enumerated in this paper.
Keywords: fins, Grashoff number, heat sink, liquid impingement, Nusselt number, Rayleigh number,
Keywords: fins, Grashoff number, heat sink, liquid impingement, Nusselt number, Rayleigh number,
[1] NEMI Technology Roadmaps, 2002
[2] The Uptime Institute, from the whitepaper entitled Heat Density Trends in Data Processing, Computer Systems and
Telecommunication Equipment, www.uptimeinsitute.org.
[3] Kristiansen, H., Thermal Management in Electronics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 2001,
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[8] Sanjeev D. Suryawanshi, Narayan K. Sane Natural Convection Heat Transfer From Horizontal Rectangular Inverted Notched Fin
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[9] Yongping Chen, Chengbin Zhang, Mingheng Shi, Jiafeng Wu Three-dimensional numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow in
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[2] The Uptime Institute, from the whitepaper entitled Heat Density Trends in Data Processing, Computer Systems and
Telecommunication Equipment, www.uptimeinsitute.org.
[3] Kristiansen, H., Thermal Management in Electronics, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden, 2001,
[4] Lasance, C. J. M., The Need for a Change in Thermal Design Philosophy, Electronics Cooling, 1 (1995), 2,pp. 24-26
[5] Scott, W. A., Cooling of Electronic Equipment, John Wiley and Sons – Interscience, NewYork, USA, 1974
[6] Cengel, Y. A., Heat Transfer – A Practical Approach, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2002
[7] Kercher, D. S., et al., Microjet Cooling Devices for Thermal Management of Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Components and
Packaging Technologies, 26 (2003), 2, pp. 359-366
[8] Sanjeev D. Suryawanshi, Narayan K. Sane Natural Convection Heat Transfer From Horizontal Rectangular Inverted Notched Fin
Arrays Journal of Heat Transfer AUGUST 2009, Vol. 131
[9] Yongping Chen, Chengbin Zhang, Mingheng Shi, Jiafeng Wu Three-dimensional numerical simulation of heat and fluid flow in
noncircular microchannel heat sinks International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 36 (2009), pp. 917–920
[10] S.A. Nada Natural convection heat transfer in horizontal and vertical closed narrow enclosures with heated rectangular finned base
plate International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 50 (2007) pp. 667–679