Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimized linear spatial filters implemented in FPGA |
Country | : | Bulgaria |
Authors | : | Ivan Kanev || Petya Pavlova |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0701010107 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Linear spatial filters (LSF) are used for filtering of digital images with the purpose of blurring, noise reduction, detail enhancement etc. The realization of LSF confronts the capital problem of a lot of operations needed for their computation. In this paper, described is an approach for optimizing of LSF by utilizing parallel algorithms and their hardware implementation on FPGA. A model and an algorithm based on partial sums and aimed at calculating the filtered pixels are presented. Defined are criteria for comparing of the different types of linear filters............
Keywords: DSP, FPGA, Linear Spatial Filtering, Partial Sum, VHDL
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ABSTRACT: Iris is one of the physiological trait which is used to identify the individuals. In this paper Transform Domain Based Iris Recognition using EMD and FFT is proposed. Circular Hough Transform is used in the Preprocessing stage to extract circular part of eye. The circular iris part is converted into rectangular rubber sheet model in Region of Interest (ROI).Empirical Mode Functions (EMF)'s are obtained by applying Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) on the Iris............
Keywords: Iris Recognition, EMD, FFT, ROI, ED and Fusion
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of Personal Weather Report for Home Security |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Richa Gupta || Dhruv Garg |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0701011619 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: With the fast growing technology, it is a great need to get to know about our surrounding weather parameters (temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, gas and light intensity) for better development of living community. A complete weather report can easily access the rarest and the farthest information at one's own fingertips. It is based on IoT (Internet of Things), which is an emerging field in which all the devices are connected to a channel and collect the data to gather a complete information through a personnel devices. It is generally used to view the weather parameters............
Keywords: API keys, AT commands, IoT
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multiresolution SVD based Image Fusion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. G.A.E. Satish Kumar || Jaya Krishna Sunkara |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0701012027 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Image fusion is the process of combining two or more images with specific objects with more precision. It is very common that when one object is focused remaining objects will be less highlighted. To get an image highlighted in all areas, a different means is necessary. This is done by the Image Fusion. In remote sensing, the increasing availability of Space borne images and synthetic aperture radar images gives a motivation to different kinds of image fusion algorithms. In the literature a number of time domain image fusion techniques are available............
Keywords: Image fusion, Laplacian Pyramid, SVD, Wavelet.
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ABSTRACT: Most of the digital image processing application uses various domain transformation technique to convert time domain information to transform domain which will help to simplify the mathematical modeling. Discrete Wavelet Transform is one of the best transformation techniques. The time-frequency resolution makes this transform sensitive to both time and frequency which will give very good compression and decompression. In this paper, we propose FPGA implementation............
Keywords: CDF-5/3, Digital Filters, FPGA Implementation, Image Processing and Wavelet Transform etc.
[1] Tinku Acharya and Chaitali Chakrabarti, "A Survey on Lifting-Based Discrete Wavelet Transform Architectures", International Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, Springer, Vol. 42, pp. 321–339, 2006.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Hybrid Steganography Technique Based On LSBMR And OPAP |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Varun sangwan |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0701013337 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This paper presents a steganography technique based on two existing methods of data hiding i.e. LSBMR and OPAP. The proposed method uses the non-overlapping blocks, having three consecutive pixels. The center pixel of this block embeds k- bits of secret data using OPAP and the remaining pixels of the block embed data using LSBMR. The experimental results show that the proposed method provides better embedding capacity while maintaining the good image quality. The improved performance is shown in comparison to other data hiding methods that are investigated in this study.
Keywords: Steganography, imperceptibility, least-significant-bit matching revisited (LSBMR), Optimal-pixel-adjustment process (OPAP).
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[5] H. C. Wu, N. I. Wu, C. S. Tsai, and M. S. Hwang, "Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value-differencing and LSB replacement methods," Proc. Inst. Elect. Eng.,Vis. Images Signal Process., vol. 152, no. 5, pp. 611-615, 2005.
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a novel technique for improved data embedding in cover images based on least significant bit and pixel-value differencing. The proposed method is based on the properties of human visual system i.e. eyes can tolerate larger changes in edge areas as compared to smooth areas. Therefore, the method utilizes the HVS concept and hides large amount of secret data in edge areas while less amount of data in smooth areas. The results of the proposed method are verified using extensive simulations.
Keywords: Pixel-value differencing (PVD), imperceptibility, steganography, PSNR, HVS, least significant bit (LSB) substitution.
[1]. F. Petitcolas, R. Anderson, M. Kuhn, "Information hiding - a survey", Proc. IEEE, vol. 87, iss. 7, pp. 1062-1078,1999.
[2]. A.A.J. Altaay, S. bin Sahib, M. zamani, "An introduction to image steganography techniques," Int. Conf. Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, pp. 122-126, 2012.
[3]. C.K.Chan, L.M. Cheng, " Hiding data in image by simple LSB substitution", pattern recognition, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 469-474, 2004.
[4]. M. Khodaei, K. Faez, "New adaptive steganographic method using least-significant- bit substitution and pixel value differencing," IET Image Process.,vol.6, iss.6, pp. 677-686, 2012.
[5]. H.C. Wu, N.I. Wu, C.S. Tsai, M.S. Hwang, "Image steganographic scheme based on pixel-value differencing and LSB replacement methods", IEE Proc.Vis. Image SignalProcess., vol. 152, no. 5, pp. 611-615, 2005.
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ABSTRACT: In Cooley–Tukey algorithm the Radix-2 decimation-in-time Fast Fourier Transform is the easiest form. The Fast Fourier Transform is the mostly used in digital signal processing algorithms. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) is computing by the FFT. DFT is used to convert a time domain signal into its frequency spectrum domain. FFT algorithm use many applications for example, OFDM, Noise reduction, Digital audio broadcasting, Digital video broadcasting. It's used to design butterflies for different point FFT. In this paper given to design and power measurement 2 and 8 point FFT by using VHDL. Simulation and synthesis of design is done using Xilinx ISE 14.2.
Keywords: Fast Fourier transform (FFT),Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), DIT, Radix-2, VHDL, FPGA.
[1]. Harpreet Kaur , Tarandip Singh ‗Design and Simulation of 32-Point FFT Using Mixed Radix Algorithm for FPGA Implementation International Journal of Engineering Trends and Applications (IJETA) – Volume 2 Issue 3, May-June 2015.
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[5]. Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, and John R. Buck, Discrete-Time Signal Processing, 2nd edition (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989)
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ABSTRACT: Restoration process of the holes resulting from insects damage is one of the most difficult things in front of the conservators during the restoration process. conservators were either replace the damaged wood by insects or restore it with mixture of filler and mineral Oxides. However, this paper discusses using the new mixture consisted of (Beva 371, medical cotton filler, Haematoxylin dye) to complete holes which caused by damage insects and were found in sabil Al Kazlar in Cairo. So this paper used some methods of examination and different analysis which represented in (naked eye - Optical microscope............
Keywords: Dye, Blood wood, Restoration, Sabil Al Kazlar, Ottoman Period
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ABSTRACT: The first aid has been applied on a mummy cover of colored cartonnage, with a detailed study of its components. The cover was found in Saqqara area, belongs back to the Late Age, and has been stored in Saqqara warehouses since 2010.The first aid is represented in mechanical cleaning and initial sterilization using transparent ethyl alcohol, as well as making a new holder for initial conservation of the Mummy cartonnage cover until conducting the final restoration processes. The study of the mummy cartonnage cover components was applied using optical..............
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