Volume-8 ~ Issue-6
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Abstract: The tremendous potential of sisal (Agave sp.) as an important plant resource has not so far been fully exploited in our country. Sisal leaves yield quality fibres, which are utilized for conventional purposes like ropes, anchors, cordage and handicrafts. The superior engineering properties of sisal makes it an excellent green material for its application in major sectors like marine, automotive, construction and renewable energy etc. Preliminary investigations indicate that there is a great scope for the development of sisal based technologies for rural and engineering applications. The sisal fibre and its allied activities could augment employment opportunities for income generation in rural sector, whereas its engineering applications can generate substantial employment potential in semi-urban and urban areas. New opportunities for the use of sisal fibre as a reinforcing fibre in commodity papers potentially offers large markets and employment generation for rural area people in India.
Key words: Sisal fiber, Sisal roofs, Automobiles, Renewable Energy, Employment, Cultivation, Sisal economy model.
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Abstract: Typical engine fuels are blends of various fuels species, i.e., multi component. Thus, the original single component fuel vaporization model was replaced by a multi component fuel vaporization model .The model has been extended to model diesel sprays under typical diesel conditions, including the effect of fuel cetane number variation .Necessary modifications were carried out at the various cooling rates. Found the performance of the diesel engine under various cooling rates at various cetane numbers, also various quantities of exhaust gas was re circulated and found performance of the engine.
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[3]. Kyung-Wook Choi, Ki-Bum Kim and Ki-Hyung Lee* "Investigation of emission characteristics affected by new cooling system in a diesel engine"in Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 23 (2009) 1866~1870.
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Abstract: The basic object of this paper is compression of refrigerant by the consumption of high amplitude sound waves that results the generation thermal Energy. For generation of sound waves a loud speaker (or common audio speaker) has been employed for creating high amplitude sound waves which compresses refrigerant (helium) by the well Known thermodynamics process of heat absorption. A Thermo acoustic refrigerator is fabricated with a cooler and loud speaker. The acoustic power produced by a loud speaker as a sound waves reaches to heat the pump. The cooler works on a reverse Carnot cycle by incorporating a compact acoustic network to create the travelling wave phasing necessary to operate. As the acoustic wave propagates temperature difference occurs at the ends of stack, heat and cold is trap by the heat exchangers regenerator from a cold heat exchanger to an ambient one. Instead of using co-axial topology network, the toroidal is used. The design, construction and performance measurement of the cooler are also discussed. Finally, at 80 C a coefficient of performance 7.0 is achieved.
Key words: Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration, toroidal, high amplitude sound waves, heat exchanger.
[1]. Heat and mass transfer data book by C.P.kodandaram and S.subramanyan
[2]. Thermo dynamics by R.S.kurmi ,R.K rajput
[3]. Refrigeration and air conditioning by domkundwar , Arora
[4]. http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/thermo/carnot.html.
[5]. Daniel A. Russell and Pontus Weibull, "Tabletop thermo acoustic refrigerator for demonstrations," Am. J. Phys. 70 (12), December 2002.
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Abstract: The power sector is one of the sectors of the India's economy. The development of the country to a large extent is dependent on the growth of this sector. Through the progress of the power sector during the past four decades has been sustainable, the power industry has been unable to fulfill primary obligation of production quality power supply in required quantity. We did our project in Stage- 4, Unit -7 of Dr. Narla Tata Rao Thermal Power Station, Vijayawada and analyzed the performance of the boiler of the above-mentioned unit of capacity 500MW. Our project was mainly concerned with the Boiler Operations & Maintenance Department (O&M). Initially, we calculated the performance and efficiency of the boiler. The Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) approach is utilised for the creation of a two-dimensional model of the economizer coil. Using mild steel material in the economizer part it gives better performance compared with the carbon steel material. The fluid flow temperature, pressure is increase and velocity is decrease field of fluid flow within an economizer tube using the actual boundary conditions have been analyzed using CFD tool. So the boiler performance will be increased. And the experimental setup is from Dr. NTTPS, Vijayawada having the unit no IV of 500 MW energy generations.
Keywords: Two pass boiler, Boiler efficiency, CFD modeling, Economizer
[1]. A Text Book of Internal Combustion Engines: by Rajput, Laxmi publications.
[2]. A Text Book of Thermal Engineering by R.K. Rajput, Laxmi publications.
[3]. A Text Book of Design data Hand book by S.Md.Jalaludeen, Anuradha Publications.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structural analysis of the magnetic poles of the 20 MeV Injector Microtron. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Aaqib Gulzar Khan, Shubhajit Dutta |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0863033 ![]() |
Abstract: Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT) has developed a 20 MeV Microtron used as an electron source for the 2.5 GeV INDUS -2 and 550 MeV INDUS -1particle accelerators. Due to the presence of revolving electrons inside the Microtron cavity, an Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) is required to be created inside it. This paper presents a structural analysis of the Microtron magnet poles as they are subjected to the surrounding atmospheric pressure and the magnetic force of the dipole magnets. The aim of the analysis is to determine whether the deflection produced in the magnetic poles affects the uniformity of the magnetic field inside the Microtron cavity as a slight deflection in the magnetic field can cause the electrons to change their paths and thus they will not come out of the Microtron and die out inside the cavity. The maximum deflection and stress intensity were determined using ANSYS 12.0. The estimated maximum deflection was 0.124 μm which does not have any significant effect on the uniformity of magnetic field. The estimated maximum stress intensity was 4.3 MPa which is less than the yield strength of the material used.
Keywords- Finite Element Analysis, INDUS particle accelerator, Microtron, RF Cavity, Simulation in Ansys.
[1] Thomas P. Wangler, Principles of RF linear accelerators (111 River Street Hobokin, NJ: John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2008).
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Abstract: Fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) grating is manufactured by combining a resin and fiberglass. That makes it a composite material. Fiberglass grating does not corrode like steel gratings. They are used in corrosive environments. Fibre glass grating is formed using continuous interwoven glass fibres as reinforcement material and resin as the matrix with continuous solidification through a mould system. The uniform construction provides excellent bi-directional mechanical properties. It is beneficial to all industries whether it be chemical, pharmaceutical, offshore or leisure to name just a few with many applications like platforms, floorings, walkways, trench covers, ramps and cable trough covers. Fibreglass grating is exceptionally slip resistant and the gritted and concave anti-slip grating offers excellent traction in wet and icy conditions. In this work, molded fibre glass gratings are manufactured and subjected to tensile test, chemical resistance, water absorption, flexural test, load bearing test.
Keywords: Molded fibre glass gratings, glass fibers, tensile strength, flexural strength mechanical properties, and chemical resistance.
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Abstract: Along a major highway, luminaire pole structures may be seen every 101 of a mile.From documented cases, it appears that these structures started to experience fatigue problems in the last three decades. The general public might not be aware of the problem, because if such a failure occurs, the structure is replaced. Those working in the fatigue area realize that this issue is a serious matter[15][16]. Clearly, the damage is costly, costing up to thousands of dollars per occurrence. For this purpose, a high mast lighting poles are fabricated using steel due to its high strength, ductilityproperty and wear resistance. The high mast structure (HMS) has the characters of light weight and high cost efficiency. It possess large ratio of height (H) to least horizontal dimension (D) that makes it more slender and wind-sensitive than any other structures[17]. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design optimal high mast poles taking into account its specification, environmental conditions for placement and economy. Initially, among various pole designs, the high mast pole is considered to be in tapered section as it is more reliable and economical. Then, analysis is performed in solid works by keeping the base section to be fixed and applying compressive load on the top section of the pole due to heavy weight of cantilever mast arm and luminaire. This project illustrates the theoretical basis and the analytical development of the high mast lighting poles. Keywords: High mast lighting poles, luminaire, Optimization, stress, deformation, factor of safety.
[1] O.Rabaza, A.Pena-Garcia, F.Perez-Ocon, D.Gomez-Lorenete, ASimple Method for designing efficient public lighting, based on new parameter relationship, Expert Systems with Applications, 40(18), 2013, 7305-7315
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[5] MiomirKostic, LidijaDjokic, DejanPojatar, NatasaStrbac-Hadzibegovic, Technical and economic analysis of road lighting solutions based on mesopic vision, Building and Environment, 44(1), 66-75.
[6] Min-Wook Kang, Manoj K. Jha, Paul Schonfeld, Applicability of Highway alignment optimization models, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 21(1), 2012, 257-286.
[7] Jeremy Lagorse, Damien Paire, AbdellatifMiraoui, Sizing Optimization Of a Stand-alone street Linghting System powered by hybrid system using fuel cell, pv and battery, Renewable Energy, 34(3), 2009, 683-691.
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Abstract: GFRP (glass fibre reinforced plastic) composite materials are used in many engineering applications because of its high strength to weight ratio. The purpose of this experiment is to investigate mechanical, chemical and thermal properties of GFRP rotor blades which are used in cooling towers. These blades are manufactured by pressure bag moulding process by using suitable mould. Before installation (Delivery), the blade must be tested for mechanical, chemical, thermal and other properties. For this testing, GFRP laminate is made by hand layup technique. Epoxy resin is used as matrix in manufacturing of the gfrp laminate.
Key words: GFRP composite laminate, hand layup technique, mechanical properties, chemical resistance, thermal properties.
[1] "Mechanics of composite materials‟ Madhujit Mukhopadhyay, Universities Press (India) private limited
[2] "Manufacturing process of FRP fan blades‟ by RECONDO LIMITED, MUMBAI, INDIA
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Abstract: One of the construction sector's major contributions to the preservation of the environment and sustainable development is the reuse and recycling of the waste materials it generates (reducing, reusing, recycling and regenerating the residues that originate the constructive activity). One way of achieving this is to introduce recycled aggregates from construction and demolition debris and rubble into the production processes. This increases the life cycle of these materials, thereby reducing the amount of waste dumping and natural resource extraction.
[1]. IS: 383-1970, "specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural sources for concrete", Bureau of Indian standards, New Delhi.
[2]. 2.Shetty, M.S (2001) "Concrete technology theory and practice", Chand and company.
[3]. T. S. Nagaraj and ZahidaBonn (1996): "Efficient utilization of rock dust and pebbles as aggregates in Portland cement concrete". The Indian concrete journal, Vol No1.53-56, January.
[4]. International journal of Advance in Civil Engineering, vol 1 (1-2) jan – dec 2011.
[5]. International journal of Sustainable Civil Engineering, vol 3 No.1 jan – jun 2011.
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Abstract: A large variety of turbo-machinery rotor groove geometries are used in industry. However, there is no specific attempt made to compare them on the basis of performance. This paper provides an attempt to fill that gap aiming to find an optimum geometry. The main objective of the investigations is to reduce fillet stress concentration factor and associated deformations. The present work carries out the design modification of fillet of a Steam Turbine Rotor. Finite Element Analysis is performed using ANSYS Workbench that is used to determine the fillet stresses effectively to modify the blade rotor grooves. The low pressure steam turbine rotor blades have usually a history of stress failure. They suffer from tensile and bending stresses partly due to the centrifugal force as a result of high rotational speeds and partly due to high pressure, temperature and speed steam loading. The centrifugal force is one of the problems that face the designers of turbine blades especially the long ones. The designer always aims at reducing these stresses. One way to do so is by the reduction of stress concentration factor which takes place between the rotor and its groove. That is to make the rotor blade of variable cross section instead of straight. This paper presents the method of reducing stress concentration factor as well as reduction in the deformation of the rotor.
Keywords: Optimization, Stress concentration factor, Turbine rotor grooves, Maximum principal stress.
[1] R.Nagendra Babu, K.V.Ramana and K.Mallikarjuna Rao, "Determination of Stress Concentration Factors of A Steam Turbine Rotor by FEA", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume No.39, 2008, Pg. 137-41.
[2] Dr. Arkan K. Husain Al-Taie, "Stress Evaluation of Low Pressure Steam Turbine Rotor Blade and Design of Reduced Stress Blade", Mechanical Engineering Dept/ Univ. of Tech, Eng.Tech.Vol.26, No.2, 2008.
[3] L. Moroz, A. Tarasov, IJPGC 2003, International Joint Power Generation Conference. June 16-19, 2003, Atlanta, Georgia, USA on "Coupled CFD and Thermal Steady State Analysis of Steam Turbine Secondary Flow Path ".
[4] IJEST 01/2010, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, November 2010 "Prediction of Stress Concentration effect under Thermal and Dynamic loads on a High Pressure Turbine Rotor". Babu R.Nagendra, Dr.K.V.Ramana, Rao Dr.K.Mallikarjuna, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Research Vol.2(6),pp. 106-115.
[5] Peterson.R.E, "Stress Concentration Factors" ( John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-683329-9, Page No.57, Year 2008).
[6] Walter D. Pilkey, Stress concentration factor (John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-53849-3, Year 2007).
[7] ANSYS ICEM, CFD Tutorial Manual, http://www1.ansys.com/customer/content/Tutorials/PDF/itut110.pdf [8] ANSYS, Release-12, Modeling and Meshing Guide.
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Abstract: The goal of this paper is to state and evaluate the differences in gap acceptance observations between left lane and right lane change, and experiment overall aggressiveness by the means of right lane change behaviors and use of electrical instruments for reaching this goal, furthermore we use Digital Signal Processing on our controlling cameras to be able to distinguish different behaviours of drivers. Also, in this paper we evaluate the decision making process of drivers, we do this work with use of electrical sensors for accumulating some data and clarifying and processing them and finally with use of cumulative distribution functions of driver lane change behaviours from the observed field data. These experiments are performed for drivers using I-20 in Grand Prairie, Texas with the roadside controlling cameras and some other electronical controlling instruments which were amounted near the intersection of I-20 and Great Southwest Blvd. Our experiments and evaluations demonstrates, that the whole ratio of right lane change observations to left lane change observations was close to 3 to 1.
Keywords: Electronic devices, roadside control camera, lane change, digital image processing, electronic control systems.
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Abstract: The current investigation is aimed to simulate the three-dimensional complex internal flow in a centrifugal pump impeller with five twisted blades by using specialized computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software ANSYS /FLUENT 14code with a standard k-ε two-equation turbulence model. A single blade passage will be modeled to give more accurate results for static pressure contours on (blade, hub, and shroud). The potential consequences of static pressure associated with operating a centrifugal compressor in variable rotation speed. A numerical three-dimensional, through flow calculations to predict static pressure through a centrifugal pump were presented to examined the effect of rotational speed variation on the static pressure of the centrifugal pump . The contours of the static pressure of the blade, hub, and shroud indicates negative low static pressure in the suction side at high rotational speed (over operation limits )and the static pressure increases gradually until reach maximum value at the leading edge (6×105 Pa) of the blade.
Keywords: CFD, Centrifugal pump, 3D numerical simulation
[1] Dr. Jalal M. Jalil, Dr. Khalaf H. Ali, Dr. Hussein M. al-Yassiri, Three--Dimensional Numerical Study of Flow Characteristics Through a Centrifugal Pump, Al-Rafidain Engineering Vol.16 No.1 2008.
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Abstract: Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) are a new type of aircraft maturing day by day and have reached unprecedented levels of growth recently. Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) have enormous potential in applications. They are deployed predominantly for military and special operation applications, but also used in a small but growing number of civil applications, such as policing and firefighting, and nonmilitary security work, such as surveillance of pipelines. UAVs are often preferred for missions that are too "dull, dirty, and dangerous" for manned aircraft. This article mainly describes the design process of an unmanned air vehicle in solidworks and shows the results of solidworks simulation analysis.
Keyword: Solidworks, simulation, airfoil, design, wing, control surface etc.
[1] Grasmeyer, J.M. - Keennon, M.T: Development of the Black Widow Micro Air Vehicle, AIAA-2001-0127
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[4] Bohorquez, F. et al. Design, Analysis and Performance of a Rotary Wing UAV, Smart Structures Laboratory, Alfred Gessow Rotorcraft Center, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Maryland
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strengthening Of Subgrade by Using RBI Grade-81 A Case Study. |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Er. Tejinder Singh & Er. Navjot Riar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-086101106 ![]() |
Abstract: Road infrastructure in India is developing at a very fast pace. A good pavement is needed for the safe, comfortable and economical movement of traffic. If the in situ soil has no adequate strength, either soil from other sites are to be used or the available soil has to be stabilized so that it attains sufficient strength to carry the traffic load. Soil can be stabilized with RBI grade 81 and then can be used in Sub grade and also as Sub base and base Layers. The whole Pavement can be constructed by using RBI grade 81 thus reducing energy consumed and placing of unbound granular material (WBM/WMM) without compromising on Strength and durability. Various samples have been made by taking soil with 0% RBI Grade-81 content; 2% RBI Grade-81 content; 4% RBI Grade-81 content; 6% RBI Grade-81 content; 8% RBI Grade-81. The CBR sample is prepared by 7 days curing and 4 days soaked period. The comparison of the strength results with or without RBI Grade 81 has been done. It has been found that RBI Grade 81 is a unique and innovative material which results in saving the extra cost of the pavement.
Keywords: RBI Grade 81, subgrade, stabilization, CBR value.
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[6] Venu Gopal.N; (2009), "Study Of Soil Properties With Silica fume As Stabilizer And Comparing The same With Rbi-81 And Cost Estimation" Post Graduate Diploma Thesis, Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum.
[7] www.rbi81.com "RBI Grade 81 Natural Soil Stabilizer" accessed on 2008.
[8] IRC: SP: 20-2002 Recommended Design Criteria for rural road design.
[9] Highway Material Testing, lab manual by S.K. Khanna and C.E.G. Justo