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Abstract: Organizational success comes when proper infusion of latest technology and employee acumen takes place. As an organization grows with automated world of work, losing completely a personal touch and 'one to one' contact is a serious parallel issue. An employee must get to know the people in the industry and institution. The better an employee's relationships with others at the workplaces, the more he/she can learn about the skills and abilities of more efficient and productive employees. Economic and legal forces operating around organizations depicting a blurring picture today; creates fear of loss of job and income leading to competition among workforce to protect them...........
[1]. Amanda Haddway, (2016, December 19) "How to Build Positive Workplace Relationships" Retrieved from https://www.workitdaily.Com on 2018, July 10
[2]. Andrew Tarwin, "7 types of workplace relationships" Retrieved from https://www.humourthatworks .Com on 2018, July 10
[3]. Beverly Flaxington , "13 Workplace Relationship Tips", Retrieved from on 2018, July 12
[4]. Kate McFarlin( 2018, June 30), "Importance of Relationships in the Workplace", smallbusiness.Chron. com
[5]. Soumya Nithya Sai (2010, June 30),"Partnerships Promotes efficiency, happiness at workplace" Retrieved from
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Abstract: The definitive aim of an HR department in any organization is to create a better working environment for the employees. One of the ways to identify the level of satisfaction is by understanding the intensity of citizenship behavior that the workers exhibit. This study hypothesises that Organizational Commitment mediates the relationship between Leader Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship behavior. This research also highlights the attitude of employees towards the organization, as well as their leaders. This study was conducted in a multinational HR services company in India with a sample size of 100 employees. The findings showed that there is significant relationship between Leader Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship behavior but Organizational commitment only partially mediates the relationship between Leader Member Exchange and Organizational Citizenship behavior.
Keyword: Leader Member Exchange, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Organizational Commitment.
[1]. Appelbaum S, Bartolomucci N, Beaumier E, Boulanger J, Corrigan R, Dore I, Girard C, and Serroni C, 2004, Organizational Citizenship Behavior: A Case Study of Culture, Leadership and Trust, Management decision Vol. 42 no. 1, 2004 Pp. 13-40 q Emerald Group Publishing Limited 0025-1747.
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Abstract: This study aims to analyze how far the quality of product, service, devotion and satisfaction, awareness, loyalty and interest in Syariah banks in North Sumatra and analyze the relationship between research variables, using quantitative methods with descriptive analysis, and structural equation modeling (SEM) using the program Smart PLS 3 with a measurement scale of 5 (Likert scale) with 300 respondents. The results of this study indicate that: the quality of the product is quite good with an average score of 3.72, service 3.75, devotion3.95. satisfaction 3.81, awareness 3.99, 4.06 loyalty and interest with 3.94. The study also concluded that; (1) Quality of service.........
Keywords - Product quality, service, devotion, satisfaction, awareness, loyalty, interest.
[1]. RifkiIsmal, Program to Develop Indonesion Islamic Banking, Islamic Banking In Indonesia New Prespective On Monetary and Financial Issues, (Singapore : Jhon Wiley & Sons) 2013 h.27
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[3]. Ashfaqdan Rubin , An Investigation Customer‟s Awareness Level and Customer "s Service Utilization Decision In Islamic Banking , Pakistan Economic and Social Review Volume 52, No. 1 (Summer 2014), h. 59-74
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[5]. Nick Bontis and Lorne D. Booker, The mediating effect of organizational reputation on customer loyalty and service recommendation in the banking industry Management Decision Vol. 45 No. 9, 2007 h. 1426-1445..
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Abstract: 2016 became a turning point for the last 15 years of cement industry in Indonesia. Demands declining based on limitation of the economic growth and also increasing of the cement supply related the new entrance that already began to start their full production capacity, making selling price become harder because of its intense competition. Although PT. XYZ as one of the dominant player for this business and still dominate their market share entire Indonesia, this condition made decreasing its market share that of course certain declining profit. Earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), as a benchmark of the company profit compared to other companies in similar industries also show us that PT. XYZ got its decreasing significantly. Highest rate of achievement that reached by 2012 for 35% EBITDA margin, decrease significantly to 19.4% in 2017. Its condition affected.........
Keywords: Market share, Earning Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA), Linear Programming.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The management of the innovation: A complex process |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | Jihane Lahrour || Amal Maaninou |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008043237 ![]() |
Abstract: In an environment whirlwind, where the company is in front of the imperatives of the globalization, of the consequences of the competitiveness, of the economy of knowledge and in the various questions connected to the strategies of the sustainable development, the management of the innovation became a major concern for companies.According to Nonaka and Takechi ( 1995 ), the innovation is a strategic element to the strengthening of the competitiveness and the competitive positioning of the firm of which its main mission is on the market. She also allows to do:
Improve key skills
Increase the productivity
Improve the competitiveness......
Keywords: Innovation, management, project management strategy, knowledge management, competitiveness, Environment.
[1]. Aissaoui Safae , « connaissance et innovation pour un partenariat science-industrie », presse économique du Maroc,2015.
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[5]. BROUSTAIL J.FRERY F.(1993) « Le management stratégique de l'innovation »Paris,Dalloz,Coll.Précis de gestion...
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Abstract: The couples ofa family have tendency work schedule each other (duel career) which is not only because of the demands household's economic needs but also as a way for self-actualization in the community in accordance with the field of knowledge they learn.The risk of their activity is lack of time with family which can lead to a long conflict such as family conflict, work conflict until getting work stress and lead to less optimal performance results. This research aims to analyze the effect of multiple role conflicts and work stress toward performance. The subject of this research is female employees of the Regional Government of Pasuruan Regency. This research uses purposive sampling technique based on the criteria of female employees who are married and have children. Survey method..........
Keywords: Multiple Role Conflict, Stress, and Female Employee Performance
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Abstract: Both Primary and Secondary data collection method was adopted. This research is in a descriptive structure within which research should be conducted. Thus the preparation of such as design facilitates research to be as efficient as possible and will yield maximal information. The researcher has done the analysis by using various analytical techniques namely Chi-Square Test and Average Method. The findings, recommendations and conclusion of this study were made based on research objectives.
Keywords: Primary Data, Secondary data Indian Commodity Market on Foreign Direct Investment.
[1]. Garbade, K. D. and Silber, W. L. (1983): "Price Movements and Price Discovery in Futures and Cash Markets‟, The Review of Financial and Economic Studies, Vol. 65, pp. 421-440.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Stress Faced By Women Entrepreneurs In Madurai District |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Sivasankari |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008045051 ![]() |
Abstract: Women entrepreneur" is an individual who agrees exciting role to come across her individual wants and become economically autonomous. The development of women entrepreneurs and their involvement to the development of the country is very much visible in India. In a short period of time the number of women entrepreneurs increased all over the country. Women entrepreneurs play a vital role in creating employment to others in the well organized sectors and set the trend for other Women entrepreneurs to develop. They should be praised for the increased contribution, utilization of advanced technology, identifying the niche in the export market and investing high in their business activities. Women are playing various role like mother, wife, and daughter – in – law and so on they need to strike hard to fulfil the role needs. Along with it they also need to perform the role of chief executives in their business.
Keywords:Women entrepreneurs, stress, causes of stress, role stress, entrepreneurial activity.
[1]. Akande A (1994) coping with entrepreneurial stress, Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of small business management.
[2]. Johnoson D. (1995) stress and stress management among owner-managers of small and medium sized enterprises.
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Abstract: Non-Bank Financial Institutions (NBFIs) are playing a significant role in meeting the diverse financial needs of various sectors of our economy. A NBFI (Non Bank Financial Institution) is an organization that does not accept customer cash deposits but provides all financial services except bank accounts. NBFIs can be three types: Insurance Company, Mutual Fund Company & Financial/Investment Company. NBFIs provide 'service' to the customer. Service marketing is marketing based on relationship and value. NBFIs follow different types of marketing strategies. But because the services of NBFIs are difficult to understand, general people don't know much about them. Also illiteracy, low income level, lack of trained people, lack of R&D, Government's regulation etc are the major constraints of service marketing of NBFIs. NBFIs should increase customer relationship, customization, free counseling &briefing etc. Most of all, service marketing of NBFIs yet in growth stage and has more opportunity to contribute in the economic development of the country.
Keywords: Non- Bank Financial Institution, Customer Relationship, Value, Strategies.
[1]. Shameem, A., Ferdous, T., Rahman,A.,2009, "Service Marketing Strategy in Banking Sector in Bangladesh", A seminar paper which was presented under the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet.P.6-9.
[2]. Mamun, K., Apu, A., Shahana, A., 2011, "Formulation of Sustainable Service Strategy is the prerequisites to success of Insurance Business in Bangladesh", A seminar paper which was presented under the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. P.2-6
[3]. Alam, I., "Service innovation strategy and process: a cross-national comparative analysis", (2006) International Marketing Review‟ Vol. 23, Iss. 3, p. 234-254.
[4]. Danid W.&znigel F.2009, Strategic Marketing, McGrall Hill.
[5]. Farah,A., Shaimu,S,. F.,Billah,W., 2009,Prospects of Mutual Fund in Sylhet", A seminar paper which was presented under the Department of Business Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet. P.9...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Influence of Celebrity Endorsements on Purchase Intention (A Study on VIVO V7) |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | WidartoRachbini |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008045966 ![]() |
Abstract: Celebrity endorsements in advertising is one the most effective tools to promote and inform a new product or service. Several previous research has been proven that celebrity endorsers as a marketing platform brings many positive impact on consumer purchase intention, especially for new brand entering new market.Those researches have proved empirically the effectiveness and the positive impact of celebrity endorsements in advertising, particularly on purchase intention and also revealed that several dimensions that built celebrity endorsement. By using structural equation modeling (SEM) through Smart-PLS, this research investigates the impact ofcelebrity endorsements variables on purchase intention.The data used in this study is the primary data. The data itself collected directly by the researcher to answer the problem or research objectives. To test the independent variable...........
Keywords: Celebrity endorsement, purchase intention, attractiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness.
[1]. Ali, M. S. Gjylbegaj, V. Balfagieh, M. (2017). "The Effect of Using Social Media Celebrities for Product Endorsements". International Journal of Arts & Sciences. ISSN: 1944-6934: 10(01):339–350.
[2]. Amos, C., Holmes, G., &Strutton, D. (2008). "Exploring the relationship between celebrity endorser effects and advertising effectiveness". International Journal of Advertising, 27(2), 209-234.
[3]. Bowman, J. (2002). Facing Advertising Reality. Media Asia, 7(26), 14- 15.
[4]. Carvalho, A. (2012). "The Effect of Celebrity Endorsement on Consumers Purchase Intentions". InstitutoUniversitario De Lisboa. Dissertation, Master in Marketing.
[5]. Chan, K., Ng, Y.L., and Luk, E. (2013). Impact of Celebrity Endorsement in Advertising on Brand Image among Chinese adolescents. Young Consumers, 14(2), 167-179..
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Abstract: Importance steps had been taken through India's food commission (co-operation) approximately food conduct and hygienic meals conduct. The maximum crucial fact became, in human's thoughts there have been idea which kind of foods were, we in taking. Agriculture has an importance in one international locations wealth. The again bone of India changed into agriculture. The whole monetary wealth motive own family's profits are primarily based on hygienic of food production. The millets have an important truth in vitamins and US Economic wealth based on millets. It enables in nutrients and international locations monetary wealth. This targets to present attention to the consumers who have been the use of millet food, their health situation. Buying particular type of meals, and reason...........
Keywords: Perception, Millet products, Households, Consumers.
[1]. Mutunga, E. J., Ndungu, C. K., & Muendo, P. (2017, March). Smallholder Farmers' Perception and Adaptation to Climate Change and Variability in Kitui County Kenya. Journal of Earth Science and Climate Change, 8(3), 1-7.
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[3]. Okech, S. O., Ngigi, M., Kimurto, P. K., Obare, G., Kibet, N., & Mutai, B. K. (2014, October). One and One Half Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation of Consumers' Willingness- to Pay for Pearl Millet Products: Evidence from Eastern Kenya. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 9(42), 3146-3155.
[4]. Olugbenga, O. A., A, F. L., & Y, A. A. (2014, June). Industrial Demand analysis for Millet in Kaduna and Kano States of Nigeria. Asian Journal of Agriculture Extension Economics & Sociology, 3(6), 521-529.
[5]. Omachi, D. O., & Yusufu, P. A. (2017). Physico – Chemical, Sensory and Microbiological Assessment of Millet Based Biscuits Improved with Cashew Nuts (Anarcadium Occidentale),Carrot Flour (Daucus carota). American Journal of Food and Nutrition , 7(1), 13-22...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Online Impulse Buying Behaviour – A Suggested Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mrs Satyavani B || Prof. G V Chalam |
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: | 10.9790/487X-2008047783 ![]() |
Abstract: The internet revolution has brought about a paradigm shift in the way things are done. The Internet and worldwide web (www) have dramatically changed the way consumers seek and use information.The number of people using the Internet is growing exponentially world over.Today, consumers can orderanything from anyplace with just a click, being online.The online consumer is generally more powerful, demanding and above all invisible to the marketer. This demands tactful strategic decisions to attain business goals by e-marketers. Impulse buying behaviour, though unplanned is a deep-rooted and a distinctive characteristic of consumer life style which in recent times is holding considerable shares in overall online sales. The primary objective of this paper is to identify and propose a model of online impulse buying behaviour which accommodates all those factors that cause online impulsivity. The model would help shopping websites and e-retailers to understand the underlying determinants and implement appropriate strategies to improve their impulse sales. The model would also prove to be helpful to academicians and other researchers in offering a theoretical base in their own respective fields..
Keywords: e-retailers,Impulse Buying Behaviour, Internet, Online Consumer, Online Impulse Buying Behaviour.
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Abstract: This study aims to determine and analyze the role of product preferences in mediating the influence of product knowledge on customer decision. The population in this study were all rice crope insurance customers in Jasindo Branch of Southeast Sulawesi in Konawe, Konawe Selatan and Kolaka regencies, with a total sample of 154 respondents. Respondents were obtained by convinience sampling method. The data for analysis needs were obtained by spreading the questionnaire using the Likert scale of 5 points. The next data was analyzed by structural equation modeling method using AMOS software version 24. The result of the analysis showed that product preference was to mediate the influence of product knowledge to customer's decision.
Keywords: insurance, product knowledge, customer decision
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