Version-1 (Feb-2017)
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ABSTRACT: Leaf curl of nectarine and peach, caused by Taphrina deformans (Berk.) Tul, is a difficult disease to control throughout Albania. Heavily infected fruit trees are poorly nourished, develop fewer flower buds, and are more easily damaged from freezing in winter. In this research, susceptibility of 2 peach and 2 nectarine varieties to leaf curl disease was investigated in ecological conditions of Tirane, Albania province in 2014 and 2016. Disease severity was calculated by the 0-5 scale when typical symptoms of leaf curl were evaluated on peach and nectarine leaves in naturally infected orchards...........
Keywords: Peach, organic, cultivar, quality, Taphrina deformans
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ABSTRACT: This study was carried out in the milk processing units at College of Animal Production Science and Technology, Sudan University of Sciences during September 2014-January 2015. The chemical and sensory characteristics of Sudanese low-fat cheese were investigated as affected by different levels of gum Arabic and storage period. Three hundred and fifty liters (350) of standardized milk with (3%, 2.5% and 2%) of fat were prepared after purchase full cream milk from a private farm at Al Haj Yousif, Khartoum North. Seven treatments were carried out as follows: First treatment is the control in which cheese milk had no additive (3%) of fat. In the second and third with 3% of fat, fourth and fifth with 2.5% of fat and sixth and seventh..........
Keywords: Sudanese low-fat cheese, Milk; chemical, storage, gum Arabic.
[1]. Ibrabim, A.A. (2003). Effect of processing and storage conditions on the chemical composition and microbial quality of white soft cheese. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
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[4]. Lakovchenko, N.N. and Arseneva, T.P. (2016). Tapioca Maltodextrin in the production of soft unripened cheese. Acta. Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment, 15(1): 27-56.
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ABSTRACT: The effect of different levels of fat on the chemical composition and sensory characteristics has been made from the following levels of milk fat: 3%, 2.5% and 2%. The produced cheese was packed into sterile polyethylene bags (300 gram capacity) and stored at 4°C for three months. The chemical analysis was done at 0, 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. The results revealed that significant differences (P< 0.05) were found in protein, ash, total solid, pH, volatile fatty acids and fat contents of the different cheese samples. Sensory characteristics and storage periodof the cheese samples showed significant variations (P< 0.05). The protein, total solids and ash increased throughout the storage period............
Keywords: Fat level, chemical composition, Sudanese white cheese
[1]. Lakovchenko, N.N. and Arseneva, T.P. (2016). Tapioca Maltodextrin in the production of soft unripened cheese. Acta. Sci. Pol. Technol. Aliment, 15(1): 27-56.
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ABSTRACT: Stevia rebaudianaBertoni is a natural sweetener herb, which is promising in food and pharmaceutical production. In Egypt, the gap between sugar production and consumption represents a serious problem, in order to close this gap; Stevia could be cultivated in the Egyptian environmental conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of paclobutrazol(PBZ) and ethephon (ET) on shooting and rooting of stevia plant in vitroto improve the survival and growth of Stevia plantlets during acclimatization.The highest shoot number (48.0 shoots /explant) and the highest number of leaves............
Keywords: Stevia, microprpagation, paclobutrazol,ethephon
[1]. Abolfazl, L., M. Sajad, B. Reza and T. Nourbakhsh (2013).Role of paclobutrazol on vegetative and sexual growth of plants. International journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences, 5: 958-961
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[3]. Anchalee, J and K. Bodhipadma (2012). Low concentration of paclobutrazol induced multiple shoot and plantlet formation in Amethyst Curcuma. The journal of KMUTNB. 22: 505-510
[4]. Arpita, D., S. Gantaite and N. Mandal (2011).Micropropagation of an elite medicinal plant: Stevia rebaudiana Bert. Int. J Agric. Research, 6: 40-48
[5]. Assuero, S.G., M. Lorenzo, N. M. P. Ramfres, L. M. Velazquesand J. A. Tognetti (2012). Tellering promotion by paclobutrazol in wheat and its relationship with plant carbohydrate status. N. Z. J. Agri. Res. 55: 347-358
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ABSTRACT: Trace minerals play a significant role in improving reproductive health. A study was carried out to evaluate the role of trace minerals in alleviating reproductive health in heifers. A total of 20 heifers were allotted into three groups T0, T1 and T2. T0 (n=4) was kept as control. T1 (n=10) was supplemented with Uniselit (M/S Ayurvet) along with standard basal diet. T2 (n=6) was supplemented with CofeCu along with standard basal diet. Results revealed that there was significant improvement in the physical and chemical parameters of estrus exhibition in the Uniselit supplemented group T1 as compared to control. The conception rate was also higher in group T1 in comparison to control. Thus, it can be inferred that trace minerals have significant influence in improving reproductive health in heifers.
Keywords: Conception rate, estrus, health, heifer, trace minerals.
[1] S. Kumar, A.K. Pandey, W.A.A Razzaque and D.K. Dwivedi, Importance of micro minerals in reproductive performance of livestock. Veterinary World, ,4(5), 2011, 230-233.
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ABSTRACT: This paper analyzed the resource-use efficiency of small-scale Maize production in Tafawa-Balewa local government area of Bauchi State. Data were collected from a sample of 120 Maize farmers selected through multi-stage sampling procedure using questionnaire and analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, double-log function and marginal value productivity analysis. The result showed that 90.17% had formal education; 51.67% were males; 90.17% were between the ages of 21-50. Majority 72.50% were married. In terms of farming experience, majority (86.67%) of the respondent had farming experience between 5-20 years. 75.00% had no contact with extension............
Keywords: Resource Use Efficiency, Profitability, Small Scale, Maize, Tafawa Balewa
[1]. Abdu, Z. (1997). Economics of resource-use in small-scale soybean production system in Bauchi state. Unpublished M. Sc Thesis, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi. 83 Pp.
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ABSTRACT: Morphological techniques were used to evaluate the diversity in 20 cowpea accessions collected from some parts of Nigeria for two years (2007 and 2008) at Ibadan, South Western Nigeria. Correlation analysis was employed to show the relationships among the traits. Similarly, genotypic and phenotypic variances, genotypic coefficients of variation, heritability and expected genetic advance were estimated for the twelve traits in cowpea for each season. This study shows that for cowpea yield improvement, number of main branches, pod numbers, pods per plant, pods per peduncle and seeds per pod should be part of the selection criteria.
Keywords: Cowpea, Correlation, Genoypic, Phenotypic, Accenssions, Diversity
[1]. Aremu, C. O., Adebayo, M. A., Ariyo, O. J., and Adewale, B. B., 2007. Classification of genetic diversity and choice of parents for hybridization in cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp for humid savanna Ecology. African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 6 (20): 2333-2339.
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[5]. Jackai, L.E.N. 1995. The legume pod borer Maruca vitrata, and its principal host plant, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. Use of selective insecticide sprays as an aid in the identification of useful levels of resistance. Crop Protection 14:299-306.
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ABSTRACT: Block Extension Agents are the extension workers who are specifically females and who carry out Gender sensitive issues for female farmers in Nigeria. They have the objective of seeing to the extension needs of the female farmers. The study assessed the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) among Block Extension Agents (BEAs) in South-East Agro-Ecological Zone of Nigeria. Multi-stage sampling technique was used in the selection of the sample for the study. Data were collected with the aid of a structured questionnaire. The data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The mean age of the respondents was 40 years. All the BEAs sampled had formal education where more than half of them...........
Keywords: Information, Communication, Technologies, Extension-Agents, Nigeria
[1]. Adekoya, A.E (2006).Use of ICTs among rural people in Oyo state, Nigeria. Research Journal of Applied Sciences 1(-4): pp 101-105.
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ABSTRACT: Land and forest fire disasters occur every year. Such conditions lead to disaster smog that many negative impact on society. Limited access to information community, especially around the area of Coconut Plantation potentially cause many problems, such as reduced household income caused by smog, the high-affected community respiratory tract infections as well as conflict disharmony social relationships that exist in society. Mistakes in communicating an information, could lead to uncertainty which aggravated the situation. In this situation, communication and community empowerment approach is urgently needed, taking into account the circumstances and social change...........
Keywords: Communication strategy, fires, palm oil plantations
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Epithelial reticular Cells of Egyptian Water buffalo (Bosbubalis) |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Roshdy, K || Derbalah, A |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1002015257 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Thymus obtained from10 clinically healthy Egyptian water male buffalo (Bosbubalis). Their ages ranged between 2to 3 years old. The thymus of Egyptian water buffalo was divided by septa into many lobules; each lobule had outer, cortex and inner medulla. The epithelial reticular cells were classified according to their staining affinity, morphology and position into 4 types, three were found within the cortex and one in the medulla. In cortex epithelia reticular cells type I (ER 1) had elongated nucleus of irregular or triangular shape with marginal heterochromatin clumps...........
Keywords: Egyptian water Buffalo, Thymus, epithelial reticular cells
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ABSTRACT: The in vitro gas production technique was used to predict rumen fermentable organic matter, gas production kinetics, organic matter digestibility as well as metabolizable energy were evaluated in green shoot, leaves, fruits flesh and seed cakes of Ziziphus spina-christi tree. A gas production was measured by incubating samples in buffered rumen fluid from cannulated steer for 72 h. Total gas production was recorded at 0,3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation periods and kinetics of gas production was described. The chemical analysis of these Ziziphus spina-christi parts, showed that, Leaves contained high protein (14.77±0.23g/kg) and green shoot less protein (8.03±0.15g/kg),however...........
Keywords: Nabag tree, OMD, gas production kinetics.
[1]. Anele UY, Arigbede OM, Südekum KH, Oni AO, Jolaosho AO, Olanite JA, Adeosun AI, Dele PA, Ike KA Akinola OB (2009). Seasonal chemical composition, in vitro fermentation and in sacco dry matter degradation of four indigenous multipurpose tree species in Nigeria. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 154: 47-57.
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ABSTRACT: Phaseolus vulgaris (Common beans) landraces are one of the most cultivated legumes for human consumption on the montaneclimate of the Jos Plateau and is renowned for the production of reasonable quantities of the beans in Africa.Common beans is rich in fiber, micronutrients, minerals and has strong medicinal value. Despite its potential for improving nutrition and poverty reduction, it is highly under-utilized and research efforts to improve the genotypes of the plant found in this area for better productivity are few. A study was thus carried out to access the germination and emergence responses of three landraces of Phaseolus vulgaris (pinto, red kidney and navy) after treatment with sodium azide...........
Keywords: Emergence, Germination, Jos-Plateau, Landraces, Phaseolus vulgaris, Sodium azide
[1]. C.S. Wortmann, R.A. Kirkby and D.J. Allen, (1998) Atlas of Common Bean (Phaseolus L.) Production in Africa. Cali. Colombia : International Center for Tropical Agriculture.
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[5]. M. Namugwanya, J.S.Tenywa, E.Ottabong, D.N. Mubiruand T.A. Basamba, Development of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) Production under Low Soil Phosphorus and Drought in Sub Sahara Africa:A Review. Journal of Sustainable Development. 7(5), 2014, 128-139.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Agro-Economic Benefits of Weed Biomass and Crop Residue in Maize Production Systems in Coastal Kenya |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Saha, H.M. |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1002017176 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: The climatic conditions of coastal Kenya favour rapid weed growth, leading to the accumulation of large biomass of weeds between cropping seasons. Smallholder farmers in the region usually slash and remove the weed biomass and crop residue from their farms during land preparation in order to facilitate easy planting. The impact of such practice on the production of maize has not been assessed. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the farmers' practice on the performance of maize and fertilizer requirement. Three methods of managing weed biomass and crop residue (removal from field, incorporation into soil...........
Keywords: Weed biomass, crop residue, maize yield, fertilizer requirement
[1] M. Al-Kaisi, and J. Guzman, Effect of maize residue removal on soil quality and greenhouse gas emissions in Iowa, Agrociencia Uruguay, 16(3), 2012, 20-28.
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ABSTRACT: This research had done on Export and Internal products which use by Afghan people. Tests on eggs showed that the internal eggs have better condition because of good weight, shell size, Albumin and yolk, and also there is no report of Salmonella. Tests on milk showed that the internal milk is good at high percentage of fat, Protein, Carbohydrates but there is always adulteration in these milks like adding water and starch. The research on water showed that there are hardness, No3, No2, P, some kinds of Bacteria but no Arsenic in tap, well and mineral water.In meat test we had found that, both import frozen meat and daily...........
Keywords: Analysis, Eggs, Water, Meat, Milk, Sausage
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Molecular Detection and Therapeutic Management of Feline Mycoplasmosis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Ameldev || P.V. Tresamol |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1002018386 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Mycoplasma haemofelis and Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum (formerly known as Haemobartonellafelis) are the causes of hemotropic mycoplasmosis in cats. The parasites attach to the surface of the red blood cell, and have the potential to cause severe alterations of the cell's shape, resulting in anaemia. A three-year-old tom cat was presented in University Veterinary Hospital with symptoms of lethargy, reduced appetite and fever for past 3 days. Clinical examination revealed increased temperature(103º – 105º F), blanched mucous membranes and lymphadenopathy...........
Keywords: feline mycoplasma, Mycoplasma haemofelis, molecular detection, therapeutic management
[1]. Tasker, S. L. M. R., and M. R. Lappin. "Haemobartonellafelis: recent developments in diagnosis and treatment." Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 4(1), 2002: 3-11.
[2]. Willi, Barbara, Felicitas S. Boretti, SéverineTasker, Marina L. Meli, Nicole Wengi, Claudia E. Reusch, Hans Lutz, and Regina Hofmann-Lehmann. "From Haemobartonella to hemoplasma: molecular methods provide new insights." Veterinary microbiology, 125(3) ,2007, 197-209.
[3]. Tasker, Séverine. "Haemotropic mycoplasmas: what's their real significance in cats?." Journal of feline medicine and surgery,12, 2010, 369-381.
[4]. Sykes, Jane E. "Feline hemotropic mycoplasmas." Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care, 20, 2010, 62-69.
[5]. Tasker, S., S. H. Binns, M. J. Day, T. J. Gruffydd-Jones, D. A. Harbour, C. R. Helps, W. A. Jensen, C. S. Olver, and M. R. Lappin. "Use of a PCR assay to assess the prevalence and risk factors for Mycoplasma haemofelisand'Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum'in cats in the United Kingdom." The veterinary record 152 (7), 2003, 193-198.
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ABSTRACT: The study was conducted to determine the presence of Salmonella in retail milk products and water reservoirs in Maiduguri, Nigeria. A total of 150 samples were collected using convenient sampling technique. One hundred samples; fifty each of full cream milk or Kindirmo (n=50) and Skimmed milk or Nono (n=50) were collected from Bulumkutu and Monday market retail sellers. Furthermore, of the fifty samples obtained from the two different locations, twenty five samples each of kindirmo and nono were collected. The samples were aseptically kept in sterile plastic bags. Additionally, fifty water samples were collected from reservoirs within the University of Maiduguri...........
Keywords: Salmonella, prevalence, milk, water reservoir, antibiotics, susceptibility, Nigeria
[1]. L.S. Ademola, and U.C. Effiong, Bacteriological quality and safety evaluation of raw cow milk in Ilorin, North-Central Nigeria. Nature and Sciences, 11(10), 2013, 73-79.
[2]. G.O.A. Agada, I. O. Abdullahi, M. Aminu, M. Odugbo, S. C. Chollom, P. R. Kumbish, and A.E.J. Okwori, Prevalence and antibiotic resistance profile of Salmonella isolates from commercial poultry and poultry farm-handlers in Jos, Plateau State, Nigeria. British Microbiology Research Journal, 4(4), 2014, 462-479.
[3]. Z. Bayu, B. Asrade, N. Kebede, Z. Sisay, and Y. Bayu, Identification and characterization of Salmonella species in whole egg purchased from local markets in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health, 5(5), 2013, 133-137
[4]. J.P.S. Cabral, Water microbiology. Bacterial pathogens and water. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 7, 2010, 3657-3703.
[5]. F.C.T. Carvalho, O. V. Sousa, E.M.R. Carvalho, E. Hofer, and R.H.S.F. Vieira, Antibiotic resistance of Salmonella species isolated from shrimp farming freshwater environment in Northeast Region of Brazil. Journal of Pathogens, 2013, 685193
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ABSTRACT: Research aimed at improving the quality of crops. The results obtained with seed coating were very influential with regard to fertilization and disease resistance. Nitrogen fertilization increases costs in agricultural production and the loss of fertile lands, altering the natural conditions and has negative consequences for the microorganisms (MO), which regulate the balance between quality of crops and soils. The biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) consists on MO work which provide nitrogen in soil and secrete substances that promote plant growth, these can be made by inoculation of seeds. The germination rate, emergency and vigor are an indicator that determines...........
Keywords: agricultura; cobertura; estufa; vigor
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ABSTRACT: A field experiment was conducted during 2004 and 2005 cropping seasons to determine effect of different weed control practices on proximate composition, nutrient concentration and nutrient uptake of maize (Zea maysL.) at the Teaching and Research Farm of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria. Seven treatments were used for the experiment, viz no weeding (control), Primextra (3.0kg a.i./ha), mulching (wood shavings), one- hoe weeding at 3 weeks after planting (WAP), two hoe- weedings at 3 and 7 WAP, cover cropping with melon minus hoe-weeding, cover-cropping with melon plus one hoe-weeding at 3WAP...........
Keywords: Maize, nutrient concentration, nutrient uptake, proximate composition, weed density
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