Volume-6 ~ Issue-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modelling and Analysis of Hybrid Composite Joint Using Fem in Ansys |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Venkateswarlu, K. Rajasekhar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0660106 ![]() |
Abstract: Composite materials are widely used in the various Fields. Due to the high strength they are widely used in the low weight constructions and also used as a suitable alternative to metals. In various applications and also for joining various composite parts together, they are fastened together using adhesives or Mechanical fasteners. Modeling and static analysis of 3-D Models of joints such as bonded, riveted and hybrid. The results were found in terms of vonmises stress, shear stress, and normal stress for stress distribution. ANSYS FEA tool has been used for stress distribution characteristics of various configurations of double riveted single lap joint with three joining methods namely bonded, riveted and hybrid the present study deals with the analysis of single lap joint subjected to the given tensile load and the stress distribution in the members under various design conditions are found.
Keywords: composite materials, FEA–Ansys, joint strength, bonded, riveted, hybrid.
[1]. Noah M. Salih1, Mahesh J. Patil 2, Hybrid (Bonded/Bolted) Composite Single-Lap Joints And Its Load Transfer Analysis, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology E-ISSN 0976-3945 IJAET/Vol.III/ Issue I/January-March, 2012/213-216. [2]. Ch. Aswini Kumar1, G. Pattabhi2, S.Santosh3, I. Bhanu Latha4, Analysis of Adhesively Bonded Double Lap Joint in Laminated FRP Composites Subjected To Longitudinal Loading, international journal of engineering science & advanced technology volume-2, issue-2, 307 – 316 ijesat | Mar-Apr 2012.
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[6]. Proceedings of the "National Conference on Emerging Trends In Mechanical Engineering 2k13" 122 NCETIME – 2k13 Design Of Hybrid Composite Joints For Research Area S. Lokesha and H. Mohita a Student, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Division, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-28.
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Abstract: Water is the life-blood of the environment, without water no living beings can survive. Water plays unique role in development of all sectors in any economy of every country. Water is used for agricultural, domestic, industrial, power generation and other various purposes. But misuses of water resources cause widespread degradation of soil and disrupt the supply of potable water, generate massive economical loss. Hence it becomes necessary to harness the water resources available on Earth through the application of science and technology. This paper presents one such case study where large amount of rainwater is possible to direct to recharge ground water resources. Kaneri is a small village located at distance of 10 Kms. from Kolhapur city. It is planned to take such engineering and biological measures which will direct this extra runoff to ground water storage. The most significant feature of the work is that if such technologies are developed and adopted at larger scale in rural areas, it will prevent thousands of villages of the country from water supply by tankers. Moreover this will also help us for economical development of village people which mainly occurs due to water scarcity.
Keywords :Watershed, Watershed management technique, Socio- economic survey, Water budgeting, Inter-cropping pattern, Farm pond, Gully plugs, Contour trench, Groundwater storage, Economical development.
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Abstract: To convert the existing grinding machine into a good working machine, a ball screw mechanism is designed and incorporated in the existing grinding machine by retrofitting process. Grinding machine removes material from the work piece by abrasion, which can generate substantial amount of heat. Therefore a coolant System is incorporated to cool the work piece, so that it does not overheat and go out of its tolerance. Grinding practice is a large and diverse area of manufacturing and tool making. It can also rough out large volume of metal quite rapidly. It is usually better suited to the machining of hard materials. Cylindrical grinding is also called center type grinding. It is used in the removing the cylindrical surface and shoulders of the work piece. The five type of cylindrical grinding are outside diameter (OD) grinding. Inside diameter (ID) grinding, plunge grinding, creep feed grinding and center less grinding.It is used in the industries for grinding the nozzle body. The grinding machine can be changed to automatic machine according to one of the latest technologies called PLC's controller. The manually operated grinding machine has some of the in-accuracies and disadvantages compared to new modern CNC grinding machines.Based on the case study of both manual and CNC grinding machine, the manual machine is converted into automatic machine for the better accuracy and efficiency. The main replacement of the machine parts are hydraulic cylinder and stepper motor by ball screw mechanisms and servo motor.
Key words: - Retrofitting, Cylindrical Grinding, Servo Drives, Ball Screw
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Keywords: Depth of penetration, GTAW, Heat affected zone, mechanical properties, Parametric effect, Weld bead geometry.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effective Waste Management and Environmental Control |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Engr. Sangotola T. M, Ladipo O. A, Adeyeye A. H. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0663134 ![]() |
Abstract: There is wide spread interest in the world today in the methods that enable the re-use of waste. According to Webster's Mew Practical Dictionary, 'Waste' means "Thrown away as worthless after being used. i.e. of no further use to a person, animal or plant; contrary to this opinion, it has been discovered that what is regarded as waste or worthless, when worked upon can be manipulated to generated or produce materials that are beneficial for the use of man. This paper throw light into how waste resources can be control by analysis the theories of waste management, recycling, re-use disposal and compositing from organic wastes and ways by which farm and municipal waste can be worked upon to produce materials that are beneficial for the use of man.
Keywords: Effective Waste Management, Environmental Control, Re-use of Waste Disposal, Waste, Recycling of waste.
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Abstract: This paper is to examine and proffer the solution that could be adopted to avert most of the persistent dangers of our technological development in Nigeria. It includes sustenance manpower development, government policy, lack of functional equipment, inadequate funding and poor societal attitude as some of the dangers; this paper will attempt to make analysis of respective issues, such as integrating of indigenous technology in our school programmes, upgrade of technology education, motivation towards professional training curriculum planner, evolution method and award for technological innovation.
Keywords: Manpower, Dangers of Technological Development, Government Policy, Contribution.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Drilling of Sandwich Composites: A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Patil A.A., Shende M.D. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0664052 ![]() |
Abstract: A composite material is made out of a mixture or a combination of two or more distinctly differing materials which are insoluble in each other and differ in form or chemical composition. The technological and commercial interest in composite material lies in their superior properties of strength-to-weight, stiffness-to-weight, fatigue and thermal expansion compared to metals. Extensive use of composite in application such as rockets, satellites, missiles, light combat aircraft, advanced light helicopter and trainer air craft has shown that India is on par with the advanced countries in the development and use of composites in this area. Drilling is probably the most important conventional mechanical process and it is the most widely used machining operation. Prediction of cutting forces for any set of cutting parameters is essential in optimal design and manufacturing of products. It has been predicted that most of the problem associated with hole making operation, such as drilling, can be attributed to the force generated during cutting operation. Many developments and experiments are going on drilling of Sandwich composite for damage free drilling along with the quality of the hole and the effect of tool geometry and tool material. This paper aims at the comprehensive analytical and experimental investigation work done on the composites material. The conclusion of the paper discusses the development and outlines the trends for the research in this field. Keywords: Drilling, Delamination, Delamination factor, thrust force, Design of Experiment, Taguchi Analysis, ANOVA
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[10] Jose Mathew, N. Ramakrishnan and N. K. Naik, "Investigations into the effect of geometry of a trepanning tool on thrust and torque during drilling of GFRP composite"; Journal of Material Processing Technology, vol. 91, 1999, pp 1-11.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Entransy Loss and its Application to Atkinson Cycle Performance Evaluation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Govind Maheshwari, Sumer Singh Patel |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0665359 ![]() |
Abstract: Based on the concept of the entransy which characterizes heat transfer ability, a new Atkinson cycle performance evaluation criterion termed the entransy loss is established. Our analysis shows that the maximum entransy loss leads to the maximum output work, which is the maximum principle of entransy loss in thermodynamic processes. At the same time, it is found that minimum entropy generation alone could not describe change of the output work for the Atkinson cycle. The operation parameters are optimized for evaluating the maximum output work of Atkinson cycle by incorporating maximum entransy loss and minimum entropy generation when both, entransy loss and entropy generation, are induced by dumping the used streams into the environment is considered. Keyword: Atkinson cycle; Environment; Entropy generation; Entransy loss; Maximum output work
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