Series-1 ( January 2025)January 2025 Issue Statistics
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ABSTRACT: Ethno-veterinary medicine is a field that focuses on animal health and production. Currently, there is a growing interest in researching how to preserve ancestral practices and optimize their use. Investigations were carried out with individual respondents and focus groups who use aromatic and medicinal plants in regions of north-western Tunisia to gain a better knowledge of its use for animal digestibility treatment. The survey aims to identify demographic details including age, gender, education level and origin of knowledge. Additionally, it intends to identify botanical information of medicinal plants, including families, species, organs, preparation and administration methods and diseases treated. The collected data identified 54 plant species from 37 families. The most significant......
Key Word: Ethno-veterinary survey, Medicinal plants, North-west Tunisia
[1] Baerts M., Lehmann J., Ansay M., 2002. The Use Of Plants In Traditional Veterinarian Medicine In Sub-Saharan Africa : Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow. In : Fleurentin J. (Ed.), Pelt J.M. (Ed.), Mazars G. (Ed.), Lejosne J.C. (Trad.) P. 148-166.
Boutabia L., Telailia S., Menaa M., 2020. Traditional Therapeutic Uses Of Marrubium Vulgare L. By Local Populations In The Haddada Region (Souk Ahras, Algeria). Ethnobotany Research And Applications, 19:44.
Brinsi C., Selmi H., Jedidi S., Sbai H., 2022. Enquête Ethnopharmacologique Sur L’usage Traditionnel De L’aneth (Anethum Graveolens L.) Dans Le Nord-Ouest De La Tunisie. Revue Marrocaine Des Sciences Agronomiques Et Vétérinaires, 10(2): 282-286.
Dhifallah A., Selmi H., Ouerghui A., Et Al., 2022. Medicinal Plants Comparative Study Of Phenolic Compounds And Antiradical Activities Of Four Extracts Of Tunisian Artemisia Herba Alba. Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 56 (2): 147-152.
[5] El Hafian M., Benlamdini N., Elyacoubi H., Zidane L., Rochdi A., 2014. Etude Floristique Et Ethnobotanique Des Plantes Médicinales Utilisées Au Niveau De La Préfecture D’agadir-Ida-Outanane (Maroc). Journal Of Applied Biosciences, 81: 7198-7213.
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ABSTRACT: Background: The growth medium is a critical factor influencing the quality of Dendrobium sp. plantlet development. The addition of sucrose as an energy source and casein hydrolysate as a growth supplement to the medium can enhance plantlet growth. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of sucrose and casein hydrolysate combinations on the growth of Dendrobium sp. plantlets cultivated in vitro. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted in the in vitro Laboratory of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, from......
Key Word: Planlet Growth; Dendrobium sp.; Sucrose; Casein Hydrolysate; In-vitro cultivation
Hanik Nr, Eskundari Rd, Wiharti T, Putrimulya Rsg. Pengaruh Campuran Kompos Pada Media Tanam Pakis Terhadap Pertumbuhan Seedling Anggrek Dendrobium Sp. Vegetalika. 2023;12(2):122–32.
Statistik Bp. Produksi Tanaman Florikultura Hias, 2021-2022. Jakarta Bps Ri. 2023;
Garvita R V, Damhuri D. Koleksi Anggrek Cymbidium Di Kebun Raya Bogor Sebagai Upaya Konservasi Eks Situ. Pros Sem Nas Masy Biodiv Indon. 2022;8(1):62–70.
Santoso E, Rahayu T, Hayati A. Pengaruh Air Kelapa (Cocos Nucifera L) Dengan Medium Vw Terhadap Pertumbuhan Protocorm Anggrek Secara In Vitro. J Sains Alami (Known Nature). 2020;3(1).
Ziraluo Ypb. Metode Perbanyakan Tanaman Ubi Jalar Ungu (Ipomea Batatas Poiret) Dengan Teknik Kultur Jaringan Atau Stek Planlet. J Inov Penelit. 2021;2(3):1037–46.
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ABSTRACT: Prior to the advent of the petroleum era in Nigeria, agriculture served as a key pillar of economic sustainability, significantly contributing to the nation’s GDP and income. However, climate change now poses significant threats to the sustainability of food production. To address these challenges, renewable energy solutions are essential to reduce ecosystem vulnerability and advance technological innovations for food security, particularly in underdeveloped and developing nations like Nigeria. This study explores the dynamics of climate change, the pursuit of renewable energy, and food security in Nigeria. Employing a historical research design, the study relied on secondary data obtained......
Key Word: Climate Change, Food, Security, Era, Renewable Energy
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Frey, G.W. & Linke, D.M. (2002). Hydropower As A Renewable And Sustainable Energy Resource Meeting Global Energy Challenges In A Reasonable Way. Energy Policy: 30, 141261–141265. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/S0301-4215(02)00086-6.