Volume-9 ~ Issue-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An On-Situ Study of Stability Analysis on Slopes Using Undrained Shear Strength Parameters |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kayal R. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0940911 ![]() |
Abstract: The slope stability problems in residual soil are receiving increasing attention in recent years. The stability of slope is one of the important criteria where consider worldwide for a wide range of engineering projects. The rainfall seems to be the most common cause for landslide in residual soil slope. After a period of continuous rainfall, soil becomes saturated and a wetting front is developed because of infiltration of rainwater into the ground and into the slope surface respectively. The objective of the paper is to find threshold slope based on undrained shear strength parameters.
Keywords: Landslide , Rainfall , Slope stability, Threshold slope , Undrained shear strength parameters.
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Abstract: This paper discusses the study and examined effect of die casting process parameters on porosity in aluminium alloy SAE 308 by using Taguchi method. In any die casting industry porosity is a very serious problem faced by production department and also being an invisible defect it is not identified visually in running production. It is shown in this work that die casting parameters which are related with machine such as first phase speed, second phase speed, first phase length and injection pressure all have significant influence on porosity level. The quality assessment of the die casting part was based on porosity measurement. The experiment have been performed as per the combination of levels of different process parameters suggested by L9 orthogonal array and conformation experiments have been performed to validate the optimum levels of different parameters
Keywords: Aluminum casting, die casting, Taguchi Methodology, Design of Experiments, orthogonal array
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Abstract: The tribological behavior of stainless steel 304 and grey cast iron was investigated using the pin-on-disc standard test with varying sliding speeds and normal loads. A pin-on-disc device with round tool inserts was used to conduct friction wear tests in which the linear wear of the tribo-pairs were continuously recorded versus sliding distance. For the quantitative comparison of the wear resistance of the material was tested by calculating the weight loss. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was applied for observations of wear scars and wear products, and the identification of the predominant wear mechanisms which occurred. Some specific frictional behaviors and relevant wear mechanisms observed for both steel 304 and cast iron sliding were highlighted and quantified. It was concluded that with the increase in sliding speed and normal load wear behavior shown by stainless steel 304 was more as it become soften with the increase in the load. But the wear behavior shown by grey cast was low due to the presence of graphite.
Keywords: Grey cast iron, Pin on disc, Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Stainless steel 304, Weighing machine.
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Abstract: In Bangladesh, petrol, diesel and octane are conventionally used as an engine fuel. Petrol and octane are used only transport sector. Diesel is used in transport, agriculture and power generation among them 45% of diesel is consumed in transport sector. Total demand of liquid fuel is rising day by day. The country has no natural sources of liquid fuels. As a result a huge amount of money spent for importing fuel from abroad. This expenditure will be massive amount within a few years. The gas could be compressed natural gas (CNG) or bio methane. The advantage is that this reduces fuel costs and when local bio methane is used, it also contributes to the use of a more sustainable fuel supply. CNG system suppliers are currently developing dual-fuel technology and have already converted trucks, using government grants. Furthermore, various exploratory studies into the dual-fuel principle are being conducted under contract to various municipalities in the context of sustainable transportation (fermentation of city waste to produce bio methane for use as engine fuel). According to World Health Organization (WHO), the safe limit of dust particles in the atmosphere is 40 to 80 micrograms, whereas in Dhaka city, it is 1700 to 2200 micrograms. To minimize environmental pollution in Dhaka, CNG played a vital role now a day. To use CNG on commercial basis, different programs are taken to use compressed natural gas (CNG). This program mainly concentrated on road transport. These programs cannot spread throughout the country due to some difficulties. But there is a huge potentiality in road, marine, railway and stationary engines to use CNG.
Keywords: SI engine, electronic conversion kit, CNG, Diesel.
[1] Weaver, C. S. and Turner, S. H., "Dual Fuel NaturalGas/DieselEnginesTechnology, Performance, and Emissions," SAE Paper 940548.
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[4] "Installation Manual for CNG Kit Gasoline/CNG "; Internet Sourcewww.omnitekcorp.com; Omnitek Engineering Corp.- 1945 S. Rancho Santa Fe Rd.- San Marcos, CA 92078.
[5] Thomas, G. Advantica, Goulding J. and Munteanu, C.; NMSPU Project KTll; "Measurement, Approval and Verification of CNG Dispensers"- NWML
[6] Jeffrey, B. Gotthelf (Engineering Manager ITT Conoflow); "CNG Regulator I Fuel System Interactions "ITT Industries
[7] Internetsource-http://www.cng.czlwww.cng.en.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | CFD Analysis Of Multi-Phase Flow And Its Measurements |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C. Rajesh Babu |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0943037 ![]() |
Abstract: Multiphase flow occurs when more than one material is present in a flow field and the materials are present in different physical states of matter or are present in the same physical state of matter but with distinct chemical properties. The materials present in multiphase flow are often identified as belonging to the primary or secondary phases. The primary phase is characterized as the phase that is continuous about, or enveloping of, the secondary phase. The secondary phase is thought to be the material that is distributed throughout the primary phase. Each phase present in multiphase flow may be either laminar or turbulent, which leads to a variety of potential flow regimes for multiple phases in the same channel. Project is based on two-phase flow and its measurement (water + air/vapor). This is frequently encountered in thermal and nuclear power plants, R&A/C and cryogenic applications, chemical industries and biotechnology etc., the arrangement of a vertical tube with two water inlets and three air inlets. By varying air and water flow rates following things are demonstrated and calculated: Flow regime identification through visualization Pressure drop measurement The analysis carried out by the flow of air + water mixture using by Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique.
Keywords: Multiphase; Vertical tube; Two water inlets; Three air inlets; ANSYS-FLUENT
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Rover - Remote Operated Vehicle for Extraction and Reconnaissance" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vaibhav Rana, Dhirendra Nath Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0943842 ![]() |
Abstract: Inspired from differential drive mechanism of army tank and chain drive of tank for movement of rover. Try to deploy the concept of crane working in rover for extraction purpose. Use the camera for the security purpose and surveillance in rover for the reconnaissance purpose. Use "pro-engineering software" for designing purpose of rover. It is prototype to explain the concept of differential drive mechanism and its use in robotics.
Keywords: rover, security robot, surveillance, extraction robot, multi- function robot
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Abstract: To our path towards green economy, Hydrogen is often regarded to have a potential growth in the coming future. However, the high cost of operation of fuel cell has often been a setback. If we could make use of hydrogen gas as a fuel directly, the scope of development broadens. Owing to these aspects, this work primarily focuses on the simulation technique of an Internal Combustion Spark Ignition Engine powered by Hydrogen gas. The simulations of various stages have been carried out using the discrete approach, thereby investigating the pressures and temperatures at various instants in the cycle. For the relative performance discussion we have simulated the different cycles as ideal cycle, air fuel cycle and actual cycle. The resultant cyclic graph indicates various discrepancies between ideal, air fuel and actual cycle. This analysis serves as a tool for a better understanding of the variables involved and helps in optimizing engine design and fixing of various parameters, including the determination of valve timings. Besides this, backfire, is the commonly faced problem with the hydrogen engines. To reduce this effect, a fuel injectoris used for adding the gaseous fuel to the combustion chamber.
Keyword: Actual cycle, air fuel cycle, backfire, discrete approach, fuel injector, fuel cell, hydrogen, ideal cycle, spark plug, valve timings ,Fiat Lancia,inlet valve, exhaust valve, optimum valve timing .
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[9] Probir Kumar Bose, Rahul Banerjee, and Madhujit Deb, Hydrogen and Diesel Combustion on a Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine in Dual FuelMode with Varying Injection Strategies
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Structural Dynamic Reanalysis of Beam Elements Using Regression Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Naga Latha, P. Sreenivas |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0945058 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper concerns with the reanalysis of Structural modification of a beam element based on natural frequencies using polynomial regression method. This method deals with the characteristics of frequency of a vibrating system and the procedures that are available for the modification of physical parameters of vibrating structural system. The method is applied on a simple cantilever beam structure and T-structure for approximate structural dynamic reanalysis. Results obtained from the assumed conditions of the problem indicates the high quality approximation of natural frequencies using finite element method and regression method.
Keywords: frequency, mass matrix, physical parameters, stiffness matrix, regression method
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Abstract: Deviation in machining process due to the temperature influence, cutting force, tool wear leads to highly inferior quality of finished product, especially in high speed machining operations where product quality and physical dimensions seems to be meticulous. Moreover, temperature is a significant noise parameter which directly affects the cutting tool and work piece. Hence the aim of this project work is to study the machining effect on 6063 Aluminium alloy at varies combinations of process parameters such as speed, feed rate and depth of cut; and also to determine the effect of those parameters over the quality of finished product. A L27 Orthogonal Array (OA) based Design of Experiments (DOE) approach and Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to analyse the machining effect on work material in this study. Using the practical data obtained, a mathematical model was developed to predict the temperature influence and surface quality of finished product. The ultimate goal of the study is to optimize the machining parameters for temperature minimization in machining zone and improvement in surface finish.
Key words: Aluminium 6063, Turning, Cutting Temperature, Cutting Force, Surface Roughness, Response Surface Methodology (RSM).
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