Series-1 (Jan. - Feb. 2022)Jan. - Feb. 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: For decades, there have been many developments found in the field of design techniques or strategies of digital to analog converter (DAC) to meet desired performance requirements of their endless applications among them few are wireless sensor networks (WSNs), radio communication , IoT applications and so on. Based on the literature review this paper exploits a brief summary of different DAC architecture, design strategies and techniques, and DAC modelling considering low power consumption, high performance and optimum area. These design methodology can be categorized into different classifications depending on optimum architecture and performance.
Keywords— DAC, Architecture, techniques, high performance , low power , area optimization.
[1]. Mamun Bin Ibne Reaz, Md. Torikul Islam Badal, "Design of a Low-Power 10-Bit DAC in 130 nm CMOS Technology" published by IEEE 2019.
[2]. Jakub Dalecki, Rafał Długosz, Tomasz Talaska, Gunter Fischer," A Low Power, Low Chip Area, Two-stage Current-mode DAC Implemented in CMOS 130 nm Technology", published by IEEE 2019.
[3]. Congyi Zhu, Jun Lin, and Zhongfeng Wang, "A New Clock Phase Calibration Method in High-Speed and High-Resolution DACs", published by IEEE 2019.
[4]. Amirhossein Ahmadi, Hossein Ghasemian, Ebrahim Abiri, Razieh Ghasemi," A Novel 10-bit 1.2GS/s Hybrid Digital to Analog Converter with 8.4mW Power Consumption", published by IEEE 2019.
[5]. DONG-HYUN YOON, DONG-KYU JUNG, JI-MIN CHOI1, WOOJOO LEE, "LW-DEM: Designing a Low Power Digital-to-Analog Converter Using Lightweight Dynamic Element Matching Technique", piblished by IEEE 2019.
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ABSTRACT: In this paper, the design steps of an n-MOSFET have been described and then the electrical characterization of this MOSFET is simulated at 100 nm by using the SILVACO ATLAS software, which is a process and device simulation software tool. The MOS device is virtually fabricated using ATHENA in SILVACO and simulations have been performed with help of ATLAS software, and all graphs are plotted using TONYPLOT in the SILVACO. The simulated results are then analyzed to study the n-MOSFET device's mesh structure, transfer and output characteristics of the same, doping and carrier concentration plot, etc. From the simulation study, we found that the designed device is working well for various bias conditions.
Keywords— MOSFET; SILVACO; Device Design; ATLAS; Device Simulation
[1]. M. H. Bhuyan, M. M. Ahmed, and S. A. Robin, "Design, Simulation and Comparative Analysis of Performance Parameters of a 4-bit CMOS based Full Adder Circuit using Microwind and DSch at Various Technology Nodes," IOSR Journal of VLSI and Signal Processing (IOSRJVSP), IF=2.82, ISSN: e-2319-4200, p-2319-4197, vol. 11, issue 1, January-February 2021, pp. 1-8.
[2]. M. H. Bhuyan, "History and Evolution of CMOS Technology and its Application in Semiconductor Industry," Southeast University Journal of Science and Engineering (SEUJSE), 1999-1630, vol. 11, no. 1, June 2017, pp. 28-42.
[3]. M. H. Bhuyan and K. M. Rahman, "Digital Signal Processor Controlled PWM Phase Modulator for Two-Phase Induction Motor Drive," Journal of Electrical Engineering, the Institution of Engineers Bangladesh (IEB-EE), ISSN: 0379-4318, vol. EE 34, no. I-II, pp. 19-25, December 2007.
[4]. M. K. Russel and M. H. Bhuyan, "Microcontroller Based DC Motor Speed Control Using PWM Technique," Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical, Computer and Telecommunication Engineering (ICECTE), Rajshahi, Bangladesh, 1-2 December 2012, pp. 519-522.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Modified Fractal Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arun Singh || Chandan || Ramesh Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/4200-12011621 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This article presents rectangular microstrip antennas in modified fractal geometries. The modified fractal antennas are designed using the HFSS, which is based on the finite element method of computational electromagnetics. Three forms of the designed antennas is discussed and the various electrical parameters such as reflection coefficient, 2 D radiation pattern and 3 D radiation pattern are investigated. The designed antennas have various wireless applications such as 1.8 GHz GSM and 2.4 GHz WLAN and IEEE 802.11(a, b ,g and n).The designed antennas also have wideband behavior with the multiband applications.
Keywords— Micro strip patch antenna, Fractal, WLAN
[1]. Garg, R., P. Bhartia, I. Bahl, and A. Ittipiboon, Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook, Artech House.
[2]. Constantine A. Blanis, Antenna Theory Analysis and Design Third Edition wiley India 2005.
[3]. Zhang, Y. P. and J. J. Wang, "Theory and analysis of differentially-driven microstrip antennas," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., Vol. 54, 1092-1099, 2006.
[4]. Pozar, D. M. and D. H. Schaubert, Microstrip Antennas, the Analysis and Design of Microstrip Antennas and Arrays, IEEE Press, New York, 1995.
[5]. H Sabri and Z Atlasbaf "Two novel compact triple band microstrip annular ring slot antenna for PCS-1900 and WLAN application". PIERS letters vol 5,87-98, 2008..
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ABSTRACT: The problems of the acts of terrorism, community and general insecurity threats all across the spheres of the entire societal activities, is worrying challenges encountered by the communication agents almost everywhere around the globe. This may not escape being attributed to the culture of the centrality of communication regulation and dispensation, as regards the media general role. Why, because these vices are always on the increase mostly affecting the lives of the masses of the local settlement. Though, being GSM, a vital tool used in combating and fighting the said insecurity challenges, the basic aim of this presentation is to find out the role of mass media as regards GSM over security......
Keywords— Terrorism, Human insecurity, National Insecurity, GSM.
[1]. Adache. J. E. (2010). Objective in security story reportage and the imperative of balancing the two sides: Military role and media responsibility In M. D, Yusuf; The Military. The media and Nigeria's national security. Nigeria: Gold Press Limited.
[2]. Danladi, A. A. (2013). The role of the media in national security in Nigeria: 1960-1999. Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 2.
[3]. Edward. W. (1994). Culture Imperialism. New York: Vintage Publishers.
[4]. Ekpu. R. (2010). Media practitioners and military operators as patriots and partners n progress. In M. D. Yusuf, The military, the media and Nigeria national security. Nigeria: Gold Press Limited.
[5]. Franceschetti, G. (2011). Homeland security: Threats, countermeasures, and privacy Issues, Norwood, MA: Article House
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ABSTRACT: This research aims to determine the usefulness of control components in operating Android-based Airfield Lighting System equipment with ON/OFF conditions and how to design android-based ON/OFF Airfield Lighting System operating controls. In the process of designing control Airfield Lighting System, this study carried out several stages, namely research identification, a research plan as a process of observation of data, analysis as the first step of collecting and preparing data, design as a stage of development after conducting analysis, and implementation as a result of research that has been designed that will conduct testing. The study results on the.....
Keywords— Control, NodeMCU, Airfield Lighting System
[1] Bumiller, G., and Pirschel, N., 2003. Airfield ground lighting automation system realized with power line communication. In Proc. 8th Int. Symp. Power Line Commun. Appl (pp. 16-20).
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[4] Almomani, I. M., & Al Khayer, A. (2020). A comprehensive analysis of the android permissions system. IEEE Access, 8, 216671-216688.
[5] Sadiq, S., Umer, M., Ullah, S., Mirjalili, S., Rupapara, V., and Nappi, M. 2021. Discrepancy detection between actual user reviews and numeric ratings of Google App store using deep learning. Expert Systems with Applications, 181, 115111.
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ABSTRACT: For D2D communication to take advantage of various new services introduced by 3GPP project, D2D devices are required to form clusters. Clustering enables proximate devices to communicate and share common resources, thus saving scarce network resources such as bandwidth and energy. The implementation of cluster in cellular networks (especially 5G/6G) leads to better energy/spectral efficiency and traffic signaling reduction than the traditional non-clustered cellular networks. Though elaborate work on the survey and classification of clustering algorithms in cellular networks have been done by some literatures, but a review of details of clustering techniques in D2D communications is lacking. The several benefits of clustering demand that various aspects of clustering in D2D communications be reviewed. Thus the aim of this paper is to review various clustering approaches in D2D communications, including the techniques adopted and their performances.
Keywords— D2D, Clustering, Cluster Head Selection, Cluster Algorithms, Social Aware
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