ABSTRACT: The Internet of Things (IoT), which represents the connectivity of everything everywhere, and promises the tremendous technology in the coming years. In 2020 about 20 billion devices will be connected to cellular networks which is beyond the number of devices. In order to support massive access of Internet of things (IoT) devices the upcoming fifth-generation wireless network need the development of the cellular Internet of Things (IoT) . There are several LPWAN(Low power wide area network)-technologies that can be used to connect the product to the internet, so it can communicate with other connected devices. The main types of LPWAN are NB-IoT, LTE, Lora, Sigfox and NOMA. As the number of connected objects is expected to increase over the coming years, in order to improve the overall capacity of the cell while providing similar level of power consumption at the IoT.....
Key wards: IoT; LPWAN; NOMA; 5G.
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