Volume-1 ~ Issue-5
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ABSTRACT: Chromosomes are essential genomic information carriers. The identification of chromosome abnormalities is an essential part of diagnosis and treatment of genetic disorders such as chromosomal syndromes and many types of cancer. Currently available cytogenetic imaging software is designed to classify only normal chromosomes. The automation of chromosome analysis is involving segmentation of chromosomes and classification into 24 groups. Segmentation of the overlapped chromosomes is a major step toward the realization of homolog classification. Resolving chromosome overlaps is an unsolved problem in automated chromosome analysis. Current systems for automatic chromosome classification are mostly interactive and require human intervention. In this paper, an automatic procedure is proposed to obtain the separated chromosomes. The separations of overlapped and touching chromosomes are obtained by finding the intersecting (concave and convex) points with the help of Novel algorithm. The intersecting points are located on contour of the image and then the curvature function is used to find out concave points. Then the possible separation lines are plotted by using all concave points and finally construct the hypotheses for possible separation lines between concave points. The segmentation is carried out by means of a curvature function scheme, which proved to be successful.
Keywords: automatic chromosome classification, diagnosis, genetic disorders, hypothesis, interesting points.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Realization of FPGA based numerically Controlled Oscillator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gopal D. Ghiwala, Pinakin P. Thaker, Gireeja D.Amin |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0150711 ![]() |
Keywords: Numerically Controlled Oscillator, FPGA, Look-up table, Register
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ABSTRACT: Coronary heart disease (CHD) is one of the major causes of disability in adults as well as one of the main causes of death in the developed countries. Although significant progress has been made in the diagnosis and treatment of CHD, further investigation is still needed. The objective of this study was to develop the assessment of heart event-risk factors targeting in the reduction of CHD events using Weighted Association Rule Mining. The risk factors investigated were: 1) before the event: a) nonmodifiable—age, sex, and family history for premature CHD, b) modifiable—smoking before the event, history of hypertension, and history of diabetes; and 2) after the event: modifiable—smoking after the event, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, highdensity lipoprotein, low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, and glucose. The events investigated were: myocardial infarction (MI), percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), and coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABGData-mining analysis was carried out using the Weighted Association Rule Mining for the afore mentioned three events using five different splitting criteria.
Keywords: Coronary heart disease (CHD), data mining, weighted association rule mining,MI,PCI
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A novel image hiding scheme by Optimal Pixel Pair Matching and Diamond Encoding |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajashree Shitole, Satish Todmal |
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: | 10.9790/4200-0152531 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This paper describes a novel method of data embedding based on Pixel Pair Matching(PPM).In Optimal Pixel Adjustment Process (OPAP),pixel x is embedded in k-bits of message m , using Least Significant Bit (LSB) substitution method by adjusting stego pixel at optimal level. In Diamond Encoding (DE), Diamond Characteristic Value, conceals secret digit in N-ary notational system when k ≥ 1.Comparison and Experimental results of OPAP and DE not only demonstrates acceptable image quality but also provides significant improvements for different payloads. Diamond shape reveals that it is selective to specific notational system but large amount of data can be embedded in the cover image maintaining imperceptible stego-image quality.
Keywords – Diamond Encoding (DE), Exploiting Modification Direction (EMD), Least Significant Bit (LSB), Optimal Pixel Adjustment Process (OPAP), Pixel Pair Matching (PPM).
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ABSTRACT: In this paper we have put forward an image fusion algorithm based on wavelet transform and second generation curvelet transform. The wavelet transform does not represent the edges and singularities well. So the second generation curvelet transform is performed along with the wavelet transform and the image fusion is done. Finally, the proposed algorithm is applied to experiments of multi focus image fusion and complementary image fusion. The proposed algorithm holds useful information from source multiple images quite well.
Keywords - Image fusion, Wavelet transforms, Second Generation Curvelet Transform
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ABSTRACT: Background: Several lesions in the body present as a soft tumor mass which often necessitate an incision or excision biopsy for proper histologic diagnosis. It has been noted that several soft tissue tumours turn out to be primarily infective inflammatory conditions. This study is aimed at reviewing these inflammatory soft tissue masses with a view of understanding their aetiology, histologic morphology and anatomic locations. Methodology: The records of the Department of Pathology, UCTH, were accessed to retrieve relevant clinical information for reviewing all the histologically confirmed inflammatory tumours seen through the period of 1978 – 2007.
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ABSTRACT: Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES) was introduced to resist classical methods of cryptanalysis (i.e.) from linear or differential attacks. The cryptographic strength of the AES depends strongly depends on the choice of S-box. The result of the new attack methods shows that there may be some lacuna in the design of S-box in AES algorithm. The setback is the weakness of the existing linearity structure in the S-box. After a detail analyze on the AES algorithm and a new performance scheme for rising complication of nonlinear transformation in the structure of S- box is presented. In order to resist from the new attacks and to execute the AES with the protected encryption and decryption by using verilog and to provide a further more protection a Bio-metric scheme has been used in both the encryption and decryption schemes. The result shows that the new nonlinear implementation of the AES S-Box by using Verilog provides enhanced security with good enough speed for encryption and decryption.
Keywords: AES, Non-linear S-Box, Bio-metric Image.
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ABSTRACT: Intensity non-uniformity or intensity inhomogeneity usually occurs in Real world Images, those images cannot be segmented by using image segmentation. The most commonly used algorithms in image segmentation are region based and depends on the homogeneity of the image intensities which usually fails to produce accurate segmentation results due to the intensity non-uniformity. In this paper we proposed a novel region based method for image segmentation which can be able to discuss with intensity non-uniformities in image segmentation. First according to the image models with intensity non-uniformities we define a local clustering criterion function for the intensities in the image neighbourhood of each part. The local clustering criterion function is then integrated with respect to the neighbourhood center to give a global criterion of image segmentation. In a level set formulation this criterion defines an energy in terms of level set functions that represents the partition of image domain and a bias field that corresponds to the intensity non-uniformity of the image. Therefore, by minimizing the energy we can able to segment the image simultaneously and estimate the bias field can be used for the intensity non-uniformity correction. This method is applied on MRI images and real world images of various modalities with desirable performance in the presence of intensity non-uniformities. The experiment results show that the method is stronger, faster and more accurate than the well-known piecewise smooth model and gives promising results. As an application this method is used for segmentation and bias correction of real world images and MRI images with better results.
Keywords –Bias field, Energy minimization, Image segmentation, Intensity non-uniformity, Level set method.
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