Volume-2 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: The paper highlights the efficiency of new technology in education. The Impact of New technology in ICT (Information & Communication Technologies) can help the students, researchers and academicians to access the full text from the electronic sources. Today the e-publishing and e-learning modules or resources carry out the educational functions efficiently and effectively. So the modern education system may change the way of learning with the help of mobile technologies. So the present paper finding is perceived on the importance and its satisfactory level towards the future technology (tablet) and learning system in the future education. Key Words: ICT (Information Communication Technologies), PDA (Personal Digital Assistant),.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of linking Chemistry concepts to-day-to-day activities on students' achievement and retention in chemistry. A total number of 164 Senior Secondary one (SS1) students which were randomly sampled from twenty governments owned secondary schools in Anambra State in Nigeria were involved in the study. The design adopted was quasi-experimental non-randomized control group. Selected topics in organic, inorganic and physical Chemistry (SS1) Syllabus were taught to all the students during normal classes. Additional treatment of exposure to linking chemistry concepts to-day-to-day activities were given to experimental groups who were made up to two male schools and two female schools. ANCOVA statistical tool was used to test the two null hypotheses at the probability level of 0.05. Results were analyzed and it was discovered that the experimental groups performed significantly better than the control group. Discussion and recommendation were made based on the findings.
[2]. Agbowuro, C. (2008). The effect of mental cognition on the meaningful hearing of some biological concepts in Secondary Schools in Plateau State. STAN Proceeding of the 49th Annual. Conference. Pp. 97-102.
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[4]. Igboegwu, E.N. (2010) Linking Chemistry to the learners' day-to-day activities: An effective way of teaching separation technique.Journal of Science Teachers Association of Nigeria. Chemistry Panel Series, 7. 103-105.
[5]. Majekodunmi. O.F. (2007) Chemistry, a drive for national development and growth. An address delivered at the 30th Annual Conference of the Chemical Society of Nigeria at Abuja, Sept. 25.
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Abstract: This study determined the effects of dialogic, peer and teacher – guided discourse patterns on students' interest in biology. The study also determined the influence of the discourse patterns on male and female students' interest in biology. Two research questions and four null hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance guided the study. The design of the study was quasi – experimental of non – equivalent comparative group design. A sample of 164 SSII students (94 males and 70 females) from three intact classes in Yola education zone of Adamawa State participated in the study. The three intact classes were drawn from three secondary schools selected through purposive sampling technique. Discourse pattern were randomly assigned to intact classes in the sampled schools. The main instrument used for data collection was a Biology Interest Scale (BIS) which was both face and construct validated. The internal reliability coefficient of BIS was 0.84 established with cronbach alpha method. The coefficient of stability was 0.75 and 0.75 for the first and second administration of the test respectively determined with test – retest method and calculated using Pearson product moment correlation method. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer the research questions while ANCOVA was used to test the hypotheses. Result of the study shows that the three discourse patterns enhanced students' interest in biology. There is no significant difference in the mean interest scores of students taught biology using the three discourse patterns and likewise there is no significant difference in the mean interest score of male and female students taught the biology topics using the three discourse patterns. It was recommended among others that the three discourse patterns be used for effective teaching of biology in Secondary Schools.
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Abstract: This study investigates the teachers readiness in integrating soft skills in the teaching and learning process in secondary schools. It also identifies the types of the soft skills that are more prevalent for the teaching and learning of the Malay language. The results show that teachers have the knowledge on soft skills and are aware of the pertinent role of the soft skills in the curriculum integration, yet they lack the practice of integrating the soft skills in teaching the language. This study gives an insight into the needs of the teachers to acquire the adequate knowledge and training in integrating the soft skills in language teaching.
Keywords : soft skill integration, teacher readiness, teaching and learning, language learning, Malay
[1] Erik, R. & Piet, S. (2007), Towards a framework for assessing teacher competence. European Journal of Vocational, Training 40(1), 123 – 139.
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Abstract: This study sought out the effect of MDGs/NTI primary school teachers' re-training workshop on pupils' achievement in mathematics in Kwara State, Nigeria. A total of 192 pupils were involved as sample. A Teacher Made Achievement Test (TMAT) in mathematics was used as instrument for the study. T-test statistic was used to test the two formulated hypotheses. It was discovered that there was significant difference between the achievement of pupils taught by teachers who attended the MDGs/NTI retraining workshop and pupils taught by teachers who did not attend the workshop. It is recommended among others that regular workshops, seminars and conferences should be organized for teachers in the state in order to enhance productivity in the education sector. Keywords: achievement, millennium development goals, retraining, workshop.
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[6] U. Onwuka, Curriculum development for African (Publishers Ltd. Second Edition, 2009)
[7] J. O. Ayinla, Effect of teachers' instructional strategy pattern on senior school students' performance in mathematics word problems in Ondo, Nigeria. M.Ed. Dissertation, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, 2011.
[8] S. O. Momoh, Effect of the retraining workshop for mathematics teachers in junior secondary classes on students' achievement in mathematics in Kogi State. ABACUS: Journal of Mathematical Association of Nigeria (MAN), 34 (1), 2009, 140 – 145.
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Abstract: The present study was an attempt to determine whether yoga has an effect on performance in a six-letter cancellation task under examination stress. 122 Class X students between 14 and 17 years of age were randomized into two groups. One group practiced yoga for one hour per day, five days a week, while the other group carried on with their usual routine. Assessments were done before twelve weeks and on the day of examination. Results showed that the total and net scores were significantly higher in both groups. However, the magnitude of change was more in the yoga group than the control group (Total scores 28.93% versus 7.68 %, net scores 30.22% versus 6.73%). There was reduction in scores for wrong cancellation in the yoga group, but not in the control group. The results suggest that yoga improves performance in tasks requiring attention and reduces distraction under academic examination stress. Keywords: attention task; academic examination stress; yoga
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Abstract: This study looked at the availability, uses and improvisation of instructional materials and the implications on teaching and learning of physics in secondary schools. All secondary schools offering physics at WAEC level and one technical college in Edu, Patigi and Ilorin west local government of kwara state formed the sample of this study. 23 physics teachers and 39 physics students participated in the study. Questionnaire contained 64 items for both the teachers and students were designed for the purpose of the study. Frequency and percentages were used to analyse the returned questionnaire; findings revealed shortage of instructional materials; inadequate use of the available ones and teachers' making use of local materials to improvise physics teaching instructional materials. Recommendations were suggested that government should put more money into education especially science education and many more. Keywords: instructional materials, improvisation, learning, community resources.
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[3]. Adeyemo, S.A. (2010). Teaching/ learning physics in Nigerian secondary school: The curriculum transformation, issues, problems and prospects. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology,1 (1),99-111
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Abstract: Science education is the study of biology, chemistry or physics in conjunction with education in other to be able to teach science concepts and address students' misconceptions in science. Effectiveness of teaching and learning is required in science education through application of ICT. The paper reviewed various applications of ICT in effective teaching and learning of biology education, chemistry education and physics education; problems militating against full application of ICT in science education was highlighted. Suggestion was made for government to establish a well furnished ICT centre in all schools and many more.
Keywords: science education, ICT, computer, internet.
[1]. Adebayo, S.A. (2010). Meeting the challenges of special education through ICT as a means of achieving sustainable development in Nigeria. South- West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 299-308
[2]. Adeyemo, S.A. (2010). Teaching/ learning physics in Nigerian secondary school: The curriculum transformation, issues, problems and prospects. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 1 (1),99-111
[3]. Aina, J.K. (2012). Factors affecting students' performance in science in Nigeria schools Retrieved from http://www.amazines.com/article_detail.cfm?articleid=4246692
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[5]. Aina, J. K & Adedo, G.A. (2013). Correlation between continuous assessment (CA) and Students' performance in physics. Journal of Education and Practice. 4(6), 6-9
[6]. Ajayi, I. A & Ojo, F.F. (2010). Information and communication technology: a catalyst for democratized system of government. South- West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 692-708
[7]. Akindutire, I.O. (2010). Teacher education in democratic Nigeria: challenges and the way forward. South- West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 107-128
[8]. Awolaju, B.A., Akinloye, O.O., Ilorin, O.J. (2010). Science education in democratized Nigeria: challenges and the way forward. South- West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 615-622
[9]. Dawodu, R.A., Macgregor-Odusanya, O.O. (2010). Information and communication Technology: a new approach in vocational and technical education in a democratized Nigeria. South- West Journal of Teacher Education, 3, 709-718
[10]. European Union (2005). The use of ICT for learning and teaching initial vocational education and training. Final report to the EU Commission, DG Education and Culture.
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Abstract: This study aimed in determining the effectiveness of Health Literacy Multimedia Package (HAMP) in improving the health awareness level on occupational diseases of the women engaged in coir industry. A survey along the coastal belt of Kerala found that the unhygienic conditions prevailing around the area results in health hazard problems to the people engaged in coirindustry. Since they are spending almost the whole day in the unhygienic conditions prevailing in the yard they are at a high risk of developing occupational diseases. Their lack of knowledge about health and hygiene serves as the prime reason for the contagious diseases. Hence there arose the need to make them aware of the various health hazards, its causes and effects. The search for a strategy which enables to give them awareness regarding health education results in an awareness program through a developed multimedia named Health Literacy Multimedia Package. The package enabled individuals and communities to modify risks caused by unhealthy lifestyle, behaviour and the environment. The package is a ready available material for any instructor giving awareness in the area of occupational health for those working in coir industry.
Keywords: Coir industry, Health awareness, Health Literacy Multimedia Package, Job-related diseases
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Abstract: This study investigated the effects of two modes of concept mapping instructional strategies on secondary school students' retention level in mathematics in Niger State. A pretest-posttest randomized group design was adopted. Two research questions were raised and two null hypotheses were formulated and tested at 0.05 significant level. Two hundred and four senior secondary school year one (SSS I) students in six randomly selected co-educational secondary schools in Niger State formed the subjects. The spider mode of concept mapping instructional strategy was used as treatment for control group while the hierarchy mode of concept mapping instructional strategy was used as treatment for experimental group. The instrument for data collection was Algebra retention test on spider and hierarchy modes of concept mapping (ARTSAHCON), an objective type achievement test with reliability co-efficient of 0.76. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypothesis. The two hypotheses were not rejected. The results obtained showed that there was no significant difference in the retention level of experimental group and control group, and both spider and hierarchy modes of concept mapping instructional strategies are not gender bias at retention level. It was suggested that spider and hierarchy modes of concept mapping instructional strategies could be used by mathematics teachers for teaching in order to increase students' retention level in mathematics.
Keywords: Concept mapping, Students, Retention, Spider mode, Hierarchy mode
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[5]. Alice, D. J. (2007).The use of analogy to enhance performance and retention of concepts in evolution among NCE III biology students in Niger State.An Unpublished M.Sc (ED) thesis, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
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Abstract: In-school adolescents have been observed to face challenges of health problems and premature death globally Because of their unhealthy attitudes. These may include poor attitudes to smoking, alcohol consumption, interpersonal violence, poor eating habit, anxiety and multiple sex partners. Mental health education has been shown to have the potential of enhancing ability to control such attitudes which previous studies of prevalent risky health problems among adolescents have not been able to solve. This study therefore, examined the impact of mental health education on health attitude among in-school adolescents in Kogi State Nigeria. The pretest-posttest quasi-experimental design of 2x2x2 Factorial Matrix was adopted for the study. Table of random numbers were used to select 436 participants (209 males and 227 females) and four public secondary schools in Lokoja Township, Kogi State. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group was exposed to the mental health education programme for 8 weeks while the control was not given any treatment. The instrument used for this study was a Mental Health Education Attitude Scale (r = 0.75) Seven hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Data were subjected to Analysis of Covariance. A significant difference was found in the 2-way interaction impact of gender and religion (F (1,427) =15.61; p < .05). Christian males performed better () than females () but females performed better () than males () among Muslims. Also 3-way interaction impact of treatment, gender and religion on health attitude (F (1,435) = 5.43; p < .05) was significant. However, significant impact was not found between experimental and control groups health attitude (F (1,427) = .27; p > .05). But participants in control group obtained slightly higher score () than their treatment group (). Also significant impact was not found in health attitudes on gender (F (1,427) = 2.92; p > .05) and religion F (1,247) = 2.92; p > .05). However, females obtained slightly higher adjusted score (x̄Christians obtained slightly higher adjusted posttest attitude scores () than Muslim (x̄). It was observed that mental health education is effective in enhancing in-school adolescents' health attitude. Mental health education should therefore be introduced into the secondary school curriculum.
Key words: In-school adolescents, Mental health education, Health attitude, Gender, Religion
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Brian Holmes' Problem Approach: Its Highlights and Unique Features |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Ecclesiastes Papong |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/7388-0256669 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper discusses Brian Holmes' 'Problem Approach' that is based on Karl Popper's theory of critical dualism and drawing on John Dewey's stages of reflective thinking. On top of explaining what the 'Problem Approach' is and how it works, this paper also tackles the special features of Holmes' methodology that set it apart from other methodologies. This text unveils the capabilities and features of the 'Problem Approach' that acknowledge the power of human free will with regard to its impact on the efficiency of policies. This paper also seeks to explain how the Holmesian methodology makes the testing of policy proposals possible.
Keywords: Brian Holmes, Problem Approach, Comparative Education, Methodology
[1] D. Mattheou, The Scientific Paradigm in Comparative Education. International Handbook of Comparative Education, 2009, pp. 59-74. [2] B. Holmes, Problems in education: a comparative approach (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965).
[3] B. Holmes, Paradigm Shifts in Comparative Education, Comparative Education Review, 28(4), 1984, pp. 584-604.
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Abstract: In this research we tried to reflect on the difference of the content for a single component of a teacher to another and the subjectivity of the allocation of non-attendance note. To this end we have sought to apply the competency-based approach based on research and field observations. Based on this approach we have developed an approach to develop a plan to bring element content and an assignment sheet non présetielle rating (FA.NNP). We delivered the application of the approach of the plan for two elements "marketing" and "management control" and a model of a (FANNP). In the end we tried to present a test in terms of impact on educational products for students, teachers and the practical limitations of the approach.
Keywords: Disciplinary skills, soft skills, process, performance, congruence, subjectivity
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