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Abstract: Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a rare, non-infectious, inflammatory, ulcerative skin disease that mainly involves the lower extremities and the exact etiology remains unknown. .The classical clinical feature of pyoderma gangrenosum is a pustule or plaque that rapidly progresses to a painful, necrotic ulcer with undermined violaceous margins. It is often associated with systemic diseases, including inflammatory bowel disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and hematological disorders in 50–70% of the cases . Sterile neutrophilic infiltrates in organs other than the skin are uncommon systemic manifestations of neutrophilic dermatoses, but have occasionally been reported......
Keywords: Extracutaneous pyoderma gangrenosum, pyoderma gangrenosum, splenic abscess
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Hollow Bulb Obturator to Rehabilitate Hemi-Maxillectomy Defect |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Asra Ahmed || Fauzia Tarannum || Pratibha Katiyar || Mariyam Ali || Shyamolima Hazarika || Moazzam Kidwai |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2308100511 |
Abstract: Maxillectomy defect can lead to oroantral communication, difficulty in mastication, phonetics and other occlusal problems. Patients who have had procedures like partial or full maxillectomy or mandibulectomy lead a very poor quality of life, to rehabilitate and to improve their quality of life to some extent interim or definitive prosthesis is recommended. In this case report, we fabricated interim obturator for a patient who went through hemi-maxillectomy due to development of central giant cell granuloma in second quadrant of maxillary arch. The obturator was supported by teeth present in the first quadrant. This interim prosthesis rehabilitated the patient, improving masticatory efficiency, enhancing speech clarity, and improving quality of life. Categories: dentistry, oral rehabilitation, oral surgery.
Keywords: CGCRG, prosthodontic rehabilitation, obturator, denture, hemi-maxillectomy.
[1]. Ahmed E. Farghal, Fabrication of a Definitive Obturator for a Patient With a Maxillary Defect: A Case Report, Cureus December 15, 2023
[2]. Singh Mayank, Obturator Prosthesis for Hemimaxillectomy Patients, National Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery, Vol 4, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2013
[3]. Nimonkar sharayu vinod et al, A Method of Hollowing the Obturator Prosthesis and An Overview on the Pros and Cons of the Various Materials Used for Hollowing, J med-life, 2021 May-jun; 14(3):383-389 [4]. Nimonkar SV, Belkhode VM, Sathe S, Borle A. Prosthetic Rehabilitation for Hemimaxillectomy. J Datta Meghe Inst Med Sci Univ. 2019;14:99–102 [5]. Artopoulou II, Karademas EC, Papadogeorgakis N, Papathanasiou I, Polyzois G. Effects of sociodemographic, treatment variables, and medical characteristics on quality of life of patients with maxillectomy restored with obturator prostheses. J Prosthet Dent. 2017;118(6):783–789.e4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Evaluation of Healing, Recurrence of Pigmentation and Pain Perception Following Depigmentation with Scalpel and Ceramic Soft Tissue Trimming Bur: A Split Mouth Randomized Controlled Trial |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kinjal H. Dabhi || Nayana Patel || Radha Vachhani || NIsha N. Verlianey || Gaurav Bakutra || Ankit Sant |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2308101217 |
Abstract: Background: Gingival melanin pigmentation occurs in many individual in variable amount caused by melanin granules. Excessive gingival pigmentation may be a major esthetic concern for many patients. Methods of deepithelialization of the pigmented areas of gingiva using various methods are well documented. Scalpel is most common method used for gingival depigmentation. Ceramic soft tissue trimming bur is recently introduced method for the same. As there are less studies in present comparing this two modalities for gingival depigmentation......
Keywords: Repigmentation, Scalpel, Ceramic soft tissue trimming bur, Depigmentation, Gingival hyperpigmentation
[1]. Sharath K S, Shah R, Thomas B, Madani S, Shetty S, Rahul S: Gingival depigmentation: case series for four different techniques. NUJHS. 2013, 4:132-36. 10.1055/s-0040-1703720
[2]. Suchetha A, Shahna N, Divya Bhat, Apoorva SM, Sapna N.: A review on gingival depigmentation procedures and repigmentation. Int J Appl Dent Sci. 2018, 4:336-41.
[3]. Kabyik G., Chaubey K., Agarwal S., Agarwal T: Gingival depigmentation by gingival ceramic trimming bur- a case series. University J Dent Sci. 2020, 6:43-48. 10.21276/ujds.2020.6.1.11
[4]. Wagle SV, Agrawal AA, Sankhe R: Gingival depigmentation using scalpel. Biomed Biotechnol Res J. 2018, 2:223-25. 10.4103/bbrj.bbrj_87_18
[5]. Dummett CO, Gupta OP: Estimating the epidemiology of the oral pigmentation. J Natl Med Assoc. 1964, 56:419-20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fish Bone Injury -Uncommon Cause of Caecal Perforation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ganesh T || Vamshi K || Venu Madhav T || Mohamed A || Sujata Patnaik |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2308101823 |
Abstract: Foreign bodies causing perforation are very uncommon, accounting for less than 1% of all hollow viscus perforations. Fish bone causing intestinal perforation is relatively rare but can occur at acute bends in gastro-intestinal tract like ileo-caecal junction and rectosigmoid colon. We encountered one such case with confusing imaging findings initially, but confirmed on surgery. The presentation, imaging features and diagnostic challenges are discussed in this report.
Keywords: Caecal perforation, acute abdomen, fish bone injury
[1]. Taourel P, Baert AL, Reiser MF, et al. Medical Radiology Diagnostic Imaging: CT of the Acute Abdomen, Bowel Perforations. Springer; Berlin/Heidelberg, Germany: 2011. pp. 309–327
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[3]. Baek SK, Bae OS, Hwang I. Perforated appendicitis caused by foreign body ingestion. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech 2012;22: e94-97.
[4]. Coulier B, Tancredi MH, Ramboux A. Spiral CT and multidetector- row CT diagnosis of perforation of the small intestine caused by ingested foreign bodies. Eur Radiol 2004; 14:1918-1925.
[5]. Kothari K., Friedman B., Grimaldi G.M., Hines J.J. Nontraumatic large bowel perforation: spectrum of etiologies and CT findings. Abdom. Radiol. 2017;42: 2597–2608.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Relationship between Levels of Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone Greater Than 10 Miu/L with Lipid Profile, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit and Ferritin |
Country | : | Colombia |
Authors | : | Jennyfer Ibarbo-Gómez || Estefany Jaramillo Robledo || Juliana Sánchez Echeverry || Claudia María Cuervo Araque || Adriana Ximena Muñoz Bravo || Lyz Jenny Gómez-Rave || Jhoalmis Sierra Castrillo |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2308102428 |
Abstract: Introduction: thyroid diseases are frequent pathologies in the world population, presenting hypothyroidism as the most common cause of symptoms. In this state, the decrease in hormonal biological activity could cause alterations in routine laboratory tests, which is why some studies have sought to clarify the relationship between various measurable blood analytes and TSH, but the results have not yet been conclusive. The need then arises to evaluate the true utility of some......
Keyword: Hypothyroidism; Lipoproteins; Hypertriglyceridemia; Anemia; Hematocrit; Ferritins
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