Version-2 (May-2017)
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ABSTRACT: This study aimed to determine the levels of use of extension methods and aids, as well as to identify the levels of importance of extension methods and aids, in the process of dissemination agricultural technologies from the viewpoint of agricultural extension workers (AEWs) in the republic of Iraq. The study was conducted in six governorates of Iraq, four of them are located in the central area of Iraq, which are: Baghdad, Babel, Waset, and Najaf, and two are located in the southern area which are: Qadisiyah and Muthanna. The data was collected from the entire population.............
Keywords: Levels of use and importance, Extension methods and aids, Iraq.
[1] AL-ANI. Bilal. R. Ch, Farmers Exposure to Some Methods and Means Extension and Activating Benefit from in the Field, Master Thesis., College of Agriculture, Baghdad University,2006, 1.
[2] AL-MAMORY. Sabah. H. M, The Effect of Each Methods of the Extension Symposium and Field Demonstration and The Sequence of Them in Developing Knowledge and Skill for Sheep Breeders in Field of Mating (An Experimental Study in AL-WASAMA Village of Babylon Governorate), Doctor Thesis., College of Agriculture, Baghdad University, 2002, 1-2.
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ABSTRACT: This study was designed to investigate the proximate and bacteriological quality of raw and fermented cheese in Ikole and Ado Ekiti, Ekiti state, Nigeria. The results of the proximate analysis showed that the moisture content of raw cheese from Ikole was 88.20% and is higher than that from Ado-Ekiti. While the moisture content of fermented cheese from both study sites is the same, 71.09% and 71.09% respectively. The ash content of fermented cheese from Ado was 1.06% and is higher than the ash content of fermented cheese from Ikole which was 0.79%, however, the ash content of raw cheese from Ikole (0.84%) was higher than that of raw cheese from Ado (0.74%)..............
Keywords: Raw Cheese, Fermented Cheese, Ikole, Ado, Quality.
[1] Aaku, E.N/Collinson, E.K/Gashe, B.A/Mpuchane, S. (2004) Microbiological quality of milk from two processing plants in Carotone Botswana.Food Control 15, 181-86.
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ABSTRACT: Effect of MM.106 rootstock on vegetative growth and leaf mineral contents of different apple cultivars (Crispin, Golden delicious, Jonagored and Royal gala) was studied at the Highland Fruits and Vegetables Research Center of Arba Minch University, Gircha, Ethiopia. The research design used was a complete randomized block consisted of four treatments (cultivars) with three replications of 5-tree/ plots. In this trial, total plant height, trunk diameter, leaf area, number of branches and effect of rootstock on the leaf nutrient accumulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium was measured. The maximum vegetative growth was recorded for Crispin followed by Royal gala while Golden delicious showed least growth...............
Keywords: Apple rootstock, scion cultivar, vegetative growth, nutrient absorption.
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ABSTRACT: Fetal mummification is a very rare condition in dogs that occurs when there is fetal death and the fetus remains hermetically sealed in the uterus, with incomplete resorption. The exact causes have not yet been completely determined, which makes treatment difficult, compromising the female's reproductive system. The paper reports the case of a mixed-breed bitch presenting prolonged gestation, with possible complication. During the castration surgery it was observed that the single fetus was mummified...............
Keywords: Canine, pregnancy, fetal changes.
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[3] D. C. Gomes, Principais alterações ultra-sonográficas do sistema reprodutor canino. doctoral diss. Universidade Estadual Paulista "Júlio de Mesquita Filho" Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Botucatu, SP, 2008.
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ABSTRACT: A factorial experiment within randomized complete block design (RCBD)during the growing season 2016-2017 was carried to investigate the influence of foliar application organic fertilizer "DisperAlghum" and growth regulator KT-30 on vegetative growth , flowering , fruit set on two years old "Anna" apple transplant, the transplants was sprayed with organic fertilizer "DisperAlghum" (D) at three levels (0 , 3 , 5 g.L-1) , and growth regulator KT-30 (K) at four levels (0 , 5 , 10 , 20 mg.L-1) ,the foliar application of organic fertilizer D5 (5 g.L-1) gave significantly higher values of the length branches vegetative of115.7 cm , leaf area of 6.383 cm2 , leaves number of 11230 leave.transplant-1 , total leaves area of 726 Dcm2..............
[1] Al-Gumaely, O. G. M .2016. Effect of Foliar Application of Plant Growth Regulator Brassinolide and Seaweed Extract on Vegetative Growth and Yield of "Anna" Apple Tree. M .Sc. Thesis Collage of Agriculture. Al-Anbar Univ .pp73.
[2] Al-Karam, B.N.I.2016. Effect Foliar Application of Organic Fertilizer and Growth Promoter on Growth of Woolly Peach sapling ''Red June'' M.Sc. Thesis Collage of Agriculture .Baghdad Univ. pp 64 .
[3] Al- Khafaji , M.A .2014. Plant Growth Regulator, Application and Utilization in Horticulture. Ministry of High Education and Scientific Research. University of Baghdad/ College of Agriculture. p 5-7 .
[4] Al-Rawi, K.M. and A.M. Khalafalla .2000. Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments. Ministry Of High Education and Scientific Research Mosul Univ .pp.270.
[5] Al-Sahaf, F. H. 1989. Applied Plant Nutrition. Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research. Baghdad University. Bayt Al Hikma. Iraq. pp 260 ...
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ABSTRACT: Amyloodinium ocellatum, adino flagellate which causes one of the most serious diseases of warm water marine aquaculture. The parasite produces a powdery or velvety appearance on infected fish, and the resulting disease is commonly referred to as "marine velvet," velvet disease, or Amyloodiniosis. The organism is a dinoflagellate ectoparasite and has been reported in a wide range of marine and estuarine fish. It is one of a very few organisms that can infect both teleosts and elasmobranchs (Alvarez-Pellitero, 2008). This makes it a concern for public aquaria. This ectoparasite can be found on gills and skin (body and fins) of host fish. It can cause devastating disease and mortality because the organism is able to reproduce quickly when fish are crowded, especially in closed systems. This parasite has a broad host and geographic range, causing fish mortalities in tropical and temperate environments. Rapid spread of the parasite and high mortality are common in cultured fish if the organism is not recognized and treated early in the course of an outbreak...............
Keywords: Amyloodiniumocellatum, European Seabass Fishes, Infestation, Treatment, Dicentrarchuslabrax L., Ectoparasitic Protozoa, Histopathological, Parasitological, Egypt
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[6] Johnson, S.K. (1990 ): Recognition and control of diseases common to grow-out aquaculture of red drum. IN:...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agronomic Effectiveness of Phosphate Applied As Pyrophosphate for Corn in Calcareous Soils |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | N. M. Muhawish |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1005024955 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the agronomic effectiveness of pyrophosphate over five sources of phosphorus (P) in calcareous soils. The pot experiment was carried out to grow corn on two calcareous soils (differed in texture), to compare K4P2O7 with KH2PO4 regarding their performance and effect on dry matter yield and P concentration. P was applied at five concentrations i.e. 0, 10, 20, 50, and 100 mg Pkg-1. In the second experiment corn was grown in field on a calcareous clay soil. Equal amounts of P (80 kg P ha-1) were applied to plots from all; P sources used which consisted of control (zero P), M5 (2:1 ratio of PR: elemental S), potassium pyrophosphate (PP), triple superphosphate (TSP), phosphate rock (PR), and mono...............
Keywords: Agronomic effectiveness, calcareous soils, internal efficiency, PR, pyrophosphate.
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ABSTRACT: A laboratory study was carried out to; (1) identify the efficient primer(s) which be used to detect alleles,(2) estimate the degree of diversity among the studied genotypes, and (3) determinate the suitable genotypes which show high degree of diversity in order to improve the economic characters for the local genotypes. The present study was conduct at Nebraska University/ Field Crop & Horticulture Department during summer season 2013. Ten selected simple sequence repeat (SSR) marker sets were evaluated in a total of sixteen accessions of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum), twelve of which have been introduced from Mexico, two from USA and two are local genotypes (Latifya and Ibah 95.............
Keywords: Wheat, SSR, Divergence
[1] M.S. Akkaya and E.B. Buyukunal-Bal. 2004. Assessment of genetic variation of bread wheat varieties using microsatellite markers.Euphytica135: 179–185.
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[4] T. Cadalen, C. Boeuf, S. Bernard& M. Bernard, 1997. An inter-varietal molecular marker map inTriticumaestivumL. EM. Thell.and comparison with a map from wide cross. Theo. Appl. Genet. 94: 367–377.
[5] G.K. Chambers and E.S.MacAvoy.2000. Microsatellite: consensus and controversy. Comparative Bio-chem. Physiol. 126:455-476.
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ABSTRACT: Alirajpur district in Madhya Pradesh is one of the important areas with great potential for onion production. In district Alirajpur, onion is grown in an area of 1370 hectares with a production of 20550 tonnes, with a maximum productivity of 15.00 tonnes per hectare. It was found that the majority of the farmers are still lagging behind the adoption of improved onion production technology in the area. It thus, becomes necessary to assess the adoption behaviour of onion growers, towards improved onion production technology therefore the 130 farmers were selected using proportionate allocation method from small, medium and large farmers. This study depicted that majority of the onion growers 37.69 per cent were found to have medium adoption behaviour of overall technology followed by high adoption behaviour 36.15 per cent and low adoption behaviour 26.15 per cent in respect of overall onion production technology respectively.
[1] Agarwal, Neha (2013). A study on adoption behaviour of onion growers in relation to their socio-economic and psycho characteristics in Sehore district, Madhya Pradesh. M.Sc (Ag.) Thesis Submitted to Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior.
[2] Chandrashekhar,S.K. (2007). Analysis of onion production and marketing behaviour of farmers in Gadag District, Karnataka. M.Sc.(Agi) Thesis submitted to University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad.
[3] Meena,K.C.; Babel,K.S. and Meena,H.R. (2005). Adoption of improve practices of cabbage growing farmers. Indian J. Extn.Edu. 6(1):31-32.
[4] Pandey,U.B. (2000). Strategy for increasing onion productivity and minimizing post-harvest losses in onion in Andhra Pradesh. News Letter National Horticultural Research and Development Foundation. 20(1&4):1-5.
[5] Patel, Alkesh (2009). Profitability and resource use efficiency of onion production in Khargone district of Madhya Pradesh. M.Sc (Ag.) Thesis Submitted to Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur
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ABSTRACT: Stem rust (Pucciniagraministritici) is a disease of economic importance in wheat (Triticumaestivum L.) worldwide. The objective of this study was to determine the disease severity of the BC1F1 plants in the nursery at Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization, Njoro. Kingbird (resistant) was crossed with Njoro Bw2 (susceptible) to obtain F1 plants. The F1plantswere backcrossed with Njoro Bw2 to obtain a BC1F1 progeny. Two hundred and forty seeds of the BC1F1 plants, twenty eight resistant and susceptible parents were planted in two replicates and the Modified Cobb's Scale was used to record their disease severity scores. An excel work sheet programmed with the AUDPC formula was used to compute the Area Under Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) values for BC1F1 plants..............
Keywords: Stem rust, Ug99, resistance, backcross, improvement, disease severity
[1] A. P. Bonjeanand W. J. Angus (2001).The world wheat book: a history of wheat breeding. Andover: Intercept.Excellent Resource for 20th Century Plant Breeding, pp. 1131. ISBN 1-898298-72-6.
[2] M. C. Luo, Z. L. Yang, F. M. You, T. Kawahara, J. G. Waines and J. Dvorak, The structure of wild and domesticated emmer wheat populations, gene flow between them and the site of emmer domestication. Theoretical Applied Genetics, 2007, 114: 947-959.
[3] M. Heun, S. Abbo, S. Lev-Yadun and A. Gopher, A critical review of the protracted domestication model for Near-Eastern founder crops: linear regression, long distance gene flow, archeological and archeobotanical evidence. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012, 63:4333-4341.
[4] International Starch Institute, Technical memorandum on production of wheat starch. Available online (, 2008, accessed March 2, 2013.
[5] United States Department of Agriculture - Food and Agriculture Service (USDA-FAS), Global agricultural information network: Wheat production in Kenya by year. Available online (,2012, accessed June 24, 2014..