Series-1 (Mar. - Apr. 2022)Mar. - Apr. 2022 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: As communications technology is ubiquitous, and energy savings are ever more crucial in communications and data storage infrastructures, it is timely to revisit the technologies used for energy storage. Thismultidisciplinary paper especially focusses on the specific requirements onto energy storage for communications and data storage,derived from traffic, climate, high availability, and resilience, irrespective from energy sources used. It also addresses techno-economic, environmental &emissions tradeoffs offered by a model, and concludes with discussing future energy storage technologies.
Keywords— Energy storage, Communications networks, Data centers, Batteries, Battery power loss, AD-DC power conversion, Life-cycle costs, Environmental life-cycle cost, Emissions life-cycle cost.
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ABSTRACT: This paper presents a dual-band monopole antenna design with compact size for 5G communication under 6 GHz band frequency. The metallic monopole stub structure is used for miniaturization of antenna. It has a compact size of 24 mm × 14 mm × 1.6 mm3. The suggested antenna has been design on FR4 material with ɛr = 4.4 with 1.6 thickness. The L-shape monopole antenna is modified by adding semi-circular element in radiating structure of monopole to obtain dual-band resonance. The proposed antenna has 5G application in the bands of 2.5 GHz (2.34 GHz-2.62 GHz) and 3.6 GHz (3.20 GHz-5.20 GHz). The bandwidth of antenna getting 280MHz and 2300MHz at 2.5GHz and 3.6GHz respectively. VSWR is less than 1.06 for both the bands. The designed dual band monopole antenna covers 5G bands of 2.3-2.4GHz (n30/n40), 2.4-2.5GHz (n7/n38/n41/n90), and 3.2-5.2GHz (n77/n78/n80). This proposed dual band monopole antenna is suitable for 5G Communications.
Keywords— Monopole, Dual-band, Miniaturization, 5G and L shape.
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[5]. Jianzhi He and Xi Wei, "A Compact Dual-Band Antenna for C-Band Applications", Proceedings of 17th International Conference on Electronic Packaging Technology, pp. 113- 117, 2016
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ABSTRACT: The process of wireless electrical power transfer has been around for quite some time. Its application in charging of devices wirelessly is ever increasing, especially in charging of portable devices and standalone batteries. It is a flexible and inexpensive way of power transmission. In this paper, we report that a method ofwireless electrical power transmission has been designed and developed. Resonance coupling was adopted to increase the coupling between the transmitter and receiver. This increased the distance of power transmitted between the receiver and transmitter while also giving the receiver some degree of freedom of orientation, considering the size of the receiver's coil. A class D.....
Keywords— electrical power transfer; receiver; resonance coupling; transmitter; wireless
[1]. A.B.Kurs,A.Karalis,R.Moffatt,J.D.Joannopoulos, P.H.Fisher andM. Soljacic(2007).Wireless Power Transfer via Strongly Coupled MagneticResonances, Science, 317, pp. 83-86.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fiber Cut Impacts and the Scientific Analysis of its Financial Losses |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ben Asante || Teddy Hayford-Acquah |
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: | 10.9790/4200-12022643 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The Mobile Telecommunication Network (MTN) among many other telecommunication industries embrace the use of fiber optic technology to deploy their networks to offer services to their customers based on its numerous advantages. The advantages are not limited to its immunity to electromagnetic wave pick up, high capacity of bandwidth for data and voice activities, and immunity to cross talk. It is without doubt that the fiber optic network infrastructure deployed by the MTN has suffered frequent fiber cuts. In addition, these cuts have had impactsnegatively on the quality of service delivery to its numerous customers across the length and breadth of Ghana. Furthermore.....
Keywords— Fiber optic, Telecommunication, Financial, Scientific, Network, expenditure.
[1]. Adams, L., (2009), "Overview of Fibre Infrastructure Opportunities in the UbuntuNet Region", International Development Research Centre, Canada, [online] available on https://idl-bnc. idrc. ca/dspace/bitstream/10625/40489/1/128889.pdf, Accessed on 6th August 2016.
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ABSTRACT: 5G mobile communications system is offering very high speed data communications technology having connectivity to all sorts of the networks like 2G, 3G, 4G, WiMAX, MANET, VANET and other adhoc mobile networks. Authentication of a mobile subscriber (MS) or a sub-network and a main network are an important issue to check and minimize security threats or attacks. An artificial intelligence based mutual authentication system applying fuzzy neural network with four biometric entities is proposed. Voice frequency matching of the salutation or the selective words used by a subscriber like Hello, Good Morning, etc. with his/her stored voice frequency of that particular word is taken as first entity. Second entity is chosen as matching the flipping or clapping.....
Keywords— Biometric entities; Face image matching; Flipping sound frequency; Fuzzy neural network; Fuzzy operation; Identifier; Mutual authentication; Packet switching; Salutation word; Threat.
[1]. William C. Y. Lee, Wireless and Cellular Communications, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill Publishers, 2008.
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[3]. P. K. Bhattacharjee, and R. K. Pal "A Novel Approach on Mutual Authentication Techniques in 4-G Mobile Communications" International Journal of Computer Engineering and Computer Applications, California, USA, vol. 08, no. 01, pp. 42-49, July 2011.
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ABSTRACT: Approximately 36.5 million tons of garbage is produced by the country annually. If dustbin is not maintained then these can cause an unhealthy environment and can cause pollution that affects our health. The main objective of the project is to design a smart dustbin which will help in keeping our environment clean and reduce human interaction. This smart garbage bin is built using IoT and Robotics. It consists of hardware such as microcontroller, motor driver IC, Wi- fi module, servo motor, battery, etc. which is controlled by remote. The arms of the dustbin move with the help of the servo motors......
Key Word: IoT, robotics, Arduino; microcontroller; Motor driver IC; servo motor
[1]. S.S. Navghane, M.S. Killedar, Dr.V.M. Rohokale, IoT Based Garbage and Waste Collection Bin, May 2016.
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[4]. Mr.Varun Chaudhary1, Mr. Rohit Kumar2, Mr. Anil Rajput3, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 06 Issue: 05 | May 2019
[5]. S. Sulthan Alaudeen, Dr.Lakshmi A, Degradable and Non-Degradable Waste Separation Using Intelligent Approach International Journal of Emerging Technology and Innovative Engineering Volume 5, Issue 5, May 2019