Volume-9 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: During the life of a structure impact by foreign objects can be expected to occur during manufacturing, service and maintenance operations. An example of in service impact occurs during aircrafts takeoffs and landing. During the manufacturing process or during maintenance tools can be dropped on the structure, in this case the impact energy is small, laminated structures are more susceptible to impact damage often cannot be detected by visual inspection. This internal damage can severe reductions in strength and further reductions occur under the load. Therefore the effects of foreign object impact on composite structure must be understood and proper measures should be taken in the design process to account for expected events. Concerns about the effects of impact on the performance of composite structures have been a factor in limiting the use of composite materials. For these reasons the problem of impact has received considerable attention in the literature. The process of impact damage initiation and growth, and identify the governing parameters are important for the formulation of numerical models for damage prediction, for designing impact resistant structures and for developing improved material systems. An important aspect of a model for predicting the impact dynamics is to accurately describe the behavior of the target under impact loading conditions. For some simple cases the structural loading can be modeled by a simple spring-mass system or by using the quasi-static behavior and considering the energy balance for a system. But in general more sophisticated beam, plate or shell theories are required to model the structure. .
Keywords: FEA, Low-velocity impact, LS DYNA, Modeling, Simulation
[2]. Shokuhfar.A, "Analysis and optimization of smart hybrid composite plates subjected to low-velocity impact using the response surface methodology (RSM)" Thin-Walled Structures 46 (2008) 1204– 1212
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[7]. Shiuh-Chuan Her, "The finite element analysis of composite laminates and shell structures subjected to low velocity impact" Composite Structures 66 (2004) 277–285
[8]. Giovanni Belingardi, "Low velocity impact tests of laminate glass-fiber-epoxy matrix composite material plates" International Journal of Impact Engineering 27 (2002) 213–229
[9]. Krishnamurthy.K.S, "A parametric study of the impact response and damage of laminated cylindrical composite shells" Composites Science and Technology 61 (2001) 1655–1669
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Optimization Of Parameters For Wedm Machine For Productivity Improvement" |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Alpesh M. Patel,Vishal Achwal |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0951014 ![]() |
Abstract: Optimization of operating parameters is an important step in machining, particularly for operating unconventional machining procedure like Wirecut Electro Discharge Machining. Since wire-cut EDM has experienced explosive growth in application users demand and need maximum productivity and through-put, increased accuracy, and predictable performance. Also machines and job requirements vary greatly, which can make selection of the correct operation parameters a daunting task. As a result, experimentation is necessary if optimum results are to be achieved. Although this reference is not intended to be all-encompassing, it should be a useful guide for selection of parameters. A suitable selection of machining parameters for the process relies heavily on the operator's technologies and experience and they do not provide the optimal machining conditions. In every manufacturing process, material removal rate needs to be maximized while controlling quality by controlling electrode wear rate. In this work, an attempt has been made to optimize the machining parameters for minimum electrode wear rate and maximum material removal rate in WEDM process. Experiments were performed under different cutting conditions of Wire feed (WF), wire tension (WT), discharge current of the machine and discharge voltage (V). Experiments were executed as per Taguchi's L-9 orthogonal array. The output responses were optimized using signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio in addition to Desirability function approach to convert a multi objective optimization problem to a single objective optimization problem.
Keywords: Wire Electro Discharge Machining,WEDM, Electrode wear rate, Material removal Rate, Taguchi's orthogonal array, S/N Ratio,Desirablity Function Approch , Wire Feed
[1] Yih-fong Tzeng, FU-chen Chen (2007), "Multi-objective optimization of high speed electrical discharge machining process using a Taguchi fuzzy based approach", Materials and Design, Vol. 28, pp. 1159-1168.
[2] S Kumar, TP Singh (2007), "A comparative study of the performance of different EDM electrode materials in two dielectric media", (IE) (I) Journal-PR, Vol. 8, PP. 3-8.
[3] SK Saha (2008), "Experimental investigation of the dry electric discharge machining (Dry EDM) process", M. Tech. Thesis, IIT Kanpur, Kanpur 208016, India.
[4] GKM Rao, GR Janardhana, DH Rao, MS Rao (2008), "Development of hybrid model and optimization of metal removal rate in electrical discharge machining using Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm", ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 19-30.
[6] H Singh, R Garg, (2009), "Effects of process parameters on material removal rate in WEDM", Journal of Achievement in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 70-74.
[7] MK Pradhan, CK Biswas (2009), "Modeling and analysis of process parameters on surface roughness in EDM of AISI D2 tool steel by RSM approach", International Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences,Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 346-351.
[8] AKM Asif Iqbal, Ahsan Ali khan (2010), "Modeling and analysis of MRR, EWR and surface roughness in EDM milling through Response Surface Methodology", American Journal of Engineering and Applied Science, Vol. 3,No. 4, pp. 611-619.
[9] NM Abbas, DG Solomen, MF Bahari, (2007), A Review on Current research trends in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM), International Journal of machine Tools and Manufacture, Vol. 47, pp. 1214-1228.
[10] HS Payal, R Choudhury, S Singh (2008), "Analysis of electro discharge machined Surfaces ofEN-31 tool steel",Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, Vol.67, pp. 1072-1077.
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Abstract: Composite cylindrical shells are being used in submarine, underground mines, aerospace applications and other civil engineering applications. Thin cylindrical shells are more prone to fail in buckling rather than material failure. An experimental study on buckling of glass fiber reinforced plastics layered composite cylindrical shells under displacement and load controlled static axial compression are reported The experimental results are compared with general purpose finite element program (ANSYS). Limit point loads evaluated for geometric imperfection magnitudes shows an excellent agreement with experimental results which clearly indicates the confidence gained on the numerical results presented. Present study finds direct application to qualitatively investigate the influence of geometric imperfection on other advanced grid-stiffened structures.
Keywords: Composite, cylindrical shell, finite element, geometric imperfection, nonlinear buckling
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Urban Sprawl and its Impact on Urban Environment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Priyanka Dubey, Mr. Dilip Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0952631 ![]() |
Abstract: This Paper an attempt has been made to examine the urban sprawl of Gorakhpur City through the land sat Images . Remote sensing and GIS to analyze the urban sprawl mapping and detect changes of urban sprawl of Gorakhpur city through different year. Satellite data are found to be useful in mapping and quantifying the extent of urban area in different time periods. New urban region development growing largely towards north, north-west and south-west direction along the main transport route of the city. New urban development occurs mainly on vegetation and agricultural land. This study provides a methodology for better estimation of urban growth and population using various land sat images with time. Geographical information system(GIS) and satellite images have been used in this study to provide spatial inputs and test the statistical model describing growth. This is useful for the urban planning in Developing Countries where land use data is not available regularly. GIS and Rescan help a lot in monitoring urban sprawl compared to Conventional technique
KeyWords: Urban Sprawl Pattern, Change Detection, Demographic Charactristics GIS, Gorakhpur City (U.P)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ANN Modeling of Monthly and Weekly Behaviour of the Runoff of Kali River Catchment |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Eswara Reddy Orekanti |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0953235 ![]() |
Abstract: Model is a system, by whose operation; the characteristics of other similar systems can be ascertained. Experimental observation made on a model bear a definite relationship with prototype. So, the model analysis or modeling is actually an experimental method of finding solution of complex flow problems like surface water modeling, sub-surface water modeling etc. Many flow situations are not amenable to theoretical analysis. Modeling is a valuable means of obtaining better understanding of particular situation. Inspired by the functioning of the brain and biological nervous system, Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) has been applied to various hydrological problems in last two decades. In this study, two ANN models using feed forward – back propagation network are developed to correlate a relationship between rainfall and runoff on monthly and weekly basis for Kali river catchment up to Supa dam in Uttara Kannada District of Karnataka State, India. The developed two models are compared and evaluated using standard statistical parameters to know strength and weaknesses. This performance can be further refined by incorporating more input parameters of catchment properties like soil moisture index; land use and land cover details etc.
Keywords: Rainfall-Runoff Modeling, Artificial Neural Networks, Mean Average Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Relative Mean Average Error (RMAE), Catchment.
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[9] Tokar, A. S. and Johnson, P. A., Rainfall-runoff modeling using artificial neural networks, Jnl. of Hydrologic Engng., ASCE, 4(3), 1999, 232-239.
[10] Sajikumar, N. and Thandaveswara, B. S., A non-linear rainfall-runoff model using an artificial neural network, Jnl. of Hydrology, 216, 1999, 32-55.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dynamic Analysis of Double-Skin Composite Steel Plates |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Mohamedien, A. R., Omer, A. A. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0953646 ![]() |
Abstract: Double Skin Composite (DSC) plates are subjected to impact required to cause complete perforation and the accompanied failure modes are investigated. The amount of energy absorbed is calculated by capturing the residual velocity of penetrator after perforating the lower plate. The difference in initial kinetic energy and residual kinetic energy is the amount of energy absorbed by the panel. In the present paper a non-linear three-dimensional finite element models for Double Skin Composite panels subjected to dynamic loading is introduced. Pilot model is used to investigate the failure pattern in the composite panel when subjected to impact loads by rigid steel penetrator, while the other models are used to analyze the energy absorption capacity of such system when perforated. Results showed that such elements have good ability of absorbing energy when subjected to perforation, due to ductility of lower plate skin and vertical stiffness of lower shear studs.
Keywords: Double skin composite; Steel Plates; Concrete; Impact; Dynamic loading; Shear studs.
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Abstract: A three-dimensional transient numerical study of a constant property Newtonian fluid in curved pipe under laminar flow conditions is presented for a uniform wall temperature boundary condition. Numerical solutions were obtained using the control volume method described by Patankar for the range of. The working fluid was water. The transient flow pattern and the temperature distribution on the tube section were derived for different values of the Reynolds number. Graphical results for velocity and temperature are presented and analyzed. Results have shown that the maximum velocity in center of velocity profile increase with increasing of Reynolds number. In curved pipes, time averaged results exhibited Dean circulation and a strong velocity and temperature stratification in the radial direction. Flow and heat transfer were strongly asymmetric, with higher values near the outer pipe bend.
Keywords: curved pipe, forced convection, internal flow, laminar flow, transient heat transfer
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Simple Case Study of Material Requirement Planning |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Asis Sarkar, Dibyendu Das, Sujoy Chakraborty, Nabarun Biswas |
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: | 10.9790/1684-0955864 ![]() |
Abstract: A material requirement planning is a technique that uses the bill of material, inventory data and a master schedule to calculate requirements for material. It also takes into account the combination of the bill of material structure and assembly lead times. The result of an MRP plan is a material plan for each item found in the bill of material structure which indicates the amount of new material required, the date on which it is required. The new schedule dates for material that is currently on order. If routings, with defined labor requirements are available, a capacity plan will be created concurrently with the MRP material plan. The MRP plan can be run for any number entities (which could be physically separated inventories) and can include distributor inventories, if the system has access to this type of information. MRP tries to strike the best balance possible between optimizing the service level and minimizing costs and capital lockup. In this paper it is tried to present a practical M.R.P. problem and is shown how it is helpful in optimizing the service level and minimizing costs.
Keywords: material requirement planning; inventory; bill of materials; master schedule; optimizing.
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Abstract: As the natural resources goes on decreasing now a days and to meet the needs of natural resources conservation, energy economy most of the manufacturers and their sub contractors are attempting to reduce the weight of the members in recent years. In this approach they are searching for low cost, high strength to weight ratio materials. Substituting composite structures for conventional metallic structures has many advantages because of higher specific stiffness and strength of composite materials. Composite materials have the major advantage of high strength to weight ratio with continuously decreasing travel of cost in addition to other advantages like excellent corrosive resistance, superior torsional buckling and fatigue strength and high specific strain energy storage capacity. The present work aims at the suitability of composite materials usage, by the identification of optimal fiber orientation stacking sequence and tailoring for laminate thickness/width for maximum stiffness and minimum weight design of laminated composite beam. The structural response is evaluated from conventional metallic structure with optimization techniques for maximizing stiffness and minimum weight. These metallic optimum values are extended initially to composite beam to maintain strength with the developed of optimization algorithm. Later with topology optimization and by tailoring cross-sections algorithm of the beam is evaluated with optimal fiber orientations and stacking sequence to maintain strength as in additional advantage of less weight for composites. Tailoring is done based on gradual decrement in cross-section over the length in both thickness and width direction. Numerical results are presented for cantilever beam with different geometries showing the maximizing stiffness and with minimum weight. The results indicate that the devised strategy is well suited for finding optimal fiber orientations and laminate thickness/width in the tailoring design of slender laminated composite structure.
Keywords: Fiber Orientation, Stacking Sequence, Tailoring, Topology
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Abstract: Structural reliability analysis aims to compute the probability of failure by considering system uncertainties. However, this approach may require very time-consuming computation and becomes impracticable for complex structures especially when complex computer analysis and simulation codes are involved such as finite element method. Approximation methods are widely used to build simplified approximations, or metamodels providing a surrogate model of the original codes. The most popular surrogate model is the response surface methodology, which typically employs second order polynomial approximation using least-squares regression techniques. Several authors have been used response surface methods in reliability analysis. However, another approximation method based on kriging approach has successfully applied in the field of deterministic optimization. Few studies have treated the use of kriging approximation in reliability analysis and reliability-based design optimization. In this paper, the kriging approximation is used an alternative to the traditional response surface method, to approximate the performance function of the reliability analysis. The main objective of this work is to develop an efficient global approximation while controlling the computational cost and accurate prediction. A pilot point method is proposed to the kriging approximation in order to increase the prior predictivity of the approximation, which the pilot points are good candidates for numerical simulation. In other words, the predictive quality of the initial kriging approximation is improved by adding adaptive information called "pilot points" in areas where the kriging variance is maximum. This methodology allows for an efficient modeling of highly non-linear responses, while the number of simulations is reduced compared to Latin Hypercubes approach. Numerical examples show the efficiency and the interest of the proposed method.
Keywords: response surface, reliability-mechanical coupling, Kriging, pilot points, approximation.
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[8] I. Kaymaz. Application of Kriging method to structural reliability problems. Structural Safety, 27(2):133–151, 2005.
[9] I. Kaymaz., McMahon C. A., A response surface method based on weighted regression for structural reliability analysis, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 2005, 20: 11-17.
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Abstract: This project work has been carried out for investigating the existing Inventory Management system of the Eastern jute Mills Limited, Khulna, Bangladesh. Eastern Jute Mills Limited manufactures jute products such as hessian, sacks, and jute carpet backing clothes. It was founded in 1967 and is based in Khulna, Bangladesh. It also operates as a subsidiary of Bangladesh Jute Mills Corporation. For investigating the Inventory related data and information, the necessary data has been collected from this Jute Mill. By close look of the present inventory management system and discussing with the executive personals of the Eastern Jute Mills Limited, Khulna, A clear conception of the existing Inventory Management system has been gained. ABC analysis has been carried out for annual demand. Raw Jute purchasing procedure has been examined and storing procedure has been observed by close observation to find out the major drawback of the existing inventory management system. Finally it has been focused to suggest an improved Inventory Management system for the Eastern Jute Mills Limited, Khulna, Bangladesh.
Keywords: Inventory Management, Demand, Lead time, Holding cost, Depreciation, ABC Analys
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