Volume-8 ~ Issue-4
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Abstract: Today, many manufacturing process requires that spaces to be designed to control particulate and microbial contamination while maintaining clean room facility with reasonable installation and operating costs. Clean room facilities are typically used in manufacturing, packaging and research facilities associated with these industries: Semiconductor, Pharmaceutical, Hospitals, Aerospace and Miscellaneous applications. This project deals with "Design, Installation and Commissioning of Clean room and HVAC facility for Stem cell technologies and Regenerative Medicine". In this thesis, the system design thermal loads , filtration level and cleanness, pressures produced in the constructed building by varying normal brick wall ,brick wall with attached panels are calculated..Clean rooms are designed as per ISO14644-4 guidelines to maintain proper air flow in order to used proper cleanness. The HVAC facility shall be achieved by using the equipments like Air cooled condensing unit, Air handling units and etc..As a First step towards the project, the system design load calculations will be done. Air Quantity calculation, Supply/Return air Diffusers, Return Air Risers and Terminal filters selection, Temperature, RH, Lighting and Fan requirements are as per attached design data sheets. The classes of cleanliness, filtration and other requirements are to be as per the room list, layout drawings .The minimum fresh air quantities shall be as per the basis of design above while the exhaust air quantities shall be as based on the quantities of the leakages and pressures to be maintained in the rooms and Also the leakage rates considered through the doors to be through the doors to be through a normal single leaf door or double leaf door for the suggested pressure differentials to be suitably considered.
Keywords: Clean rooms, HVAC facility, Filters, Pressures , Panels ,Temperature, Air flow rates.
[5] Carrier air conditioning, "HAND BOOK OF AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM DESIGN".
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Heavy Vehicle Suspension System Using Composites |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Viswanatham, H. Raghavendra Rao |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0841319 ![]() |
Abstract: A leaf spring is a simple form of spring, commonly used for the suspension in wheeled vehicles. Leaf Springs are long and narrow plates attached to the frame of a trailer that rest above or below the trailer's axle. There are mono leaf springs, or single-leaf springs, that consist of simply one plate of spring steel. These are usually thick in the middle and taper out toward the end, and they don't typically offer too much strength and suspension for towed vehicles. Drivers looking to tow heavier loads typically use multi leaf springs, which consist of several leaf springs of varying length stacked on top of each other. The shorter the leaf spring, the closer to the bottom it will be, giving it the same semielliptical shape a single leaf spring gets from being thicker in the middle. The automobile industry has shown increased interest in the replacement of steel spring with fiberglass composite leaf spring due to high strength to weight ratio. In this thesis a leaf spring used in a heavy vehicle is designed. While designing leaf spring following four cases are considered: by changing the thickness, changing no. of leaves, changing camber and changing span .Present used material for leaf spring is Mild Steel. The objective of this thesis is to compare the load carrying capacity, stiffness and weight savings of composite leaf spring with that of steel leaf spring. The design constraints are stresses and deflections. In this thesis, the material is replaced with composites since they are less dense than steel and have good strength. The strength validation is done using FEA software ANSYS by structural analysis. Modal analysis is also done to determine the frequencies. Analysis is done by layer stacking method for composites by changing number of layers 3, 5, 11 and 23. The composites used are Aramid Fiber and Glass Fiber.
Keywords: Composite materials, design constrain, leaf spring, material property, and analysis..
[1]. MARK'S Calculations for mechanical design by Thomas H. Brown
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Enhancing Project Management Efficiency using Lean Concepts |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mr. Harsha N., Mr. S. Nagabhushan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0842022 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the increasing and most significant concerns with projects is that, projects are behind schedule, over budget and show unsatisfactory performance in terms of quality and customer satisfaction. Lean Thinking is important because it can reduce error rates to maximum extent. The evidence from Toyota (Japan) and other companies who have successfully implemented the Toyota Production System (TPS) or Lean Principles confirms this. It also significantly reduces the time taken to deliver new products while substantially reducing cost. This paper first introduces the general overview about Project Management and the Lean Concepts. After that, this paper presents the literature survey and then compares the traditional Project Management, the advantages or opportunities of introducing Lean Principles into Project Management with a Case study.
Keywords - Lean Project Management, Project Management, Toyota Production System
[1] Womack J., Jones D. and Roos T. (1990a), "The Origins of Lean Production", Machine That Changed the World, MacMillan-Canada, pp. 26-33.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Exploring Fly Ash Utilization in Construction of Highways in India |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shibashish P. Mukherjee, Dr Gaurang Vesmawala |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0842332 ![]() |
Abstract: Fly Ash is a major issue because electricity generation in the country would remain predominantly coal-based for a couple of coming decades. Current annual production of Fly Ash is about 131MT/year and is expected to increase to 300-400 MT/year up to 2016. Some of the problems associated with Fly ash are large area of land required for disposal and toxicity. Fly ash, being treated as waste and a source of air and water pollution till recent past, is in fact a resource material and has also proven its worth over a period of time. Fly ash is having potential for gainful utilization till is put to right use. It has now emerged not only as a resource material but also as an environment savior. Though the fly ash utilization is old practices in roads & building construction, there is still hesitation to adopt fly ash as a pavement & Building material for various reasons. This paper presents different ways of using Fly ash in various Components of Road crust Construction and its subsequent environmental effects. It also discusses the Government Policy in maximizing utilization of fly ash.
Keywords: Fly ash, TPP, HVFAC, Stabilizations, CBR, Sustainability
[1] DST, MOEP & MOP, Fly ash Utilization program 2012-13, UFCA 11.
[2] J Alam & M. N. Aktar, Fly Ash Utilization in Different Sectors in India, International Journal of Emerging trends in Engineering and Development, issue 1, vol 1, Aug 2011.
[3] IS: 10153-1982, Indian Standard Guidelines for utilization and disposal of fly ash.
[4] Vashi Jigisha M, Adoption of Industrial By product fly ash as a fill material for Modern reinforced earth structures, National Work shop on Utilization of Fly ash, 123-133, 2011.
[5] U. K. Guru Vittal ,Use of fly ash in Road & Embankment Construction, National Work shop on Utilization of Fly ash, 43-55, 2011.
[6] Lime Stabilization for Sustainable Road construction at Surat, South Gujarat, National Work shop on Utilization of Fly ash, 119-122, 2011
[7] Sanjay Srivastava, Laboratory Investigation of High Performance Concrete for High Pavements.
[8] P Kumar Mehta, High-Performance, High-Volume Fly Ash Concrete for Sustainable Development, International Workshop on sustainable development and Concrete Technology.
[9] Circular by CPWD No. CDO/SE (RR)/Fly Ash (Main)/387, May 13, 2004.
[10] MORT&H. Notification No.RW/NH-33044/30/2001-S&R(R), 4th December 2003.
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Abstract: Surface quality is one of the specified manufacturer requirements for machined parts. There are many parameters that have an effect on surface roughness, but those are difficult to quantify adequately in finish turning operation such as cutting speed, feed rate, and depth of cut are known to have a large impact on surface quality. The Taguchi method is one of the statistical tools, to investigate influence of surface roughness by cutting parameters such as cutting speed, feed and depth of cut. The Taguchi process helps to select or to determine the optimum cutting conditions for turning process. Many researchers developed many mathematical models to optimize the cutting parameters to get lowest surface roughness by turning process. The Taguchi design of experiments was used for optimizing quality and performance output of manufacturing processes.
Key words: turning operation, Taguchi Method, ANOVA, S/N Ratio
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study On Traffic Conlict At Unsignalized Intersection In Malaysia |
Country | : | Malaysia |
Authors | : | Gunalaan Vasudevan |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0843948 ![]() |
Abstract: The research conducted is traffic conflict at unsignalized intersections . The purpose of this research is to study accident data used as an identification of hazardous location leads to less accurate countermeasures. It is because accidents are not always reported especially accident involving damage only and this situation can reduce good comparative analysis. To overcome these lacks of accident data, many ways of employing non-accident data have been suggested. One of the ways using non-accident data is traffic conflicts, which is defined as critical incidents not necessarily involving collisions. The traffic conflict technique was originally set up to provide more reliable data and information of traffic problems at intersections which actually would replace the unclear and incomplete recorded data accident. The conflict study was done at the selected unsignalized intersection where types of traffic conflict can be identified and classified. Various road users involved in the conflict at the unsignalized intersection were also observed. Then conflicts data captured were analyzed using the computer program to observe for any conflicts at the intersections. The linear regression graph was used to show the relationship between conflict and accident data where two different equations were derived from the graph. This equation may be used to make a prediction for the relationship that might exist between those two variables at another location.
Index Terms: Traffic conflict and unsignalized intersection
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Evaluation for Production of 5000kgHydraulic Jack |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Aminu Saleh Mohammed, Dr. Ibrahim Onuwe Abdulmalik |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0844952 ![]() |
Abstract: The report submitted presents detailed performance evaluation analysis for production of 5tonne hydraulic jack. The main task is to produce it using two approaches namely conversional and reverse engineering. Conversional design team were able to design the jack with all the necessary tolerance and limits, those involve design calculations, producing standard drawing and cost analysis on each part involve. While reverse engineering team were able to produce the jack through reverse engineering procedures and approach, this involve selection of materials needed to produce the parts with our machines in the workshop, test analysis for each component, assembling and testing to ensure effective performance.
Keyword: Control pressure, fluid reservoir, Hydraulic cylinder.
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Abstract: The choice among various possible types of acceptance inspection procedures is essentially an economic one. In making a decision regarding acceptance inspection for any particular purpose, it may be desirable to consider not only various possible systems or procedures of acceptance sampling by attributes but also the alternatives of (1) no inspection at all, but imposition of a requirement that statistical evidence of satisfactory quality be provided with each lot; (2) 100% inspection; and (3) possibilities of acceptance sampling by variables. It also is true that a satisfactory evaluation of all the pertinent economic factors is often quite difficult. For this reason, the choice of an acceptance procedure is commonly made on an intuitive basis. An important element of the selection of an acceptance inspection procedure should be the probable contribution of the procedure to quality improvement. The acceptance sampling systems and procedures described in this and the following chapters have often been strikingly successful in leading to such improvements.
Key Words: AQL, MIL-STD-105D, AOQL, Acceptance Sampling.
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[4] William G. Ferrell, Jr. and Aman Chhoker,(2010) "Design of economically optimal acceptance sampling plans with inspection error "Journal of computers & Operations Research, Volume 29,Issue 10,Pages, 1283-1300.
[5] Govindaraju a; K. Subramani.(2010) "Selection of a tightened-normal-tightened system for given values of the acceptable quality level and limiting quality level" Journal of Applied Statistics, Volume 119,No 2 Pages, 241–250.
[6] Roberto da costa Quinino;Linda Lee Ho;Emilio Suyama.(2003) "Deign of economically optimal zero defect acceptance sampling with rectification when diagnosis errors are present". Online ISSN 1678-5142, Volume 25, Pages, 103-109.
[7] Sanjay Purkar;A.I.Khandwawala;Govind Maheshwari(2011) Design of a Double Acceptance Sampling Plan to Minimize a Consumer's Risk Considering an O.C. Curve; A Case Study. International Journal on Emerging Technologies 2(1): 114-118(2011) ISSN: 0975-8364 Pages, 114-118.
[8] Sanjay Purkar;A.I.Khandwawala;Govind Maheshwari (2011) "Design of Single Sampling Plan for Acceptance of Non Confirming Lots".(2011) Proc. of the 4th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology, V.V.Nagar,Gujarat, India.ISBN: 978‐81‐909376‐3‐4.Pages, 151-156.
[9] Sanjay Purkar; A.I.Khandwawala (2012) "Construction of Operating Characteristics Curve for Acceptance Sampling Plan by Using MATLAB Software."(2012) Published in the International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES) Volume-1 Issue-1, ISSN 2319-1813, ISBN 2319-1805, Pages, 44-48.