ABSTRACT: MANET is an infrastructure fewer network, here each node acts as à router and so capable to forwards data packets to all other neighboring nodes. Hence, the routing packet overhead has been reduced. Routing in MANETs is challenging since the network topology is dynamic, self- organized, self-administrated and low transmission range. Due to the above characteristics, MANET is vulnerable to various attacks like routing attacks, DoS (Denial of Service) MANET is an infrastructure fewer network, autonomous system, which is a collection of mobile nodes. This paper is based on analysis of trust based source routing using the trust prediction system in mobile ad-hoc network. Here, a trust based source routing protocol using QoS constraints has been designed. In this paper, the Trust prediction system has been designed for checking the trustworthiness of the nodes present in the network...........
Keywords: Trust Prediction, Trust Analysis, degree, Watchdog DSR, Malicious Node, QoS Constraints
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