Version-2 (June-2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strategy for Use in Organic Fertilizer Plant in Sub Ulu ere Regency Bantaeng |
Country | : | INDONESIA |
Authors | : | Sahlan || Dewifitriani |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2380-1106020109 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Agricultural development in Bantaeng directed to create an advanced agriculture and resilient, able to increase the yield and quality of production, increase farmers' income and living standards, expanding business opportunities and employment as well as filling and expanding the market. The strategy is basically the art and science of using and developing power (political, economic, socio-cultural and defense) to achieve a predetermined goal. The strategy is a way in which the organization / agency will achieve its goals. The study aims to determine how the strategy is the use of organic fertilizer on mustard plants in BontoTallasaUluEre District of Bantaeng...........
Keywords: Strategy, Organic Fertilizer, Plant Sawi.
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ABSTRACT: Le mil [Pennisetumglaucum (L.) R. Br.] est une culture vivrière de subsistance dans la région sahélienne de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Au Niger, la culture du mil est pratiquée dans toutes les zones de production et occupe la première place parmi les céréales produites et consommées dans le pays. Cependant, sa production est entravée par plusieurs types de contraintes aussi bien abiotiques que biotiques. En ce qui concerne les contraintes biotiques, les insectes et particulièrement le foreur de tiges Coniestaignefusalis occupe une place non négligeable. Dans la région de l'Afrique subsaharienne, où le mil est la principale culture de base, les pertes de rendement attribuables à C. ignefusalis...........
Keywords: Pearl millet, stem borer, control, review
[1]. G.M.Parmar, R.P. Juneja and K.D. Mungra, Management of shoot fly and stem borer on pearl millet crop,International Journal of Plant Protection, 8(1), 2015, 104-107
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[4]. A.Drame-Yayé, OYoum and J.N. Ayertey, Assessment of grain yield losses in pearl millet due to the millet stem borer, Coniestaignefusalis (HAMPSON),Insect Science and its Application, 23(3), 2003, 259-265.
[5]. M.F Goudiaby, I.Sarr and M. Sembene, Source of resistance in pearl millet varieties against stem borers and the ear head miner,Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies, 6(1),2018, 1702-1708...
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ABSTRACT: Characterization of a seed determines its functionality. This study was conducted to evaluate the proximate composition of Raw and Fermented Zármarkéé seeds, sesbaniasppand established possible variance in their composition. Raw and fermented seeds of Zarmarkee, sesbaniasppwere analyzed for their nutritive components to assess their dietary value for humans and animals. Proximate composition of the raw flour sample prepared by grinding the dried seeds gave the following results: (6.92 ± 0.01)% moisture; (32.50 ± 0.00) % protein; (9.60 ± 0.01)%, Crude fat; (20.44 ± 0.01)% crude fiber; (4.10 ± 0.00)% ash; (26.40 ± 0.02)% carbohydrates; Correspondingly, proximate analysis of the sample of the flour prepared from the fermented seed resulted in the following.........
Keywords:-Sesbania spp; Zarmarkéé seeds; Proximate analysis; Raw and fermented Flour;Caloric value.
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ABSTRACT: Prosopis juliflora (Swartz) DC was introduced to Sudan in 1917 and then naturalized to invade both natural and managed habitats, especially watercourses and irrigated lands. In most of the infested sites it forms impenetrable thickets that smothered native vegetation; the case provokes contradictive allegations on its ecological significance. The objective of this study was to contribute in elucidating the dispute on its allelopathic behavior. Aqueous was extracted by distilled water from the leaves of both P. juliflora and Acacia raddiana (Brenan) to investigate its impact on the early growth of Sorghum sudanense (Piper) Stapf. Transparent plastic cups of 3.0 cm midiameter and 10.5 cm height, filled with clay soil, were used to raise the seedlings of the test crop. The cups were placed in glass house in split plot design set out in three replicates. The two main plots were allocated for........
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ABSTRACT: This study intended to evaluate seed vigour of Hybrid maize and cultivars under semi arid conditions in Sudan. Two experimental were conducted. First one laboratory tests involved standard germination, speed of germination, seedling fresh and dry weights, shoot and root lengths, and electrical conductivity. The second one was field emergence, to assess speed of emergence, seedling fresh and dry weights, shoot and root lengths, and number of leaves. The laboratory tests was laid out as completely randomized and randomized complete block design for field emergence.(LSD) least significant differences and Correlation relationship was analyzed between the above tested values and vigour performances evaluated. The results showed that there was a significant difference among the cultivars in the above tests, and..........
Keywords: Maize Seed, Germination, Vigour test, Semi arid, E.C, Field emergency
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ABSTRACT: The study identified the impact of micronutrient food factor: a strategy for HIV/AIDS intervention in rural area of southeast Nigeria. The study adopted a survey research design. The population comprised of health personnel and nurses. Multistage sampling Technique was used in determining the sample population of three hundred and sixty five nurses and health personnel in Southeast Nigeria. Forty one items Questionnaire was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using frequency, and mean. The findings include: 1. micronutrient food factor has impact as a strategy for HIV/AIDS intervention. 2. Micronutrient food factor is a strategy to HIV/AIDS intervention. Recommendations were made based on the research findings.
Keywords: impact, micronutrient, food factor, strategy, HIV/AIDS intervention.
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ABSTRACT: The management of agricultural insect pests with entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) is recognized internationally as a sustainable and environmentally friendly method of management. This study aimed at determining the efficacy of indigenous EPNs on the management of Sesamia calamistis, the stem borer of maize. Soil samples were collected within 5 × 5 m quadrants (r = 3) from seven forests and three cultivated locations within Ibadan. In the laboratory, 200 cm3 from each quadrant per location were bulked to form a composite per location and used for the trial. The composite soil was properly mixed and moistened with water, and 500 cm3 was measured into transparent plastic containers. Ten S. calamistis larvae were placed on the soil surface and the containers were inverted and............
Keywords: biological control, maize, Heterorhabdidtis, Steinernema, stemborer
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ABSTRACT: This study attempts to analyze the function of Iraqi agricultural exports for the period 1990-2016 and to shows the effect of Iraqi date exports on it by using econometric analysis and trying to find out and explain the effect of some economic variables in the agricultural exports function during the target period. The study concluded that the agricultural product does not affect in agricultural exports, where the significance of the function is not determined. The new results show offer omitting the agricultural product that all the variables are statistical significance, this means that those independent variables (Iraqi dates exports, dinar exchange rate against US dollar, and the openness of trade of Iraq ,the study found that the exchange rate is one of the most important factors affecting agricultural............
Keywords: Export of dates, Function of agricultural exports, Export development
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ABSTRACT: From October 2013 to December 2015, 504 organisms of Centropomus nigrescens were taken directly from the commercial captures in the coasts of Colima and Jalisco, México. The highest average captures of C. nigrescens in Jalisco, occurred in April, July and December; in Colima it occurred in February, May, October and December. The recruitment length was Lr = 39.0 cm, length of first capture was Lc = 48.00 cm. Differences between sexes were: Lr = 63.8 cm for females and Lr= 48.0 for males, Lc = 76.40 cm for females and Lc = 58.00 cm for males. Total mortality for ages 3 to 15 years was Z = 0.33 and the survival rate was S = 0.72. Natural mortality rate was M = 0.14 and fishing mortality F = 0.19. The exploitation rate was E = 0.576. Increasing fishing mortality from F = 0.19 to F = 0.31 will increment the yield per recruit from 1 554 g to 1 605 grams. The age of 7 years produces...........
Keywords: Production, recruitment, first capture rate, total, natural and fishery mortality, exploitation rate, yield per recruit
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