Paper Type |
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Research Paper |
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Effect of sub-lethal doses of imidacloprid on histological and biochemical parameters in female albino mice |
Country |
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India |
Authors |
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Ajay Kumar || Monika Tomar || Sudhir Kumar Kataria |
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10.9790/2402-08140915  |
Abstract: Imidacloprid insecticide was selected to study its effects on biochemical (total protein, acetylcholinestrase and nucleic acids) and histological (liver) parameters in female albino mice at orally administered doses of 25, 50 and 75% LD50 Imidacloprid and 40 mg/kg bw Cyclophosphamide (CP) and distilled water (DW). Significant decrease in total protein (P<0.01), acetylcholinestrase (P<0.001) and DNA (P<0.05) were observed with increase in doses as compared to control group whereas slight dose dependent significant increase was noticed for RNA (P<0.01). The change noticed in DNA and RNA for low dose of Imidacloprid was insignificant. The maximum damage with CP and 75% LD50 Imidacloprid dose were noticed. Liver of mice showed degeneration of hepatocytes, dilation of sinusoids, irregular hepatic cords arrangement, leucocytes infiltration, necrosis and hemorrhages. This reveals biochemical and histotoxicity induction by Imidacloprid so awareness about its judicious use by farmers/users is of pivotal importance to have safe next generations.
Keywords: Cyclophosphamide, female albino mice, Imidacloprid, neonicotinoids, total protein.
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