Volume-7 ~ Issue-1
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Abstract: In this experimental study the changes on some mechanical properties of concrete specimens produced by Metakaolin, fly Ash and steel fibers were investigated. The main objective of this work is to obtain a more ductile high strength concrete produced by using Metakaolin, Fly Ash and Steel Fiber. Three types of steel fibers were used in the experiments and volume fractions of steel fiber were 0.5% to 4.0 %. Addition of metakaolin and fly ash into the concrete were 5 % and 10 % by weight of cement content respectively. Water/cement ratio was 0.27. Compressive strength and split tensile strength tests were made on hardened concrete specimens. The use of metakaolin increased mechanical strength of concrete. On the other hand, the addition of steel fiber into concrete improves ductility of high strength concrete significantly.
Keywords–Compressive Strength, Fly Ash, High Strength Concrete (HSC), High Strength Fiber Reinforced Concrete (HSFRC), Metakaolin, Split Tensile Strength, Steel Fiber.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Failure Analysis of Centre Pin Joint Used In Heavy Assault Bridge |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dnyaneshwar J. Sushir, Prashant N. Ulhe |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0710511 ![]() |
Abstract: Strategy is important to win the war in army. Every army has two major divisions as infantry and artillery. Artillery is dependent on the armored vehicles such as tanks, missile carriers and trucks. The movement of armored vehicles has vital importance in war to win. In order to cross the obstacles such as rivers, canals army has to build arrangement which will be quicker and faster to construct the bridge. These kinds of quickly constructed bridges are known as Heavy Assault Bridge. Its job is to allow armored units to cross the obstacles. The Heavy Assault bridge is rated for normal crossings of military load classification of 60 tons. Centre Pin Joint is placed between modules of the girders in a single bridge span. The maximum stresses will develop at centre pin joint only. Before failure of bridge centre pin joint will fail. So proper centre pin design is the main criteria. The objective of this project is to perform a failure analysis of the centre pin joint used in heavy assault bridge. So it is very important to determine high-stress areas of concern and to increase its load carrying capacity by design modification. As previously centre pin joint is replaced by modified pin joint, its load carrying capacity will be enhanced. Riveting of pin would be eliminated. Finally, conclusions based on the results and recommendations which can be extensions of this project are also presented.
Keywords - Heavy assault bridge, Centre pin joint, Ansys..
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Abstract: The present work is concerned with fatigue strength, obtained by plotting the S-N Curves for determining the fatigue life of various thread geometries of bolts under cyclic loading. The stress equations obtained from Majzoobi are being used for calculations of core stress produced due to cyclic loading, which is being carried usually by the first thread of the bolt. The higher stress concentration occurs in the root of first threads.The experimental work has been carried out for five different thread profiles of varying flank angles, having six samples of each profile. The fatigue testing on each profile has been performed under cyclic loading, in order to obtain the number of cycles to failure of a particular specimen. The results obtained experimentally have been compared with the work of Gane . Finally the work is used to obtain the failure life of bolts, which means which thread profile has higher fatigue life or simply higher strength to failure. As strength is of direct use to the designer regarding the safety of structures.
Keywords: Fatigue, ISO Bolts, Thread, Pitch, Diameter
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Abstract: Analysis of portal frames involves lot of complications and tedious calculations by conventional methods. To carry out such analysis is a time consuming task. The rotation contribution method i.e. Kani's Method & Moment Distribution Method for analysis of portal frames can be handy in approximate and quick analysis so as to get the detailed estimates ready. In this work, these two methods have been applied only for vertical loading conditions. This paper presents the analysis of portal frame, considering mainly the case of single bay portal frame, which is the most common in practice. The Kani's method is self correcting, that is, the error, if any, in a cycle is corrected automatically in the subsequent cycles. The checking is easier as only the last cycle is required to be checked. The convergence is generally fast. It leads to the solutions in just a few cycles of iterations.
Keywords - Portal Frame, Kani's Method, Moment Distribution Method, Rotation Contribution Method
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Parametric Studies on Detergent Using Low Cost Sorbent |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priti Shirbhate *, Dr. Mujahid Husain**, Prof. Joyti Mali |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0712630 ![]() |
Abstract: Water is a valued natural resource for the existence of all living organisms. Indian rivers are polluted due to the discharge of untreated sewage and industrial effluents. Management of the quality of this precious resource is, therefore, of special importance. In these study industrial effluents samples from the various detergent factories were collected and analyzed for physicochemical and bacteriological evaluation of pollution. The use and effectiveness of granular and powder activated carbon made from agricultural waste i.e. coconut husk and that coconut husk is a suitable adsorbent for such an effluent. Maximum adsorption capacity is a derived from Langmuir isotherm. A series of fixed bed experiments was carried out and the results were applied to a bed-depth/service time model for column adsorption. The validity of such a model is discussed. In the removal of organic matter in wastewater effluents from a industry waste water were investigated. The effect of process variables such as carbonization temperature, carbonization duration and activation temperature on the production and quality of activated carbon was studied as well as adsorption capacity was studied.
Keywords – Activation temperature, Adsorption, carbonization, Coconut husk as activated carbon, Detergent waste water sample.
[1] International journal of scientific & technology research volume 1, issue 8, September 2012 ISSN 2277-861652 IJSTR©2012 www.ijstr.org A Study of Water Quality of Kaushalya River in the Submountaneous Shivalik Region Rhythm Aggarwal, Dr. Shakti Arora.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Wind Turbine Power Generation: Response Prediction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Akash Deep Tyagi, Ankush Yadav, Nitin Joshi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0713139 ![]() |
Abstract: The worldwide interest has been increasing about wind energy for power generation purpose due to continue increase in fuel cost and the need to have clean source of energy. Wind energy may enhance the power generation capabilities and maximize its capacity factor, inurn participate in generating power at lower cost. It has also been notice that renewable power generation through wind energy is also the fast growing energy technology. The optimization of the efficiency of wind turbine is prudent to complete the conventional power sources. Wind Turbine Power Generation (WTPG) is a complex phenomenon to understand since the real process has depends upon the Wind Velocity and the relative turbine dimensions and the outside climatological parameter like Wind Velocity (WV) nature of wind, etc. In this paper an effort has been made to develop a fuzzy logic approach to predict an appropriate WTPG considering the WV, AD and Chord Length of Turbine Blades (CLTB) as input parameters. The complexities of the parameters and the imprecision of linguistic expressions are taken into consideration; the application combining linguistic variable to optimize WTPG under multiple conditions is presented in this study.
Keywords: Wind Energy, Wind Power, Wind Velocity, Fuzzy Logic
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental Study of R134a, R406A and R600a Blends as Alternative To Freon 12 |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Akintunde, M.A. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0714046 ![]() |
Abstract: In the vent of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) phase-out, identify long term alternative to meet requirements in respect of system performance and service is an important area of research in the refrigeration and are conditioning industry. This work focuses on experimental study of the performance of eco-friendly refrigerant mixtures. Mixtures of three existing refrigerants namely: R600a (n-butane), R134a (1,1, 1,2,tetrafluoroethane) and R406A (55%R22/4%R600a/41%R142b)were considered for this research. These refrigerants were mixed in various ratios, studied and compared with R-12 (dichlorodifluoromethane) which was used as the control for the experimentation. The rig used in the experimentation is a 2 hp (1.492 kW) domestic refrigerator, designed based on condensing and evaporating temperatures. The rig was tested with R-12, and blends of the three refrigerants. During the experimentation, both evaporator and condenser temperatures were measured. These were used to determine the heat absorbed in evaporator and the heat rejected incondenser. The results show that R134a/R600a mixture in the ratio 50:50 can be used as alternative to R-12 in domestic refrigerators, without the necessity of changing the compressor lubricating oil. At and , R-12 gives a COP of 2.08 while 50:50 blend of R134a/R600a gives a COP of 2.30 under the same operating conditions.
Keywords: Refrigerants, Alternatives, Blends, COP, Performance, Comparison, new-refrigerants.
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Abstract: In this paper Lead-Extrusion Dampers (LED) are considered as knee brace in steel frames. Considering that lead dampers as knee braces don't clog structural panels, so this characteristic can solve brace problems from architectural view. Knee brace has a good function in controlling seismic movements of multi-story structures. The results indicate that maximum displacements have been reduced up to between 20% and 60%. Lead dampers act properly in absorbing the energy induced by earthquake where these dampers dissipate about 60% of total energy.
Keywords- Lead-extrusion damper, energy dissipation, knee brace
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