Series-3 (Jul. – Aug. 2024)Jul. – Aug. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Investing in education is crucial. By fixing in information, skills, and attitudes that are consistent with sustainable development, it empowers citizens and offers chances for active engagement in development. Effective leadership exhibited by head teachers is linked to a school's overall success. Studies indicate that the leadership ideologies of head teachers have an impact on the academic accomplishment of their pupils in public elementary schools. Over the last five years (2019-2023), the academic achievement of the students in the Lunga-lunga sub-County has been below......
Keywords: Democratic leadership style, academic performance, public primary schools
[1] Akiri, A. A., & Ugborugbo, N. M. (2009). Teachers' Effectiveness And Students' Academic Performance In Public Secondary Schools In Delta State, Nigeria. Studies On Home And Community Science, 3(2), 107-113. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/09737189.2009.11885284
[2] Ali, O. A., Osman, M. N., Mohamed, F. M., & Mohamed, A. A. (2023). Factors Responsible Students' Lateness In Secondary Schools- A Case Study In A Howlwadag District, Mogadishu-Somalia. East African Journal Of Education Studies, 6(2), 277-284. Https://Doi.Org/10.37284/Eajes.6.2.1325
[3] Bett, H. K. (2016). The Cascade Model Of Teachers' Continuing Professional Development In Kenya: A Time For Change? Cogent Education, 3(1), 1139439. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/2331186x.2016.1139439
[4] Brown, S. D., Tramayne, S., Hoxha, D., Telander, K., Fan, X., & Lent, R. W. (2008). Social Cognitive Predictors Of College Students' Academic Performance And Persistence: A Meta-Analytic Path Analysis. Journal Of Vocational Behavior, 72(3), 298-308. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Jvb.2007.09.003..
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Abstract: Effective governance in public primary schools is crucial for ensuring the delivery of quality education. Boards of Management (BOM) play a significant role in this governance. However, the inadequate competencies among BOM has severally been blamed for poor governance outcomes such as mismanagement of resources and failure to adhere to educational policies in public primary schools. This study was set out to evaluate the influence of BOM decision making competencies on governance of public primary schools in Mombasa County, Kenya. The study was anchored on stewardship theory. It used a pragmatism research philosophy and a cross-sectional survey with an embedded....
[1] Aboudahr, S. M., & Olowoselu A. (2018). Analysis Of Principals Decision Making Styles On Teachers Performance In Selected Secondary Schools Of Gharbia Governorate, Egypt. Academic Journal Of Economic Studies, 4(4), 91-95.
[2] Abubakar, A. M., Elrehail, H., Alatailat, M. A., & Elçi, A. (2019). Knowledge Management, Decision-Making Style And Organizational Performance. Journal Of Innovation & Knowledge, 4(2), 104-114. Https://Doi.Org/10.1016/J.Jik.2017.07.003
[3] Al-Matari, E. M., Al-Matari, Y. A., & Mohammed, S. A. (2017). Ownership Structure, Audit Quality And Firm Performance Moderating And Direct-Effect Models: An Empirical Study. Corporate Board Role Duties And Composition, 13(1), 28-35. Https://Doi.Org/10.22495/Cbv13i1p3
[4] Awortwi, N. (2012). Contracting Out Local Government Services To Private Agents: An Analysis Of Contract Design And Service Delivery Performance In Ghana. International Journal Of Public Administration, 35(13), 886-900. Https://Doi.Org/10.1080/01900692.2012.686033
[5] Azeska, A., Starc, J., & Kevereski, L. (2017). Styles Of Decision Making And Management And Dimensions Of Personality Of School Principals. International Journal Of Cognitive Research In Science, Engineering And Education, 5(2), 47-56. Https://Doi.Org/10.5937/Ijcrsee1702047a.
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Abstract: Background: Appropriate curriculum leadership styles in universities are the drivers for economic growth and transformation of society. This is directly influenced by lecturers who are responsible for curriculum leadership practices, who determine what, why, and how students should learn and what is taught, to whom, and by whom. This paper is aimed at exploring the curriculum leadership styles lecturers use to enhance appropriate teaching and research in universities during the post pandemic era. Material and method: The study employed a case study design where several instrumental bound cases are examined. We utilized multiple data collection methods to understand the curriculum leadership styles lecturers use at Makerere University......
Keywords: Curriculum leaders, Curriculum leadership, Curriculum leadership styles, social constructivist ontological paradigm, Universities, Uganda.
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Abstract: learning in English courses; and 2) find out the opinions of students and teachers regarding learning
vocabulary using TikTok as a learning medium in the aforementioned context. This research employed a
qualitative design. The research, conducted in Jombang Regency, East Java, Indonesia, involved a teacher and
students using TikTok for English vocabulary learning, using observations and interviewsThe research findings
show that: 1) TikTok is an appropriate medium for acquiring vocabulary in English, because it can be used
outside a formal classroom context....
Keywords: Implementation of TikTok Use, English Vocabulary, Perception.
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Abstract: The Covid-19 pandemic has provided an opportunity to rethink assumptions about education in general and higher education in particular. Faced with the general crisis caused by the pandemic, particularly concerning so-called emergency distance education, professors and educators at all levels and in all contexts have felt the need to rethink their role and methods to support students' learning. This research aims to investigate the issue faced by the Moroccan tertiary level regarding learning during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. The proposed methodology is based on an exploratory analysis through a survey of doctoral students from different universities to comprehend and overcome their experiences and problems related to the new technology-driven pedagogy during the pandemic.
Keywords: Online learning and teaching, Higher education,Virtual experience, Technology, Pedagogy
[1] Azzeddine, Allioui & Hanane Allioui,(2022). Evaluation Of Student Satisfaction Of Remote Learning: Exploring Moroccan Higher Education Performance In Morocco In Times Of Crisis, Rais Conference Proceedings 2022-2023 0160, Research Association For Interdisciplinary Studies. Doi:10.5281\Zenodo.6414801
Bekou, A. 2020.''The Impact Of Covid19 On The Future Of Education.''International Journal Of Linguistics Literature And Translation, 6(8):85-92.
Hasanah,S.M.R.,Faizah,M.,& Bisriyah,M.(2021,April).Brand Strategy In Higher Education; Before And During Pandemic Covid-19.In International Conference On Engineering, Technology And Social Science( Iconos 202)(Pp.47-52).Atlantis Press.
Heidari E, Mehrvarz M, Marzooghi R, Stoyanov S. The Role Of Digital Informal Learning In The Relationship Between Students' Digital Competence And Academic Engagement During The Covid-19 Pandemic.J Comput Assist Learn. 2021;37:1154–1166. Https://Doi.Org/ 10.1111/Jcal.12553
Hibbi, Abdoun, And El Khatir. 2021.''Coronavirus Pandemic In Morocco: Measuring The Impact Of Containment And Improving The Learning Process In Higher Education'' International Journal Of Information And Education Technology, Vol.11,No.1, January 2021.
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Abstract: This study investigated the effect of the application of Hausa (Mother Tongue)proverbs and aphorisms in teaching scientific concepts, laws and principles on achievement in Basic Science concepts among junior secondary school students in Katsina state, Nigeria. A total sample of 240 junior secondary school students were drawn, using stratified random sampling procedure, from the population of all the students offering Basic Science in Katsina state. A short case survey and Quasi-experimental research designs were adopted for the study.....
Keywords: Hausa, proverbs, English language, scientific concepts, application,basic science, achievement
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Leitura, Resenha E Remição |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ariele Eidt || Daniel Pulcherio Fensterseifer |
: | 10.9790/7388-1404034551 |
Abstract: RESUMO O presente trabalho trata dos resultados de uma pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter exploratório desenvolvida no curso de Mestrado em Letras da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões. Buscou-se compreender e discutir a possibilidade de remição da pena de presos por leitura, a partir da Recomendação nº 44 de 2013 do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Teve como objetivos conhecer o projeto remição de pena de presos por leitura no sistema penitenciário, pesquisar a importância da leitura, investigar a relevância do projeto de remição por.......
[1] BLOOM, Harold. Como e por que ler. Rio de Janeiro: Objetiva, 2000. p. 17. [2] CESARINO, M. A. da N. (Org.). Bibliotecas públicas municipais: orientações básicas. Belo Horizonte: Secretaria de Estado da Cultura; Superintendência de Bibliotecas Públicas, 2007.
COLL, César. Aprendizagem escolar e construção do conhecimento. Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, 1995, 3 v.
COMPAGNON, Antoine. O demônio da teoria: literatura e senso comum. Tradução de Cleonice Paes Barreto Mourão e Consuelo Fortes Santiago. Belo Horizonte: Ed. UFMG, 1999.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Teachers and digital skills |
Country | : | Italy |
Authors | : | Agostino Sorbara |
: | 10.9790/7388-1404035255 |
Abstract: In an ever-changing technological landscape that challenges teachers' digital skills, this study aims to provide a general theoretical framework and an assessment of teachers' digital skills; for this purpose, a specific survey has been prepared. Digital skills are fundamental in education, as technology continues to play an increasingly significant role in our daily lives. Understanding digital skills is essential for educators to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practices.
Keywords: Teachers, Digital skills, Education, Teacher professional development.
[1]. AA. VV. (2011). International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 2011. UNESCO.
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[5]. Aksoy H. (2003). Uluslararası Karşılaştırma Ölçütlerinin Kullanımı ve Türkiye. Eğitim Bilim ve Toplum, 1(4)..
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Abstract: This study examines the contribution of Happiness Quotient (HQ) and Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) in predicting the effectiveness of urban female secondary school teachers. Using regression analysis, the model demonstrates a significant relationship between the predictors and teacher effectiveness, with a high R² value of 0.953, indicating that 95.3% of the variance in teacher performance is explained by HQ and SQ. The findings reveal that HQ (β = 0.668) has a stronger influence on teacher effectiveness than SQ (β = 0.317), though both predictors are statistically significant (p < 0.001). These results underscore the importance of emotional well-being and spiritual development in enhancing teacher performance. The study advocates for institutional strategies that focus on fostering happiness and spirituality through professional training and supportive workplace policies. This holistic approach can empower teachers to create positive learning environments and improve educational outcomes.
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[3]. Lyubomirsky, S., King, L., & Diener, E. (2005). The benefits of frequent positive affect: Does happiness lead to success? Psychological Bulletin, 131(6), 803–855.
[4]. Singh, A., & Sharma, R. (2020). Emotional well-being and teaching effectiveness among secondary school teachers. Journal of Education and Practice, 11(2), 45-53.
[5]. Vaughan, F. (2002). What is spiritual intelligence? Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 42(2), 16-33..