Version-1 (July-2017)
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ABSTRACT: The condition of soil fertility in the Village Patean and Gedungan is decreasing due to farmers behavior in using excessive inorganic fertilizer. It cause decreasing of the rice yield that can be threatening the sustainibility of food self-sufficiency. A dissemination activities of organic fertilizer and pesticides is needed to change the behavior of farmers. The aims of dissemination are: a) increasing the knowledge of organic fertilizers and pesticides by the members of Sumber Hasil.............
Keywords: dissemination, innovation, organic pesticides, organic fertilizers, rice cultivation
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ABSTRACT: Social capital has been focus of interest in considerable social science academic circles in recent years. Development of communities is a continuous process in order to sustain communities through utilizing their assets in a world that is increasingly becoming unpredictable and difficult in terms of togetherness and caring concerns for sustainability. The paper looked first at rural communities and the way social capital is built and utilized positively for community development despite lots of challenges. Social capital in agriculture was reviewed from rural community perspectives.............
Keywords: Agriculture, communities, community development, rural societies, social capital.
[1] Albrecht, C., Johnson, R., Hamann, S., Sneyd, L., Ohberg, L., & CoDye, M. (2013). Toward alternative food systems development: Exploring limitations and research opportunities. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 4(1), 1-9.
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ABSTRACT: The present study focuses on the long term trends of meteorological parameters like precipitation and temperature of the MPUAT service area, Rajasthan, India which is mainly located in humid and sub-humid region. Trend analysis of the seasonal (pre-monsoon, monsoon, post-monsoon and winter) and annual daily rainfall and temperature at the spatial and temporal scales was carried out for 7 stations of the MPUAT, service area. Statistical trend analysis technique, namely the Mann–Kendall test, was used to examine trends (1984–2014) at the 5% level of significance. Both positive and negative trends were observed in both seasonal and annual events of rainfall and temperature.The spatial...........
[1] Back, L. E. and C. S. Bretherton. 2005. The relationship between wind speed and precipitation in the pacific ITCZ. Journal of Climate, Vol. 18, pp 4317-4328.
[2] Bisai, D., Chatterjee, S., Khan, A. and N. K. Barman. 2014. Application of sequential Mann-Kendall test for detection of approximate significant change point in surface air temperature for Kolkata weather observatory, West Bengal, India. International Journal of Current Research,Vol. 6,pp. 5319-5324.
[3] Burn, D.H., Mansour, R., Zhang, K. and P. H. Whitfield. 2011. Trends and variability in extreme rainfall events in British Columbia. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 36(1), pp.67-82.
[4] Chaudhuri, S. and D. Dutta. 2014. Mann–Kendall trend of pollutants, temperature and humidity over an urban station of India with forecast verification using different ARIMA models. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 186,pp. 4719–4742.
[5] Duhan, D. and A. Pandey. 2013. Statistical analysis of long term spatial and temporal trends of precipitation during 1901–2002 at Madhya Pradesh, India. Atmospheric Research, Vol. 122, pp. 136–149
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ABSTRACT: The present study was undertaken to ascertain the growth, morphological and bud grafting performance of eight rubber clones viz. RRIC 100, RRIC 102, RRIC 121, RRISL 203, RRISL 217, RRISL 2001, PB 86 and PB 260 in bud wood nurseries established in Egaloya (wet zone) and Ampara (dry zone) of Sri Lanka. Root stock nurseries were established in Egaloya, Ampara and Moneragala (intermediate zone). The clone RRIC 121 recorded the highest growth rate and number of usable buds followed by RRISL 2001 and RRISL 203 and the lowest in RRIC 102 followed by RRISL..........
Keywords: Rubber clones, bud grafting, young budding, growth, morphological characters, Agro Climatic Regions
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[5]. K.K.Mydin, Juvenile- mature correlations and association among rubber yield and yield attributes in Hevea braciliencis . Natural Rubber Research, 25(1), 2012, 1-12.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Bacillus thuringiensis as an effective tool for insect pest control |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sajidmohammad A Saiyad |
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: | 10.9790/2380-1007012729 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: Bacillus thuringiensis is a gram-positive spore-forming bacterium that produces crystalline proteins called delta-endotoxins during its stationary phase of growth. The crystal is released to the environment after lysis of the cell wall at the end of sporulation, and it can account for 20 to 30% of dry weight of the sporulated cells Fig. (1). This bacterium is distributed worldwide. The soil has been described as its main habitat; however it has also been isolated from foliage, water, storage grains, and dead insects, etc. Isolation of strains from dead insects has been the main source for commercially used varieties...........
[1] Ninfa M. Rosas-García :Biopesticide Production from Bacillus thuringiensis: An Environmentally Friendly Alternative ; Recent Patents on Biotechnology maxico2009, 3, 28-36
[2] Michael J. Adang; an overview of bacillus thuringiensis biopesticides
[3] Vincent Sanchis, Denis Bourguet; Bacillus thuringiensis: applications in agriculture and insect resistance management. A review; Agron. Sustain. Dev. 28 (2008) 11–20
[4] Roh, jongyul, jae young choi, ming shun li, byungraejin, and yeon ho je; Bacillus thuringiensis as a Specific, Safe, and Effective Tool for Insect Pest Control; J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. (2007), 17(4), 547–559
[5] AbidaBibi, Khalique Ahmed, NajmaAyub, SadiaAlam ;Production of low cost Bacillus thuringiensis basedbiopesticide for management of chickpea pod-borerHelicoverpaarmigera(Huebn) in Pakistan; Vol.5, No.11, 1139-1144 (2013).
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ABSTRACT: Worldwide, 75% of the people lack adequate food while 47% in Kenya and 70% in Bungoma County are food insecure. Kenya has applied agricultural extension approaches to enhance food security and poverty reduction but to little avail due to their concentration on increasing agricultural production. This calls for an alternative approach that emphasizes agricultural innovation systems that enhance land productivity and increased incomes. The objective of this research was to establish the importance of value chain approach to food security and poverty reduction in Bungoma County..........
Keywords: Maize Value Chain, Food Security
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[4] GOK.. Bungoma County Integrated Development Plan. (2013). 2013-2017.. Nairobi, Kenya: Government Printers.
[5] Grow Africa. Maize Value Chain Partnership (2014)..
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ABSTRACT: Haematological and biochemical parameters are important and reliable media used to monitor and evaluate health and nutritional status of animals. This studywas conducted toestablish the normal rangesofhaematologicaland some biochemicalparameters inboth male and female rabbits and to determine the effect of gender on these values. Blood and urine samples from a total of 44 New Zealand white rabbits were investigated. The haematological parameters were determined in whole blood samples, while serum and urine biochemical parameters were determined in serum and urine samples...........
Keywords: New Zealand rabbit, Haematological, Biochemical, Normal parameters
[1] D Fielding, Rabbits. The Tropical Agriculturalist, CTA Macmillan Education Ltd Macmillan Publishers London, UK,1991, 16-17.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Welfare and stress in fish |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Letícia N. Fonseca || Danilo P. Streit Jr. || Lis Santos Marques |
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: | 10.9790/487X-190702113121 ![]() |
ABSTRACT: This paper is an attempt to examine the valuation factors affecting the pricing of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) issued in India through fixed price mechanism and listed on BSE between 2010-2016. A total of 46 fixed Price IPOs were investigated for the impact of age of the company, revenue, net profits, net asset value per equity share, issue size, return on net worth, earnings per share, industry profits to earnings ratio and promoter's shareholdings. The paper reveals that net asset value per share and net profits are positively correlated with both the offer price and listing price while issue size is negatively correlated with the offer price. Further the regression result also computed a significant impact of net asset value per share and net profits on the two pricing points.
Keywords: valuation factors, fixed price IPOs
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[5] G.A. Wedemeyer, Physiology of Fish in Intensive Culture Systems (New York, USA: Springer US, 1996)..
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ABSTRACT: Water related neglected tropical diseasesare endemic among rural and farming households in Nigeria. The burden of these diseases on farm families and the society as a whole has not been fully appreciated as a result of limited empirical evidence of the incidence of the diseases at household level. This paper examined the incidence of four water related neglected tropical diseases in rural Nigeria using data from the National Demographic and Health survey of 2008. Descriptive statistics were used to profile the incidence of the diseases across household socioeconomic and water/sanitation characteristics..........
Keywords: incidence, neglected tropical diseases, rural, Nigeria, water-related,
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ABSTRACT: Determination of age at sexual maturity trait is very important before selection of breeding males of chickens without depending on female. A total of 44 males and 84 females at 13wks of age of Norfa chickens were used for this study. The aim of this study was to determine age at sexual maturity of cocks depending on the first response of semen collecting and to characterize some of semen parameters at the same time. Semen was collected by abdominal massage method..........
Keywords: chickens, sexual maturity, semen parameters.
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ABSTRACT: Contagious ecthyma in sheep of Basrah, Iraq were detected clinically and diagnosed. The study was carried out on one hundred thirty two sheep, aged 3-8 months and of both sexes reared in Basrah Governorate, Basrah Iraq. One hundred and twenty two animals show the pathognomic clinical manifestations of contagious ecthyma and, Ten clinically normal sheep were considered as controls. Disease animals show signs of anorexia..........
Keywords: Contagious ecthyma, Clinical study, PCR, sheep.
[1] A Ramesh , V.S. Vadivoo, B.S. Suresh, K.Saravanabava, Confirmatory diagnosis of contagious ecthyma by amplification of the GIF / IL-2 gene by PCR. Tamilnadu J. Vet . Ani. Sci. 4 ,(6) ,2008, 208-210.
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ABSTRACT: Four grass species (Panicum maximum, Imperata cylindrica, Axonopus fissifolius and Brachiaria decumbens) and three legume/browse species (Leucaena leucocephala, Centrosema pubescens, and Gliricidia sepium) were evaluated for proximate composition and in vitro gas production characteristics. The completely randomized design with four grass species and three legume/browse species, each in triplicates was employed...........
Keywords: Proximate composition, in vitro gas production, forages, goat.
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