Volume-9 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the effect of subjecting concrete, produced with cement being partially replaced with saw dust ash (SDA) to elevated temperatures. The performance of the test concrete cubes was done by exposing them to elevated temperatures of 200oC, 400oC, 600oC and 800oC, and allowed to cool down to room temperature before testing for their properties. Both the physical and thermal properties of the concrete cubes were determined. The concrete produced by blending cement with 10% SDA with an average percentage loss of 23.04% retained more of its compressive strength when exposed to the different temperatures, than concrete produced using only OPC, which has an average percentage loss of 29.11%. It is also found that, at an elevated temperature of 800oC, concrete fail totally in flexure due to the effect of high heat on binding elements. The flexural strength of both the control concrete (at 0% OPC replacement) and OPC/SDA blended concrete (at 10% OPC replacement) decreased as the temperature is increased. The replacement of OPC by 10% SDA increased the thermal shock resistance of the concrete by 11 cycles than the 0% OPC concrete at the same temperature. The concrete produced with OPC has better thermal conductivity than the concrete produced by blending OPC with SDA, as a result, the dislodgement of the concrete edges is relatively lower in the SDA blended cement concrete than in the OPC concrete. The result shows that, blending OPC with SDA in concrete performed better at elevated temperatures than concrete produced with only OPC. Therefore, the replacement of OPC with 10% SDA can be applied as a fire resisting bonding material in concrete.
Keywords: Blended Concrete, Elevated Temperatures, Ordinary Portland cement (OPC), Performance, Saw Dust Ash (SDA)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sensitivity Analysis of Process Parameters for Polyurethane Based Panel Air Filters |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pravin Badarayani |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0931115 ![]() |
Abstract: The polyurethane processing for panel air filters (flexible foam)for high yield (free of all defects) is very critical and sensitive on account of Polyurethane making chemistry, short reaction times, process conditions, ambient temperature and humidity , equipment dispensing-mixing precision and moulds' surface quality, moulds' temperature and uniformity impacting the defects in filters like pin holes, short filling, over filling or growth, skin damage, loose skin, voids, hardness variations, shrink marks, knit lines etc. Research is conducted to study and establish a correlation between various parameters so that process settings can be altered to ensure minimum variation to output in spite of variation in inputs and noise to the system.
Keywords: Cell, Gel time, ISO Ratio, Nucleation. Cell-A single small cavity surrounded partially or completely by walls Gel Time-For polyurethanes, the interval of time between mixing together the Polyol and the di-isocyanate and the formation of the non flowing, semisolid jelly like system ISO ratio-The selected ratio by weight of Isocyanate with Polyol as 100 Nucleation- Process of forcing in air particles as bubbles in the Polyol molecules.
[1] Shau-Tarang Lee, Chul B. Park, N.S.Ramesh(Book Style) ―Polymeric Foams‖
[2] I.R.Clemitson, Herrington R, Hock K (Book Style) ―Castable Polyurethane Elastomers Flexible Polyurethane Foams,Chemistry and Technology‖
[3] Woods G. (Book Style) ―Flexible Polyurethane Foams, Chemistry and Technology‖ Appl Sci Pub Ltd.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Friction Stir Welding of steels: AReview Paper |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kudzanayi Chiteka |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0931620 ![]() |
Abstract: Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a solid state joining process that can be applied to a number of materials including aluminium, magnesium, copper and steels. A number of researches have been conducted in Friction Stir Welding of steels and it is the focus of this paper to make a comprehensive review of the work that has been done. Ultra-low carbon steels, low carbon steels, medium carbon steels, high carbon steels and ultra-high carbon steels have been considered and several aspects of FSW of steels have been outlined. These are tools, mechanical properties and microstructure. It was determined that carbon content, welding speed as well as rotational speed affect both mechanical properties and microstructure of the joint.
Key words: Friction Stir Welding, FSW parameters, FSW tools, Mechanical properties, Microstructure.
[1] Don-Hyun Choi, Chang-Yong Lee, Byung-Wook Ahn, Jung-Hyun Choi, Yun-Mo Yeon, Keun Song, Seung-Gab Hong, Won-Bae Lee, Ki-Bong Kang and Seung-Boo Jung, Hybrid Friction Stir Welding of High-carbon Steel, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2011,27(2), 127-130.
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[6] Hoon-Hwe Cho, Suk Hoon Kang, Sung-Hwan Kim, Kyu Hwan Oh, Heung Ju Kim, Woong-Seong Chang and Heung Nam Han, Microstructural evolution in friction stir welding of high-strength linepipe steel, Materials and Design 34 (2012) 258–267.
[7] Y.S. Sato, H. Yamanoi, H. Kokawa and T. Furuhara, Microstructural evolution of ultrahigh carbon steel during friction stir welding, Scripta Materialia 57 (2007) 557–560.
[8] M. Jafarzadegan, A. Abdollah-zadeh, A.H. Feng, T. Saeid, J. Shen and H. Assadi, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Dissimilar Friction Stir Weld between Austenitic Stainless Steel and Low Carbon Steel, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2013, 29(4), 367-372.
[9] A.P. Reynolds, Wei Tang, T. Gnaupel Herold and H. Prask, Structure, properties, and residual stress of 304L stainless steel friction stir welds, Scripta Materialia 48 (2003) 1289–1294.
[10] Seung Hwan C. Park, Yutaka S. Sato, Hiroyuki Kokawa, Kazutaka Okamoto, Satoshi Hirano and Masahisa Inagaki, Rapid formation of the sigma phase in 304 stainless steel during friction stir welding, Scripta Materialia 49 (2003) 1175–1180.
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Abstract:Over the decades, there has been a significant increase in the use of fibres in concrete for improving its properties such as tensile strength and ductility. The fibre concrete is also used in retrofitting existing concrete structures. Among many different types of fibres available today, glass fibre is a recent introduction in the field of concrete technology. Glass fibre has the advantages of having higher tensile strength and fire resistant properties, thus reducing the loss of damage during fire accident of concrete structures. In this investigation glass fibres of 450 mm length are added to the concrete by volume fraction of up to 1% to determine its strength and fire resistant characteristics. Comparison of the strength and fire-resistance performance of conventional concrete and glass fibre concrete was made. The paper presents the details of the experimental investigations and the conclusions drawn there from.
Key words: Concrete, Glass fibre, Volume Fraction, Strength properties, Fire resistant characteristics.
[1]. Bentur, A, and Kovler, K, (1997) "Durability of some glass fibre reinforced cementations composites", Fifth International Concrete on Structural Failure, Durability Retrofitting, Singapore, November 27-28,pp. 190- 199.
[2]. Banthia, N, Yan, C.B, Lee W.Y, (1997) "Restrained shrinkage cracking in fiber feinforced concrete with polyolefin fibres", Fifth International Concrete on Structural Failure, Durability Retrofitting, Singapore, November 27-28, pp. 456-463.
[3]. Chandramouli, K, Srinivasa Rao, P, Pannirselvam, N, Seshadri Sekhar,T, and Sravana, Priyadrashini, T .P, (2010), " Strength and durability characteristic of glass fibre concrete", International Journal of Mechanics of Solids,Vol. 5, No.1, pp. 15-26.
[4]. Chawla, K. and Tekwari, B. (2012), "Glass fibre Reinforced concrete",Yahoo Group – Civil Engineering Portal, pp. 1-7.
[5]. Muthuawamy K.R. and Thirugnanam G.S,(2013), "Mechanical properties of hybrid fibre reinforced high performance concrete", Indian Concrete Journal, Vol 87, No. 4, April, pp. 50-55.
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[7]. Sinha, D.A, Varma, A.K and, Prakash, K.B, (2013), "Properties of ternary blended steel fibre reinforced concrete", The Indian Concrete Journal, Vol- 87, August, pp. 26-30.
[8]. Siddique, R, (1997), "Properties of concrete reinforced with low percentage of synthetic fibres", Fifth International Concrete on Structural Failure, Durability Retrofitting Singapore November 27-28, pp. 448-455.
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Abstract: The major problem in rolling process is the defects like fire cracks, severe sticking in a billet mill, and etc. This paper deals with the study on reducing or minimizing the defects of rolling process. The analysis has been carried out for different temperature i.e. 100°c, 150°c, 200°c, 250°c. As the temperature goes on increasing correspondingly the residual stresses decreases. Hot rolling process helps in reduced residual stresses at high temperature & helps in formation of smooth granular structure of product. Due to the symmetry of the rolling components, half the model is built & the analysis is carried out with 4 roller sizes varying from 8mm to 20mm with 4mm increment & the results were tabulated by using ANSYS. This will helps in estimation of residual stresses.
Keywords: Rolling process, Residual Stresses, FEM etc
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[7] Finite element analysis of cross-wedge rolling ZBIGNIEW PATER
The Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Volume 30, Number 1C., 2005
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Abstract: Ordinary Portland cement is recognized as major construction material throughout the world. Cement is responsible for about 5% - 8% of global co2 emissions. Therefore the utilization of industrial waste has been increased which is environment friendly. In this paper an attempt has been made to utilize sugarcane bagasse ash (S.C.B.A) a residue from sugar industry as a supplementary cement replacement material. The present study investigates with the strength and durability properties of the concrete when the cement is replaced with S.C.B.A in different proportions. In the first stage the S.C.B.A (B.A.1) is partially replaced in the percentages of 0 to 40% in increasing steps of 5%. Further in the second stage the S.C.B.A (B.A.2) is heated up to 8500c for about 8 hours in a muffle furnace and is replaced in the percentages of 0 to 40% in increasing steps of 5%. Cubes, Cylinders and Beams are casted and tests are conducted and compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength obtained for both the conditions.
Keywords: Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Split tensile strength, Sugarcane bagasse ash.
[1] R.Srinivasan, K. Sathiya, Experimental Study on Bagasse Ash in Concreter, International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering, 2010, Vol. 5,No. 2, pp. 60-66,ISSN 1555-9033.
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[4] N.B. Singh, V.D. Singh, S. Raj. Hydration of Bagasse Ash-Blended Portland Cement, Cement and Concrete Research, Vol.30, No.9, PP.1485-1488, 2000.
[5] K. Ganesan, K. Rajagopal, and K. Thangavel. Evaluation of Bagasse Ash as Supplementary Cementitious Material. Cement and Concrete Composites, vol.29, No.6, pp.515-524, 2007
[6] Abdolkarim Abbasi, Amin Zargar. Using Bagasse Ash in Concrete as Pozzolan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 13(6), 716-719, 2013, ISSN. 1990-9233.
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Abstract: The finite element model of an aircraft hydraulic pipe was established using the ANSYS APDL command in this paper. The equivalent static pressures as surface loads were applied to the hydraulic pipe based on LS-Dyna software. The pressures were measured in the tire burst test. The stress, strain contours and time course curve of hydraulic pipe were obtained under the dynamic loads. The elastic-plastic deformations of the hydraulic pipe were analyzed by Von Mises yield criterion. The maximum stress is 1090000KPa beyond the yield limit. The hydraulic pipe occurred to plastic deformation. The maximum strain is 0.29168. It is not exceed the elongation of the material. The pipe does not break.
Keywords: Aircraft tire burst jet; Equivalent static pressure; Hydraulic pipe; Elastic-plastic.
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Abstract: The simple explanation is that in nature and in manufacturing, things leak. Vacuum impregnation stops leak. The ultimate goal of vacuum impregnation is to seal leak/migration paths without impacting the functional, assembly or appearance characteristics of a part. The impregnation chamber which is used in VPI process operates maximum up to 80 to 150 psi.it is important to analyse and design the pressure vessel that will provide safety, durability and serviceability to the company. Accomplishing this task will require a very good understanding of behaviour and a good knowledge of parameters that affecting the pressure vessel due to varying loads, pressure and thickness of shell element. The most important one is that the given geometry of pressure vessel must be analysed to assure it should meet the design standards.
Keywords: analytical solution,FEA,impregnation chamber,Vacuum impregnation process.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design & Simulation of RISC Processor using Hyper Pipelining Technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | SimranRana, Rajesh Mehra |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0934957 ![]() |
Abstract: This Hyper pipelining technique is different to the pipelining of instruction decoding known from RISC processors. The point is that we can use hyper pipelining on top of any sequential logic, for example a RISC processor, independent of its underlying functionality. The RISC processor with pipelined instruction set decoding can automatically be hyper pipelined to generate CMF individual RISC processors. Hyper pipelining implements additional register and can use register balancing for fine grain timing optimizations. The method hyper pipelining is also called "C-slow Retiming". The main benefit is the multiplication of the core's functionality by only implementing registers. This is a great advantage for ASICs but obviously very attractive for FPGAs with their already existing registers.
Keywords: RISC Processor, Decomposition of Sequential Circuits, Hyper Pipelining, Retiming, C-Slow Retiming.
[1] Reduced instruction set computing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaen.wikipedia.org/ wiki/Reduced_instruction_set_computing.
[2] Sharda P. Katke, G.P. Jain "Design and Implementation of 5 Stages Pipelined Architecture in 32 Bit RISC Processor", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering , Vol. 2, Issue No.4, pp. 340-346, April 2012.
[3] Introduction to RISC Processors by ni logic Pvt.Ltd, pp. 1-42
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[5] Tobias Strauch "Hyper Pipelining of Multicores and SoC Interconnects", pp. 1-16, October 2010
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[7] DamjanLampret "Open RISC 1200 IP Core Specification", Preliminary Draft Rev.-0.7, pp.-1-63, 2001
[8] Mohandeep Sharma1, Dilip Kumar "Design and Synthesis of Wishbone Bus Dataflow Interface Architecture for SoC Integration", India Conference (INDICON), 2012 Annual IEEE, pp.-813-818, 2012
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Natural Fibre Sandwich Composite Panels-Analysis, Testing and Characterisation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Surrya Prakash, D. Praveen Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0935864 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper deals about the development, comparison, testing and analysis of composite materials and sandwich composite panels. In this paper we have carried out testing of mechanical and physical properties of coir composites, SMC laminate, Bamboo Composite, Cement bonded wooden particle composite. Then we have used SMC Laminate on coir composite so as to increase its strength. Also we have carried out tensile test for bamboo composite, coir composite, cement bonded composite. Then we have compared the values of these composites. Water absorption test and flame test of coir composite, Bamboo composite has been carried out, so as to find out the mechanical and physical properties of composite materials. Finally, Bending test and Analysis of sandwich composite panels has been carried out for bamboo-EPS sandwich panel and Bison-EPS sandwich panel to understand the characteristics of sandwich composite panels.
Keywords: Sandwich composite panels, Coir composites, SMC laminate, Bamboo Composite, Cement bonded wooden particle composite, testing and analysis.
[1]. "A study of the differential scheme for composite materials",
[2]. R. McLaughlin.
[3]. "Application of Natural Fibre Composites in the Development of Rural Societies",
[4]. K. van Rijswijk, M. Sc. W. D. Brouwer, M. Sc.
[5]. Prof. A. Beukers, Structures and Materials Laboratory Faculty of Aerospace.
[6]. "Mechanics of Composite Materials",
[7]. George Z. Voyiadjis, Peter Kattan, Peter Issa Kattan.
[8]. "Engineering Composite Materials",
[9]. Bryan Harris.
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Abstract: Concrete is unique and extensively conducive construction material by virtue of its excellent compressive strength, which is one of the most important and useful properties of concrete. In most structural applications, concrete is employed primarily to resist compressive stresses, which depends on plenty of factors like properties of ingredients, design method of preparation, curing conditions etc. Generally, compressive strength of concrete is referred to either cube strength or cylinder strength. The compressive strength of concrete is determined by testing cubes or cylinders made in laboratory or field or cores drilled from hardened concrete at site or from the non-destructive testing of the specimen or actual structure. The main objective of this research was to make comparison of strength between cube and cylinder using brick aggregate concrete. For this purpose, nine sets of mix proportions were made and studied the variation of strength between cube and cylinder. Along with this, variation of strengths between standard and small cylinders was also observed. Moreover, concrete was designed for two specified compressive strengths (3000 psi and 4500 psi) by American Concrete Institute (ACI) mix design procedure. Then it was casted and tested in laboratory with proper care. From the analysis of the test results, it had been found that cylinder strength was approximately 86 to 90 percent of cube strength and small cylinder strength was approximately 91 to 94 percent of standard cylinder strength.
Keywords: ACI method, Compressive strength, Cube, Cylinder, Water Cement ratio.
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[3] Aziz, M.A. : Engineering Materials (2nd edition, Dhaka, 1991).
[4] Shetty, M.S. : Concrete Technology-Theory and practices (3rd edition, S. Chand & Co. Ltd. New Delhi, India).
[5] Troxell, G.E., and Davis, H.E. : Composition and Properties of Concrete (McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, 1956).
[6] American Society for Testing and Materials: ASTM Manuals
[7] American Concrete Institute: ACI Manual of concrete practice, Part I (ACI 211.1-91), 1994.