Series-2 (July-2019))July-2019 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted North Shoa Zone,Amhara Regional State with the objectives of documenting breeding practice of indigenous draft cattle. The data were collected through semi structured questionnaire, group discussions and field observation. A total of 490 households were randomly selected and interviewed by using pre-tested questioner. Statistical package for social science (SPSS 16) were used to analyze the collected data. The main purpose of keeping cattle was for drought power source (86.9) for farming activity followed by milk production (4.4%), cash income (6.1%), meat production (2.8%) and manure production (2.2%). The result revealed that majority of respondent (65.5%) select indigenous cattle based on draught power. Breeding was.........
Key words: Castration,Mating control, Trait preference
[1]. AddisuHailu and Melese Abate. 2016. Community Breeding Practice and the Challenges in Dairy Cattle Management in North Gondar, Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental & Agriculture Research , Vol-2, Issue-4.
[2]. AyantuMekonnen, Ayenale Haile, TaddeleDessie and YosefMekasha. 2012. On farm characterization of Horro cattle breed production systems in western Oromia, Ethiopia. Livestock Research for Rural Development. Volume 24, Article 100.
[3]. AndualemTonamo. 2016. A review on cattle husbandry practices in Ethiopia. International Journal of Livestock Production, Vol. 7(2), pp. 5-11.
[4]. Belay D, Azage T and Hegde B P. 2012.Smallholder Livestock Production System in Dandi District, Oromia Regional State, Central Ethiopia.Global Veterinaria 8 (5): 472-479.
[5]. Behnke, Roy. 2011. The Contribution of Livestock to the Ethiopian Economy – Part II. /publication/267368582..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Health Status Evaluation and Morphology Study of Prevalent Seed Borne Fungi of Wheat Seed |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | SanjanaAkter |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1207020710 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this experiment common seed borne diseases of wheat plant was studied. Seeds were "farmers' saved wheat seed" and previously untreated seed. Collected samples were sorted out from contamination then the samples were mixed together. Two hundred seeds were taken randomly from the mixture for this experiment. Seeds were allowed to germinate in petri dish using blotter paper method under controlled light and temperature. After seven days of germination six predominant pathogenic fungal genus were identified. The common fungal genus was Bipolaris (51.5%) followed by Aspergillus (31.5%),Rhizopus (29.5%), Alternaria (23%), Fusarium (18.5%) and Curvularia (13%)..
Key words: Seed borne, Farmers saved, Blotter paper, Pathogenic fungi
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[5]. Fakir GA, Halder N. Seed-borne fungi of chili. Bangladesh J. Pl. Pathol. 1993;7:34-37...
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ABSTRACT: Tsetse flies constitute one of the major constraints for livestock and agricultural production in sub-Saharan Africa because of their ability to transmit trypanosomosis to human beings and animals. Within the framework to plan suitable and sustainable measures for trypanosomosis control and prevention, a study on abundance and seasonal distribution of tsetse flies was conducted from October 2014 to September 2015 in three divisions of the Adamaoua region. The survey of Glossina species was carried out through biconical traps setting and the captured insects were identified using binocular optical microscope. In results, 6 tsetse fly species including Glossina fuscipes.........
Key words: Glossina species, Vectors, Seasonal distribution, Cattle, Adamaoua region
[1]. B.M. Swallow, Impacts of African Animal Trypanosomosis on Migration, Livestock and Crop Production. Nairobi, ILRI, 1998, 1–19.
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ABSTRACT: This study assessed the factors influencing adoption of improved rice production technology (IRPT)under Anchor Borrower Programme (ABP) that was established inKebbi State in the year 2015. Multistage sampling procedure was used to select four hundred and eighty (480) respondents for the study. The results of the study shows that about 35.8% of the farmers fall within the agerange of between41–50years. Householdsizeresponseindicatesthat28.3%and23.3%of the respondents respectively hadbetween6–10and16–20numbersin their house hold. The level of education of the respondents also shows that majority (47.3%)had secondary education,while17.5%hadprimaryeducation. The results of the study shows that majority of the respondents (51.7%) received between N100,000 – N300,000 as ABP loan. On the stages of adoption of improved rice production technology by respondents, broadcasting method had the highest entries followed by weeds management through the application of herbicides. Investigation of the socio-economic factors influencing the adoption of........
Key words: Factors, Adoption, Anchor Borrower Program, Improved Rice Production Technology
[1]. Abu, I.A., Pur, J.T. and Ogunbameru, B.O. (2011), "Analysis of socio economic factors influencing the adoption of rice technologies by farmers in Borno State, Nigeria", Adamawa State University Journal of Agricultural Sciences, Vol. 1 No. 1, pp. 40-45.
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[3]. Agbamu, J.U. (2006), Adoption and diffusion process for Agricultural Innovation Communication in Nigeria. Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Delta State, Asaba, Nigeria, Matthouse Press Ltd. Victoria Island Lagos, pp. 47-81.
[4]. Akambi, F. (2015). How to Benefit from CBN's Loan: "The dynamics of the Central Bank of Nigeria's AnchorBorrowers' Programme.Nov 22, 2015 .
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ABSTRACT: A cross-sectional study was carried out from November 2017 to March 2018 with the objectives of determining the prevalence and associated risk factors of bovine fasciolosis in Bor county, Jonglei State,South Sudan. From a total of 384 cattle examined in Bor county slaughter house, 19%(73/384) were found to be positive for fasciolosis by post mortem liver inspection.Prevalence based on Sex, showed 24% in female and 17.8% in male. Based on body condition score, 78.6% in poor, 48% in fair and 10% in good body condition. Based on breed, 33.3% in Ankole (exotic breed) and 18.8% in Nilotic (local breed). As for age, the findings showed 23% in old animal,..........
Key words: Fasciolosis, Bovine,Epidemiology,Prevalence,Risk factors, Slaughter house, Bor, South Sudan
[1] Khan, U. J, and Magbool, Azhar,? 2012. Prevalence of fasciolosis in cattle under different Management Condition in Punjab. Pakistan J. Zool., Vol .44(5), Pp.1193 – 1196.
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ABSTRACT:This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the production, consumption and Indonesia's soybean import; and calculating the value of the elasticity of the variables that influence it in the short run. This reaerach uses data with 32 years in time series (1986-2017). Besides, the analyzing technique using the simultaneous econometric model of the equation and predicted by the 2SLS method using SAS 9.1 application. The estimation is divided into three blocks such as the production block, consumption block, and import blocks, and each block consists of one......
Key words: Soybean, Production, Consumption, and Import
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ABSTRACT: This study aimsto determine thefactors Strength, weakness,opportunity and threatdevelopment of buffaloes in Tanah LautandDevelopment Strategy buffaloes in Tanah Laut, South Kalimantan Province.Dataanalysis methodsused are SWOT Analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat)The data used in this study consisted of primary data and secondary data.Results based on factors of strength include (a).Geographical location, (b).Potential natural resources and availability of feed, (c).Availability of seeds, (d).Agro-tourism potential, (e).Marketing facilities and infrastructure, (f).The ability of livestock to utilize low quality feed.Weaknesses include (a).Livestock business management, (b).Knowledge and skills of livestock, (c).Handling disease, (d).Government policies......
[1]. Tanah LautDalam Angka2015
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ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to increase the shelf life of banana by controlling the anthracnose of banana. The pathogenic fungi was collected and confirmed as Colletotrichum musae. Bacillus cereus strain PSTU HORT-11 are used as antagonistic bacteria. To evaluate the postharvest efficacy of antagonistic bacteria, an experiment was laid out in completely randomized design with four replications. Three treatments viz. T1: Positive control (Diphenoconazol@ 0.5 ml/L), T2: Bacterial treatment (suspension of Bacillus cereus strain PSTU HORT-10) and T3: Negative control (sterilized water) were used in this study. The bacterial treatment markedly reduced the......
Keywords: Bacillus cereus strain PSTU HORT-1, Colletotrichum musae, Banana, self life
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