ABSTRACT: Kasargod cattle were found in Kasargod, Kozhikode and Kannur, Kerala India. A study was carried out for breed characterization with information on 351 cattle. The Kasargod cattle are maintained mainly on a grazing System with an average herd size of 2.5. The coat colour is black, brown, white or chocolate. Spotted animals were also seen. Ears were medium in length with horizontal orientation. Horns were short 8.3±2.2 cm for males and 11.2±0.4 cm for females. Tail is long and almost touching the ground, switch is mostly black in colour but brown and white colours were also noticed. The average body length, chest girth and height at withers of adult male were 106.0±5.8............
Keywords: Body Weight, Characterisation, Conservation, Kasargod cattle, Milk production
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