Series-1 (May – June 2021)May – June 2021 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Sand Consolidation In Course of Time on Seismic Properties |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Semenova Yuliia |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0903010105 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The growing pace and volume of construction of high-rise buildings and important engineering structures requires the development of new territories, which, according to expert estimates, are often characterized by difficult engineering and geological conditions and deteriorated seismic properties.Cities are expanding, usually settling on land with poor seismic properties.
Materials and Methods: The study investigated the effect of consolidation of alluvial sand over time on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the soil under the construction site.
Results: The results of the study of the influence of the factor of consolidation of alluvial sand over time on the amplitude-frequency characteristic.....
Keywords: Amplification, Seismic oscillations, Seismic properties of soils, Frequency characteristics of soil, Earthquakes.
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Abstract: Structural seismic interpretation is a key component of seismic interpretation workflow, as much information on reservoir architecture which is required for hydrocarbon play assessment can be obtained. This study presents the results of the integration of structural time-depth maps to define reservoir units across five (5) well for hydrocarbon play assessment of Olaj-field within the Niger Delta basin. Two reservoir windows (R1 and R2) were delineated from five wells (W-02, 04, 06, 07 and 012). The top and base of each reservoir window were delineated from the five wells using their gamma ray and resistivity log response. Well to seismic correlation was carried out with checkshot data from well-012. Structural interpretation for inline 6975 revealed about eight (8) faults labelled.....
Keywords: Seismic section, Structural interpretation, Faults, Structural maps and Well log.
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Abstract: Based on petrographic investigation applied to the picked core samples through pre-pilot drillhole north of Wadi Abu Rusheid, SED, Egypt with depth of 47m which have been studied perfectly, the subsurface metamorphic sequence are (from top to bottom): mica schist, buffish gray mylonitic gneiss, quartz feldspar whitish mylonitic gneiss, caverneous mica schist, quartz-hornblend-biotite schist and finally whitish gray mylonite gneiss interrupted by thin layer of quartz-carbonate-hornblend-biotite schist. Mineral association found for the first time in the area under investigation, the yttriumuraninite (gummite), uranophane, are found together with botryoidal sphalerite (with colloform texture), Przibramite ((Zn,Cd)S), Clausthalite (PbSe) and Berzelianite (Cu2Se) as well as well-developed pyrite that confirmed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Thorite and uranothorite are also......
Keywords; pre-pilot drillhole, Mylonitic gneiss, Gummite, Przibramite, Clausthalite, Abu Rushied. Egypt
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The vertical gradient of normal gravity and surface geometry |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | Gerassimos Manoussakis |
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: | 10.9790/0990-0903012840 ![]() |
Abstract: The vertical gradient of normal gravity (VGNG) plays a significant role in several applications and is an interesting quantity from a pure theoretical point of view as well. In this work the VGNG will be studied from a theoretical point of view, therefore the expression of the VGNG at a point P on the Earth's physical surface in geodetic coordinates is presented. Since the value VGNG also depends on the mean curvature of the normal equipotential surfaces, an effort has been made to express the fundamental quantities EU, FU, GU, LU, MU and NU at point P in a specific form. These quantities are expressed as combinations of the fundamental quantities of the ellipsoid of revolution, its mean curvature, Gauss curvature, and normal reduction. The fundamental quantities of the ellipsoid of revolution are determined at a point Q which is the projection of a point P, on the ellipsoid along the vertical line..
Keywords: Vertical gradient, normal gravity, ellipsoid, equipotential surfaces, mean curvature, Gauss curvature.
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Abstract: Assessment of radioactivity concentrations of 40K, 238U and 232Th in surface soil samples of some selected quarry sites at Dutse Local Government area Jigawa Statehad been determined by gamma spectrometry using Sodium IodideThallium doped NaI (TI) detector coupled with a pre-amplifier base to a multiple channel analyzer (MCA). Total of 15 soil samples, were collected, 5 samples from each of the three selected quarry sites: Sabuwar Tasha, Kachi Villageand Dan Masara. Highest radioactivity concentrations of 40K, 232Th and 226Ra were obtained from Dan Masara soil samples with values 1126.28 ± 4.15 Bq/kg, 112.83 ± 16.35Bq/kg and 40.72±3.12 Bq/Kgrespectively. The mean external hazard index (Hex) and mean internal hazard index (Hin) for all the soil samples from Sabuwar Tasha were calculated to be 0.581Bq/kg and 0.684Bq/kg respectively, and that of Kachi Village were 0.557 Bq/kg.......
Keywords: Gamma, Radiation, Radioactivity, External hazard index and Internal hazard index..
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Abstract: Magnetic data processing has been carried out with the aim of identifying subsurface structures for interpretation of the presence of faults in the "X" area. The data used in the form of secondary geomagnetic data with a total of 1568 points of measurement. In this research, processing is carried out using standard processing as a reference for the development of numerical processing. From the modeling results, it can be seen the existence of a down-fault. The existence of faults in the research area is a potential for several minerals with promising economic value. The appearance of metallic minerals is in tuff rocks with a susceptibility value of 0.005 emu to 0.007 emu. In addition, there are lapilli tuff, breccia, andesite, and andesitic tuff rocks with susceptibility values of 0.005 emu, 0.001 emu, 0.016 emu, and 0.007 emu, respectively..
Keywords: geological structure, fault, total magnetic field anomaly, susceptibility, magnetic method
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Abstract: Keshen 2 and Keshen 8 are the two gas reservoirs which locate in the adjacent hanging wall and footwall, belong to Keshen segment of Kelasu thrust belt in the middle of Kuqa depression, Tarim Basin. After Keshen 2 gas reservoir has gained the industrial gas flow, the drilling data from Keshen 8 gas reservoir which located in the footwall of Keshen 2, and buried deeper than Keshen 2 shows that, single well test of the highest daily production of natural gas are more than one million cubic meters, well above Keshen 2. Through the comprehensive study of the core, characteristics of reservoir, sedimentary phase, capacity, geometry, current stress, cracks and other data of the two gas reservoirs, show that there are no much difference between two gas reservoir in petrological characteristic, reservoir physical property, sedimentary environment and other aspects. The difference is mainly in the following three aspects: structural type, the development scale of cracks, the magnitude of stress. Relative.....
Keywords:Keshen 2 Gas Reservoir, Keshen 8 Gas Reservoir, Kelasu Thrust Belt, Fracture Effectiveness, Geostress
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