Series-2 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some Thoughts on the Collapse of the Wavefunction |
Country | : | Greece |
Authors | : | SpirosKoutandos |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1101020102 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This article reflects the author's experience after working decades in the field of research in the hidden variables of quantum mechanics. We do not reach a definite conclusion but we believe this paper could be useful for the course of this research in the foundations of quantum mechanics. The basic argument is that the collapse of the wave function during measurement could be associated with a relations between the surfaces of constant psi and a point particle having a flux........
[1]. Is Schrodinger equation describing a turbulent flow? , Academic Research Publishing, Scientific Review, vol.1, no 5,pp 99-101,
2015, SpirosKoutandos, Jaime Vigo
[2]. Some reflections on the evaporation and condensation phenomena, IOSR, Journal of Applied physics ,vol 9, issue 5, ver III, pp47-
48, Sep-Oct 2017 , SpirosKoutandos
[3]. A newly proposed model for the electron , IOSR, Journal of Applied Physics, vol 10, issue 4, ver II , p35-37, SpirosKoutandos
[4]. Regarding the total time derivative of the radius, IOSR, Journal of Applied Physics, vol 10, issue 6, ver I p 26-27, Nov-Dec 2018 ,
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ABSTRACT: Stars that are more than 5 billion light years away from earth obey Hubble's Law having linear relations between redshift, recessional velocity and proper distance. Although Acceleration Doppler Effect can be used to derive Hubble's Law based on a superfast speed and an imaginary Dark Energy for the interpretation of the universe expansion theory. Wu's Spacetime Shrinkage Theory based on the shrinkage of the diameter lyy (Wu's Unit Length) and circulation period tyy (Wu's Unit Time) of Wu's Pairs – the building blocks of the universe due to the aging of the universe is successfully used to derive Hubble's Law without Dark Energy. Because of these reasons, Wu's Spacetime Reverse Expansion Theory is proposed for a better explanation of Cosmological Redshift and Hubble's Law.
Keywords: Hubble's Law, Dark Energy, Doppler Effect, Acceleration Doppler Effect, Cosmological Redshift, Universe Expansion, Wu's Spacetime, Yangton and Yington, Wu's Pairs, Spacetime Shrinkage, Reverse Expansion
[1]. Edward T. H. Wu. "Light Speed in Vacuum is not a Constant and Time Doesn't Change with Velocity–Discrepancies Between Relativities and Yangton & Yington Theory". American Journal of Modern Physics. Vol. 4, No. 6, 2015, pp. 367-373. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20150406.12.
[2]. Edward T. H. Wu. "Redshift Caused by Acceleration Doppler Effect and Hubble's Law Based on Wu's Spacetime Accelerating Shrinkage Theory". American Journal of Modern Physics. Vol. 6, No. 1, 2017, pp. 10-15. doi: 10.11648/j.ajmp.20170601.12.
[3]. Hubble, E. (1929). "A relation between distance and radial velocity among extra-galactic nebulae". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.15(3): 168-73. Bibcode:1929PNAS...15..168H. doi:10.1073/pnas.15.3.168. PMC 522427. PMID 16577160.
[4]. Edward T. H. Wu "Hubble's Law Interpreted by Acceleration Doppler Effect and Wu's Spacetime Reverse Expansion Theory." IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), vol. 10, no. 1, 2018, pp. 58-62.
[5]. Ethan Siegel " surprise-the-hubble-constant-changes-over-time/#5e6406409c9a.".
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Internal and External Instability in Low-Dimensional Conducting Medias |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | E.R.Hasanov || R.K.Mustafayeva |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1101020812 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: A theory of current oscillations in low-dimensional electronic structures has been constructed. The frequencies of increasing waves are determined. The values of electric and magnetic fields are found at which energy is emitted. It is shown that the injection significantly affects to this effect. The frequency of the current oscillation and the value of the external electric current at which these oscillations arise, significantly depend on the sample size. The increment of the excited waves is determined. At current oscillations in the circuit, an inductive resistance takes places, and the real part of the impedance oscillates with a certain period..
Keyword: low-dimensional electronic structures, oscillation, increment
[1]. Gurevich, E.R. Hasanov. The theory of spontaneous oscillations of current in crystals with deep traps.Physics of the Splid State,
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ABSTRACT: In semiconductors to happen to particular deep traps and both signs of charge carriers energy radiations. Perhaps at different values of frequency of radiation of energy. In each case defined values of an electric field at a magnetic field 𝜇±𝐻≫𝐶. The sign a constant of scattering of charge carriers is defined. For parameters of a recombination and generation of charge carriers 𝛽±𝛾analytical expressions are found. The theory of fluctuation of current is constructed in the linear approximation. Frequency estimates (𝜔1,𝜔2,𝜔3) and an electric field (Е1,Е2,Е2) will quite be coordinated with the existing experimental datas. From above the specified semiconductors it is possible to use at preparation of superhigh-frequency generators and amplifiers.
Keywords: semiconductor, impedance, ohmic resistance, frequencie, Coulomb barrier
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ABSTRACT: CdTe thin films deposited with Ce3+ at different doping concentration were synthesized by Ionic Layer Adsorption and Reaction (SILAR) technique. The surface structures of the films were studied with FESEM technique and the XRD line profiles of the films revealed with fair growth of nanostructures with decreasing peak intensity with increase of Ce3+ doses between 2 at. % - 8 at.% with identical (110) and (111) crystal reflecting planes. The peak intensity is observed enhanced to a maximum value with new (200) plane at Ce3+ : 10 at.%. The particle radius in the films were estimated from the broadening X-ray line profiles of maximum peaks of the spectra which approached the quantum dots (QDs) regime. The lattice parameters of the nanocrystals were estimated and observed to be closed agreement with the standard JCPDS data. The size dependent CdTe nanoparticles showed maximum photon absorption blue shift near 375nm wavelength in the UV region ascribed as first excitonic transition as result of reduction of particle radius with increase of band gaps.
Keywords: CdTe thin films, doping , quantum dots, FESEM, XRD, optical properties
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of the 'invariant eigen-operator' and energy-level gap |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Aeran Kim |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1101022732 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: We apply the conception of 'invariant eigen-operator' of the square of the Schrödinger operator which is proposed by H. Y. Fan and C. Li to some molecule oscillator models and we find more 'invariant eigen-operators'.
Keywords: Schrödinger operator, Invariant eigen-operator
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ABSTRACT: For glassy substances, the secondary relaxation can be predicted quantitatively from the coupling model. Here Eβ is defined as the glassy state activation enthalpy of the Johari-Goldstein β relaxation, Tg is the glass transition temperature of the α – relaxation and R is the gas constant. The calculated values of Eβ are in good agreement for the glass formers. The calculated results locate the origin of this cross co-relation between Tg and Eβ.
Keywords: Glassy state activation enthalpy and glass transition temperature.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Validation of Constancy of Speed of Light |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nikhil A. Khomane |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1101023536 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: In this paper, I mainly discussed the unsatisfactory justifications to the constancy of speed of light which is foundational postulate of special relativity. Hereby I tried to give insight to the theoretical approach to the validation of the same postulation with the help of an old Galilean transformation rather than Lorentz modified transformations; considering acceleration acted on the emitting photon of the light emitted from relatively moving body. Here I also tried to define the notion of acceleration and the uniform velocity in discrete observation manner which then leads to some of the modifications for maintaining the constancy of speed of light in any frame of reference..
Keywords: Acceleration, Lorentz transformation, Special Relativity, Speed of Light etc..
[1]. A. Einstein, On Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nature's Own Sunlight Proves Einstein Wrong |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prabhakar Savargaokar |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1101023738 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This short paper intends to add a measure of quantitativity to the predictions made in my earlier papers, that are listed below in the acknowledgements, using properties of EM wave, with rather far reaching implications of conclusively toppling Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. It can be considered to be the Nature's Ownfinal nail, in Einstein's General Theory Relativity's,coffin.
Keywords: Blue Shift, Em Wave, Einstein, Rgb, Sunlight
[1] EinsteinProvedWrong,YetAgain-IOSRJournalofAppliedPhysics,Volume8,Issue5,version2,Sep– Oct 2016
[2] Research into Theoretical Physics - The author acknowledges his own Anti Gravity invention, where time and gravity are thenorm.Video at:
[3] Universal Ambient Time - IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP) e-ISSN: 2278-4861.Volume 8, Issue 5 Ver. III (Sep - Oct. 2016), PP
[4] Further Proof that Einstein Was wrong - IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP)
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ABSTRACT: Supersymmetric quantum mechanics has been developed as an elegant analytical approach to one dimensional problems. It generalizes the ladder operator approach used in the study of the harmonic oscillator. In this treatment, the factorization of a one dimensional Hamiltonian obtained using " charge operators". For 1D harmonic oscillator, lowering and raising charge operators can be used. It not only allow the factorization of 1D Hamiltonian but also form Lie algebraic structure which generates isospectral SUSY partner Hamiltonians. In addition several different approaches have been employed to study generalized and approximate coherent states of systems other than harmonic oscillator. In this paper, algebraic treatments being applied to the extension of coherent states for shape-invariant systems.
Keywords: Harmonic oscillator, shape invariance systems and charge operators..
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ABSTRACT: The objective of this analysis is to determine the extent of temperature effects on the energy production of photovoltaic modules in the city of MARADI, Niger Republic. The Analysis is based on three main electrical parameters of PV modules' energy production namely maximum power, short circuit current and the open circuit voltage of the photovoltaic modules.
Keywords: Photovoltaic module, PV open circuit voltage, PV short circuit current, temperature effect of PV
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ABSTRACT: The nonlinear variation of transmission (T) and reflection (R) as a function of wavelength (ʎ) in the spectral range 200nm – 2500nm for thin film samples of the system Se80S20-xBx where (x=0, 2.5, 5 and B=In or As) was recorded. The maximum transmission intensity was 85% at visible and infrared regions. The top of the transmission peak was at the wavelength 1500nm for Se80S20 sample. The addition of 2.5 at % In on expense of S, leads to the appearance of plateau at a wavelength 1100nm-2500nm. Increasing In content to 5 at %, shift the maximum transmission peaks toward long wavelength (red shift) and located at wavelength 1750nm. Replacing In by As with different ratio, the maximum transmission peak suffered from blue shift. On the other hand, the reflected light intensity was 45 % for the sample.......
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ABSTRACT: The variation of microhardness of the samples of the system Te80S20-xBx where (x-0,2.5,5 and B=In or As) with the applied test load depends on the sample structure. The sample Te80S20 is still elastic until the applied load exceed 2N. The addition of In or As on expense of S, leads to increase the elastic limit. Mayer index (n) of all samples is greater than two. This means that all samples are soft and follow the reverse indentation size effect (RISE). Using indentation induced cracking (IIC) model, ensure the generation of microcracks. The behavior of the calculated elastic modulii confirm these results..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | K-group identification of supergravity solutions |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Obikhod T.V. || Petrenko I.A. |
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: | 10.9790/4861-1101026266 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The problem with Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of black hole can be resolved with quantum gravity theory with Dp-branes as supergravity solutions of type IIB string theory. Dp-brane solutions of type IIB are a direct analog of the Schwarzschild charged hole, so called black p-branes. The coincidence of the black p-brane metrics and ten-dimensional metrics of N-parallel D3-branes was used from the viewpoint of the Azumaya structure on D-branes connected with deformation of the classical moduli space. Applying Rosenberg theorem we can classify Hilbert spaces of N coinciding Dp-branes as vector bundles through K-functor
Keywords: Black holes, C*-algebra, Dixmier-Douady invariant, K-group, supergravity.
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