Series-1 (Mar. – Apr. 2020)Mar. – Apr. 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Modelling density-velocity relation for Niger Delta basin is very necessary in geological analyses involving rock parameters as density values overlap for sands and shales. Well-Log data were acquired for three wells in a field in the Niger Delta for analysis leading to density modelling. By means of Hampson Russell Software, Gardner's and Lindseth's relations were localized,altered and Atat et al., 2020 constants considered for sand and shale lithologies which helps in the model success. Harmonizing Gardner with those fromLindseth approaches, we obtained the mean; the final models are 𝜌=0.115𝑉𝑝0.27−5439𝑉𝑝−1+1.5625 and 𝜌=0.06𝑉𝑠0.24−2412𝑉𝑠−1 +1.4706 for sandstones lithology; 𝜌=0.26𝑉𝑝0.45−2278.5𝑉𝑝−1 +1.42855 and 𝜌=0.115𝑉𝑠0.30−11971.5𝑉𝑠−1+1.42855for shale lithology. With these models, new idea is formulated which will add to universal knowledge. Density information is possible in the absence of density log for accurate characterization of reservoir.
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Abstract: This study aims to improve knowledge of fractured aquifers in the bedrock formations in the Agnibilékrou department (East Côte d'Ivoire). Its main objective is to map the network of fractures in crystalline and metamorphic rocks using an approach integrating remote sensing and geophysics. The processing of Landsat 7 ETM + satellite images made it possible to highlight the lineaments network. The rosettes produced show five (5) predominant directional classes of lineaments which are in order of abundance NW-SE (N120-N150), NS (N0-N10), NE-SW (N40-N60), NNW-SSE (N150 -N180) and NNE-SSW (N10-N40). These directions were confirmed.....
Key Word:Landsat 7 ETM + images; electrical methods; fractures; aquifer; Agnibilékrou
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Abstract: The Niger delta has been through the first phase of exploration success with numerous discoveries made in shallower depths less than 12000ft. With a declining resource base from earlier discoveries, this study has shown that significant gas potential ~1TCF volume exists further down depositional dip confined in shelf edge deltaic systems. Such plays have been recorded in several passive margin basins to hold an enormous hydrocarbon resource base. An integrated analysis from 565km2 3D seismic data, log motifs, bio-stratigraphic and sedimentology information from selected 13 wells was used in developing a stratigraphic framework and to delineate depositional sequences for the Late Miocene Age deltaic system Onshore Coastal Swamp Depobelt Niger-Delta. Understanding the origin, position.........
Key Word: Shelf edge deltas; Wheelers Model; depositional sequences; clinoforms; lowstand wedge; highstand
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Abstract: Morphometric analysis of Kasari river and its 20 watersheds is carried out using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques to study the behavior of the drainage and it topographical relation. The GIS techniques were used to study the linear, areal and relief aspects of the basin and its watersheds. Geologically, entire study area is covered by Deccan Volcanic Basaltic Province (DVBP) of late Cretaceous to early Eocene age. Laterite rocks are also occurs on the top of the hills. It belongs to Pleistocene period. Average Dd, and Fs values of the watersheds are high indicating high relief and low permeable sub-surface material. The average Rb values of most of the watersheds is less than 5 is point towards area is mountainous or highly dissected drainage basins. The average Rt values of the watersheds are increases with the basin area and stream ordering is increases. The Re, Rf and Rc values shows most of the watersheds are elongated in shape. Relief values show that area is steep sloping.
Key Word: Watershed, GIS, morphometry, Kasari.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Selection of Ten Geomagnetially Quietest Days Using Kp Index |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | C. G. Njumogu || T. N. Obiekezie |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0802015457 ![]() |
Abstract: The global Kp index is obtained as the mean value of the disturbance levels in the two horizontal field components, observed at 13 selected, subauroral stations. The name Kp originates from "planetarische Kennziffer" (planetary index). The quietest days of each month are deduced from the Kp indices on the basis of three criteria for each day:the sum of the eight Kp values, the sum of squares of the eight Kp values and the maximum of the eight Kp values. According to each of these criteria, a relative order number is assigned to each day of the month, the three order numbers are averaged and the days with the lowest and the highest mean order numbers are selected as the ten quietest and the five most disturbed days respectively. The selected ten quietest days are seen to be consonance with the international quiet days.
Keywords; Geomagnetially, Quietest, Subauroral, Stations and Index.
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Abstract: Quantitative interpretation of aeromagnetic data was carried out over the lower part of Sokoto basin northwestern Nigeria in order to determine the sedimentary thickness for possible hydrocarbon potential. The study area lies between latitude 10.5oN to 11.5oN and longitude 04oE to 05oE with an estimated total area of 12,100km2. Four (4) high resolution aeromagnetic data were acquired from the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency (NGSA) and were processed in to total magnetic intensity (TMI) map using Oasis Montaj. The composite total magnetic intensity (CTMI) map revealed heterogeneity in the magnetic signature, ranging from -64.1nT to 123.6nT. Regional-residual separation was performed on the composite total magnetic intensity map using polynomial fitting. The residual map was subjected to Euler deconvolution and source parameter imaging. The result obtained from the.......
Keywords-Aeromagnetic,Anomaly, Euler deconvolution, Hydrocarbon, Sedimentary thickness,
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