Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Detection of Alzhemier's Disease Using Fractional Edge Detection |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Reju John || Nissan Kunju |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0901010105 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The work consist of two phases. The first phase of the work aims at finding out the optimized value of the fraction used in fractional filtering for image enhancement techniques in digital image processing. The work is done on MATLAB platform. The work starts with a comparative study of fractional order filter and integer order kernel filters like Sobel and Prewitt filters, used for edge detection and boundary detection of various digital images. With the view of applying fractional filtering in medical images, the work is done by utilizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). The noise performances of these filters are analyzed upon the addition of random Gaussian noise. The mean......
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ABSTRACT: The Viterbi algorithm is generally used in decoding convolutional codes utilized in communications. In this paper Viterbi decoder and convolution encoder is designed, used in speech to text conversion.We can utilize three variations for re-computing with operands and itsalterations. The modified full adder circuit is subjected to low power consumption and low area. This can be implemented in Application Specific Integrated circuit (ASIC). This paper explains reduction of power and area by utilization ofmodified full adder. In this,viterbi decoder is designed by utilizing the modified full adder. viterbi decoder and convolution encoder are implemented in speech to text conversion application.
Keywords: Looking forward the procedure, re-computing throughencrypted operands, trellis.
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ABSTRACT: More than 50% of random logic power in an SOC chip is typically consumed by Flip Flop. This is because of redundant transition of internal nodes, when the input and output appear to be in the same state. Different low power techniques have been proposed, but all of these designs use more transistor,leading to an increase in size, which is too costly since flip flops typically account for 50% of random logic area. In this paper we design D flip-flop using 2x1 multiplexer which has reduced transistor count compared to other low power designs of D flip-flops. The focus is to design high speed, low power consumption, positive edge triggered conventional D flip-flop which can be..........
Keywords: D flip-flop, 12 Bit register, Cadence Tool, CMOS circuit, 2x1 Multiplexer
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ABSTRACT: Epileptic seizure is neurological disorder which can be diagnosed by using Electroencephalography, in this paper online database is used which is preprocessed and artifact removal of EEG signal is carried out. The primary features and secondary features such as mean, standard deviation, variance, skewness, kurtosis are found, which are given for a linear classifier which is Support Vector Machine for classification as seizure or non-seizure. Performance analysis of algorithm is also carried out by calculation of sensitivity, specificity and accuracy.
Keywords: Artifact, Electroencephalogram, Independent Component Analysis, Kurtosis, Seizure, Support Vector Machine.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Low Power and High Speed Shift Register |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Namrata Joshi || Ravi Kumar Jangir |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0901012833 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In recent VLSI technologies to design any circuit main prime factors are speed and power with downscaling of chip size.Shift registers are used for temporary storage of data in processors and sequential circuits. The paper enumerates an efficient design of shift register in terms of speed and power consumption using 180 nm technology.Serial In Serial Out (SISO) and Serial In Parallel Out (SIPO) shift register has been designed using BICMOS logic. These shift registers have implemented by master slave D flip flop as a storage element.Cadence EDA tool has used to implement the proposed shift registers. Proposed design results compared with conventional design results implemented using CMOS technologyand concluded that proposed design has low power consumption and high speed compared to conventional design.
Keywords: BICMOS, Master-Slave D flip flop,Latch up, Cadence, Shift Register..
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ABSTRACT: The Present research work, a new performance and area optimization algorithm for complex VLSI systems is presented. The floorplanning is employed to calculate to the relative location of blocks within the fixed outline. The planning obscurity is increasing and therefore the circuit size is obtaining additional. Thus ultimately area of the circuit gets rise and harder to optimize the Wirelength and area. By using the genetic algorithms in the performance and area optimization, we are able to find the optimal values for both delay and silicon area for the MCNC benchmark circuits. PSO is a recent intelligent heuristic search method in which the mechanism of algorithm is inspired by the swarming of biological populations. In fact, both of them use a combination of deterministic...........
Keywords: VLSI, genetic Algorithm, PSO, MCNC benchmark.
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ABSTRACT: The added value in this work is the integration of MICS with its local and small range (2m) and high efficiency with proposed WBAN network thus achieving the highest resolution benefit from both technologies for a realizable WBAN system of low power usage & high bit rate & low range , and wide coverage. Building embedded system that provides compact, secure, low-power, wireless, plug-and-play sensor networks that ensure safety for user by considering the standard international safety guidelines. The wireless sensor networks will collect patient information remotely that leads our research into: 1-Integrating real-time patient data into patient records, 2-High assurance software to collect valid sensors measurement and interconnect sensors information network to patient records.........
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