Series-1 (Mar. – Apr. 2024)Mar. – Apr. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect Of Preservation In Price Sensitive Inventory For Small Organizations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Subhash Chandra Das |
: | 10.9790/0661-2002010105 |
Abstract : The aim of work is to focus on preservation facility. Preservation facility can gain profit for business organisations. Selling price dependent demand and time varying deterioration item is considered in the inventory model. To diminish deterioration rate of the item preservation technology is applied and solved the inventory model. By the consideration of three-parameter Weibull distributed deterioration the problem becomes highly non......
Key Word: Inventory; Preservation Technology; Deterioration; Partial Backlogging; Price Sensitive; PSO
[1]. Das, S. C., Zidan, A. M., Manna, A. K., Shaikh, A. A., & Bhunia, A. K. (2020). An Application Of Preservation Technology In
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[2]. Dos Santos Coelho, L. (2010). Gaussian Quantum-Behaved Particle Swarm Optimization Approaches For Constrained Engineering
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[3]. Duary, A., Banerjee, T., Shaikh, A. A., Niaki, S. T. A., & Bhunia, A. K. (2021). A Weibull Distributed Deteriorating Inventory
Model With All-Unit Discount, Advance Payment And Variable Demand Via Different Variants Of Pso. International Journal Of
Logistics Systems And Management, 40(2), 145-170.
[4]. Jain, M., Singh, P. Pricing, Prepayment And Preservation Strategy For Inventory Model With Deterioration Using Metaheuristic
Algorithms. Soft Comput 28, 3415–3430 (2024). Https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S00500-023-08637-4
[5]. Mishra, U., Cárdenas-Barrón, L. E., Tiwari, S., Shaikh, A. A., & Treviño-Garza, G. (2017). An Inventory Model Under Price And
Stock Dependent Demand For Controllable Deterioration Rate With Shortages And Preservation Technology Investment. Annals
Of Operations Research, 254, 165-190..
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Abstract : In these papers, we study the peristaltic transport of a conducting Newtonian fluid in the wave frame of reference, restricted by permeable walls, with suction and injection flowing at constant wave velocity while taking long wavelength low Reynolds number into account. The frictional force, pressure gradient, and velocity field all have analytical solutions. Graphical discussions are held on the impact of the permeability parameter, including slip, amplitude ratio, and suction/injection parameter on the flow amounts. It has been discovered that the pressure rise against the pump operations decreases with increasing suction/ injection parameter......
Key Word: Peristaltic transport, MHD, Suction and Injection.
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Abstract : We solved Rosen's bimetric theory of gravitation field equations in order to present the LRS Bianchi type II space-time solution having the magnetic field and with string viscous fluid in this research. The solution was presented using string viscous fluid. It is observed that the magnetic field is with the cosmological origin of the model and it is agreed with Harrison (1973). The small value of the magnetic field originated the universe evolving it with maximum density and ending with zero density. The strong magnetic field ruled out the existence of the universe. The development of the universe has been explored in relation to the model's additional geometrical and physical properties.
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Abstract : Intra-communal violence perpetrates across various families and factions in a community and this is strongly supported by the undeniable solidarity felt and exhibited by the violent parties for their respective groups. In this research work, we made some assumptions and constructed a deterministic model to study intra-communal violence. Basic mathematical analyses such as the positivity of solutions, the invariant region, the basic reproduction number, and the stability analysis of the model were performed. The analysis revealed that the violent-free equilibrium.....
Keywords: Model, stability analysis, insecurity, threat to life, level of negligence, violent-free equilibrium, globally asymptotically stable
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Abstract : One of the most ecological applications of the differential equations system is the predator-prey problem. Predator-prey model is effective and often used in the environmental science field because it allows researchers both to observe the dynamic of animal populations and make predictions as to how they will develop over time. In this paper, we will discuss about small fish and shark population of the Bay of Bengal by using the Malthusian model, logistic model, and predator-prey model. We also discuss the steady-state and stability analysis. In order to check the system's stability, corresponding eigenvalues are discussed for a set of equilibrium points. Finally, we will establish a numerical model to verify the analytical results.
Keywords: Predator-prey model, steady-state, stability analysis, equilibrium points, numerical model
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Abstract : In this paper, we determine the primitive-solutions of diophantine equations......
Keywords:composite number, diophantine equation, prime number, primitive solution. Cryptography, encrypts, decrypt, encode, decode
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Note On Real Fuzzy Subfields |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ranjan Kumar Jati || Satyabrat Kar || Nirmal Chandra Sahu |
: | 10.9790/0661-2002014851 |
Abstract :This Research paper develops some idea and novelty relating to real fuzzy subfields according to present complex scenario. It has been explained idea of fuzzy subfield and duly discussed numerous algebraic properties. We have also cited that any fuzzy subfield of the field of rational is also rational number itself. The same result holds for real numbers provided the membership function is continuous. We also showed that a lower level subset is subfields of a field. Fuzzy logic allows for the inclusion of vague human assessments in computing problems. Also, it provides an effective means for conflict resolution of multiple criteria and better assessment of options. New computing methods based on fuzzy logic can be used in the development of intelligent systems for decision making, identification, pattern recognition, optimization and control.
Keywords: Fuzzy Subfields, Membership functions, fuzzy set, anti L-fuzzy subfield
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Heuristic For M/M/1 Scheduling Problem With Common Due Date |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ilaya Ufouma || Tsetimi Jonathan |
: | 10.9790/0661-2002015258 |
Abstract : In the manufacturing industry, the scheduling of tasks on a single machine with a common due date is a common problem faced by many manufacturers. The objective is to minimize the tardiness of the jobs that need to be completed by the due date. The study was aimed at exploring the single machine scheduling problem with a common due date and propose efficient solutions to solve it. The study reviewed relevant literature, analyze the problem characteristics, formulate a mathematical model, propose efficient algorithms, evaluate their performance, and....
Alidaee, B., N.K. Womer, Scheduling With Time Dependent Processing Processing Times: Review And Extensions, Journal Of The Operational Research Society 50 (1999) 711–720.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Proof Of Continuum Hypothesis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Michael Oser Rabin || Duggirala Ravi |
: | 10.9790/0661-2002015962 |
Abstract : Background: The continuum hypothesis was originally proposed by Georg Cantor. The continuum hypothesis has remained a prominent conjecture, mainly because the mathematical tools of truth and provability have been developed much later. The continuum hypothesis has been shown to be independent of the axiom of choice.
Materials and Methods: The continuum hypothesis asserts that there is no set of cardinality strictly between....
Key Word: Set Theory; Mathematical Induction; Well-founded Recursion
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