Volume-8 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: In Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), the main vessel which contains the primary sodium and supports the core is suspended from the roof slab. The materials for construction for main vessel and roof slab are type 316LN austenitic stainless steel and Carbon steel of grade A48P2, respectively. As the materials of construction are different, a transition joint between austenitic stainless steel and C-steel is necessary. In this investigation the effect of post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) on the interfacial microstructure of as-welded and PWHTed type 316LN/C-steel joint welded with Inconel 182 was investigated. These joints were PWHTed to various temperatures between 898 to 973K for 1h and results were evaluated. From the above results, different methods to temper the martensitic structure or to change to an equilibrium structure without PWHT are also presented.
Keywords: Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT), Interfacial Microstructure, 316LN austenitic stainless steel and Carbon steel of grade A48P2.
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Abstract: In this paper, the effect of load, Velocity of sliding and sliding distance on friction and wear of materials made of Polytetrafluoroethylele (PTFE) and PTFE composites under wet condition with filler materials such as 25% bronze, 25% glass fiber and 25 % carbon have studied. The experimental work has performed on pin-on-disc friction and wear test rig and analyzed with the help of Design Expert software. The results of experiments are presented in tables and graphs which shows that the addition of bronze, glass and carbon filler to the virgin PTFE decreases wear rate significantly and there is marginal increase in coefficient of friction. The highest wear resistance was found for 25% carbon filled PTFE followed by 25% glass filled PTFE, 25% bronze filled PTFE and virgin PTFE. Through this study, we can develop the best bearing material for the various industrial applications which is available easily at the minimum cost.
Keywords: Design of Experiments, Friction, Pin-on-Disc, Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), Wear
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Optimization of Front Underrun Protection Device |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. T. Ramamohan Rao, A. Rama Krishna |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0821925 ![]() |
Abstract: Front Under run Protection Device is tested for car occupant safety by performing Crash analysis with 800 kg (mass of the car) hitting the Front Underrun Protection Device with certain velocity and analyzing its performance and changing design to improve the crash results. Optimization is carried out to improve the crash results for safety of passenger. To reduce number of iterations during the development process, the computational simulation method is used in Front Underrun Protection Device analysis for impact loading. An explicit finite element code like LS Dyna is used for the simulation. This paper explains the FE analysis of Front Underrun Protection Device for impact loading. All the results obtained from the CAE analysis are evaluated against the requirements of IS 14812-2005 which could reduce the process development time and cost. Unigraphics(NX.8) for modeling Front Underrun Protection Device and Preprocessing in Hypermesh and LS DYNA for Crash Analysis (solving), results are viewed in Hyper view.Altair Optistruct is used for weight reduction and change in design of Front under run protection device.
Keywords: Under-run Protection Device, LS Dyna, CAE Analysis, Topology Optimization, Altair Hypermesh.
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Abstract: The demand for consumption of petroleum products increased with vehicles population.For addressing the present problem we discussed alternate fuel. Moreover, the alternate fuel must be produced in such a manner that it can be used directly in present engines without much engine modifications. Edible and non-edible oils are the main source for alternate fuel. In this paper we have discussed the performance characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with mahua oil using additive. Due to high viscosity and low volatility of non-edible oils their prolonged use is not advisable. These problems can be minimised by the transesterification process which is a reaction of triglyceride and alcohol in presence of a catalyst to produce mono alkyl ester which is known as biodiesel and glycerol .The biodiesel was blended with additive in various proportions to prepare a number of test fuels which are tested on a diesel engine to studyvarious parameters like carbon residue, fire point, flash point, viscosity, pour point, cloud point, cetane index etc. and compare those with that of diesel . The result shows biodiesel with 10% additive (Dimethyl carbonate) is best suited for diesel engine. Keywords:-Mahua oil, Diesel, Additive, Transesterification, Engine performance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structural and Fatigue Analysis of Two Wheeler Lighter Weight Alloy Wheel |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Saran Theja, M. Vamsi Krishna |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0823545 ![]() |
Abstract: Importance of wheel in the automobile is obvious. The vehicle may be towed without the engine but at the same time even that is also not possible without the wheels, the wheels along the tire has to carry the vehicle load, provide cushioning effect and cope with the steering control. Generally wheel spokes are the supports consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim. The most commonly used materials for making Wheel spokes are with features of excellent lightness, thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance, characteristics of casting, low temperature, high damping property, machine processing and recycling, etc. This metal main advantage is reduced weight, high accuracy and design choices of the wheel. This metal is useful for energy conservation because it is possible to re-cycle. Spokes make vehicles look great but at the same time they require attention in maintenance. To perform their functions best, the spokes must be kept under the right amount of tension. The two main types of motorcycle rims are solid wheels, in which case the rim and spokes are all cast as one unit and the other spoke wheels, where the motorcycle rims are laced with spokes. These types of wheels require unusually high spoke tension, since the load is carried by fewer spokes. If a spoke does break, the wheel generally becomes instantly unridable also the hub may break. Presently, for motor-cycles Aluminium alloy wheels are used, currently now replacing by new magnesium alloy due its better properties than Al-alloy. An important implication of this paper or the problem stated here is to "analyse the stress and the displacement distribution comparing the results obtained". In addition, this work extends Proper analysis of the wheel plays an important role for the safety of the rider. This paper deals with the static &fatigue analysis of the wheel. The present work attempts to analyse the safe load of the alloy wheel, which will indicate the safe drive is possible. A typical alloy wheel configuration of Suzuki GS150R commercial vehicle is chosen for study. Finite element analysis has been carried out to determine the safe stresses and pay loads.
Keywords: Motorcycle, Geometric modeling and Designing, lightweight alloy-wheel, Rim, Alloy-spokes, fatigue analysis, Al &MAG wheels, Mg Y Zn,Lightweight &Anti-fatigue design.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Free Vibration Analysis of circular plates with holes and cutouts |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shrikant B. Thakare, Prof. A. V. Damale |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0824654 ![]() |
Abstract: Circular plates with holes are extensively used in mechanical components. The existence of a hole in a circular plate results in a significant change in the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure. Especially if the hole is located eccentrically, the vibration behavior of these structures is expected to deviate significantly from that of a plate with a concentric hole. These holes usually cause the change of natural frequency as well as the decrease of load carrying capacity. It is important to comprehend the associated effects in the work of mechanical design or flight control of the structure. Therefore, in this study, an experimental method to determine the modal characteristics of a plate with multiple holes and slots are used is verified by the finite element analysis (FEA) with ANSYS. Also, the relationship between parameter variations and vibration modes is investigated. These results can be used as guidance for the modal analysis and damage detection of a circular plate with a hole.
Keywords: circular plate, FEA, modal analysis, natural frequencies, vibration
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Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine the relative advantage of using a helically coiled heat exchanger against a straight tube heat exchanger. It is found that the heat transfer in helical circular tubes is higher as compared to Straight tube due to their shape. Helical coils offer advantageous over straight tubes due to their compactness and increased heat transfer coefficient. The increased heat transfer coefficients are a consequence of the curvature of the coil, which induces centrifugal forces to act on the moving fluid, resulting in the development of secondary flow. The curvature of the coil governs the centrifugal force while the pitch (or helix angle) influences the torsion to which the fluid is subjected to. The centrifugal force results in the development of secondary flow. Due to the curvature effect, the fluid streams in the outer side of the pipe moves faster than the fluid streams in the inner side of the pipe. The difference in velocity sets-in secondary flows, whose pattern changes with the Dean number of the flow. In current work the fluid to fluid heat exchange is taken into consideration, Most of the investigations on heat transfer coefficients are for constant wall temperature or constant heat flux. The effectiveness, overall heat transfer coefficient, effect of coldwater flow rate on effectiveness of heat exchanger when hot water mass flow rate is kept constant and effect of hot water flow rate on effectiveness when cold water flow rate kept constant studied and compared for parallel flow, counter flow arrangement of Helical coil and Straight tube heat exchangers. The inner heat transfer coefficient calculated from Wilson plot method. Then Nusselt no and correlation obtained on the basis of inner heat transfer coefficient. All readings were taken at steady state condition of heat exchanger. The result shows that the heat transfer coefficient is affected by the geometry of the heat exchanger. Helical coil heat exchanger are superior in all aspect studied here.
Key Words: Helical coil heat exchanger, Straight tube heat exchanger, overall heat transfer coefficient.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of Thermal Conductivity Measurement Test Rig for Engineering Material |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dinesh Kumar, Prakash Chandra |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0826066 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper describe the development of a hot rod method by using water as a coolant medium which measure the heat loss through the rod for the steady state measurement of thermal conductivity of small samples. The heat flow through the test sample was essentially one dimensional and heat loss through engineering material is made to use heated guard to block the flow of heat from the hot rod to the surroundings. Since large correction factors must be applied to account for guard imperfection and not maintained ideal condition. So that it may be preferable to simply measure and correct for the heat that flows from the heater disc to directions other than into the sample. Experimental measurements taken in a prototype apparatus combined with extensive computational modeling of the heat transfer in the apparatus show that sufficiently accurate measurements can be obtained to allow determination of thermal conductivity of engineering material. Suggestions are made for further improvements in the method based on results from regression analysis of the generated data.
Keywords: Thermal Conductivity, Sensor, Thermal Insulation, Microcontroller, Steady State Technique.
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