Abstract: The Lekki and Epe lagoons are important lagoons in the southwest of Nigeria as they contribute immensely to fishery and serve as a source income to people living around them. The study investigates the sediment nutrient load at both lagoons by estimating the amount of available phosphate, nitrate, sulphate, silicate and the effect of pH and TOC on their availability. Results showed phosphate ranged from 0.2-16.7mg/kg, nitrate 10.6-25.4 mg/kg, sulphate 11.3-76.4 mg/kg and silicate 15.7-130.5 mg/kg at Lekki lagoon while concentrations for Epe lagoon ranged from 0.5-85.9 mg/kg phosphate, 15.2-39.9 mg/kg nitrate, 26.7-900.9 mg/kg sulphate and 1.1-232.2 mg/kg silicate. Epe lagoon was found to be more eutrophic than Lekki lagoon and this was attributed to the anthropogenic activities around it. A strong relationship was observed in the more eutrophic Epe lagoon between phosphate/silicate concentrations and phosphate/sulphate concentrations.
Keywords: Epe lagoon, Lekki lagoon, Nutrients, Sediment, TOC.
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