Volume-7 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: Environment is made up of natural factors like air, water and land. Each and every human activities supports directly/indirectly by natural factors. India is facing a problem of natural resource scarcity, especially of water in view of population growth and economic development. Due to growth of Population, advancement in agriculture, urbanization and industrialization has made surface water pollution a great problem and decreased the availability of drinking water. Many parts of the world face such a scarcity of water. Lakes are important feature of the Earth's landscape which are not only the source of precious water, but provide valuable habitats to plants and animals, moderate hydrological cycles, influence microclimate, enhance the aesthetic beauty of the landscape and extend many recreational opportunities to humankind .For issues, perspectives on pollution, restoration and management of Bellandur Lake Falls under Bangalore Metropolitan city is very essential to know their status but so far, there was no systematic environmental study carried out. Hence now the following studies are essential namely Characteristics, Status, Effects (on surrounding Groundwater, Soil, Humans health, Vegetables, Animals etc.,), resolving the issues of degradation, preparation of conceptual design for restoration and management.
Keywords: Bangalore Lake, Bellandur lake, Degradation, Lakes Status, Urbanisation Trend
[1]. Ritu Singh and Manu Bhatnagar., Urban lakes and wetlands: opportunities and challenges in Indian cities - Case study of Delhi, Natural Heritage Division, Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, 71, Lodhi: published in "12th edition of the World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists (WWW-YES-2012) - Urban waters: resource or risks?, Arcueil : France
[2]. Parameswara Naik. T, Ajayan . K.V and Lokesh. G.H., Physico-Chemical Characteristics of Kunigal Lake in Tumkur District, Karnataka, India; Int. J. Chem. Sci.: 10(2), 2012, 655-663
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[4]. Dr. A. Mazumdar, N.R. Samal, Dr.(Ms) D.Roy and A. Gangopadhyay, Physico-chemical Characteristics of Water in a Shallow Lake Rabindra Sarobar in Metropolis Kolkata; IE(I) Journal-CH, Vol 88, September 2007
[5]. Kofo A. Aderogba ;Physiochemical Characteristics of Water and Challenges for Community Development; A Case Study of Igbo-Ora Community of Oyo State, Nigeria; International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 01, July 2012, pp. 129-138
[6]. Sharma. M.P, Arun Kumar and Shalini Rajvanshi; Assessment of Trophic State of Lakes: A Case of Mansi Ganga Lake in India; Hydro Nepal Issue No.6 January, 2010, pp. 65-72
[7]. Muhammad Balal Arain, Tasneem Gul Kazi, Muhammad Kkhan Jamali, Hassan Imran Afridi, Jameel Ahmad Baig, Nusrat Jalbani and Abdul Qadir Shah; Evaluation of Physico-chemical Parameters of Manchar Lake, Pakistan Water and Their Comparison with Other Global Published Values; ISSN-1996-918X; Pak. J. Anal. Environ. Chem. Vol. 9, No. 2 ,2008,101 – 109
[8]. Rajshekhar Rao, Studying the impact of urbanisation on Bangalore wetland region and examining measures to be undertaken for its management; MSRIT, Bangalore. Architecture-Time Space & People, Council of Architecture‟s monthly Magazine, April-2009, pp. 34-42
[9]. Chandrashekar. H, Jyothiroopa, Lokesh K.V. and Ranganna . G., Water Management – An Approach through Restoration and Management of Urban Lakes - A Case Study for Mallathahalli Lake in Bangalore; BALWOIS 2012 - Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia - 28 May, 2 June 2012
[10]. Fathima & Rajesh Gopinath, Tracing the Impact of Bangalore‟s Urbanization on its Wetlands, International Journal of Environment, Ecology, Family and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS), ISSN 2250-0065 Vol.2, Issue 4 Dec 2012 23- 28 © TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.,2012
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Abstract: Blended aggregate in concrete and arriving at the structural properties of blended aggregate concrete is a thrust area. Pumice is very light and porous igneous rock that is formed during volcanic eruptions.Cinder is a waste material obtained from steel manufacturing units. Shear strength is a property of major significance for wide range of civil engineering materials and structures. Shear and punching shear failures particularly in deep beams, in corbels and in concrete flat slabs are considered to be more critical and catastrophic than other types of failures. This area has received greater attention in recent years. For investigating shear type of failures, from the literature it is found that double central notched (DCN) specimen geometry proposed by Prakash Desai and V.Bhaskar Desai is supposed the best suited geometry. In this present experimental investigation an attempt is made to study the Mode-II fracture property of light weight blended aggregate cement concrete combining both the pumice and cinder in different proportions, and making use of DCN test specimen geometry . By blending the pumice and cinder in different percentages of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 by volumeof concrete, a blended light weight aggregate concrete is prepared. By using this the property such as in plane shear strength is studied. Finally an analysis is carried out regarding Mode-II fracture properties of blended concrete. It is concluded that the Ultimate load in Mode-II is found to decrease continuously with the percentage increase in Pumice aggregate content. It is also observed that the ultimate stress in Mode II is found to increase continuously with percentage increase in cinder aggregate content.
Key Words: Cinder, light weight aggregate, Mode II fracture, shear strength, Pumice.
[1]. Agarwal, B.D. and Giare, G.S., "Fracture toughness of short-fiber composites in Modes-I and II", Engineering Fracture Mechanics, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1981, pp.219-230.
[2]. Bazant , Z.,p, and Pfeiffer, P.A., "Shear fracture tests of concrete", materials and structures (RKLEM) , 1984, vol. 19, pp.111-121.
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[4]. Bazant , Z.,p, and Pfeiffer, P.A., "Tests on shear fracture and strain softening in concrete", proceedings of second symposium on interaction of Non-nuclear Munition with structures Florida, USA, April 1985, pp. 254-264.
[5]. Davies, J., Yim, C.W.A and Morgan, T.G., "Determination of Fracture parameters of punch through shear specimens", The International Journal of Cement Composites and Light weight Concrete, Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb. 1987, pp. 33-41.
[6]. BhaskarDesai . V, "Some studies on Mode - II fracture and stress – strain behavior in shear of cementitious materials", Ph.D thesis, Indian Institute of Science, Banglore".
[7]. PrakashDesayi, Raghu Prasad .B.K, and Bhaskar Desai . V, "Experimental determination of KIIc from compliance and fracture energy", proceedings national seminar on Aerostructures, organized by IIT, Kanpur, India, 29-30, Dec, 1993, pp. 33-34.
[8]. Prakashdesayi, B.K.Raghu Prasad and V.Bhaskar Desai, "Mode – II fracture of cementitious materials- part – I : Studies on specimens of some new geometries", Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol.26, No.1, April 1999, pp.11-18.
[9]. Prakashdesayi, B.K.Raghu Prasad and V.Bhaskar Desai, "Mode – II fracture of cementitious materials- part – II: Fracture toughness of cement paste, mortar, concrete and no-fines concrete. Journal of structural engg Vol. 26, No. 1, April 1999, pp. 19-27.
[10]. Prakashdesayi, B.K.Raghu Prasad and V.Bhaskar Desai, "Mode – II fracture of cementtiotus materials- part – III: Studies on shear strength and slip of cement paste, mortar, concrete and no-fines concrete. Journal of structural engg Vol. 26, No.2, July 1999, pp. 91-97.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Non Revenue Water Reduction- A Tool for Achiving 24x7 Water Supply |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Y. P. Mathur, Arvind Vijay |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0732528 ![]() |
Abstract: The availability of water at cheaper rates promotes the wasteful use of water. People give little or no attention towards conservation of water. For sustenance of any water supply scheme it is essential that revenue collected should be sufficient to maintain O & M cost and further development activities. Presently there is major portion of Non Revenue Water (NRW) in the developing countries and there is urgent need to curb it for efficient functioning of water supply schemes.
Key Words: NRW, Non Revenue Water, 24x7 water supply
[1] Japan Bank for International Cooperation : Bisalpur Jaipur water supply project report (Transfer System), Sept 2004.
[2] K Subramanya: Engineering Hydrology TMH publishing Co New Dehi.
[3] Seureca Consulting Engineers: Evaluation and Reduction of Losses and Leakage in water distribution system of Jaipur city.Report 2004
[4] World Bank, December 2006: The Challenge of Reducing Non-Revenue Water in Developing Countries, p. 3 American Waterworks Association:Water Wiser :Water Audits and Loss Control, accessed on November 8, 2009
[5] Wikipedia, the encyclopedia : Non-revenue water
[6] Wikipedia, the encyclopedia : Scarcity of Water
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Abstract: Composite material is one of the most important and economical material for the various application due to its favorable properties .Recently many researches are going on the various properties of the these materials .In this paper an anisotropic behavior of the composite tube is to be modeled and analysis is to be performed under torsional loading conditions. Torsion is a tricky phenomenon in composite cylinders as the twist effects and their interactions with composite shells induce complex stress patterns. The objective behind the study is to understand interaction of conical angle, length of tube and torsional moment .it also includes comparative analysis of deformation and stresses developed in tapered composite cone due to use of various materials like steel, orthotropic composite and laminated composite etc. The effect of taper angle, thickness of the tube and fiber orientations in case of laminated composite is studied by using finite element analysis (ANSYS software). The finite element analysis is especially versatile and efficient for the analysis of complex structural behavior of the composite laminated structures. It is found that deformation in case of laminated composite and deformation in between steel and laminated composite cone. At membrane stresses are observed at the middle of cone in length direction for three materials.
Keywords: Torsional analysis, Laminated Composites, Finite Element Analysis
[1] Chethana Shankar Rao, "Analysis of tapered laminated composite tubes under tension and torsion". An Engg. Project Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of The University of Texas at Arlington. [May 2007]
[2] Brian Schmalberger, "Optimization of an Orthotropic Composite Beam". An Engineering Project Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Hartford, Connecticut. [May 2010]
[3] Choudhary S.S. and Tungikar V. B., "A simple finite element for nonlinear analysis of composite plates". International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.6, pp. 4897-4907. [2011]
[4] Reddy et al. / International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2012, pp. 177-190
[5] Ever J. Barbero, "Finite element analysis of composite materials", CRC press, New York.[2008]
[6] "Composites", ASM handbook, Volume 21, (2001)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite Element Analysis of Shaft of Centrifugal Pump |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pramod J. Bachche, R. M. Tayade |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0733742 ![]() |
Abstract: Centrifugal pump is world one of the oldest water pumping devises. The current work deals study Shaft of centrifugal pump for static and dynamic analysis. As we know rotodynamic machineries are designed keenly as there is lot of fluctuation in the loads and speeds. The shaft is analyzed by using finite element analysis technique for stresses and deflections. The total work is carried out in two stages first stage is static analysis. In this stage pump shaft is analyzed for stresses and deflection and same results are verified using graphical integration method. And second for dynamic analysis, in this stage result obtained by static analysis are used to calculate dynamic forces coming in pump shaft. Again shaft is analyzed in dynamic input condition and results are verified by using graphical integration method. The software used for the finite element meshing is HYPERMESH and solver used is RADIOSS. Result values obtained for deflection and stresses are compared in both cases. Result obtained by graphical method and FEA are nearly similar and are in acceptable limits.
Keywords: Centrifugal pump shaft, linear static analysis, dynamic analysis, graphical integration method.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modification of Disc Brakes Using Rotating Brake Pads |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhuvnesh Joshi |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0734345 ![]() |
Abstract: Under the topic 'Modification of Disc Brakes using Rotating Friction Pads', I have studied different components of disc brake which includes rotor, calipers, and fixed friction pads.My main aim is to increase the braking effect by modifying the existing design by using rotating friction pad. This friction pad is made to rotate in opposite direction as that of rotor, this is done by using a separate assembly of compound gear train. In this assembly 2 shafts are used, one shaft is connected between tire and gear and second shaft connects gear and rotating friction pad. Both the gears are meshed with each other. As the wheel rotates in clockwise direction, the gear attached to it will also rotate. Other gear which is in meshed position with first gear will rotate in anti-clockwise direction. This will help to move friction pad in anti-clockwise direction as that of wheel's clockwise motion. Aim for using rotating friction pad is to provide maximum possible friction which results in retardation of motion, rotating friction pad not only will provide the friction due to contact but will also provide the friction due to rotation. Calculations regarding speed of gears, and motion of wheel will clearly elaborate the idea, this slight modification helps in reducing braking time. Important thing in this innovation is that the energy required to stop the wheel or disc of brakes is transmitted from wheel only.
Keywords – Fixed friction pads, increase braking effect, compound gear train, rotating friction pad, reducing braking time.
[1] R.S.Khurmi, Machine Design (Published by S.Chand, New Delhi, 2009). Chapters in Book: [2] Brakes, R. S. Khurmi, Machine Design, (S.Chand Publications, New Delhi, 2009).
[3] Gears, R. S. Khurmi, Machine Design, (S.Chand Publications, New Delhi, 2009).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Headway in Traffic Streams on the Minor Leg of an Intersection |
Country | : | South Africa |
Authors | : | Adewumi, E., Allopi, D. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0734651 ![]() |
Abstract: An increase in the number of road users and pedestrians lead to increasing demand on the facilities and eventual inconvenience and delays. This study evaluated the response time of drivers on the minor leg of the Challenge Intersection in Ilorin because of the significance of the minor traffic stream on the capacity analysis or design of traffic merging at the major leg.The method employed was basically manual whereby stopwatches were used to measure the response time of drivers. The response time of each driver in a traffic stream was taken in relation to theirrespective positions in the queue from which the headways were calculated.The headway for a car to stop is more than the headway to move as indicated in tables 1.0 and 1.1. The mean and the standard deviation for the headway to stop and move were also determined.
Keywords: Traffic warden, perception-reaction time, minor leg, traffic stream, intersection
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | New application of genetic algorithm in optimization of structural weights |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Mokhtar Jalilian , Nasser Taghizadieh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0735270 ![]() |
Abstract: It has been widely recognized that the performance of a multi-agent system (MAS) is highly affected by its organization. A large scale MAS may have billions of possible ways of organization, depending on the number of agents, the roles, and the relationships among these agents. These characteristics make it impractical to find an optimal choice of organization using exhaustive search methods. In this report, we propose a genetic algorithm aided optimization scheme for designing hierarchical structures of multi-agent systems. We introduce a novel algorithm, called the hierarchical genetic algorithm, in which hierarchical crossover with a repair strategy and mutation of small perturbation are used. The phenotypic hierarchical structure space is translated to the genome-like array representation space, which makes the algorithm genetic-operator-literate. A case study with 10 scenarios of a hierarchical information retrieval model is provided. Our experiments have shown that competitive baseline structures which lead to the optimal organization in terms of utility can be found by the proposed algorithm during the evolutionary search. Compared with the traditional genetic operators, the newly introduced operators produced better organizations of higher utility more consistently in a variety of test cases. The proposed algorithm extends the search processes of the state-of-the-art multi-agent organization design methodologies, and is more computationally efficient in a large search space.
Keywords: genetic algorithm, hierarchical crossover, information retrieval, multi-agent systems, organization design, optimization, representation, tree structures.
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Abstract: Growing energy needs and environmental concern worldwide have propelled the interest for quest and utilization of renewable and eco friendly fuels .Various substitutes are available to be used engines with the possibility of reducing harmful emissions. In this work gasoline is taken as reference which is blended with ethanol. Physical properties relevant to the fuel were determined for the four blends of gasoline and ethanol. A four cylinder, four stroke, varying rpm, Petrol engine connected to eddy current type dynamometer was run on blends containing 5%,10%,15%,20% ethanol and performance characteristics were evaluated. In this paper it is shown that the higher blends can replace gasoline in a SI engine, results showed that there is a reduction in exhaust gases and increase in Mechanical efficiency, Specific Fuel Consumption and air fuel ratio on blending. We can conclude from the result that using 10% ethanol blend is most effective and we can utilize it for further use in SI engines with little constraint on material used to sustain little increase in pressure.
Keywords: Spark Ignition Engine, Ethanol, mechanical efficiency, specific fuel consumption, Gasoline etc.
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