Series-1 (May - June 2020)May - June 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Soldier Health Care Monitoring & Tracking System Using IOT |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Harinee || R.Ramya |
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: | 10.9790/4200-10030105 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Embedded is a combination of software and hardware, when a technology is used to do a particular task it is called embedded system. Embedded system is widely used automobiles, industrial automation, home appliances, mobile and aeronautics. Embedded technology uses PC or a controller to do the specified task and the programming is done using assembly language programming or embedded C. Wireless Sensor Network technologies have become a latest research area in health care industries due to rapid maturity in improving the quality of life of a patient. Wireless Sensor Networks when work in medical field provide continuous monitoring of vital health parameters which over a long period of time provide doctors much needed help to make accurate diagnosis and giving better treatment using Internet of things
Keywords: Gps, Heat Sensor, Iot, Micro Controller, Relay
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ABSTRACT: A crisis occasion is an abrupt, pressing, generally unforeseen episode or event that requires a quick response or help for crisis circumstances, which assumes an undeniably critical job in the worldwide economy and in our day-by-day lives. As of late, the web is turning into an imperative occasion data supplier and storehouse because of its continuous, open, and dynamic highlights. In this paper, web assets based states recognizing calculation of an occasion is created to tell the general population of a crisis occasion unmistakably and help the social gathering or government process the crisis occasions adequately. The connection among web and crisis occasions is first presented, which is the establishment of utilizing web assets to identify the highly sensitive.....
Keywords: Events; emergency management; automatic states detection; web mining
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ABSTRACT: Re-appropriating information to an untouchable authoritative control, as is done in cloud dealing with, offers move to security concerns. The information arrangement may occur in perspective on assaults by different clients and focus focuses inside the cloud. In this way, high safety efforts are required to ensure information inside the cloud. Notwithstanding, the utilized security framework should besides consider the improvement of the information recovery time. In this paper, we propose Division and Replication of Data in the Cloud for Optimal Performance and Security (DROPS) those outright philosophies the security and execution issues. In the DROPS framework, we separate a file into pieces, and mirror the divided information over the cloud focus focuses. The majority of the inside point's stores just a solitary zone of a specific information record that guarantees that paying....
Keyword: Cloud, Security, Cryptographic, Replication
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An EDSP Estimation And Recalibration In FPGA Using Systematic Sampling |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. S.Kavitha || Mrs.M.Gajapriya |
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: | 10.9790/4200-10031721 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In electronic applications, a synchronous relationship between the signals needs to be preserved for that phase measurement is required. In a Traditional electronic systems, the time measurement system is designed by using classical mixed signal approach. But it causes uncertainty in phase relationship between the recovered signals. To avoid this uncertainty, minute phase shift change register and phase measurement logic core is designed inside an FPGA with high resolution and precision in the range of few Pico seconds. The working principle present in the proposed system is systematic sampling, here subsamples are accumulated over the phase detector signal. The newly designed logic core can operate over a wide range of digital clock frequencies, ranging from a few kilohertz to the maximum frequency that is supported within the FPGA fabric. The Proposed System Implemented using Verilog HDL and Simulated by Model sim6.4 c and Synthesized by Xilinx tool. The proposed system implemented in FPGA Spartan 3 XC3S 200 TQ-144.
Keywords: Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), jitter, phase calculator, phase polarity, subsampling, successive approximation, synchronization, systematic sampling, VLSI, XOR-based phase detector.
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ABSTRACT: The objective of proposed system is to design the weighted based cell segmentation algorithm for multiple scan-chains BIST in order to reduce the average power consumption during the scan in of new test vectors, and to reduce the test application time. The technique is based on selecting the best group of cells to be connected in the same scan-chain. This group of cells should have the same or very close weight of logic 1's and 0's that will be optimal to get the highest fault coverage in a specified test length. Then each scan-chain input will be connected to an output of a combinational circuit located after the Linear Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) that will generate biased test vectors according to the optimal weight of this segment of cells in the scan-chain. Thus, increasing the fault coverage and smoothing the applied test patterns will reduce the power consumption. The System is designed by using Verilog HDL and Simulation will be done through Modelsim 6.4 c. Finally the Synthesis will be done by means of using Xilinx FPGA with the model of Spartan 3 XC3S 200 TQ-144.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Narrow Band Bandpass Filter using CSRR with Harmonic Rejection |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs.J.Saranya |
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: | 10.9790/4200-10032629 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A coupled line narrowband filter with second harmonic suppression is presented. A Novel narrow bandpass filter with sharp rejection at the lower frequency is proposed using open loop resonator. The stopband characteristics of complementary circular split ring resonator (CSRR) are studied and designed to suppress the second harmonic frequency. CSRR loaded with the proposed filter for harmonic suppression is demonstrated. The CSRR is optimized to create the required bandstop characteristics without affecting the desired bandpass frequency. The proposed CSRR configuration provides a harmonic suppression at 2.8 GHz and open loop resonator resonates at 1.5 GHz to bandpass the desired frequency. Results are compared with the full wave simulation analysis and presented..
Keywords: Complementary circular split ring resonator; openloop resonator; harmonic suppression
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ABSTRACT: In this wireless communication era, Antenna plays a vital role for reliable communication. The antenna which satisfies the design constraints and fulfills most of the requirements of wireless communication is microstrip antenna. The low power handling capability and easy fabrication of microstrip antenna helps to achieve compactness and reliability of the system. In specific, antennas for WLAN are a challenging one when designed with high frequency. The antenna proposed in here consists of a defected ground structure in the form of Meander in the ground plane and patch with a slot on the other side. The frequency of the proposed antenna is 4.9 GHz.The dielectric substrate used is FR4 with dielectric constant 4.4 and loss tangent 0.02.The proposed antenna is designed with return loss of -38.88 db, VSWR of 1.02 .The antenna parameters are analyzed by Antenna Design Software CST microwave studio.
Keywords: Defected Ground Structure DGS, Meander, WLAN, CST, Micro strip Antenna, IEEE802.11
[1]. Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Coaxial Probe Feeding Technique to Operate in S-Band International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT) - Volume4Issue4- April 2013.
[2]. Yizhi Zhu,1,2 Xiaojuan Zhang,1 Chao Li,1 Fang Li,1 and Guangyou Fang1 Novel Compact Meander-Slot Dgs With High quality factor 1 Institute of Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China; Corresponding author: Received 15 April 2018
[3]. Sourabh Bisht1 , Shweta Saini2 , Dr Ved Prakash3 , Bhaskar Nautiyal4 1,2,4Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg, Graphic Era University, Dehradun, India 3Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engg, Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India Study The Various Feeding Techniques of Microstrip Antenna Using Design and Simulation Using CST Microwave Studio. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2014) 318
[4]. Udit Raithatha, S. Sreenath Kashyap Microstrip Patch Antenna Parameters, Feeding Techniques & Shapes of the Patch – A Survey International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 4, April-2015 ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER © 2015
[5]. Mohammad M. Fakharian, Pejman Rezaei, and Ali A. Orouji Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Semnan University, Semnan A Novel Slot Antenna with Reconfigurable Meander-Slot DGS for Cognitive Radio, 35131-19111, Iran.
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ABSTRACT: A modified hexagonal Sierpinski gasket-based fractal antenna is proposed for ultrawide-band (UWB) wireless applications. The designed antenna has miniaturized (36 48 mm2) and multiband characteristics. Two design guidelines, the partial ground plane technique and the circular annular ring patch on the substrate, are applied to improve impedance matching and radiation pattern characteristics. According to the simulation results, the proposed modi ed antenna has a re ection coefficient S11 of less than {15 dB, a linear phase of the reflection coefficient, 80% radiation efficiency, 2{4.5 dBi antenna gain, and omnidirectional radiation pattern properties over the full UWB spectrum (3.1{10.6 GHz). Simulated results obtained for this antenna show the expected good radiation behavior within the full 7.5-GHz UWB bandwidth
Key words: Ultrawide-band antenna, Sierpinski gasket, miniaturized, multiband
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