ABSTRACT: God's Particles by definition are the building blocks of the universe. Logically God's Particles should obey Five Principles of The Universe. Also, they should be able to build all matters in the universe especially those subatomic particles with Four Basic Forces. Based on the Five Principles of The Universe, a pair of super fine anti-particles (Yangton and Yington) with an inter-attractive force (Force of Creation) can be created temperately from vacuum space. Consequently, in compliance with Big Bang Theory, a permanent circulating particle pair (Wu's Pair) composed of Yangton and Yington particles can be generated as the building blocks (God's Particles) of the universe. In this review paper, subatomic particle structures and Four Basic Forces based on Wu's Pairs and Yangton and Yington Theory are studied. Also, Standard Model and Quantum Field Theory are compared with.....
Keywords: God's Particles, Wu's Particles, Yangton and Yington Theory, Force of Creation, String Theory, String Force, Four Basic Forces, Gravitational Force, Electromagnetic Force, Weak Force, Strong Force, Magnetic Force, Proton, Neutron, Unified Field Theory, Subatomic Particles, Standard Model, Quark, Electron, Positron, Neutrino, Gluon, Photon, Graviton, Higgs Boson, Wave Particle Duality, Quantum Field Theory, Quantum Gravity Theory..
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