ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the fatty acid and proximate composition of diets for Nile tilapia containing soybean meal (SBM), canola meal (CM) and sunflower meal (SFM) as replacements of fishmeal (FM). A control diet (D1) of 30% crude protein (CP) was formulated using fishmeal as main protein source. The test diets (D2, D3 and D4) were formulated by replacing 10% CP of FM by SBM, CM and SFM, respectively. The fatty acid profile of ingredients and diets were determined by MPA FT-NIR spectrometer. FM displayed higher CP content (62.60%) followed by SBM (47.38%), CM (34.39%) and SFM (24.81%). SFM had highest crude fibre content (p<0.05) while CM displayed higher figure for ether extracts (p<0.05). Substituting FM with SBM, CM and SFM increased the levels of crude......
Key words: Crude protein, Essential fatty acids, Nile tilapia, Nutrients composition
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